%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 4 Mar 2017 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_pkix). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start_link/0]). -export([certs_dir/0]). -export([add_certfile/1, del_certfile/1, commit/0]). -export([notify_expired/1]). -export([try_certfile/1, get_certfile/0, get_certfile/1]). -export([get_certfile_no_default/1]). %% Hooks -export([ejabberd_started/0, config_reloaded/0, cert_expired/2]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("logger.hrl"). -define(CALL_TIMEOUT, timer:minutes(1)). -record(state, {files = sets:new() :: sets:set(filename())}). -type state() :: #state{}. -type filename() :: binary(). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()} | term()}. start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). -spec add_certfile(file:filename_all()) -> {ok, filename()} | {error, pkix:error_reason()}. add_certfile(Path0) -> Path = prep_path(Path0), try gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_certfile, Path}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT) catch exit:{noproc, _} -> case add_file(Path) of ok -> {ok, Path}; Err -> Err end end. -spec del_certfile(file:filename_all()) -> ok. del_certfile(Path0) -> Path = prep_path(Path0), try gen_server:call(?MODULE, {del_certfile, Path}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT) catch exit:{noproc, _} -> pkix:del_file(Path) end. -spec try_certfile(file:filename_all()) -> filename(). try_certfile(Path0) -> Path = prep_path(Path0), case pkix:is_pem_file(Path) of true -> Path; {false, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to read PEM file ~ts: ~ts", [Path, pkix:format_error(Reason)]), erlang:error(badarg) end. -spec get_certfile(binary()) -> {ok, filename()} | error. get_certfile(Domain) -> case get_certfile_no_default(Domain) of {ok, Path} -> {ok, Path}; error -> get_certfile() end. -spec get_certfile_no_default(binary()) -> {ok, filename()} | error. get_certfile_no_default(Domain) -> try list_to_binary(idna:utf8_to_ascii(Domain)) of ASCIIDomain -> case pkix:get_certfile(ASCIIDomain) of error -> error; Ret -> {ok, select_certfile(Ret)} end catch _:_ -> error end. -spec get_certfile() -> {ok, filename()} | error. get_certfile() -> case pkix:get_certfile() of error -> error; Ret -> {ok, select_certfile(Ret)} end. -spec certs_dir() -> file:filename_all(). certs_dir() -> MnesiaDir = mnesia:system_info(directory), filename:join(MnesiaDir, "certs"). -spec commit() -> ok. commit() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, commit, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). -spec ejabberd_started() -> ok. ejabberd_started() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, ejabberd_started, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). -spec config_reloaded() -> ok. config_reloaded() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, config_reloaded, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). -spec notify_expired(pkix:notify_event()) -> ok. notify_expired(Event) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, Event). -spec cert_expired(_, pkix:cert_info()) -> ok. cert_expired(_Cert, #{domains := Domains, expiry := Expiry, files := [{Path, Line}|_]}) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Certificate in ~ts (at line: ~B)~ts ~ts", [Path, Line, case Domains of [] -> ""; _ -> " for " ++ misc:format_hosts_list(Domains) end, format_expiration_date(Expiry)]). %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_server callbacks %%%=================================================================== -spec init([]) -> {ok, state()}. init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), ejabberd_hooks:add(cert_expired, ?MODULE, cert_expired, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 30), case add_files() of {_Files, []} -> {ok, #state{}}; {Files, [_|_]} -> case ejabberd:is_loaded() of true -> {ok, #state{}}; false -> del_files(Files), stop_ejabberd() end end. -spec handle_call(term(), {pid(), term()}, state()) -> {reply, ok, state()} | {noreply, state()}. handle_call({add_certfile, Path}, _From, State) -> case add_file(Path) of ok -> {reply, {ok, Path}, State}; {error, _} = Err -> {reply, Err, State} end; handle_call({del_certfile, Path}, _From, State) -> pkix:del_file(Path), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call(ejabberd_started, _From, State) -> case do_commit() of {ok, []} -> check_domain_certfiles(), {reply, ok, State}; _ -> stop_ejabberd() end; handle_call(config_reloaded, _From, State) -> Files = get_certfiles_from_config_options(), _ = add_files(Files), case do_commit() of {ok, _} -> check_domain_certfiles(), {reply, ok, State}; error -> {reply, ok, State} end; handle_call(commit, From, State) -> handle_call(config_reloaded, From, State); handle_call(Request, _From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call: ~p", [Request]), {noreply, State}. -spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}. handle_cast({cert_expired, Cert, CertInfo}, State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run(cert_expired, [Cert, CertInfo]), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(Request, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Request]), {noreply, State}. -spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}. handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. -spec terminate(normal | shutdown | {shutdown, term()} | term(), state()) -> any(). terminate(_Reason, State) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(cert_expired, ?MODULE, cert_expired, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(ejabberd_started, ?MODULE, ejabberd_started, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 100), del_files(State#state.files). -spec code_change(term() | {down, term()}, state(), term()) -> {ok, state()}. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== -spec add_files() -> {sets:set(filename()), [{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]}. add_files() -> Files = get_certfiles_from_config_options(), add_files(sets:to_list(Files), sets:new(), []). -spec add_files(sets:set(filename())) -> {sets:set(filename()), [{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]}. add_files(Files) -> add_files(sets:to_list(Files), sets:new(), []). -spec add_files([filename()], sets:set(filename()), [{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]) -> {sets:set(filename()), [{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]}. add_files([File|Files], Set, Errs) -> case add_file(File) of ok -> Set1 = sets:add_element(File, Set), add_files(Files, Set1, Errs); {error, Reason} -> Errs1 = [{File, Reason}|Errs], add_files(Files, Set, Errs1) end; add_files([], Set, Errs) -> {Set, Errs}. -spec add_file(filename()) -> ok | {error, pkix:error_reason()}. add_file(File) -> case pkix:add_file(File) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to read PEM file ~ts: ~ts", [File, pkix:format_error(Reason)]), Err end. -spec del_files(sets:set(filename())) -> ok. del_files(Files) -> lists:foreach(fun pkix:del_file/1, sets:to_list(Files)). -spec do_commit() -> {ok, [{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]} | error. do_commit() -> CAFile = ejabberd_option:ca_file(), ?DEBUG("Using CA root certificates from: ~ts", [CAFile]), Opts = [{cafile, CAFile}, {notify_before, [7*24*60*60, % 1 week 24*60*60, % 1 day 60*60, % 1 hour 0]}, {notify_fun, fun ?MODULE:notify_expired/1}], case pkix:commit(certs_dir(), Opts) of {ok, Errors, Warnings, CAError} -> log_errors(Errors), log_cafile_error(CAError), log_warnings(Warnings), fast_tls_add_certfiles(), {ok, Errors}; {error, File, Reason} -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to write to ~ts: ~ts", [File, file:format_error(Reason)]), error end. -spec check_domain_certfiles() -> ok. check_domain_certfiles() -> Hosts = ejabberd_option:hosts(), Routes = ejabberd_router:get_all_routes(), check_domain_certfiles(Hosts ++ Routes). -spec check_domain_certfiles([binary()]) -> ok. check_domain_certfiles(Hosts) -> case ejabberd_listener:tls_listeners() of [] -> ok; _ -> lists:foreach( fun(Host) -> case get_certfile_no_default(Host) of error -> ?WARNING_MSG( "No certificate found matching ~ts", [Host]); _ -> ok end end, Hosts) end. -spec get_certfiles_from_config_options() -> sets:set(filename()). get_certfiles_from_config_options() -> case ejabberd_option:certfiles() of undefined -> sets:new(); Paths -> lists:foldl( fun(Path, Acc) -> Files = wildcard(Path), lists:foldl(fun sets:add_element/2, Acc, Files) end, sets:new(), Paths) end. -spec prep_path(file:filename_all()) -> filename(). prep_path(Path0) -> case filename:pathtype(Path0) of relative -> case file:get_cwd() of {ok, CWD} -> unicode:characters_to_binary(filename:join(CWD, Path0)); {error, Reason} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to get current directory name: ~ts", [file:format_error(Reason)]), unicode:characters_to_binary(Path0) end; _ -> unicode:characters_to_binary(Path0) end. -spec stop_ejabberd() -> no_return(). stop_ejabberd() -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("ejabberd initialization was aborted due to " "invalid certificates configuration", []), ejabberd:halt(). -spec wildcard(file:filename_all()) -> [filename()]. wildcard(Path) when is_binary(Path) -> wildcard(binary_to_list(Path)); wildcard(Path) -> case filelib:wildcard(Path) of [] -> ?WARNING_MSG("Path ~ts is empty, please make sure ejabberd has " "sufficient rights to read it", [Path]), []; Files -> [prep_path(File) || File <- Files] end. -spec select_certfile({filename() | undefined, filename() | undefined, filename() | undefined}) -> filename(). select_certfile({EC, _, _}) when EC /= undefined -> EC; select_certfile({_, RSA, _}) when RSA /= undefined -> RSA; select_certfile({_, _, DSA}) when DSA /= undefined -> DSA. -spec fast_tls_add_certfiles() -> ok. fast_tls_add_certfiles() -> lists:foreach( fun({Domain, Files}) -> fast_tls:add_certfile(Domain, select_certfile(Files)) end, pkix:get_certfiles()), fast_tls:clear_cache(). reason_to_fmt({invalid_cert, _, _}) -> "Invalid certificate in ~ts: ~ts"; reason_to_fmt(_) -> "Failed to read PEM file ~ts: ~ts". -spec log_warnings([{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]) -> ok. log_warnings(Warnings) -> lists:foreach( fun({File, Reason}) -> ?WARNING_MSG(reason_to_fmt(Reason), [File, pkix:format_error(Reason)]) end, Warnings). -spec log_errors([{filename(), pkix:error_reason()}]) -> ok. log_errors(Errors) -> lists:foreach( fun({File, Reason}) -> ?ERROR_MSG(reason_to_fmt(Reason), [File, pkix:format_error(Reason)]) end, Errors). -spec log_cafile_error({filename(), pkix:error_reason()} | undefined) -> ok. log_cafile_error({File, Reason}) -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to read CA certitificates from ~ts: ~ts. " "Try to change/set option 'ca_file'", [File, pkix:format_error(Reason)]); log_cafile_error(_) -> ok. -spec time_before_expiration(calendar:datetime()) -> {non_neg_integer(), string()}. time_before_expiration(Expiry) -> T1 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Expiry), T2 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds( calendar:now_to_datetime(erlang:timestamp())), Secs = max(0, T1 - T2), if Secs == {0, ""}; Secs >= 220752000 -> {round(Secs/220752000), "year"}; Secs >= 2592000 -> {round(Secs/2592000), "month"}; Secs >= 604800 -> {round(Secs/604800), "week"}; Secs >= 86400 -> {round(Secs/86400), "day"}; Secs >= 3600 -> {round(Secs/3600), "hour"}; Secs >= 60 -> {round(Secs/60), "minute"}; true -> {Secs, "second"} end. -spec format_expiration_date(calendar:datetime()) -> string(). format_expiration_date(DateTime) -> case time_before_expiration(DateTime) of {0, _} -> "is expired"; {1, Unit} -> "will expire in a " ++ Unit; {Int, Unit} -> "will expire in " ++ integer_to_list(Int) ++ " " ++ Unit ++ "s" end.