%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ext_mod.erl %%% Author : Christophe Romain %%% Purpose : external modules management %%% Created : 19 Feb 2015 by Christophe Romain %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2006-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ext_mod). -behaviour(gen_server). -author("Christophe Romain "). -export([start_link/0, update/0, check/1, available_command/0, available/0, available/1, installed_command/0, installed/0, installed/1, install/1, uninstall/1, upgrade/0, upgrade/1, add_paths/0, add_sources/1, add_sources/2, del_sources/1, modules_dir/0, install_contrib_modules/2, config_dir/0, get_commands_spec/0]). -export([modules_configs/0, module_ebin_dir/1]). -export([compile_erlang_file/2, compile_elixir_file/2]). -export([web_menu_node/3, web_page_node/3, webadmin_node_contrib/3]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_web_admin.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -define(REPOS, "git@github.com:processone/ejabberd-contrib.git"). -record(state, {}). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), add_paths(), application:start(inets), inets:start(httpc, [{profile, ext_mod}]), ejabberd_commands:register_commands(get_commands_spec()), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_menu_node, ?MODULE, web_menu_node, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_node, ?MODULE, web_page_node, 50), {ok, #state{}}. add_paths() -> [code:add_pathsz([module_ebin_dir(Module)|module_deps_dirs(Module)]) || {Module, _} <- installed()]. handle_call(Request, From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]), {noreply, State}. handle_cast(Msg, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_menu_node, ?MODULE, web_menu_node, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_node, ?MODULE, web_page_node, 50), ejabberd_commands:unregister_commands(get_commands_spec()). code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %% -- ejabberd commands get_commands_spec() -> [#ejabberd_commands{name = modules_update_specs, tags = [modules], desc = "Update the module source code from Git", longdesc = "A connection to Internet is required", module = ?MODULE, function = update, args = [], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = modules_available, tags = [modules], desc = "List the contributed modules available to install", module = ?MODULE, function = available_command, result_desc = "List of tuples with module name and description", result_example = [{mod_cron, "Execute scheduled commands"}, {mod_rest, "ReST frontend"}], args = [], result = {modules, {list, {module, {tuple, [{name, atom}, {summary, string}]}}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = modules_installed, tags = [modules], desc = "List the contributed modules already installed", module = ?MODULE, function = installed_command, result_desc = "List of tuples with module name and description", result_example = [{mod_cron, "Execute scheduled commands"}, {mod_rest, "ReST frontend"}], args = [], result = {modules, {list, {module, {tuple, [{name, atom}, {summary, string}]}}}}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = module_install, tags = [modules], desc = "Compile, install and start an available contributed module", module = ?MODULE, function = install, args_desc = ["Module name"], args_example = [<<"mod_rest">>], args = [{module, binary}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = module_uninstall, tags = [modules], desc = "Uninstall a contributed module", module = ?MODULE, function = uninstall, args_desc = ["Module name"], args_example = [<<"mod_rest">>], args = [{module, binary}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = module_upgrade, tags = [modules], desc = "Upgrade the running code of an installed module", longdesc = "In practice, this uninstalls and installs the module", module = ?MODULE, function = upgrade, args_desc = ["Module name"], args_example = [<<"mod_rest">>], args = [{module, binary}], result = {res, rescode}}, #ejabberd_commands{name = module_check, tags = [modules], desc = "Check the contributed module repository compliance", module = ?MODULE, function = check, args_desc = ["Module name"], args_example = [<<"mod_rest">>], args = [{module, binary}], result = {res, rescode}} ]. %% -- public modules functions update() -> Contrib = maps:put(?REPOS, [], maps:new()), Jungles = lists:foldl(fun({Package, Spec}, Acc) -> Repo = proplists:get_value(url, Spec, ""), Mods = maps:get(Repo, Acc, []), maps:put(Repo, [Package|Mods], Acc) end, Contrib, modules_spec(sources_dir(), "*/*")), Repos = maps:fold(fun(Repo, _Mods, Acc) -> Update = add_sources(Repo), ?INFO_MSG("Update packages from repo ~ts: ~p", [Repo, Update]), case Update of ok -> Acc; Error -> [{repository, Repo, Error}|Acc] end end, [], Jungles), Res = lists:foldl(fun({Package, Spec}, Acc) -> Repo = proplists:get_value(url, Spec, ""), Update = add_sources(Package, Repo), ?INFO_MSG("Update package ~ts: ~p", [Package, Update]), case Update of ok -> Acc; Error -> [{Package, Repo, Error}|Acc] end end, Repos, modules_spec(sources_dir(), "*")), case Res of [] -> ok; [Error|_] -> Error end. available() -> Jungle = modules_spec(sources_dir(), "*/*"), Standalone = modules_spec(sources_dir(), "*"), lists:keysort(1, lists:foldl(fun({Key, Val}, Acc) -> lists:keystore(Key, 1, Acc, {Key, Val}) end, Jungle, Standalone)). available(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> available(misc:atom_to_binary(Module)); available(Package) when is_binary(Package) -> Available = [misc:atom_to_binary(K) || K<-proplists:get_keys(available())], lists:member(Package, Available). available_command() -> [short_spec(Item) || Item <- available()]. installed() -> modules_spec(modules_dir(), "*"). installed(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> installed(misc:atom_to_binary(Module)); installed(Package) when is_binary(Package) -> Installed = [misc:atom_to_binary(K) || K<-proplists:get_keys(installed())], lists:member(Package, Installed). installed_command() -> [short_spec(Item) || Item <- installed()]. install(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> install(misc:atom_to_binary(Module), undefined); install(Package) when is_binary(Package) -> install(Package, undefined). install(Package, Config) when is_binary(Package) -> Spec = [S || {Mod, S} <- available(), misc:atom_to_binary(Mod)==Package], case {Spec, installed(Package), is_contrib_allowed(Config)} of {_, _, false} -> {error, not_allowed}; {[], _, _} -> {error, not_available}; {_, true, _} -> {error, conflict}; {[Attrs], _, _} -> Module = misc:binary_to_atom(Package), case compile_and_install(Module, Attrs, Config) of ok -> code:add_pathsz([module_ebin_dir(Module)|module_deps_dirs(Module)]), ejabberd_config_reload(Config), copy_commit_json(Package, Attrs), ModuleRuntime = get_runtime_module_name(Module), case erlang:function_exported(ModuleRuntime, post_install, 0) of true -> ModuleRuntime:post_install(); _ -> ok end; Error -> delete_path(module_lib_dir(Module)), Error end end. ejabberd_config_reload(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Don't reload config when ejabberd is starting %% because it will be reloaded after installing %% all the external modules from install_contrib_modules ok; ejabberd_config_reload(undefined) -> ejabberd_config:reload(). uninstall(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> uninstall(misc:atom_to_binary(Module)); uninstall(Package) when is_binary(Package) -> case installed(Package) of true -> Module = misc:binary_to_atom(Package), ModuleRuntime = get_runtime_module_name(Module), case erlang:function_exported(ModuleRuntime, pre_uninstall, 0) of true -> ModuleRuntime:pre_uninstall(); _ -> ok end, [catch gen_mod:stop_module(Host, ModuleRuntime) || Host <- ejabberd_option:hosts()], code:purge(ModuleRuntime), code:delete(ModuleRuntime), [code:del_path(PathDelete) || PathDelete <- [module_ebin_dir(Module)|module_deps_dirs(Module)]], delete_path(module_lib_dir(Module)), ejabberd_config:reload(); false -> {error, not_installed} end. upgrade() -> [{Package, upgrade(Package)} || {Package, _Spec} <- installed()]. upgrade(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> upgrade(misc:atom_to_binary(Module)); upgrade(Package) when is_binary(Package) -> uninstall(Package), install(Package). add_sources(Path) when is_list(Path) -> add_sources(iolist_to_binary(module_name(Path)), Path). add_sources(_, "") -> {error, no_url}; add_sources(Module, Path) when is_atom(Module), is_list(Path) -> add_sources(misc:atom_to_binary(Module), Path); add_sources(Package, Path) when is_binary(Package), is_list(Path) -> DestDir = sources_dir(), RepDir = filename:join(DestDir, module_name(Path)), delete_path(RepDir, binary_to_list(Package)), case filelib:ensure_dir(RepDir) of ok -> case {string:left(Path, 4), string:right(Path, 2)} of {"http", "ip"} -> extract(zip, geturl(Path), DestDir); {"http", "gz"} -> extract(tar, geturl(Path), DestDir); {"http", _} -> extract_url(Path, DestDir); {"git@", _} -> extract_github_master(Path, DestDir); {_, "ip"} -> extract(zip, Path, DestDir); {_, "gz"} -> extract(tar, Path, DestDir); _ -> {error, unsupported_source} end; Error -> Error end. del_sources(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> del_sources(misc:atom_to_binary(Module)); del_sources(Package) when is_binary(Package) -> case uninstall(Package) of ok -> SrcDir = module_src_dir(misc:binary_to_atom(Package)), delete_path(SrcDir); Error -> Error end. check(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> check(misc:atom_to_binary(Module)); check(Package) when is_binary(Package) -> case {available(Package), installed(Package)} of {false, _} -> {error, not_available}; {_, false} -> Status = install(Package), uninstall(Package), case Status of ok -> check_sources(misc:binary_to_atom(Package)); Error -> Error end; _ -> check_sources(misc:binary_to_atom(Package)) end. %% -- archives and variables functions geturl(Url) -> case getenv("PROXY_SERVER", "", ":") of [H, Port] -> httpc:set_options([{proxy, {{H, list_to_integer(Port)}, []}}], ext_mod); [H] -> httpc:set_options([{proxy, {{H, 8080}, []}}], ext_mod); _ -> ok end, User = case getenv("PROXY_USER", "", ":") of [U, Pass] -> [{proxy_auth, {U, Pass}}]; _ -> [] end, UA = {"User-Agent", "ejabberd/ext_mod"}, case httpc:request(get, {Url, [UA]}, User, [{body_format, binary}], ext_mod) of {ok, {{_, 200, _}, Headers, Response}} -> {ok, Headers, Response}; {ok, {{_, 403, Reason}, _Headers, _Response}} -> {error, Reason}; {ok, {{_, Code, _}, _Headers, Response}} -> {error, {Code, Response}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. getenv(Env) -> getenv(Env, ""). getenv(Env, Default) -> case os:getenv(Env) of false -> Default; "" -> Default; Value -> Value end. getenv(Env, Default, Separator) -> string:tokens(getenv(Env, Default), Separator). extract(zip, {ok, _, Body}, DestDir) -> extract(zip, iolist_to_binary(Body), DestDir); extract(tar, {ok, _, Body}, DestDir) -> extract(tar, {binary, iolist_to_binary(Body)}, DestDir); extract(_, {error, Reason}, _) -> {error, Reason}; extract(zip, Zip, DestDir) -> case zip:extract(Zip, [{cwd, DestDir}]) of {ok, _} -> ok; Error -> Error end; extract(tar, Tar, DestDir) -> erl_tar:extract(Tar, [compressed, {cwd, DestDir}]). extract_url(Path, DestDir) -> hd([extract_github_master(Path, DestDir) || string:str(Path, "github") > 0] ++[{error, unsupported_source}]). extract_github_master(Repos, DestDir) -> Base = case string:tokens(Repos, ":") of ["git@github.com", T1] -> "https://github.com/"++T1; _ -> Repos end, Url = case lists:reverse(Base) of [$t,$i,$g,$.|T2] -> lists:reverse(T2); _ -> Base end, case extract(zip, geturl(Url++"/archive/master.zip"), DestDir) of ok -> RepDir = filename:join(DestDir, module_name(Repos)), RepDirSpec = filename:join(DestDir, module_spec_name(RepDir)), file:rename(RepDir++"-master", RepDirSpec), maybe_write_commit_json(Url, RepDirSpec); Error -> Error end. copy(From, To) -> case filelib:is_dir(From) of true -> Copy = fun(F) -> SubFrom = filename:join(From, F), SubTo = filename:join(To, F), copy(SubFrom, SubTo) end, lists:foldl(fun(ok, ok) -> ok; (ok, Error) -> Error; (Error, _) -> Error end, ok, [Copy(filename:basename(X)) || X<-filelib:wildcard(From++"/*")]); false -> filelib:ensure_dir(To), case file:copy(From, To) of {ok, _} -> ok; Error -> Error end end. delete_path(Path) -> case filelib:is_dir(Path) of true -> [delete_path(SubPath) || SubPath <- filelib:wildcard(Path++"/*")], file:del_dir(Path); false -> file:delete(Path) end. delete_path(Path, Package) -> delete_path(filename:join(filename:dirname(Path), Package)). modules_dir() -> DefaultDir = filename:join(getenv("HOME"), ".ejabberd-modules"), getenv("CONTRIB_MODULES_PATH", DefaultDir). sources_dir() -> filename:join(modules_dir(), "sources"). config_dir() -> DefaultDir = filename:join(modules_dir(), "conf"), getenv("CONTRIB_MODULES_CONF_DIR", DefaultDir). -spec modules_configs() -> [binary()]. modules_configs() -> Fs = [{filename:rootname(filename:basename(F)), F} || F <- filelib:wildcard(config_dir() ++ "/*.{yml,yaml}") ++ filelib:wildcard(modules_dir() ++ "/*/conf/*.{yml,yaml}")], [unicode:characters_to_binary(proplists:get_value(F, Fs)) || F <- proplists:get_keys(Fs)]. module_lib_dir(Package) -> filename:join(modules_dir(), Package). module_ebin_dir(Package) -> filename:join(module_lib_dir(Package), "ebin"). module_src_dir(Package) -> Rep = module_name(Package), SrcDir = sources_dir(), Standalone = filelib:wildcard(Rep, SrcDir), Jungle = filelib:wildcard("*/"++Rep, SrcDir), case Standalone++Jungle of [RepDir|_] -> filename:join(SrcDir, RepDir); _ -> filename:join(SrcDir, Rep) end. module_name(Id) -> filename:basename(filename:rootname(Id)). module_spec_name(Path) -> case filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Path++"-master", "*.spec")) of "" -> module_name(Path); ModuleName -> filename:basename(ModuleName, ".spec") end. module(Id) -> misc:binary_to_atom(iolist_to_binary(module_name(Id))). module_spec(Spec) -> [{path, filename:dirname(Spec)} | case consult(Spec) of {ok, Meta} -> Meta; _ -> [] end]. modules_spec(Dir, Path) -> Wildcard = filename:join(Path, "*.spec"), lists:sort( [{module(Match), module_spec(filename:join(Dir, Match))} || Match <- filelib:wildcard(Wildcard, Dir)]). short_spec({Module, Attrs}) when is_atom(Module), is_list(Attrs) -> {Module, proplists:get_value(summary, Attrs, "")}. is_contrib_allowed(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case lists:keyfind(allow_contrib_modules, 1, Config) of false -> true; {_, false} -> false; {_, true} -> true end; is_contrib_allowed(undefined) -> ejabberd_option:allow_contrib_modules(). %% -- build functions check_sources(Module) -> SrcDir = module_src_dir(Module), SpecFile = filename:flatten([Module, ".spec"]), {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), file:set_cwd(SrcDir), HaveSrc = case filelib:is_dir("src") or filelib:is_dir("lib") of true -> []; false -> [{missing, "src (Erlang) or lib (Elixir) sources directory"}] end, DirCheck = lists:foldl( fun({Type, Name}, Acc) -> case filelib:Type(Name) of true -> Acc; false -> [{missing, Name}|Acc] end end, HaveSrc, [{is_file, "README.txt"}, {is_file, "COPYING"}, {is_file, SpecFile}]), SpecCheck = case consult(SpecFile) of {ok, Spec} -> lists:foldl( fun(Key, Acc) -> case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Spec) of false -> [{missing_meta, Key}|Acc]; {value, {Key, [_NoEmpty|_]}} -> Acc; {value, {Key, Val}} -> [{invalid_meta, {Key, Val}}|Acc] end end, [], [author, summary, home, url]); {error, Error} -> [{invalid_spec, Error}] end, file:set_cwd(Dir), Result = DirCheck ++ SpecCheck, case Result of [] -> ok; _ -> {error, Result} end. compile_and_install(Module, Spec, Config) -> SrcDir = module_src_dir(Module), LibDir = module_lib_dir(Module), case filelib:is_dir(SrcDir) of true -> case compile_deps(SrcDir) of ok -> case compile(SrcDir) of ok -> install(Module, Spec, SrcDir, LibDir, Config); Error -> Error end; Error -> Error end; false -> Path = proplists:get_value(url, Spec, ""), case add_sources(Module, Path) of ok -> compile_and_install(Module, Spec, Config); Error -> Error end end. compile_deps(LibDir) -> Deps = filename:join(LibDir, "deps"), case filelib:is_dir(Deps) of true -> ok; % assume deps are included false -> fetch_rebar_deps(LibDir) end, Rs = [compile(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Deps, "*"))], compile_result(Rs). compile(LibDir) -> Bin = filename:join(LibDir, "ebin"), Lib = filename:join(LibDir, "lib"), Src = filename:join(LibDir, "src"), Includes = [{i, Inc} || Inc <- filelib:wildcard(LibDir++"/../../**/include")], Options = [{outdir, Bin}, {i, LibDir++"/.."} | Includes ++ compile_options()], filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(Bin, ".")), [copy(App, Bin) || App <- filelib:wildcard(Src++"/*.app")], compile_c_files(LibDir), Er = [compile_erlang_file(Bin, File, Options) || File <- filelib:wildcard(Src++"/**/*.erl")], Ex = [compile_elixir_file(Bin, File) || File <- filelib:wildcard(Lib ++ "/**/*.ex")], compile_result(lists:flatten([Er, Ex])). compile_c_files(LibDir) -> case file:read_file_info(filename:join(LibDir, "c_src/Makefile")) of {ok, _} -> os:cmd("cd "++LibDir++"; make -C c_src"); {error, _} -> ok end. compile_result(Results) -> case lists:dropwhile( fun({ok, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Results) of [] -> ok; [Error|_] -> Error end. maybe_define_lager_macro() -> case list_to_integer(erlang:system_info(otp_release)) < 22 of true -> [{d, 'LAGER'}]; false -> [] end. compile_options() -> [verbose, report_errors, report_warnings, debug_info, ?ALL_DEFS] ++ maybe_define_lager_macro() ++ [{i, filename:join(app_dir(App), "include")} || App <- [fast_xml, xmpp, p1_utils, ejabberd]] ++ [{i, filename:join(mod_dir(Mod), "include")} || Mod <- installed()]. app_dir(App) -> case code:lib_dir(App) of {error, bad_name} -> case code:which(App) of Beam when is_list(Beam) -> filename:dirname(filename:dirname(Beam)); _ -> "." end; Dir -> Dir end. mod_dir({Package, Spec}) -> Default = filename:join(modules_dir(), Package), proplists:get_value(path, Spec, Default). compile_erlang_file(Dest, File) -> compile_erlang_file(Dest, File, compile_options()). compile_erlang_file(Dest, File, ErlOptions) -> Options = [{outdir, Dest} | ErlOptions], case compile:file(File, Options) of {ok, Module} -> {ok, Module}; {ok, Module, _} -> {ok, Module}; {ok, Module, _, _} -> {ok, Module}; error -> {error, {compilation_failed, File}}; {error, E, W} -> {error, {compilation_failed, File, E, W}} end. -ifdef(ELIXIR_ENABLED). compile_elixir_file(Dest, File) when is_list(Dest) and is_list(File) -> compile_elixir_file(list_to_binary(Dest), list_to_binary(File)); compile_elixir_file(Dest, File) -> try 'Elixir.Kernel.ParallelCompiler':files_to_path([File], Dest, []) of Modules when is_list(Modules) -> {ok, Modules} catch _ -> {error, {compilation_failed, File}} end. -else. compile_elixir_file(_, File) -> {error, {compilation_failed, File}}. -endif. install(Module, Spec, SrcDir, LibDir, Config) -> {ok, CurDir} = file:get_cwd(), file:set_cwd(SrcDir), Files1 = [{File, copy(File, filename:join(LibDir, File))} || File <- filelib:wildcard("{ebin,priv,conf,include}/**")], Files2 = [{File, copy(File, filename:join(LibDir, filename:join(lists:nthtail(2,filename:split(File)))))} || File <- filelib:wildcard("deps/*/ebin/**")], Files3 = [{File, copy(File, filename:join(LibDir, File))} || File <- filelib:wildcard("deps/*/priv/**")], Errors = lists:dropwhile(fun({_, ok}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Files1++Files2++Files3), inform_module_configuration(Module, LibDir, Files1, Config), Result = case Errors of [{F, {error, E}}|_] -> {error, {F, E}}; [] -> SpecPath = proplists:get_value(path, Spec), SpecFile = filename:flatten([Module, ".spec"]), copy(filename:join(SpecPath, SpecFile), filename:join(LibDir, SpecFile)) end, file:set_cwd(CurDir), Result. inform_module_configuration(Module, LibDir, Files1, Config) -> Res = lists:filter(fun({[$c, $o, $n, $f |_], ok}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Files1), AlreadyConfigured = lists:keymember(Module, 1, get_modules(Config)), case {Res, AlreadyConfigured} of {[{ConfigPath, ok}], false} -> FullConfigPath = filename:join(LibDir, ConfigPath), io:format("Module ~p has been installed and started.~n" "It's configured in the file:~n ~s~n" "Configure the module in that file, or remove it~n" "and configure in your main ejabberd.yml~n", [Module, FullConfigPath]); {[{ConfigPath, ok}], true} -> FullConfigPath = filename:join(LibDir, ConfigPath), file:rename(FullConfigPath, FullConfigPath++".example"), io:format("Module ~p has been installed and started.~n" "The ~p configuration in your ejabberd.yml is used.~n", [Module, Module]); {[], _} -> io:format("Module ~p has been installed.~n" "Now you can configure it in your ejabberd.yml~n", [Module]) end. get_modules(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {modules, Modules} = lists:keyfind(modules, 1, Config), Modules; get_modules(undefined) -> ejabberd_config:get_option(modules). %% -- minimalist rebar spec parser, only support git fetch_rebar_deps(SrcDir) -> case rebar_deps(filename:join(SrcDir, "rebar.config")) ++ rebar_deps(filename:join(SrcDir, "rebar.config.script")) of [] -> ok; Deps -> {ok, CurDir} = file:get_cwd(), file:set_cwd(SrcDir), filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join("deps", ".")), lists:foreach(fun({_App, Cmd}) -> os:cmd("cd deps; "++Cmd++"; cd ..") end, Deps), file:set_cwd(CurDir) end. rebar_deps(Script) -> case file:script(Script) of {ok, Config} when is_list(Config) -> [rebar_dep(Dep) || Dep <- proplists:get_value(deps, Config, [])]; {ok, {deps, Deps}} -> [rebar_dep(Dep) || Dep <- Deps]; _ -> [] end. rebar_dep({App, _, {git, Url}}) -> {App, "git clone "++Url++" "++filename:basename(App)}; rebar_dep({App, _, {git, Url, {branch, Ref}}}) -> {App, "git clone -n "++Url++" "++filename:basename(App)++ "; (cd "++filename:basename(App)++ "; git checkout -q origin/"++Ref++")"}; rebar_dep({App, _, {git, Url, {tag, Ref}}}) -> {App, "git clone -n "++Url++" "++filename:basename(App)++ "; (cd "++filename:basename(App)++ "; git checkout -q "++Ref++")"}; rebar_dep({App, _, {git, Url, Ref}}) -> {App, "git clone -n "++Url++" "++filename:basename(App)++ "; (cd "++filename:basename(App)++ "; git checkout -q "++Ref++")"}. module_deps_dirs(Module) -> SrcDir = module_src_dir(Module), LibDir = module_lib_dir(Module), DepsDir = filename:join(LibDir, "deps"), Deps = rebar_deps(filename:join(SrcDir, "rebar.config")) ++ rebar_deps(filename:join(SrcDir, "rebar.config.script")), [filename:join(DepsDir, App) || {App, _Cmd} <- Deps]. %% -- YAML spec parser consult(File) -> case fast_yaml:decode_from_file(File, [plain_as_atom]) of {ok, []} -> {ok, []}; {ok, [Doc|_]} -> {ok, [format(Spec) || Spec <- Doc]}; {error, Err} -> {error, fast_yaml:format_error(Err)} end. format({Key, Val}) when is_binary(Val) -> {Key, binary_to_list(Val)}; format({Key, Val}) -> % TODO: improve Yaml parsing {Key, Val}. %% -- COMMIT.json maybe_write_commit_json(Url, RepDir) -> case (os:getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true") of true -> ok; false -> write_commit_json(Url, RepDir) end. write_commit_json(Url, RepDir) -> Url2 = string_replace(Url, "https://github.com", "https://api.github.com/repos"), BranchUrl = lists:flatten(Url2 ++ "/branches/master"), case geturl(BranchUrl) of {ok, _Headers, Body} -> {ok, F} = file:open(filename:join(RepDir, "COMMIT.json"), [raw, write]), file:write(F, Body), file:close(F); {error, Reason} -> Reason end. find_commit_json(Attrs) -> FromPath = get_module_path(Attrs), case {find_commit_json_path(FromPath), find_commit_json_path(filename:join(FromPath, ".."))} of {{ok, FromFile}, _} -> FromFile; {_, {ok, FromFile}} -> FromFile; _ -> not_found end. -ifdef(HAVE_URI_STRING). %% Erlang/OTP 20 or higher can use this: string_replace(Subject, Pattern, Replacement) -> string:replace(Subject, Pattern, Replacement). find_commit_json_path(Path) -> filelib:find_file("COMMIT.json", Path). -else. % Workaround for Erlang/OTP older than 20: string_replace(Subject, Pattern, Replacement) -> B = binary:replace(list_to_binary(Subject), list_to_binary(Pattern), list_to_binary(Replacement)), binary_to_list(B). find_commit_json_path(Path) -> case filelib:wildcard("COMMIT.json", Path) of [] -> {error, commit_json_not_found}; ["COMMIT.json"] = File -> {ok, filename:join(Path, File)} end. -endif. copy_commit_json(Package, Attrs) -> DestPath = module_lib_dir(Package), case find_commit_json(Attrs) of not_found -> ok; FromFile -> file:copy(FromFile, filename:join(DestPath, "COMMIT.json")) end. get_commit_details(Dirname) -> RepDir = filename:join(sources_dir(), Dirname), get_commit_details2(filename:join(RepDir, "COMMIT.json")). get_commit_details2(Path) -> case file:read_file(Path) of {ok, Body} -> parse_details(Body); _ -> #{sha => unknown_sha, date => <<>>, message => <<>>, html => <<>>, author_name => <<>>, commit_html_url => <<>>} end. parse_details(Body) -> Contents = misc:json_decode(Body), {ok, Commit} = maps:find(<<"commit">>, Contents), {ok, Sha} = maps:find(<<"sha">>, Commit), {ok, CommitHtmlUrl} = maps:find(<<"html_url">>, Commit), {ok, Commit2} = maps:find(<<"commit">>, Commit), {ok, Message} = maps:find(<<"message">>, Commit2), {ok, Author} = maps:find(<<"author">>, Commit2), {ok, AuthorName} = maps:find(<<"name">>, Author), {ok, Committer} = maps:find(<<"committer">>, Commit2), {ok, Date} = maps:find(<<"date">>, Committer), {ok, Links} = maps:find(<<"_links">>, Contents), {ok, Html} = maps:find(<<"html">>, Links), #{sha => Sha, date => Date, message => Message, html => Html, author_name => AuthorName, commit_html_url => CommitHtmlUrl}. %% -- Web Admin -define(AXC(URL, Attributes, Text), ?XAE(<<"a">>, [{<<"href">>, URL} | Attributes], [?C(Text)]) ). -define(INPUTCHECKED(Type, Name, Value), ?XA(<<"input">>, [{<<"type">>, Type}, {<<"name">>, Name}, {<<"disabled">>, <<"true">>}, {<<"checked">>, <<"true">>}, {<<"value">>, Value} ] ) ). %% @format-begin web_menu_node(Acc, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc ++ [{<<"contrib">>, <<"Contrib Modules (Detailed)">>}, {<<"contrib-api">>, <<"Contrib Modules (API)">>}]. web_page_node(_, Node, #request{path = [<<"contrib">>], q = Query, lang = Lang} = R) -> Title = ?H1GL(<<"Contrib Modules (Detailed)">>, <<"../../developer/extending-ejabberd/modules/#ejabberd-contrib">>, <<"ejabberd-contrib">>), Res = [ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [webadmin_node_contrib, R, [{<<"node">>, Node}, {<<"query">>, Query}, {<<"lang">>, Lang}], []])], {stop, Title ++ Res}; web_page_node(_, Node, #request{path = [<<"contrib-api">> | RPath]} = R) -> Title = ?H1GL(<<"Contrib Modules (API)">>, <<"../../developer/extending-ejabberd/modules/#ejabberd-contrib">>, <<"ejabberd-contrib">>), _TableInstalled = make_table_installed(Node, R, RPath), _TableAvailable = make_table_available(Node, R, RPath), TableInstalled = make_table_installed(Node, R, RPath), TableAvailable = make_table_available(Node, R, RPath), Res = [?X(<<"hr">>), ?XAC(<<"h2">>, [{<<"id">>, <<"specs">>}], <<"Specs">>), ?XE(<<"blockquote">>, [ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [modules_update_specs, R])]), ?X(<<"hr">>), ?XAC(<<"h2">>, [{<<"id">>, <<"installed">>}], <<"Installed">>), ?XE(<<"blockquote">>, [ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [modules_installed, R, [], [{only, presentation}]]), ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [module_uninstall, R, [], [{only, presentation}]]), ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [module_upgrade, R, [], [{only, presentation}]]), TableInstalled]), ?X(<<"hr">>), ?XAC(<<"h2">>, [{<<"id">>, <<"available">>}], <<"Available">>), ?XE(<<"blockquote">>, [ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [modules_available, R, [], [{only, presentation}]]), ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [module_install, R, [], [{only, presentation}]]), TableAvailable, ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [module_check, R])])], {stop, Title ++ Res}; web_page_node(Acc, _, _) -> Acc. make_table_installed(Node, R, RPath) -> Columns = [<<"Name">>, <<"Summary">>, <<"">>, <<"">>], ModulesInstalled = ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command_raw_value, [modules_installed, R, []]), Rows = lists:map(fun({Name, Summary}) -> NameBin = misc:atom_to_binary(Name), Upgrade = ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [module_upgrade, R, [{<<"module">>, NameBin}], [{only, button}, {input_name_append, [NameBin]}]]), Uninstall = ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [module_uninstall, R, [{<<"module">>, NameBin}], [{only, button}, {style, danger}, {input_name_append, [NameBin]}]]), {?C(NameBin), ?C(list_to_binary(Summary)), Upgrade, Uninstall} end, ModulesInstalled), ejabberd_web_admin:make_table(200, RPath, Columns, Rows). make_table_available(Node, R, RPath) -> Columns = [<<"Name">>, <<"Summary">>, <<"">>], ModulesAll = ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command_raw_value, [modules_available, R, []]), ModulesInstalled = ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command_raw_value, [modules_installed, R, []]), ModulesNotInstalled = lists:filter(fun({Mod, _}) -> not lists:keymember(Mod, 1, ModulesInstalled) end, ModulesAll), Rows = lists:map(fun({Name, Summary}) -> NameBin = misc:atom_to_binary(Name), Install = ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ejabberd_web_admin, make_command, [module_install, R, [{<<"module">>, NameBin}], [{only, button}, {input_name_append, [NameBin]}]]), {?C(NameBin), ?C(list_to_binary(Summary)), Install} end, ModulesNotInstalled), ejabberd_web_admin:make_table(200, RPath, Columns, Rows). webadmin_node_contrib(Node, Query, Lang) -> QueryRes = list_modules_parse_query(Query), Contents = get_content(Node, Query, Lang), Result = case QueryRes of ok -> [?XREST(?T("Submitted"))]; nothing -> [] end, Result ++ Contents. %% @format-end get_module_home(Module, Attrs) -> case get_module_information(home, Attrs) of "https://github.com/processone/ejabberd-contrib/tree/master/" = P1 -> P1 ++ atom_to_list(Module); Other -> Other end. get_module_summary(Attrs) -> get_module_information(summary, Attrs). get_module_author(Attrs) -> get_module_information(author, Attrs). get_module_path(Attrs) -> get_module_information(path, Attrs). get_module_information(Attribute, Attrs) -> case lists:keyfind(Attribute, 1, Attrs) of false -> ""; {_, Value} -> Value end. get_installed_module_el({ModAtom, Attrs}, Lang) -> Mod = misc:atom_to_binary(ModAtom), Home = list_to_binary(get_module_home(ModAtom, Attrs)), Summary = list_to_binary(get_module_summary(Attrs)), Author = list_to_binary(get_module_author(Attrs)), FromPath = get_module_path(Attrs), FromFile = case find_commit_json_path(FromPath) of {ok, FF} -> FF; {error, _} -> "dummypath" end, #{sha := CommitSha, date := CommitDate, message := CommitMessage, author_name := CommitAuthorName, commit_html_url := CommitHtmlUrl} = get_commit_details2(FromFile), [SourceSpec] = [S || {M, S} <- available(), M == ModAtom], SourceFile = find_commit_json(SourceSpec), #{sha := SourceSha, date := SourceDate, message := SourceMessage, author_name := SourceAuthorName, commit_html_url := SourceHtmlUrl} = get_commit_details2(SourceFile), UpgradeEls = case CommitSha == SourceSha of true -> []; false -> SourceTitleEl = make_title_el(SourceDate, SourceMessage, SourceAuthorName), [?XE(<<"td">>, [?INPUT(<<"checkbox">>, <<"selected_upgrade">>, Mod), ?C(<<" ">>), ?AXC(SourceHtmlUrl, [SourceTitleEl], binary:part(SourceSha, {0, 8})) ] ) ] end, Started = case gen_mod:is_loaded(hd(ejabberd_option:hosts()), ModAtom) of false -> [?C(<<" ">>)]; true -> [] end, TitleEl = make_title_el(CommitDate, CommitMessage, CommitAuthorName), Status = get_module_status_el(ModAtom), HomeTitleEl = make_home_title_el(Summary, Author), ?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XE(<<"td">>, [?AXC(Home, [HomeTitleEl], Mod)]), ?XE(<<"td">>, [?INPUTTD(<<"checkbox">>, <<"selected_uninstall">>, Mod), ?C(<<" ">>), get_commit_link(CommitHtmlUrl, TitleEl, CommitSha), ?C(<<" - ">>)] ++ Started ++ Status) | UpgradeEls]). get_module_status_el(ModAtom) -> case {get_module_status(ModAtom), get_module_status(elixir_module_name(ModAtom))} of {Str, unknown} when is_list(Str) -> [?C(<<" ">>), ?C(Str)]; {unknown, Str} when is_list(Str) -> [?C(<<" ">>), ?C(Str)]; {unknown, unknown} -> [] end. get_module_status(Module) -> try Module:mod_status() of Str when is_list(Str) -> Str catch _:_ -> unknown end. %% When a module named mod_whatever in ejabberd-modules %% is written in Elixir, its runtime name is 'Elixir.ModWhatever' get_runtime_module_name(Module) -> case is_elixir_module(Module) of true -> elixir_module_name(Module); false -> Module end. is_elixir_module(Module) -> LibDir = module_src_dir(Module), Lib = filename:join(LibDir, "lib"), Src = filename:join(LibDir, "src"), case {filelib:wildcard(Lib++"/*.{ex}"), filelib:wildcard(Src++"/*.{erl}")} of {[_ | _], []} -> true; {[], [_ | _]} -> false end. %% Converts mod_some_thing to Elixir.ModSomeThing elixir_module_name(ModAtom) -> list_to_atom("Elixir." ++ elixir_module_name("_" ++ atom_to_list(ModAtom), [])). elixir_module_name([], Res) -> lists:reverse(Res); elixir_module_name([$_, Char | Remaining], Res) -> [Upper] = uppercase([Char]), elixir_module_name(Remaining, [Upper | Res]); elixir_module_name([Char | Remaining], Res) -> elixir_module_name(Remaining, [Char | Res]). -ifdef(HAVE_URI_STRING). uppercase(String) -> string:uppercase(String). % OTP 20 or higher -else. uppercase(String) -> string:to_upper(String). % OTP older than 20 -endif. get_available_module_el({ModAtom, Attrs}) -> Installed = installed(), Mod = misc:atom_to_binary(ModAtom), Home = list_to_binary(get_module_home(ModAtom, Attrs)), Summary = list_to_binary(get_module_summary(Attrs)), Author = list_to_binary(get_module_author(Attrs)), HomeTitleEl = make_home_title_el(Summary, Author), InstallCheckbox = case lists:keymember(ModAtom, 1, Installed) of false -> [?INPUT(<<"checkbox">>, <<"selected_install">>, Mod)]; true -> [?INPUTCHECKED(<<"checkbox">>, <<"selected_install">>, Mod)] end, ?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XE(<<"td">>, InstallCheckbox ++ [?C(<<" ">>), ?AXC(Home, [HomeTitleEl], Mod)]), ?XE(<<"td">>, [?C(Summary)])]). get_installed_modules_table(Lang) -> Modules = installed(), Tail = [?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XE(<<"td">>, []), ?XE(<<"td">>, [?INPUTTD(<<"submit">>, <<"uninstall">>, ?T("Uninstall"))] ), ?XE(<<"td">>, [?INPUTT(<<"submit">>, <<"upgrade">>, ?T("Upgrade"))] ) ] ) ], TBody = [get_installed_module_el(Module, Lang) || Module <- lists:sort(Modules)], ?XAE(<<"table">>, [], [?XE(<<"tbody">>, TBody ++ Tail)] ). get_available_modules_table(Lang) -> Modules = get_available_notinstalled(), Tail = [?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XE(<<"td">>, [?INPUTT(<<"submit">>, <<"install">>, ?T("Install"))] ) ] ) ], TBody = [get_available_module_el(Module) || Module <- lists:sort(Modules)], ?XAE(<<"table">>, [], [?XE(<<"tbody">>, TBody ++ Tail)] ). make_title_el(Date, Message, AuthorName) -> LinkTitle = <>, {<<"title">>, LinkTitle}. make_home_title_el(Summary, Author) -> LinkTitle = <>, {<<"title">>, LinkTitle}. get_commit_link(_CommitHtmlUrl, _TitleErl, unknown_sha) -> ?C(<<"Please Update Specs">>); get_commit_link(CommitHtmlUrl, TitleEl, CommitSha) -> ?AXC(CommitHtmlUrl, [TitleEl], binary:part(CommitSha, {0, 8})). get_content(Node, Query, Lang) -> {{_CommandCtl}, _Res} = case catch parse_and_execute(Query, Node) of {'EXIT', _} -> {{""}, <<"">>}; Result_tuple -> Result_tuple end, AvailableModulesEls = get_available_modules_table(Lang), InstalledModulesEls = get_installed_modules_table(Lang), Sources = get_sources_list(), SourceEls = (?XAE(<<"table">>, [], [?XE(<<"tbody">>, (lists:map( fun(Dirname) -> #{sha := CommitSha, date := CommitDate, message := CommitMessage, html := Html, author_name := AuthorName, commit_html_url := CommitHtmlUrl } = get_commit_details(Dirname), TitleEl = make_title_el(CommitDate, CommitMessage, AuthorName), ?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XE(<<"td">>, [?AC(Html, Dirname)]), ?XE(<<"td">>, [get_commit_link(CommitHtmlUrl, TitleEl, CommitSha)] ), ?XE(<<"td">>, [?C(CommitMessage)]) ]) end, lists:sort(Sources) )) ) ] )), [?XC(<<"p">>, translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Update specs to get modules source, then install desired ones.") ) ), ?XAE(<<"form">>, [{<<"method">>, <<"post">>}], [?XCT(<<"h3">>, ?T("Sources Specs:")), SourceEls, ?BR, ?INPUTT(<<"submit">>, <<"updatespecs">>, translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Update Specs"))), ?XCT(<<"h3">>, ?T("Installed Modules:")), InstalledModulesEls, ?BR, ?XCT(<<"h3">>, ?T("Other Modules Available:")), AvailableModulesEls ] ) ]. get_sources_list() -> case file:list_dir(sources_dir()) of {ok, Filenames} -> Filenames; {error, enoent} -> [] end. get_available_notinstalled() -> Installed = installed(), lists:filter( fun({Mod, _}) -> not lists:keymember(Mod, 1, Installed) end, available() ). parse_and_execute(Query, Node) -> {[Exec], _} = lists:partition( fun(ExType) -> lists:keymember(ExType, 1, Query) end, [<<"updatespecs">>] ), Commands = {get_val(<<"updatespecs">>, Query)}, {_, R} = parse1_command(Exec, Commands, Node), {Commands, R}. get_val(Val, Query) -> {value, {_, R}} = lists:keysearch(Val, 1, Query), binary_to_list(R). parse1_command(<<"updatespecs">>, {_}, _Node) -> Res = update(), {oook, io_lib:format("~p", [Res])}. list_modules_parse_query(Query) -> case {lists:keysearch(<<"install">>, 1, Query), lists:keysearch(<<"upgrade">>, 1, Query), lists:keysearch(<<"uninstall">>, 1, Query)} of {{value, _}, _, _} -> list_modules_parse_install(Query); {_, {value, _}, _} -> list_modules_parse_upgrade(Query); {_, _, {value, _}} -> list_modules_parse_uninstall(Query); _ -> nothing end. list_modules_parse_install(Query) -> lists:foreach( fun({Mod, _}) -> ModBin = misc:atom_to_binary(Mod), case lists:member({<<"selected_install">>, ModBin}, Query) of true -> install(Mod); _ -> ok end end, get_available_notinstalled()), ok. list_modules_parse_upgrade(Query) -> lists:foreach( fun({Mod, _}) -> ModBin = misc:atom_to_binary(Mod), case lists:member({<<"selected_upgrade">>, ModBin}, Query) of true -> upgrade(Mod); _ -> ok end end, installed()), ok. list_modules_parse_uninstall(Query) -> lists:foreach( fun({Mod, _}) -> ModBin = misc:atom_to_binary(Mod), case lists:member({<<"selected_uninstall">>, ModBin}, Query) of true -> uninstall(Mod); _ -> ok end end, installed()), ok. install_contrib_modules(Modules, Config) -> lists:filter(fun(Module) -> case install(misc:atom_to_binary(Module), Config) of {error, conflict} -> false; ok -> true end end, Modules).