%%% ====================================================================
%%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
%%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%%% under the License.
%%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ProcessOne.
%%% Portions created by ProcessOne are Copyright 2006-2014, ProcessOne
%%% All Rights Reserved.''
%%% This software is copyright 2006-2014, ProcessOne.
%%% @copyright 2006-2014 ProcessOne
%%% @author Christophe Romain It is used as a default for all unknown PubSub node type. It can serve
%%% as a developer basis and reference to build its own custom pubsub node
%%% types. PubSub plugin nodes are using the {@link gen_node} behaviour. The API isn't stabilized yet. The pubsub plugin
%%% development is still a work in progress. However, the system is already
%%% useable and useful as is. Please, send us comments, feedback and
%%% improvements. Called during pubsub modules initialisation. Any pubsub plugin must
%% implement this function. It can return anything. This function is mainly used to trigger the setup task necessary for the
%% plugin. It can be used for example by the developer to create the specific
%% module database schema if it does not exists yet. Called during pubsub modules termination. Any pubsub plugin must
%% implement this function. It can return anything. Example of function return value: In {@link node_default}, the permission is decided by the place in the
%% hierarchy where the user is creating the node. The access parameter is also
%% checked in the default module. This parameter depends on the value of the
%% access_createnode ACL value in ejabberd config file. This function also check that node can be created a a children of its
%% parent node PubSub plugins can redefine the PubSub node creation rights as they
%% which. They can simply delegate this check to the {@link node_default}
%% module by implementing this function like this:
%% ```check_create_user_permission(Host, ServerHost, Node, ParentNode, Owner, Access) ->
%% node_default:check_create_user_permission(Host, ServerHost, Node, ParentNode, Owner, Access).''' purge items of deleted nodes after effective deletion. Accepts or rejects subcription requests on a PubSub node. The mechanism works as follow:
The selected behaviour depends on the return parameter: %%
In the default plugin module, the record is unchanged.
-spec(subscribe_node/8 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Sender :: jid(), Subscriber :: ljid(), AccessModel :: mod_pubsub:accessModel(), SendLast :: 'never' | 'on_sub' | 'on_sub_and_presence', PresenceSubscription :: boolean(), RosterGroup :: boolean(), Options :: mod_pubsub:subOptions()) -> {result, {default, subscribed, mod_pubsub:subId()}} | {result, {default, subscribed, mod_pubsub:subId(), send_last}} | {result, {default, pending, mod_pubsub:subId()}} %%% | {error, _} | {error, _, binary()} ). subscribe_node(NodeId, Sender, Subscriber, AccessModel, SendLast, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, Options) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Subscriber), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), Authorized = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(Sender)) == GenKey, {Affiliation, Subscriptions} = select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeId, GenKey, SubKey), Whitelisted = lists:member(Affiliation, [member, publisher, owner]), PendingSubscription = lists:any(fun ({pending, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Subscriptions), if not Authorized -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_BAD_REQUEST), <<"invalid-jid">>)}; Affiliation == outcast -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; PendingSubscription -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED), <<"pending-subscription">>)}; (AccessModel == presence) and not PresenceSubscription -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED), <<"presence-subscription-required">>)}; (AccessModel == roster) and not RosterGroup -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED), <<"not-in-roster-group">>)}; (AccessModel == whitelist) and not Whitelisted -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED), <<"closed-node">>)}; %%MustPay -> %% % Payment is required for a subscription %% {error, ?ERR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED}; %%ForbiddenAnonymous -> %% % Requesting entity is anonymous %% {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; true -> {result, SubId} = pubsub_subscription_odbc:subscribe_node(Subscriber, NodeId, Options), NewSub = case AccessModel of authorize -> pending; _ -> subscribed end, update_subscription(NodeId, SubKey, [{NewSub, SubId} | Subscriptions]), case {NewSub, SendLast} of {subscribed, never} -> {result, {default, subscribed, SubId}}; {subscribed, _} -> {result, {default, subscribed, SubId, send_last}}; {_, _} -> {result, {default, pending, SubId}} end end. %% @spec (NodeId, Sender, Subscriber, SubId) -> %% {error, Reason} | {result, []} %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% Sender = mod_pubsub:jid() %% Subscriber = mod_pubsub:jid() %% SubId = mod_pubsub:subid() %% Reason = mod_pubsub:stanzaError() %% @docUnsubscribe the Subscriber from the Node.
-spec(unsubscribe_node/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Sender :: jid(), Subscriber :: jid(), SubId :: subId()) -> {result, default} % | {error, _} | {error, _, binary()} ). unsubscribe_node(NodeId, Sender, Subscriber, SubId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Subscriber), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), Authorized = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(Sender)) == GenKey, {Affiliation, Subscriptions} = select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeId, SubKey), SubIdExists = case SubId of <<>> -> false; List when is_binary(List) -> true; _ -> false end, if %% Requesting entity is prohibited from unsubscribing entity not Authorized -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; %% Entity did not specify SubId %%SubId == "", ?? -> %% {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "subid-required")}; %% Invalid subscription identifier %%InvalidSubId -> %% {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")}; %% Requesting entity is not a subscriber Subscriptions == [] -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_CANCEL), <<"not-subscribed">>)}; %% Subid supplied, so use that. SubIdExists -> Sub = first_in_list(fun (S) -> case S of {_Sub, SubId} -> true; _ -> false end end, Subscriptions), case Sub of {value, S} -> delete_subscription(SubKey, NodeId, S, Affiliation, Subscriptions), {result, default}; false -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_CANCEL), <<"not-subscribed">>)} end; %% Asking to remove all subscriptions to the given node SubId == all -> [delete_subscription(SubKey, NodeId, S, Affiliation, Subscriptions) || S <- Subscriptions], {result, default}; %% No subid supplied, but there's only one matching %% subscription, so use that. length(Subscriptions) == 1 -> delete_subscription(SubKey, NodeId, hd(Subscriptions), Affiliation, Subscriptions), {result, default}; %% No subid and more than one possible subscription match. true -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_BAD_REQUEST), <<"subid-required">>)} end. %-spec(delete_subscriptions/5 :: %( % SubKey :: ljid(), % NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), % _ :: {mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId()}, % SubState :: mod_pubsub:pubsubState(), % Subscriptions :: [{mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId()}]) % -> ok %). delete_subscription(SubKey, NodeIdx, {Subscription, SubId}, Affiliation, Subscriptions) -> NewSubs = Subscriptions -- [{Subscription, SubId}], pubsub_subscription_odbc:unsubscribe_node(SubKey, NodeIdx, SubId), case {Affiliation, NewSubs} of {none, []} -> del_state(NodeIdx, SubKey); _ -> update_subscription(NodeIdx, SubKey, NewSubs) end. %% @spec (NodeId, Publisher, PublishModel, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload) -> %% {true, PubsubItem} | {result, Reply} %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% Publisher = mod_pubsub:jid() %% PublishModel = atom() %% MaxItems = integer() %% ItemId = string() %% Payload = term() %% @docPublishes the item passed as parameter.
%%The mechanism works as follow: %%
The selected behaviour depends on the return parameter: %%
In the default plugin module, the record is unchanged.
-spec(publish_item/6 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Publisher :: jid(), PublishModel :: mod_pubsub:publishModel(), Max_Items :: non_neg_integer(), ItemId :: <<>> | mod_pubsub:itemId(), Payload :: mod_pubsub:payload()) -> {result, {default, broadcast, [mod_pubsub:itemId()]}} %%% | {error, _} ). publish_item(NodeIdx, Publisher, PublishModel, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Publisher), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), {Affiliation, Subscriptions} = select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeIdx, GenKey, SubKey), Subscribed = case PublishModel of subscribers -> is_subscribed(Subscriptions); _ -> undefined end, if not ((PublishModel == open) or (PublishModel == publishers) and ((Affiliation == owner) or (Affiliation == publisher)) or (Subscribed == true)) -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; true -> if MaxItems > 0 -> PubId = {now(), SubKey}, set_item(#pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, NodeIdx}, creation = {now(), GenKey}, modification = PubId, payload = Payload}), Items = [ItemId | itemids(NodeIdx, GenKey) -- [ItemId]], {result, {_, OI}} = remove_extra_items(NodeIdx, MaxItems, Items), {result, {default, broadcast, OI}}; true -> {result, {default, broadcast, []}} end end. %% @spec (NodeId, MaxItems, ItemIds) -> {NewItemIds,OldItemIds} %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% MaxItems = integer() | unlimited %% ItemIds = [ItemId::string()] %% NewItemIds = [ItemId::string()] %% @docThis function is used to remove extra items, most notably when the %% maximum number of items has been reached.
%%This function is used internally by the core PubSub module, as no %% permission check is performed.
%%In the default plugin module, the oldest items are removed, but other %% rules can be used.
%%If another PubSub plugin wants to delegate the item removal (and if the %% plugin is using the default pubsub storage), it can implements this function like this: %% ```remove_extra_items(NodeId, MaxItems, ItemIds) -> %% node_default:remove_extra_items(NodeId, MaxItems, ItemIds).'''
remove_extra_items(_NodeId, unlimited, ItemIds) -> {result, {ItemIds, []}}; remove_extra_items(NodeId, MaxItems, ItemIds) -> NewItems = lists:sublist(ItemIds, MaxItems), OldItems = lists:nthtail(length(NewItems), ItemIds), del_items(NodeId, OldItems), {result, {NewItems, OldItems}}. %% @spec (NodeId, Publisher, PublishModel, ItemId) -> %% {error, Reason::stanzaError()} | %% {result, []} %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% Publisher = mod_pubsub:jid() %% PublishModel = atom() %% ItemId = string() %% @docTriggers item deletion.
%%Default plugin: The user performing the deletion must be the node owner %% or a publisher.
-spec(delete_item/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Publisher :: jid(), PublishModel :: mod_pubsub:publishModel(), ItemId :: <<>> | mod_pubsub:itemId()) -> {result, {default, broadcast}} %%% | {error, _} ). delete_item(NodeIdx, Publisher, PublishModel, ItemId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Publisher), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), {result, Affiliation} = get_affiliation(NodeIdx, GenKey), Allowed = Affiliation == publisher orelse Affiliation == owner orelse PublishModel == open orelse case get_item(NodeIdx, ItemId) of {result, #pubsub_item{creation = {_, GenKey}}} -> true; _ -> false end, if not Allowed -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; true -> case del_item(NodeIdx, ItemId) of {updated, 1} -> {result, {default, broadcast}}; _ -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND} end end. %% @spec (NodeId, Owner) -> %% {error, Reason::stanzaError()} | %% {result, {default, broadcast}} %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% Owner = mod_pubsub:jid() -spec(purge_node/2 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: jid()) -> {result, {default, broadcast}} | {error, _} ). purge_node(NodeIdx, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(NodeIdx, GenKey), case GenState of #pubsub_state{affiliation = owner} -> {result, States} = get_states(NodeIdx), lists:foreach(fun (#pubsub_state{items = []}) -> ok; (#pubsub_state{items = Items}) -> del_items(NodeIdx, Items) end, States), {result, {default, broadcast}}; _ -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN} end. %% @spec (Host, JID) -> [{Node,Affiliation}] %% Host = host() %% JID = mod_pubsub:jid() %% @docReturn the current affiliations for the given user
%%The default module reads affiliations in the main Mnesia %% pubsub_state table. If a plugin stores its data in the same %% table, it should return an empty list, as the affiliation will be read by %% the default PubSub module. Otherwise, it should return its own affiliation, %% that will be added to the affiliation stored in the main %% pubsub_state table.
-spec(get_entity_affiliations/2 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), Owner :: jid()) -> {result, [{mod_pubsub:pubsubNode(), mod_pubsub:affiliation()}]} ). get_entity_affiliations(Host, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), H = (?PUBSUB):escape(Host), J = encode_jid(GenKey), Reply = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select node, type, i.nodeid, affiliation " "from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node n where " "i.nodeid = n.nodeid and jid='">>, J, <<"' and host='">>, H, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"node">>, <<"type">>, <<"nodeid">>, <<"affiliation">>], RItems} -> lists:map(fun ([N, T, I, A]) -> Node = nodetree_tree_odbc:raw_to_node(Host, [N, <<"">>, T, I]), {Node, decode_affiliation(A)} end, RItems); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. -spec(get_node_affiliations/1 :: ( NodeIdx::mod_pubsub:nodeIdx()) -> {result, [{ljid(), mod_pubsub:affiliation()}]} ). get_node_affiliations(NodeIdx) -> Reply = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select jid, affiliation from pubsub_state " "where nodeid='">>, NodeIdx, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"jid">>, <<"affiliation">>], RItems} -> lists:map(fun ([J, A]) -> {decode_jid(J), decode_affiliation(A)} end, RItems); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. -spec(get_affiliation/2 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: ljid()) -> {result, mod_pubsub:affiliation()} ). get_affiliation(NodeIdx, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), J = encode_jid(GenKey), Reply = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select affiliation from pubsub_state " "where nodeid='">>, NodeIdx, <<"' and jid='">>, J, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"affiliation">>], [[A]]} -> decode_affiliation(A); _ -> none end, {result, Reply}. -spec(set_affiliation/3 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: ljid(), Affiliation :: mod_pubsub:affiliation()) -> ok ). set_affiliation(NodeIdx, Owner, Affiliation) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), {_, Subscriptions} = select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeIdx, GenKey), case {Affiliation, Subscriptions} of {none, none} -> del_state(NodeIdx, GenKey); _ -> update_affiliation(NodeIdx, GenKey, Affiliation) end. %% @spec (Host, Owner) -> [{Node,Subscription}] %% Host = host() %% Owner = mod_pubsub:jid() %% @docReturn the current subscriptions for the given user
%%The default module reads subscriptions in the main Mnesia %% pubsub_state table. If a plugin stores its data in the same %% table, it should return an empty list, as the affiliation will be read by %% the default PubSub module. Otherwise, it should return its own affiliation, %% that will be added to the affiliation stored in the main %% pubsub_state table.
-spec(get_entity_subscriptions/2 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:host(), Owner :: jid()) -> {result, [{mod_pubsub:pubsubNode(), mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId(), ljid()}] } ). get_entity_subscriptions(Host, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), H = (?PUBSUB):escape(Host), SJ = encode_jid(SubKey), GJ = encode_jid(GenKey), Query = case SubKey of GenKey -> [<<"select node, type, i.nodeid, jid, subscriptio" "ns from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node " "n where i.nodeid = n.nodeid and jid " "like '">>, GJ, <<"%' and host='">>, H, <<"';">>]; _ -> [<<"select node, type, i.nodeid, jid, subscriptio" "ns from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node " "n where i.nodeid = n.nodeid and jid " "in ('">>, SJ, <<"', '">>, GJ, <<"') and host='">>, H, <<"';">>] end, Reply = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t(Query) of {selected, [<<"node">>, <<"type">>, <<"nodeid">>, <<"jid">>, <<"subscriptions">>], RItems} -> lists:foldl(fun ([N, T, I, J, S], Acc) -> Node = nodetree_tree_odbc:raw_to_node(Host, [N, <<"">>, T, I]), Jid = decode_jid(J), case decode_subscriptions(S) of [] -> [{Node, none, Jid} | Acc]; Subs -> lists:foldl(fun ({Sub, SubId}, Acc2) -> [{Node, Sub, SubId, Jid} | Acc2] end, Acc, Subs) end end, [], RItems); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. %% do the same as get_entity_subscriptions but filter result only to %% nodes having send_last_published_item=on_sub_and_presence %% as this call avoid seeking node, it must return node and type as well -spec(get_entity_subscriptions_for_send_last/2 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), Owner :: jid()) -> {result, [{mod_pubsub:pubsubNode(), mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId(), ljid()}] } ). get_entity_subscriptions_for_send_last(Host, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), H = (?PUBSUB):escape(Host), SJ = encode_jid(SubKey), GJ = encode_jid(GenKey), Query = case SubKey of GenKey -> [<<"select node, type, i.nodeid, jid, subscriptio" "ns from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node " "n, pubsub_node_option o where i.nodeid " "= n.nodeid and n.nodeid = o.nodeid and " "name='send_last_published_item' and " "val='on_sub_and_presence' and jid like " "'">>, GJ, <<"%' and host='">>, H, <<"';">>]; _ -> [<<"select node, type, i.nodeid, jid, subscriptio" "ns from pubsub_state i, pubsub_node " "n, pubsub_node_option o where i.nodeid " "= n.nodeid and n.nodeid = o.nodeid and " "name='send_last_published_item' and " "val='on_sub_and_presence' and jid in " "('">>, SJ, <<"', '">>, GJ, <<"') and host='">>, H, <<"';">>] end, Reply = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t(Query) of {selected, [<<"node">>, <<"type">>, <<"nodeid">>, <<"jid">>, <<"subscriptions">>], RItems} -> lists:foldl(fun ([N, T, I, J, S], Acc) -> Node = nodetree_tree_odbc:raw_to_node(Host, [N, <<"">>, T, I]), Jid = decode_jid(J), case decode_subscriptions(S) of [] -> [{Node, none, Jid} | Acc]; Subs -> lists:foldl(fun ({Sub, SubId}, Acc2) -> [{Node, Sub, SubId, Jid}| Acc2] end, Acc, Subs) end end, [], RItems); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. -spec(get_node_subscriptions/1 :: ( NodeIdx::mod_pubsub:nodeIdx()) -> {result, [{ljid(), mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId()}]} ). get_node_subscriptions(NodeIdx) -> Reply = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select jid, subscriptions from pubsub_state " "where nodeid='">>, NodeIdx, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"jid">>, <<"subscriptions">>], RItems} -> lists:foldl(fun ([J, S], Acc) -> Jid = decode_jid(J), case decode_subscriptions(S) of [] -> [{Jid, none} | Acc]; Subs -> lists:foldl(fun ({Sub, SubId}, Acc2) -> [{Jid, Sub, SubId} | Acc2] end, Acc, Subs) end end, [], RItems); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. -spec(get_subscriptions/2 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: ljid()) -> {result, [{mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId()}]} ). get_subscriptions(NodeIdx, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), J = encode_jid(SubKey), Reply = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select subscriptions from pubsub_state " "where nodeid='">>, NodeIdx, <<"' and jid='">>, J, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"subscriptions">>], [[S]]} -> decode_subscriptions(S); _ -> [] end, {result, Reply}. -spec(set_subscriptions/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: jid(), Subscription :: mod_pubsub:subscription(), SubId :: mod_pubsub:subId()) -> _ %%% | {error, xmlel()} ). set_subscriptions(NodeIdx, Owner, Subscription, SubId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), SubState = get_state_without_itemids(NodeIdx, SubKey), case {SubId, SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions} of {_, []} -> case Subscription of none -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_BAD_REQUEST), <<"not-subscribed">>)}; _ -> new_subscription(NodeIdx, Owner, Subscription, SubState) end; {<<"">>, [{_, SID}]} -> case Subscription of none -> unsub_with_subid(NodeIdx, SID, SubState); _ -> replace_subscription({Subscription, SID}, SubState) end; {<<"">>, [_ | _]} -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_BAD_REQUEST), <<"subid-required">>)}; _ -> case Subscription of none -> unsub_with_subid(NodeIdx, SubId, SubState); _ -> replace_subscription({Subscription, SubId}, SubState) end end. -spec(replace_subscription/2 :: ( NewSub :: {mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId()}, SubState :: mod_pubsub:pubsubState()) -> {result, []} ). replace_subscription(NewSub, SubState) -> NewSubs = replace_subscription(NewSub, SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions, []), set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions = NewSubs}). replace_subscription(_, [], Acc) -> Acc; replace_subscription({Sub, SubId}, [{_, SubID} | T], Acc) -> replace_subscription({Sub, SubId}, T, [{Sub, SubID} | Acc]). -spec(new_subscription/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: jid(), Subscription :: mod_pubsub:subscription(), SubState :: mod_pubsub:pubsubState()) -> {mod_pubsub:subscription(), mod_pubsub:subId()} %%% | {error, xmlel()} ). new_subscription(NodeIdx, Owner, Subscription, SubState) -> case pubsub_subscription_odbc:subscribe_node(Owner, NodeIdx, []) of {result, SubId} -> Subscriptions = SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions, set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions = [{Subscription, SubId} | Subscriptions]}), {Subscription, SubId}; _ -> {error, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR} end. -spec(unsub_with_subid/3 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), SubId :: mod_pubsub:subId(), SubState :: mod_pubsub:pubsubState()) -> ok ). unsub_with_subid(NodeIdx, SubId, SubState) -> pubsub_subscription_odbc:unsubscribe_node(SubState#pubsub_state.stateid, NodeIdx, SubId), NewSubs = lists:filter(fun ({_, SID}) -> SubId =/= SID end, SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions), case {NewSubs, SubState#pubsub_state.affiliation} of {[], none} -> del_state(NodeIdx, element(1, SubState#pubsub_state.stateid)); _ -> set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions = NewSubs}) end. %% @spec (Host, Owner) -> {result, [Node]} | {error, Reason} %% Host = host() %% Owner = jid() %% Node = pubsubNode() %% @docReturns a list of Owner's nodes on Host with pending %% subscriptions.
-spec(get_pending_nodes/2 :: ( Host :: mod_pubsub:hostPubsub(), Owner :: jid()) -> {result, [mod_pubsub:nodeId()]} ). get_pending_nodes(Host, Owner) -> GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(jlib:jid_tolower(Owner)), States = mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_state{stateid = {GenKey, '_'}, affiliation = owner, _ = '_'}), NodeIDs = [ID || #pubsub_state{stateid = {_, ID}} <- States], NodeTree = case catch ets:lookup(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, config), nodetree) of [{nodetree, N}] -> N; _ -> nodetree_tree_odbc end, Reply = mnesia:foldl(fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = {_, NID}} = S, Acc) -> case lists:member(NID, NodeIDs) of true -> case get_nodes_helper(NodeTree, S) of {value, Node} -> [Node | Acc]; false -> Acc end; false -> Acc end end, [], pubsub_state), {result, Reply}. get_nodes_helper(NodeTree, #pubsub_state{stateid = {_, N}, subscriptions = Subs}) -> HasPending = fun ({pending, _}) -> true; (pending) -> true; (_) -> false end, case lists:any(HasPending, Subs) of true -> case NodeTree:get_node(N) of #pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, Node}} -> {value, Node}; _ -> false end; false -> false end. %% @spec (NodeId) -> [States] | [] %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% @doc Returns the list of stored states for a given node. %%For the default PubSub module, states are stored in Mnesia database.
%%We can consider that the pubsub_state table have been created by the main %% mod_pubsub module.
%%PubSub plugins can store the states where they wants (for example in a %% relational database).
%%If a PubSub plugin wants to delegate the states storage to the default node, %% they can implement this function like this: %% ```get_states(NodeId) -> %% node_default:get_states(NodeId).'''
-spec(get_states/1 :: ( NodeIdx::mod_pubsub:nodeIdx()) -> {result, [mod_pubsub:pubsubState()]} ). get_states(NodeIdx) -> case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select jid, affiliation, subscriptions " "from pubsub_state where nodeid='">>, NodeIdx, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"jid">>, <<"affiliation">>, <<"subscriptions">>], RItems} -> {result, lists:map(fun ([SJID, Affiliation, Subscriptions]) -> #pubsub_state{stateid = {decode_jid(SJID), NodeIdx}, items = itemids(NodeIdx, SJID), affiliation = decode_affiliation(Affiliation), subscriptions = decode_subscriptions(Subscriptions)} end, RItems)}; _ -> {result, []} end. %% @spec (NodeId, JID) -> [State] | [] %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% JID = mod_pubsub:jid() %% State = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @docReturns a state (one state list), given its reference.
-spec(get_state/2 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), JID :: ljid()) -> mod_pubsub:pubsubState() ). get_state(NodeIdx, JID) -> State = get_state_without_itemids(NodeIdx, JID), {SJID, _} = State#pubsub_state.stateid, State#pubsub_state{items = itemids(NodeIdx, SJID)}. -spec(get_state_without_itemids/2 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), JID :: jid()) -> mod_pubsub:pubsubState() ). get_state_without_itemids(NodeIdx, JID) -> J = encode_jid(JID), case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select jid, affiliation, subscriptions " "from pubsub_state where jid='">>, J, <<"' and nodeid='">>, NodeIdx, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"jid">>, <<"affiliation">>, <<"subscriptions">>], [[SJID, Affiliation, Subscriptions]]} -> #pubsub_state{stateid = {decode_jid(SJID), NodeIdx}, affiliation = decode_affiliation(Affiliation), subscriptions = decode_subscriptions(Subscriptions)}; _ -> #pubsub_state{stateid = {JID, NodeIdx}} end. %% @spec (State) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% State = mod_pubsub:pubsubStates() %% @docWrite a state into database.
-spec(set_state/1 :: ( State :: mod_pubsub:pubsubState()) -> {result, []} ). set_state(State) -> {_, NodeIdx} = State#pubsub_state.stateid, set_state(NodeIdx, State). -spec(set_state/2 :: ( NodeIdx :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), State :: mod_pubsub:pubsubState()) -> {result, []} ). set_state(NodeIdx, State) -> {JID, _} = State#pubsub_state.stateid, J = encode_jid(JID), S = encode_subscriptions(State#pubsub_state.subscriptions), A = encode_affiliation(State#pubsub_state.affiliation), case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"update pubsub_state set subscriptions='">>, S, <<"', affiliation='">>, A, <<"' where nodeid='">>, NodeIdx, <<"' and jid='">>, J, <<"';">>]) of {updated, 1} -> ok; _ -> catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"insert into pubsub_state(nodeid, jid, " "affiliation, subscriptions) values('">>, NodeIdx, <<"', '">>, J, <<"', '">>, A, <<"', '">>, S, <<"');">>]) end, {result, []}. %% @spec (NodeId, JID) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% JID = mod_pubsub:jid() %% @docDelete a state from database.
del_state(NodeId, JID) -> J = encode_jid(JID), catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"delete from pubsub_state where jid='">>, J, <<"' and nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"';">>]), ok. %% @spec (NodeId, From) -> {[Items],RsmOut} | [] %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% Items = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @doc Returns the list of stored items for a given node. %%For the default PubSub module, items are stored in Mnesia database.
%%We can consider that the pubsub_item table have been created by the main %% mod_pubsub module.
%%PubSub plugins can store the items where they wants (for example in a %% relational database), or they can even decide not to persist any items.
%%If a PubSub plugin wants to delegate the item storage to the default node, %% they can implement this function like this: %% ```get_items(NodeId, From) -> %% node_default:get_items(NodeId, From).'''
get_items(NodeId, _From) -> case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select itemid, publisher, creation, " "modification, payload from pubsub_item " "where nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' order by modification desc;">>]) of {selected, [<<"itemid">>, <<"publisher">>, <<"creation">>, <<"modification">>, <<"payload">>], RItems} -> {result, lists:map(fun (RItem) -> raw_to_item(NodeId, RItem) end, RItems)}; _ -> {result, []} end. get_items(NodeId, From, none) -> MaxItems = case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select val from pubsub_node_option where " "nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' and name='max_items';">>]) of {selected, [<<"val">>], [[Value]]} -> Tokens = element(2, erl_scan:string(binary_to_list(<Returns an item (one item list), given its reference.
get_item(NodeId, ItemId) -> I = (?PUBSUB):escape(ItemId), case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select itemid, publisher, creation, " "modification, payload from pubsub_item " "where nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' and itemid='">>, I, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"itemid">>, <<"publisher">>, <<"creation">>, <<"modification">>, <<"payload">>], [RItem]} -> {result, raw_to_item(NodeId, RItem)}; _ -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND} end. get_item(NodeId, ItemId, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, _SubId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), {Affiliation, Subscriptions} = select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeId, GenKey, SubKey), Whitelisted = can_fetch_item(Affiliation, Subscriptions), if %%SubId == "", ?? -> %% Entity has multiple subscriptions to the node but does not specify a subscription ID %{error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "subid-required")}; %%InvalidSubId -> %% Entity is subscribed but specifies an invalid subscription ID %{error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")}; Affiliation == outcast -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; (AccessModel == presence) and not PresenceSubscription -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED), <<"presence-subscription-required">>)}; (AccessModel == roster) and not RosterGroup -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED), <<"not-in-roster-group">>)}; (AccessModel == whitelist) and not Whitelisted -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED((?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED), <<"closed-node">>)}; (AccessModel == authorize) and not Whitelisted -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; %%MustPay -> %% % Payment is required for a subscription %% {error, ?ERR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED}; true -> get_item(NodeId, ItemId) end. %% @spec (Item) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% Item = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @docWrite an item into database.
set_item(Item) -> {ItemId, NodeId} = Item#pubsub_item.itemid, I = (?PUBSUB):escape(ItemId), {C, _} = Item#pubsub_item.creation, {M, JID} = Item#pubsub_item.modification, P = encode_jid(JID), Payload = Item#pubsub_item.payload, XML = (?PUBSUB):escape(str:join([xml:element_to_binary(X) || X<-Payload], <<>>)), S = fun ({T1, T2, T3}) -> str:join([jlib:i2l(T1, 6), jlib:i2l(T2, 6), jlib:i2l(T3, 6)], <<":">>) end, case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"update pubsub_item set publisher='">>, P, <<"', modification='">>, S(M), <<"', payload='">>, XML, <<"' where nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' and itemid='">>, I, <<"';">>]) of {updated, 1} -> ok; _ -> catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"insert into pubsub_item (nodeid, itemid, " "publisher, creation, modification, payload) " "values('">>, NodeId, <<"', '">>, I, <<"', '">>, P, <<"', '">>, S(C), <<"', '">>, S(M), <<"', '">>, XML, <<"');">>]) end, {result, []}. %% @spec (NodeId, ItemId) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% NodeId = mod_pubsub:pubsubNodeId() %% ItemId = string() %% @docDelete an item from database.
del_item(NodeId, ItemId) -> I = (?PUBSUB):escape(ItemId), catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"delete from pubsub_item where itemid='">>, I, <<"' and nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"';">>]). del_items(_, []) -> ok; del_items(NodeId, [ItemId]) -> del_item(NodeId, ItemId); del_items(NodeId, ItemIds) -> I = str:join([[<<"'">>, (?PUBSUB):escape(X), <<"'">>] || X <- ItemIds], <<",">>), catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"delete from pubsub_item where itemid " "in (">>, I, <<") and nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"';">>]). get_item_name(_Host, _Node, Id) -> Id. node_to_path(Node) -> str:tokens((Node), <<"/">>). path_to_node([]) -> <<>>; path_to_node(Path) -> iolist_to_binary(str:join([<<"">> | Path], <<"/">>)). %% @spec (Affiliation, Subscription) -> true | false %% Affiliation = owner | member | publisher | outcast | none %% Subscription = subscribed | none %% @doc Determines if the combination of Affiliation and Subscribed %% are allowed to get items from a node. can_fetch_item(owner, _) -> true; can_fetch_item(member, _) -> true; can_fetch_item(publisher, _) -> true; can_fetch_item(outcast, _) -> false; can_fetch_item(none, Subscriptions) -> is_subscribed(Subscriptions). is_subscribed(Subscriptions) -> lists:any(fun ({subscribed, _SubId}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Subscriptions). %% Returns the first item where Pred() is true in List first_in_list(_Pred, []) -> false; first_in_list(Pred, [H | T]) -> case Pred(H) of true -> {value, H}; _ -> first_in_list(Pred, T) end. itemids(NodeId, {U, S, R}) -> itemids(NodeId, encode_jid({U, S, R})); itemids(NodeId, SJID) -> case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select itemid from pubsub_item where " "nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' and publisher like '">>, SJID, <<"%' order by modification desc;">>]) of {selected, [<<"itemid">>], RItems} -> lists:map(fun ([ItemId]) -> ItemId end, RItems); _ -> [] end. select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeId, JID) -> J = encode_jid(JID), case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"select affiliation,subscriptions from " "pubsub_state where nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' and jid='">>, J, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"affiliation">>, <<"subscriptions">>], [[A, S]]} -> {decode_affiliation(A), decode_subscriptions(S)}; _ -> {none, []} end. select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeId, JID, JID) -> select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeId, JID); select_affiliation_subscriptions(NodeId, GenKey, SubKey) -> {result, Affiliation} = get_affiliation(NodeId, GenKey), {result, Subscriptions} = get_subscriptions(NodeId, SubKey), {Affiliation, Subscriptions}. update_affiliation(NodeId, JID, Affiliation) -> J = encode_jid(JID), A = encode_affiliation(Affiliation), case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"update pubsub_state set affiliation='">>, A, <<"' where nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' and jid='">>, J, <<"';">>]) of {updated, 1} -> ok; _ -> catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"insert into pubsub_state(nodeid, jid, " "affiliation, subscriptions) values('">>, NodeId, <<"', '">>, J, <<"', '">>, A, <<"', '');">>]) end. update_subscription(NodeId, JID, Subscription) -> J = encode_jid(JID), S = encode_subscriptions(Subscription), case catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"update pubsub_state set subscriptions='">>, S, <<"' where nodeid='">>, NodeId, <<"' and jid='">>, J, <<"';">>]) of {updated, 1} -> ok; _ -> catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"insert into pubsub_state(nodeid, jid, " "affiliation, subscriptions) values('">>, NodeId, <<"', '">>, J, <<"', 'n', '">>, S, <<"');">>]) end. decode_jid(JID) -> jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:string_to_jid(JID)). decode_affiliation(<<"o">>) -> owner; decode_affiliation(<<"p">>) -> publisher; decode_affiliation(<<"m">>) -> member; decode_affiliation(<<"c">>) -> outcast; decode_affiliation(_) -> none. decode_subscription(<<"s">>) -> subscribed; decode_subscription(<<"p">>) -> pending; decode_subscription(<<"u">>) -> unconfigured; decode_subscription(_) -> none. decode_subscriptions(Subscriptions) -> lists:foldl(fun (Subscription, Acc) -> case str:tokens(Subscription, <<":">>) of [S, SubId] -> [{decode_subscription(S), SubId} | Acc]; _ -> Acc end end, [], str:tokens(Subscriptions, <<",">>)). encode_jid(JID) -> (?PUBSUB):escape(JID). encode_affiliation(owner) -> <<"o">>; encode_affiliation(publisher) -> <<"p">>; encode_affiliation(member) -> <<"m">>; encode_affiliation(outcast) -> <<"c">>; encode_affiliation(_) -> <<"n">>. encode_subscription(subscribed) -> <<"s">>; encode_subscription(pending) -> <<"p">>; encode_subscription(unconfigured) -> <<"u">>; encode_subscription(_) -> <<"n">>. encode_subscriptions(Subscriptions) -> str:join(lists:map(fun ({S, SubId}) -> <<(encode_subscription(S))/binary, ":", SubId/binary>> end, Subscriptions), <<",">>). %%% record getter/setter state_to_raw(NodeId, State) -> {JID, _} = State#pubsub_state.stateid, J = encode_jid(JID), A = encode_affiliation(State#pubsub_state.affiliation), S = encode_subscriptions(State#pubsub_state.subscriptions), [<<"'">>, NodeId, <<"', '">>, J, <<"', '">>, A, <<"', '">>, S, <<"'">>]. raw_to_item(NodeId, [ItemId, SJID, Creation, Modification, XML]) -> JID = decode_jid(SJID), ToTime = fun (Str) -> [T1, T2, T3] = str:tokens(Str, <<":">>), {jlib:l2i(T1), jlib:l2i(T2), jlib:l2i(T3)} end, Payload = case xml_stream:parse_element(XML) of {error, _Reason} -> []; El -> [El] end, #pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, NodeId}, creation = {ToTime(Creation), JID}, modification = {ToTime(Modification), JID}, payload = Payload}.