%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_regexp.erl %%% Author : Badlop %%% Purpose : Frontend to Re OTP module %%% Created : 8 Dec 2011 by Badlop %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_regexp). -export([run/2, split/2, replace/3, greplace/3, sh_to_awk/1]). -spec run(binary(), binary()) -> match | nomatch | {error, any()}. run(String, Regexp) -> re:run(String, Regexp, [{capture, none}, unicode]). -spec split(binary(), binary()) -> [binary()]. split(String, Regexp) -> re:split(String, Regexp, [{return, binary}]). -spec replace(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> binary(). replace(String, Regexp, New) -> re:replace(String, Regexp, New, [{return, binary}]). -spec greplace(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> binary(). greplace(String, Regexp, New) -> re:replace(String, Regexp, New, [global, {return, binary}]). %% This code was copied and adapted from xmerl_regexp.erl -spec sh_to_awk(binary()) -> binary(). sh_to_awk(Sh) -> iolist_to_binary([<<"^(">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]). %Fix the beginning sh_to_awk_1(<<"*", Sh/binary>>) -> %This matches any string [<<".*">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]; sh_to_awk_1(<<"?", Sh/binary>>) -> %This matches any character [$., sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]; sh_to_awk_1(<<"[^]", Sh/binary>>) -> %This takes careful handling [<<"\\^">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]; %% Must move '^' to end. sh_to_awk_1(<<"[^", Sh/binary>>) -> [$[, sh_to_awk_2(Sh, true)]; sh_to_awk_1(<<"[!", Sh/binary>>) -> [<<"[^">>, sh_to_awk_2(Sh, false)]; sh_to_awk_1(<<"[", Sh/binary>>) -> [$[, sh_to_awk_2(Sh, false)]; sh_to_awk_1(<>) -> %% Unspecialise everything else which is not an escape character. case sh_special_char(C) of true -> [$\\,C|sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]; false -> [C|sh_to_awk_1(Sh)] end; sh_to_awk_1(<<>>) -> <<")$">>. %Fix the end sh_to_awk_2(<<"]", Sh/binary>>, UpArrow) -> [$]|sh_to_awk_3(Sh, UpArrow)]; sh_to_awk_2(Sh, UpArrow) -> sh_to_awk_3(Sh, UpArrow). sh_to_awk_3(<<"]", Sh/binary>>, true) -> [<<"^]">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]; sh_to_awk_3(<<"]", Sh/binary>>, false) -> [$]|sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]; sh_to_awk_3(<>, UpArrow) -> [C|sh_to_awk_3(Sh, UpArrow)]; sh_to_awk_3(<<>>, true) -> [$^|sh_to_awk_1(<<>>)]; sh_to_awk_3(<<>>, false) -> sh_to_awk_1(<<>>). %% Test if a character is a special character. -spec sh_special_char(char()) -> boolean(). sh_special_char($|) -> true; sh_special_char($*) -> true; sh_special_char($+) -> true; sh_special_char($?) -> true; sh_special_char($() -> true; sh_special_char($)) -> true; sh_special_char($\\) -> true; sh_special_char($^) -> true; sh_special_char($$) -> true; sh_special_char($.) -> true; sh_special_char($[) -> true; sh_special_char($]) -> true; sh_special_char($") -> true; sh_special_char(_C) -> false.