%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_matrix_gw_s2s.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Matrix S2S %%% Created : 1 May 2022 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_matrix_gw_s2s). -ifndef(OTP_BELOW_25). -behaviour(gen_statem). %% API -export([start_link/2, supervisor/1, create_db/0, get_connection/2, check_auth/5, check_signature/2, get_matrix_host_port/2]). %% gen_statem callbacks -export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4, callback_mode/0]). -export([handle_event/4]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). -record(matrix_s2s, {to :: binary(), pid :: pid()}). -record(data, {host :: binary(), matrix_server :: binary(), matrix_host_port :: {binary(), integer()} | undefined, keys = #{}, key_queue = #{}}). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% Creates a gen_statem process which calls Module:init/1 to %% initialize. To ensure a synchronized start-up procedure, this %% function does not return until Module:init/1 has returned. %% %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec start_link(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, Pid :: pid()} | ignore | {error, Error :: term()}. start_link(Host, MatrixServer) -> gen_statem:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, MatrixServer], ejabberd_config:fsm_limit_opts([])). -spec supervisor(binary()) -> atom(). supervisor(Host) -> gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, mod_matrix_gw_s2s_sup). create_db() -> ejabberd_mnesia:create( ?MODULE, matrix_s2s, [{ram_copies, [node()]}, {type, set}, {attributes, record_info(fields, matrix_s2s)}]), ok. get_connection(Host, MatrixServer) -> case mnesia:dirty_read(matrix_s2s, MatrixServer) of [] -> case supervisor:start_child(supervisor(Host), [Host, MatrixServer]) of {ok, undefined} -> {error, ignored}; Res -> Res end; [#matrix_s2s{pid = Pid}] -> {ok, Pid} end. get_key(Host, MatrixServer, KeyID) -> case mod_matrix_gw_opt:matrix_domain(Host) of MatrixServer -> {PubKey, _PrivKey} = mod_matrix_gw_opt:key(Host), TS = erlang:system_time(millisecond) + timer:hours(24 * 7), {ok, PubKey, TS}; _ -> case get_connection(Host, MatrixServer) of {ok, S2SPid} -> gen_statem:call(S2SPid, {get_key, KeyID}); Error -> Error end end. get_matrix_host_port(Host, MatrixServer) -> case mod_matrix_gw_opt:matrix_domain(Host) of MatrixServer -> error; _ -> case get_connection(Host, MatrixServer) of {ok, S2SPid} -> gen_statem:call(S2SPid, get_matrix_host_port); Error -> Error end end. %process_query(Host, MatrixServer, AuthParams, Query, JSON, Request) -> % case get_connection(Host, MatrixServer) of % {ok, S2SPid} -> % #request{sockmod = SockMod, socket = Socket} = Request, % SockMod:controlling_process(Socket, S2SPid), % gen_statem:cast(S2SPid, {query, AuthParams, Query, JSON, Request}), % ok; % {error, _} = Error -> % Error % end. check_auth(Host, MatrixServer, AuthParams, Content, Request) -> case get_connection(Host, MatrixServer) of {ok, S2SPid} -> #{<<"key">> := KeyID} = AuthParams, case catch gen_statem:call(S2SPid, {get_key, KeyID}) of {ok, VerifyKey, _ValidUntil} -> %% TODO: check ValidUntil Destination = mod_matrix_gw_opt:matrix_domain(Host), #{<<"sig">> := Sig} = AuthParams, JSON = #{<<"method">> => atom_to_binary(Request#request.method, latin1), <<"uri">> => Request#request.raw_path, <<"origin">> => MatrixServer, <<"destination">> => Destination, <<"signatures">> => #{ MatrixServer => #{KeyID => Sig} } }, JSON2 = case Content of none -> JSON; _ -> JSON#{<<"content">> => Content} end, case check_signature(JSON2, MatrixServer, KeyID, VerifyKey) of true -> true; false -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed authentication: ~p", [JSON2]), false end; _ -> false end; {error, _} = _Error -> false end. check_signature(Host, JSON) -> case JSON of #{<<"sender">> := Sender, <<"signatures">> := Sigs} -> MatrixServer = mod_matrix_gw:get_id_domain_exn(Sender), case Sigs of #{MatrixServer := #{} = KeySig} -> case maps:next(maps:iterator(KeySig)) of {KeyID, _Sig, _} -> case catch get_key(Host, MatrixServer, KeyID) of {ok, VerifyKey, _ValidUntil} -> %% TODO: check ValidUntil case check_signature(JSON, MatrixServer, KeyID, VerifyKey) of true -> true; false -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed authentication: ~p", [JSON]), false end; _ -> false end; _ -> false end; _ -> false end; _ -> false end. %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_statem callbacks %%%=================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @private %% @doc %% Whenever a gen_statem is started using gen_statem:start/[3,4] or %% gen_statem:start_link/[3,4], this function is called by the new %% process to initialize. %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec init(Args :: term()) -> gen_statem:init_result(term()). init([Host, MatrixServer]) -> mnesia:dirty_write( #matrix_s2s{to = MatrixServer, pid = self()}), {ok, state_name, #data{host = Host, matrix_server = MatrixServer}}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @private %% @doc %% If the gen_statem runs with CallbackMode =:= handle_event_function %% this function is called for every event a gen_statem receives. %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec handle_event( gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term(), State :: term(), Data :: term()) -> gen_statem:handle_event_result(). %handle_event({call, From}, _Msg, State, Data) -> % {next_state, State, Data, [{reply, From, ok}]}. handle_event({call, From}, get_matrix_host_port, _State, Data) -> case Data#data.matrix_host_port of undefined -> Result = do_get_matrix_host_port(Data), Data2 = Data#data{matrix_host_port = Result}, {keep_state, Data2, [{reply, From, Result}]}; Result -> {keep_state_and_data, [{reply, From, Result}]} end; handle_event({call, From}, {get_key, KeyID}, State, Data) -> case maps:find(KeyID, Data#data.keys) of {ok, {ok, _, _} = Result} -> {keep_state, Data, [{reply, From, Result}]}; {ok, error = Result} -> {keep_state, Data, [{reply, From, Result}]}; {ok, pending} -> KeyQueue = maps:update_with( KeyID, fun(Xs) -> [From | Xs] end, [From], Data#data.key_queue), {next_state, State, Data#data{key_queue = KeyQueue}, []}; error -> {MHost, MPort} = do_get_matrix_host_port(Data), URL = <<"https://", MHost/binary, ":", (integer_to_binary(MPort))/binary, "/_matrix/key/v2/server/", KeyID/binary>>, Self = self(), httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [{timeout, 5000}], [{sync, false}, {receiver, fun({_RequestId, Result}) -> gen_statem:cast( Self, {key_reply, KeyID, Result}) end}]), Keys = (Data#data.keys)#{KeyID => pending}, KeyQueue = maps:update_with( KeyID, fun(Xs) -> [From | Xs] end, [From], Data#data.key_queue), {next_state, State, Data#data{keys = Keys, key_queue = KeyQueue}, []} end; handle_event(cast, {query, AuthParams, _Query, _JSON, _Request} = Msg, State, Data) -> #{<<"key">> := KeyID} = AuthParams, case maps:find(KeyID, Data#data.keys) of {ok, {ok, VerifyKey, _ValidUntil}} -> Data2 = process_unverified_query( KeyID, VerifyKey, Msg, Data), {next_state, State, Data2, []}; {ok, error} -> %TODO {next_state, State, Data, []}; {ok, pending} -> KeyQueue = maps:update_with( KeyID, fun(Xs) -> [Msg | Xs] end, [Msg], Data#data.key_queue), {next_state, State, Data#data{key_queue = KeyQueue}, []}; error -> {MHost, MPort} = do_get_matrix_host_port(Data), URL = <<"https://", MHost/binary, ":", (integer_to_binary(MPort))/binary, "/_matrix/key/v2/server/", KeyID/binary>>, Self = self(), httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [{timeout, 5000}], [{sync, false}, {receiver, fun({_RequestId, Result}) -> gen_statem:cast( Self, {key_reply, KeyID, Result}) end}]), Keys = (Data#data.keys)#{KeyID => pending}, KeyQueue = maps:update_with( KeyID, fun(Xs) -> [Msg | Xs] end, [Msg], Data#data.key_queue), {next_state, State, Data#data{keys = Keys, key_queue = KeyQueue}, []} end; handle_event(cast, {key_reply, KeyID, HTTPResult}, State, Data) -> case HTTPResult of {{_, 200, _}, _, SJSON} -> try JSON = misc:json_decode(SJSON), ?DEBUG("key ~p~n", [JSON]), #{<<"verify_keys">> := VerifyKeys} = JSON, #{KeyID := KeyData} = VerifyKeys, #{<<"key">> := SKey} = KeyData, VerifyKey = mod_matrix_gw:base64_decode(SKey), ?DEBUG("key ~p~n", [VerifyKey]), ?DEBUG("check ~p~n", [catch check_signature( JSON, Data#data.matrix_server, KeyID, VerifyKey)]), true = check_signature( JSON, Data#data.matrix_server, KeyID, VerifyKey), #{<<"valid_until_ts">> := ValidUntil} = JSON, ValidUntil2 = min(ValidUntil, erlang:system_time(millisecond) + timer:hours(24 * 7)), Keys = (Data#data.keys)#{KeyID => {ok, VerifyKey, ValidUntil2}}, Froms = maps:get(KeyID, Data#data.key_queue, []), KeyQueue = maps:remove(KeyID, Data#data.key_queue), Data2 = Data#data{keys = Keys, key_queue = KeyQueue}, Replies = lists:map( fun(From) -> {reply, From, {ok, VerifyKey, ValidUntil2}} end, Froms), ?DEBUG("KEYS ~p~n", [{Keys, Data2}]), {next_state, State, Data2, Replies} catch _:_ -> %% TODO Keys2 = (Data#data.keys)#{KeyID => error}, {next_state, State, Data#data{keys = Keys2}, []} end; _ -> %% TODO Keys = (Data#data.keys)#{KeyID => error}, {next_state, State, Data#data{keys = Keys}, []} end; handle_event(cast, Msg, State, Data) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {next_state, State, Data, []}; handle_event(info, Info, State, Data) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {next_state, State, Data, []}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @private %% @doc %% This function is called by a gen_statem when it is about to %% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any %% necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_statem terminates with %% Reason. The return value is ignored. %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec terminate(Reason :: term(), State :: term(), Data :: term()) -> any(). terminate(_Reason, _State, Data) -> mnesia:dirty_delete_object( #matrix_s2s{to = Data#data.matrix_server, pid = self()}), %% TODO: wait for messages ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @private %% @doc %% Convert process state when code is changed %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec code_change( OldVsn :: term() | {down,term()}, State :: term(), Data :: term(), Extra :: term()) -> {ok, NewState :: term(), NewData :: term()}. code_change(_OldVsn, State, Data, _Extra) -> {ok, State, Data}. callback_mode() -> handle_event_function. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== do_get_matrix_host_port(Data) -> MatrixServer = Data#data.matrix_server, case binary:split(MatrixServer, <<":">>) of [Addr] -> case inet:parse_address(binary_to_list(Addr)) of {ok, _} -> {Addr, 8448}; _ -> URL = <<"https://", Addr/binary, "/.well-known/matrix/server">>, HTTPRes = httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [{timeout, 5000}], [{sync, true}, {body_format, binary}]), ?DEBUG("HTTPRes ~p~n", [HTTPRes]), Res = case HTTPRes of {ok, {{_, 200, _}, _Headers, Body}} -> try case misc:json_decode(Body) of #{<<"m.server">> := Server} -> case binary:split(Server, <<":">>) of [ServerAddr] -> {ServerAddr, 8448}; [ServerAddr, ServerPort] -> {ServerAddr, binary_to_integer(ServerPort)} end end catch _:_ -> error end; _ -> error end, case Res of error -> SRVName = "_matrix._tcp." ++ binary_to_list(MatrixServer), case inet_res:getbyname(SRVName, srv, 5000) of {ok, HostEntry} -> {hostent, _Name, _Aliases, _AddrType, _Len, HAddrList} = HostEntry, case h_addr_list_to_host_ports(HAddrList) of {ok, [{Host, Port} | _]} -> {list_to_binary(Host), Port}; _ -> {MatrixServer, 8448} end; {error, _} -> {MatrixServer, 8448} end; _ -> Res end end; [Addr, SPort] -> case catch binary_to_integer(SPort) of Port when is_integer(Port) -> {Addr, Port}; _ -> error end end. %% Copied from xmpp_stream_out.erl -type host_port() :: {inet:hostname(), inet:port_number()}. -type h_addr_list() :: [{integer(), integer(), inet:port_number(), string()}]. -spec h_addr_list_to_host_ports(h_addr_list()) -> {ok, [host_port(),...]} | {error, nxdomain}. h_addr_list_to_host_ports(AddrList) -> PrioHostPorts = lists:flatmap( fun({Priority, Weight, Port, Host}) -> N = case Weight of 0 -> 0; _ -> (Weight + 1) * p1_rand:uniform() end, [{Priority * 65536 - N, Host, Port}]; (_) -> [] end, AddrList), HostPorts = [{Host, Port} || {_Priority, Host, Port} <- lists:usort(PrioHostPorts)], case HostPorts of [] -> {error, nxdomain}; _ -> {ok, HostPorts} end. check_signature(JSON, SignatureName, KeyID, VerifyKey) -> try #{<<"signatures">> := Signatures} = JSON, #{SignatureName := SignatureData} = Signatures, #{KeyID := SSignature} = SignatureData, Signature = mod_matrix_gw:base64_decode(SSignature), JSON2 = maps:without([<<"signatures">>, <<"unsigned">>], JSON), Msg = mod_matrix_gw:encode_canonical_json(JSON2), crypto:verify(eddsa, none, Msg, Signature, [VerifyKey, ed25519]) catch _:_ -> false end. %process_unverified_queries(KeyID, Data) -> % case maps:find(KeyID, Data#data.keys) of % {ok, {ok, VerifyKey, _ValidUntil}} -> % Queue = maps:get(KeyID, Data#data.key_queue, []), % KeyQueue = maps:remove(KeyID, Data#data.key_queue), % Data2 = Data#data{key_queue = KeyQueue}, % lists:foldl( % fun(Query, DataAcc) -> % process_unverified_query(KeyID, VerifyKey, Query, DataAcc) % end, Data2, Queue); % _ -> % %% TODO % Data % end. process_unverified_query( KeyID, VerifyKey, {query, AuthParams, _Query, Content, Request} = _Msg, Data) -> Destination = mod_matrix_gw_opt:matrix_domain(Data#data.host), #{<<"sig">> := Sig} = AuthParams, JSON = #{<<"method">> => atom_to_binary(Request#request.method, latin1), <<"uri">> => Request#request.raw_path, <<"origin">> => Data#data.matrix_server, <<"destination">> => Destination, <<"signatures">> => #{ Data#data.matrix_server => #{KeyID => Sig} } }, JSON2 = case Content of none -> JSON; _ -> JSON#{<<"content">> => Content} end, case check_signature(JSON2, Data#data.matrix_server, KeyID, VerifyKey) of true -> todo_remove_me; %process_query(Msg, Data); false -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed authentication: ~p", [JSON]), %% TODO Data end. -endif.