%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : node_pep_sql.erl %%% Author : Christophe Romain %%% Purpose : Standard PubSub PEP plugin with ODBC backend %%% Created : 1 Dec 2007 by Christophe Romain %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @doc The module {@module} is the pep PubSub plugin. %%%

PubSub plugin nodes are using the {@link gen_pubsub_node} behaviour.

-module(node_pep_sql). -behaviour(gen_pubsub_node). -author('christophe.romain@process-one.net'). -include("pubsub.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -export([init/3, terminate/2, options/0, features/0, create_node_permission/6, create_node/2, delete_node/1, purge_node/2, subscribe_node/8, unsubscribe_node/4, publish_item/7, delete_item/4, remove_extra_items/3, get_entity_affiliations/2, get_node_affiliations/1, get_affiliation/2, set_affiliation/3, get_entity_subscriptions/2, get_node_subscriptions/1, get_subscriptions/2, set_subscriptions/4, get_pending_nodes/2, get_states/1, get_state/2, set_state/1, get_items/7, get_items/3, get_item/7, get_item/2, set_item/1, get_item_name/3, node_to_path/1, path_to_node/1, depends/3, get_entity_subscriptions_for_send_last/2, get_last_items/3]). depends(_Host, _ServerHost, _Opts) -> [{mod_caps, hard}]. init(Host, ServerHost, Opts) -> node_flat_sql:init(Host, ServerHost, Opts), ok. terminate(Host, ServerHost) -> node_flat_sql:terminate(Host, ServerHost), ok. options() -> [{sql, true}, {rsm, true} | node_pep:options()]. features() -> [<<"rsm">> | node_pep:features()]. create_node_permission(Host, ServerHost, Node, ParentNode, Owner, Access) -> node_pep:create_node_permission(Host, ServerHost, Node, ParentNode, Owner, Access). create_node(Nidx, Owner) -> node_flat_sql:create_node(Nidx, Owner), {result, {default, broadcast}}. delete_node(Nodes) -> {result, {_, _, Result}} = node_flat_sql:delete_node(Nodes), {result, {default, Result}}. subscribe_node(Nidx, Sender, Subscriber, AccessModel, SendLast, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, Options) -> node_flat_sql:subscribe_node(Nidx, Sender, Subscriber, AccessModel, SendLast, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, Options). unsubscribe_node(Nidx, Sender, Subscriber, SubId) -> case node_flat_sql:unsubscribe_node(Nidx, Sender, Subscriber, SubId) of {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; {result, _} -> {result, []} end. publish_item(Nidx, Publisher, Model, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload, PubOpts) -> node_flat_sql:publish_item(Nidx, Publisher, Model, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload, PubOpts). remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems, ItemIds) -> node_flat_sql:remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems, ItemIds). delete_item(Nidx, Publisher, PublishModel, ItemId) -> node_flat_sql:delete_item(Nidx, Publisher, PublishModel, ItemId). purge_node(Nidx, Owner) -> node_flat_sql:purge_node(Nidx, Owner). get_entity_affiliations(_Host, Owner) -> OwnerKey = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(Owner)), node_flat_sql:get_entity_affiliations(OwnerKey, Owner). get_node_affiliations(Nidx) -> node_flat_sql:get_node_affiliations(Nidx). get_affiliation(Nidx, Owner) -> node_flat_sql:get_affiliation(Nidx, Owner). set_affiliation(Nidx, Owner, Affiliation) -> node_flat_sql:set_affiliation(Nidx, Owner, Affiliation). get_entity_subscriptions(_Host, Owner) -> SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner), GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey), HostLike = node_flat_sql:encode_host_like(element(2, SubKey)), SJ = ejabberd_sql:escape(node_flat_sql:encode_jid(SubKey)), GJ = ejabberd_sql:escape(node_flat_sql:encode_jid(GenKey)), GJLike = ejabberd_sql:escape(node_flat_sql:encode_jid_like(GenKey)), Query = case SubKey of GenKey -> [<<"select host, node, type, i.nodeid, jid, " "subscriptions from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node n " "where i.nodeid = n.nodeid and jid " "like '">>, GJLike, <<"%' escape '^' and host like '%@">>, HostLike, <<"' escape '^';">>]; _ -> [<<"select host, node, type, i.nodeid, jid, " "subscriptions from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node n " "where i.nodeid = n.nodeid and jid " "in ('">>, SJ, <<"', '">>, GJ, <<"') and host like '%@">>, HostLike, <<"' escape '^';">>] end, Reply = case catch ejabberd_sql:sql_query_t(Query) of {selected, [<<"host">>, <<"node">>, <<"type">>, <<"nodeid">>, <<"jid">>, <<"subscriptions">>], RItems} -> lists:map(fun ([H, N, T, I, J, S]) -> O = node_flat_sql:decode_jid(H), Node = nodetree_tree_sql:raw_to_node(O, [N, <<"">>, T, I]), {Node, node_flat_sql:decode_subscriptions(S), node_flat_sql:decode_jid(J)} end, RItems); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. get_entity_subscriptions_for_send_last(_Host, Owner) -> SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner), GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey), HostLike = node_flat_sql:encode_host_like(element(2, SubKey)), SJ = ejabberd_sql:escape(node_flat_sql:encode_jid(SubKey)), GJ = ejabberd_sql:escape(node_flat_sql:encode_jid(GenKey)), GJLike = ejabberd_sql:escape(node_flat_sql:encode_jid_like(GenKey)), Query = case SubKey of GenKey -> [<<"select host, node, type, i.nodeid, jid, " "subscriptions from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node n, " "pubsub_node_option o where i.nodeid = n.nodeid " "and n.nodeid = o.nodeid and name='send_last_published_item' and " "val='on_sub_and_presence' and jid like '">>, GJLike, <<"%' escape '^' and host like '%@">>, HostLike, <<"' escape '^';">>]; _ -> [<<"select host, node, type, i.nodeid, jid, " "subscriptions from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node n, " "pubsub_node_option o where i.nodeid = n.nodeid " "and n.nodeid = o.nodeid and name='send_last_published_item' and " "val='on_sub_and_presence' and jid in ", "('">>, SJ, <<"', '">>, GJ, <<"') and host like '%@">>, HostLike, <<"' escape '^';">>] end, Reply = case catch ejabberd_sql:sql_query_t(Query) of {selected, [<<"host">>, <<"node">>, <<"type">>, <<"nodeid">>, <<"jid">>, <<"subscriptions">>], RItems} -> lists:map(fun ([H, N, T, I, J, S]) -> O = node_flat_sql:decode_jid(H), Node = nodetree_tree_sql:raw_to_node(O, [N, <<"">>, T, I]), {Node, node_flat_sql:decode_subscriptions(S), node_flat_sql:decode_jid(J)} end, RItems); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. get_node_subscriptions(Nidx) -> node_flat_sql:get_node_subscriptions(Nidx). get_subscriptions(Nidx, Owner) -> node_flat_sql:get_subscriptions(Nidx, Owner). set_subscriptions(Nidx, Owner, Subscription, SubId) -> node_flat_sql:set_subscriptions(Nidx, Owner, Subscription, SubId). get_pending_nodes(Host, Owner) -> node_flat_sql:get_pending_nodes(Host, Owner). get_states(Nidx) -> node_flat_sql:get_states(Nidx). get_state(Nidx, JID) -> node_flat_sql:get_state(Nidx, JID). set_state(State) -> node_flat_sql:set_state(State). get_items(Nidx, From, RSM) -> node_flat_sql:get_items(Nidx, From, RSM). get_items(Nidx, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, SubId, RSM) -> node_flat_sql:get_items(Nidx, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, SubId, RSM). get_last_items(Nidx, JID, Count) -> node_flat_sql:get_last_items(Nidx, JID, Count). get_item(Nidx, ItemId) -> node_flat_sql:get_item(Nidx, ItemId). get_item(Nidx, ItemId, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, SubId) -> node_flat_sql:get_item(Nidx, ItemId, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, SubId). set_item(Item) -> node_flat_sql:set_item(Item). get_item_name(Host, Node, Id) -> node_flat_sql:get_item_name(Host, Node, Id). node_to_path(Node) -> node_flat_sql:node_to_path(Node). path_to_node(Path) -> node_flat_sql:path_to_node(Path).