%%% ==================================================================== %%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %%% %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %%% under the License. %%% %%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ProcessOne. %%% Portions created by ProcessOne are Copyright 2006-2009, ProcessOne %%% All Rights Reserved.'' %%% This software is copyright 2006-2009, ProcessOne. %%% %%% %%% @copyright 2006-2009 ProcessOne %%% @author Christophe Romain %%% [http://www.process-one.net/] %%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time} %%% @end %%% ==================================================================== %%% @todo The item table should be handled by the plugin, but plugin that do %%% not want to manage it should be able to use the default behaviour. %%% @todo Plugin modules should be able to register to receive presence update %%% send to pubsub. %%% @doc The module {@module} is the default PubSub plugin. %%%

It is used as a default for all unknown PubSub node type. It can serve %%% as a developer basis and reference to build its own custom pubsub node %%% types.


PubSub plugin nodes are using the {@link gen_node} behaviour.


The API isn't stabilized yet. The pubsub plugin %%% development is still a work in progress. However, the system is already %%% useable and useful as is. Please, send us comments, feedback and %%% improvements.

-module(node_default). -author('christophe.romain@process-one.net'). -include("pubsub.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -behaviour(gen_pubsub_node). %% API definition -export([init/3, terminate/2, options/0, features/0, create_node_permission/6, create_node/3, delete_node/2, purge_node/3, subscribe_node/8, unsubscribe_node/5, publish_item/7, delete_item/4, remove_extra_items/4, get_entity_affiliations/2, get_node_affiliations/2, get_affiliation/3, set_affiliation/4, get_entity_subscriptions/2, get_node_subscriptions/2, get_subscription/3, set_subscription/4, get_states/2, get_state/3, set_state/1, get_items/7, get_items/3, get_item/8, get_item/3, set_item/1, get_item_name/3 ]). %% ================ %% API definition %% ================ %% @spec (Host, ServerHost, Opts) -> any() %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% ServerHost = mod_pubsub:host() %% Opts = list() %% @doc

Called during pubsub modules initialisation. Any pubsub plugin must %% implement this function. It can return anything.


This function is mainly used to trigger the setup task necessary for the %% plugin. It can be used for example by the developer to create the specific %% module database schema if it does not exists yet.

init(_Host, _ServerHost, _Opts) -> mnesia:create_table(pubsub_state, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_state)}]), StatesFields = record_info(fields, pubsub_state), case mnesia:table_info(pubsub_state, attributes) of StatesFields -> ok; _ -> mnesia:transform_table(pubsub_state, ignore, StatesFields) end, mnesia:create_table(pubsub_item, [{disc_only_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_item)}]), ItemsFields = record_info(fields, pubsub_item), case mnesia:table_info(pubsub_item, attributes) of ItemsFields -> ok; _ -> mnesia:transform_table(pubsub_item, ignore, ItemsFields) end, ok. %% @spec (Host, ServerHost) -> any() %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% ServerHost = host() %% @doc

Called during pubsub modules termination. Any pubsub plugin must %% implement this function. It can return anything.

terminate(_Host, _ServerHost) -> ok. %% @spec () -> [Option] %% Option = mod_pubsub:nodeOption() %% @doc Returns the default pubsub node options. %%

Example of function return value:

%% ``` %% [{deliver_payloads, true}, %% {notify_config, false}, %% {notify_delete, false}, %% {notify_retract, true}, %% {persist_items, true}, %% {max_items, 10}, %% {subscribe, true}, %% {access_model, open}, %% {publish_model, publishers}, %% {max_payload_size, 100000}, %% {send_last_published_item, never}, %% {presence_based_delivery, false}]''' options() -> [{node_type, default}, {deliver_payloads, true}, {notify_config, false}, {notify_delete, false}, {notify_retract, true}, {persist_items, true}, {max_items, ?MAXITEMS div 2}, {subscribe, true}, {access_model, open}, {roster_groups_allowed, []}, {publish_model, publishers}, {max_payload_size, ?MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE}, {send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence}, {deliver_notifications, true}, {presence_based_delivery, false}]. %% @spec () -> [] %% @doc Returns the node features features() -> ["create-nodes", "auto-create", "delete-nodes", "delete-items", "instant-nodes", "manage-subscriptions", "modify-affiliations", "outcast-affiliation", "persistent-items", "publish", "purge-nodes", "retract-items", "retrieve-affiliations", "retrieve-items", "retrieve-subscriptions", "subscribe", "subscription-notifications" ]. %% @spec (Host, ServerHost, Node, ParentNode, Owner, Access) -> bool() %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% ServerHost = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% ParentNode = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% Owner = mod_pubsub:jid() %% Access = all | atom() %% @doc Checks if the current user has the permission to create the requested node %%

In {@link node_default}, the permission is decided by the place in the %% hierarchy where the user is creating the node. The access parameter is also %% checked in the default module. This parameter depends on the value of the %% access_createnode ACL value in ejabberd config file.


This function also check that node can be created a a children of its %% parent node


PubSub plugins can redefine the PubSub node creation rights as they %% which. They can simply delegate this check to the {@link node_default} %% module by implementing this function like this: %% ```check_create_user_permission(Host, Node, Owner, Access) -> %% node_default:check_create_user_permission(Host, Node, Owner, Access).'''

create_node_permission(Host, ServerHost, Node, _ParentNode, Owner, Access) -> LOwner = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), {User, Server, _Resource} = LOwner, Allowed = case LOwner of {"", Host, ""} -> true; % pubsub service always allowed _ -> case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, Access, LOwner) of allow -> case Node of ["home", Server, User | _] -> true; _ -> false end; _ -> false end end, {result, Allowed}. %% @spec (Host, Node, Owner) -> %% {result, Result} | exit %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% Owner = mod_pubsub:jid() %% @doc

create_node(Host, Node, Owner) -> OwnerKey = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(Owner)), set_state(#pubsub_state{stateid = {OwnerKey, {Host, Node}}, affiliation = owner}), {result, {default, broadcast}}. %% @spec (Host, Removed) -> ok %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Removed = [mod_pubsub:pubsubNode()] %% @doc

purge items of deleted nodes after effective deletion.

delete_node(Host, Removed) -> lists:foreach( fun(Node) -> lists:foreach( fun(#pubsub_state{stateid = StateId, items = Items}) -> del_items(Host, Node, Items), del_state(StateId) end, mnesia:match_object( #pubsub_state{stateid = {'_', {Host, Node}}, _ = '_'})) end, Removed), {result, {default, broadcast, Removed}}. %% @spec (Host, Node, Sender, Subscriber, AccessModel, SendLast, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup) -> %% {error, Reason} | {result, Result} %% @doc

Accepts or rejects subcription requests on a PubSub node.


The mechanism works as follow: %%


The selected behaviour depends on the return parameter: %%



In the default plugin module, the record is unchanged.

subscribe_node(Host, Node, Sender, Subscriber, AccessModel, SendLast, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Subscriber), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), Authorized = (jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(Sender)) == GenKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), SubState = case SubKey of GenKey -> GenState; _ -> get_state(Host, Node, SubKey) end, Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation, Whitelisted = lists:member(Affiliation, [member, publisher, owner]), if not Authorized -> %% JIDs do not match {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "invalid-jid")}; Affiliation == outcast -> %% Requesting entity is blocked {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; SubState#pubsub_state.subscription == pending -> %% Requesting entity has pending subscription {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "pending-subscription")}; (AccessModel == presence) and (not PresenceSubscription) -> %% Entity is not authorized to create a subscription (presence subscription required) {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "presence-subscription-required")}; (AccessModel == roster) and (not RosterGroup) -> %% Entity is not authorized to create a subscription (not in roster group) {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "not-in-roster-group")}; (AccessModel == whitelist) and (not Whitelisted) -> %% Node has whitelist access model and entity lacks required affiliation {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, "closed-node")}; (AccessModel == authorize) -> % TODO: to be done %% Node has authorize access model {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; %%MustPay -> %% % Payment is required for a subscription %% {error, ?ERR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED}; %%ForbiddenAnonymous -> %% % Requesting entity is anonymous %% {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; true -> NewSubscription = if AccessModel == authorize -> pending; %%NeedConfiguration -> %% unconfigured true -> subscribed end, set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscription = NewSubscription}), case NewSubscription of subscribed -> case SendLast of never -> {result, {default, NewSubscription}}; _ -> {result, {default, NewSubscription, send_last}} end; _ -> {result, {default, NewSubscription}} end end. %% @spec (Host, Node, Sender, Subscriber, SubID) -> %% {error, Reason} | {result, []} %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% Sender = mod_pubsub:jid() %% Subscriber = mod_pubsub:jid() %% SubID = string() %% Reason = mod_pubsub:stanzaError() %% @doc

Unsubscribe the Subscriber from the Node.

unsubscribe_node(Host, Node, Sender, Subscriber, _SubId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Subscriber), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), Authorized = (jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(Sender)) == GenKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), SubState = case SubKey of GenKey -> GenState; _ -> get_state(Host, Node, SubKey) end, if %% Requesting entity is prohibited from unsubscribing entity not Authorized -> {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; %% Entity did not specify SubID %%SubID == "", ?? -> %% {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "subid-required")}; %% Invalid subscription identifier %%InvalidSubID -> %% {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")}; %% Requesting entity is not a subscriber SubState#pubsub_state.subscription == none -> {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST, "not-subscribed")}; %% Was just subscriber, remove the record SubState#pubsub_state.affiliation == none -> del_state(SubState#pubsub_state.stateid), {result, default}; true -> set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscription = none}), {result, default} end. %% @spec (Host, Node, Publisher, PublishModel, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload) -> %% {true, PubsubItem} | {result, Reply} %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% Publisher = mod_pubsub:jid() %% PublishModel = atom() %% MaxItems = integer() %% ItemId = string() %% Payload = term() %% @doc

Publishes the item passed as parameter.


The mechanism works as follow: %%


The selected behaviour depends on the return parameter: %%



In the default plugin module, the record is unchanged.

publish_item(Host, Node, Publisher, PublishModel, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Publisher), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), SubState = case SubKey of GenKey -> GenState; _ -> get_state(Host, Node, SubKey) end, Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation, Subscription = SubState#pubsub_state.subscription, if not ((PublishModel == open) or ((PublishModel == publishers) and ((Affiliation == owner) or (Affiliation == publisher))) or ((PublishModel == subscribers) and (Subscription == subscribed))) -> %% Entity does not have sufficient privileges to publish to node {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; true -> PubId = {SubKey, now()}, %% TODO, uses {now(),PublisherKey} for sorting (EJAB-824) %% TODO: check creation, presence, roster (EJAB-663) Item = case get_item(Host, Node, ItemId) of {result, OldItem} -> OldItem#pubsub_item{modification = PubId, payload = Payload}; _ -> #pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, {Host, Node}}, creation = {GenKey, now()}, modification = PubId, payload = Payload} end, Items = [ItemId | GenState#pubsub_state.items--[ItemId]], {result, {NI, OI}} = remove_extra_items( Host, Node, MaxItems, Items), if MaxItems > 0 -> set_item(Item); true -> ok end, set_state(GenState#pubsub_state{items = NI}), {result, {default, broadcast, OI}} end. %% @spec (Host, Node, MaxItems, ItemIds) -> {NewItemIds,OldItemIds} %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% MaxItems = integer() | unlimited %% ItemIds = [ItemId::string()] %% NewItemIds = [ItemId::string()] %% @doc

This function is used to remove extra items, most notably when the %% maximum number of items has been reached.


This function is used internally by the core PubSub module, as no %% permission check is performed.


In the default plugin module, the oldest items are removed, but other %% rules can be used.


If another PubSub plugin wants to delegate the item removal (and if the %% plugin is using the default pubsub storage), it can implements this function like this: %% ```remove_extra_items(Host, Node, MaxItems, ItemIds) -> %% node_default:remove_extra_items(Host, Node, MaxItems, ItemIds).'''

remove_extra_items(_Host, _Node, unlimited, ItemIds) -> {result, {ItemIds, []}}; remove_extra_items(Host, Node, MaxItems, ItemIds) -> NewItems = lists:sublist(ItemIds, MaxItems), OldItems = lists:nthtail(length(NewItems), ItemIds), %% Remove extra items: del_items(Host, Node, OldItems), %% Return the new items list: {result, {NewItems, OldItems}}. %% @spec (Host, Node, JID, ItemId) -> %% {error, Reason::stanzaError()} | %% {result, []} %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% JID = mod_pubsub:jid() %% ItemId = string() %% @doc

Triggers item deletion.


Default plugin: The user performing the deletion must be the node owner %% or a publisher.

delete_item(Host, Node, Publisher, ItemId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Publisher), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), #pubsub_state{affiliation = Affiliation, items = Items} = GenState, Allowed = (Affiliation == publisher) orelse (Affiliation == owner) orelse case get_item(Host, Node, ItemId) of {result, #pubsub_item{creation = {GenKey, _}}} -> true; _ -> false end, if not Allowed -> %% Requesting entity does not have sufficient privileges {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; true -> case get_item(Host, Node, ItemId) of {result, _} -> del_item(Host, Node, ItemId), NewItems = lists:delete(ItemId, Items), set_state(GenState#pubsub_state{items = NewItems}), {result, {default, broadcast}}; _ -> %% Non-existent node or item {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND} end end. %% @spec (Host, Node, Owner) -> %% {error, Reason::stanzaError()} | %% {result, {default, broadcast}} %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% Owner = mod_pubsub:jid() purge_node(Host, Node, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), case GenState of #pubsub_state{items = Items, affiliation = owner} -> del_items(Host, Node, Items), {result, {default, broadcast}}; _ -> %% Entity is not owner {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN} end. %% @spec (Host, JID) -> [{Node,Affiliation}] %% Host = host() %% JID = mod_pubsub:jid() %% @doc

Return the current affiliations for the given user


The default module reads affiliations in the main Mnesia %% pubsub_state table. If a plugin stores its data in the same %% table, it should return an empty list, as the affiliation will be read by %% the default PubSub module. Otherwise, it should return its own affiliation, %% that will be added to the affiliation stored in the main %% pubsub_state table.

get_entity_affiliations(Host, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), States = mnesia:match_object( #pubsub_state{stateid = {GenKey, {Host, '_'}}, _ = '_'}), Tr = fun(#pubsub_state{stateid = {_, {_, N}}, affiliation = A}) -> {N, A} end, {result, lists:map(Tr, States)}. get_node_affiliations(Host, Node) -> {result, States} = get_states(Host, Node), Tr = fun(#pubsub_state{stateid = {J, {_, _}}, affiliation = A}) -> {J, A} end, {result, lists:map(Tr, States)}. get_affiliation(Host, Node, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), {result, GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation}. set_affiliation(Host, Node, Owner, Affiliation) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), case {Affiliation, GenState#pubsub_state.subscription} of {none, none} -> del_state(GenState#pubsub_state.stateid); _ -> set_state(GenState#pubsub_state{affiliation = Affiliation}) end, ok. %% @spec (Host, Owner) -> [{Node,Subscription}] %% Host = host() %% Owner = mod_pubsub:jid() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% @doc

Return the current subscriptions for the given user


The default module reads subscriptions in the main Mnesia %% pubsub_state table. If a plugin stores its data in the same %% table, it should return an empty list, as the affiliation will be read by %% the default PubSub module. Otherwise, it should return its own affiliation, %% that will be added to the affiliation stored in the main %% pubsub_state table.

get_entity_subscriptions(Host, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), States = case SubKey of GenKey -> mnesia:match_object( #pubsub_state{stateid = {{U, D, '_'}, {Host, '_'}}, _ = '_'}); _ -> mnesia:match_object( #pubsub_state{stateid = {GenKey, {Host, '_'}}, _ = '_'}) ++ mnesia:match_object( #pubsub_state{stateid = {SubKey, {Host, '_'}}, _ = '_'}) end, Tr = fun(#pubsub_state{stateid = {J, {_, N}}, subscription = S}) -> {N, S, J} end, {result, lists:map(Tr, States)}. get_node_subscriptions(Host, Node) -> {result, States} = get_states(Host, Node), Tr = fun(#pubsub_state{stateid = {J, {_, _}}, subscription = S}) -> {J, S} end, {result, lists:map(Tr, States)}. get_subscription(Host, Node, Owner) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), SubState = get_state(Host, Node, SubKey), {result, SubState#pubsub_state.subscription}. set_subscription(Host, Node, Owner, Subscription) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(Owner), SubState = get_state(Host, Node, SubKey), case {Subscription, SubState#pubsub_state.affiliation} of {none, none} -> del_state(SubState#pubsub_state.stateid); _ -> set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscription = Subscription}) end, ok. %% @spec (Host, Node) -> [States] | [] %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% Item = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @doc Returns the list of stored states for a given node. %%

For the default PubSub module, states are stored in Mnesia database.


We can consider that the pubsub_state table have been created by the main %% mod_pubsub module.


PubSub plugins can store the states where they wants (for example in a %% relational database).


If a PubSub plugin wants to delegate the states storage to the default node, %% they can implement this function like this: %% ```get_states(Host, Node) -> %% node_default:get_states(Host, Node).'''

get_states(Host, Node) -> States = mnesia:match_object( #pubsub_state{stateid = {'_', {Host, Node}}, _ = '_'}), {result, States}. %% @spec (JID, Host, Node) -> [State] | [] %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% JID = mod_pubsub:jid() %% State = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @doc

Returns a state (one state list), given its reference.

get_state(Host, Node, JID) -> StateId = {JID, {Host, Node}}, case mnesia:read({pubsub_state, StateId}) of [State] when is_record(State, pubsub_state) -> State; _ -> #pubsub_state{stateid=StateId} end. %% @spec (State) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% State = mod_pubsub:pubsubStates() %% @doc

Write a state into database.

set_state(State) when is_record(State, pubsub_state) -> mnesia:write(State); set_state(_) -> {error, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}. %% @spec (StateId) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% StateId = mod_pubsub:pubsubStateId() %% @doc

Delete a state from database.

del_state(StateId) -> mnesia:delete({pubsub_state, StateId}). %% @spec (Host, Node, From) -> [Items] | [] %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% Items = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @doc Returns the list of stored items for a given node. %%

For the default PubSub module, items are stored in Mnesia database.


We can consider that the pubsub_item table have been created by the main %% mod_pubsub module.


PubSub plugins can store the items where they wants (for example in a %% relational database), or they can even decide not to persist any items.


If a PubSub plugin wants to delegate the item storage to the default node, %% they can implement this function like this: %% ```get_items(Host, Node, From) -> %% node_default:get_items(Host, Node, From).'''

get_items(Host, Node, _From) -> Items = mnesia:match_object( #pubsub_item{itemid = {'_', {Host, Node}}, _ = '_'}), {result, Items}. get_items(Host, Node, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, _SubId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation, Whitelisted = lists:member(Affiliation, [member, publisher, owner]), if %%SubID == "", ?? -> %% Entity has multiple subscriptions to the node but does not specify a subscription ID %{error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "subid-required")}; %%InvalidSubID -> %% Entity is subscribed but specifies an invalid subscription ID %{error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")}; GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation == outcast -> %% Requesting entity is blocked {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; (AccessModel == presence) and (not PresenceSubscription) -> %% Entity is not authorized to create a subscription (presence subscription required) {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "presence-subscription-required")}; (AccessModel == roster) and (not RosterGroup) -> %% Entity is not authorized to create a subscription (not in roster group) {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "not-in-roster-group")}; (AccessModel == whitelist) and (not Whitelisted) -> %% Node has whitelist access model and entity lacks required affiliation {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, "closed-node")}; (AccessModel == authorize) -> % TODO: to be done %% Node has authorize access model {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; %%MustPay -> %% % Payment is required for a subscription %% {error, ?ERR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED}; true -> get_items(Host, Node, JID) end. %% @spec (Host, Node, ItemId) -> [Item] | [] %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% ItemId = string() %% Item = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @doc

Returns an item (one item list), given its reference.

get_item(Host, Node, ItemId) -> case mnesia:read({pubsub_item, {ItemId, {Host, Node}}}) of [Item] when is_record(Item, pubsub_item) -> {result, Item}; _ -> {error, ?ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND} end. get_item(Host, Node, ItemId, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, _SubId) -> SubKey = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), GenKey = jlib:jid_remove_resource(SubKey), GenState = get_state(Host, Node, GenKey), Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation, Whitelisted = lists:member(Affiliation, [member, publisher, owner]), if %%SubID == "", ?? -> %% Entity has multiple subscriptions to the node but does not specify a subscription ID %{error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "subid-required")}; %%InvalidSubID -> %% Entity is subscribed but specifies an invalid subscription ID %{error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")}; GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation == outcast -> %% Requesting entity is blocked {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; (AccessModel == presence) and (not PresenceSubscription) -> %% Entity is not authorized to create a subscription (presence subscription required) {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "presence-subscription-required")}; (AccessModel == roster) and (not RosterGroup) -> %% Entity is not authorized to create a subscription (not in roster group) {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "not-in-roster-group")}; (AccessModel == whitelist) and (not Whitelisted) -> %% Node has whitelist access model and entity lacks required affiliation {error, ?ERR_EXTENDED(?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, "closed-node")}; (AccessModel == authorize) -> % TODO: to be done %% Node has authorize access model {error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN}; %%MustPay -> %% % Payment is required for a subscription %% {error, ?ERR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED}; true -> get_item(Host, Node, ItemId) end. %% @spec (Item) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% Item = mod_pubsub:pubsubItems() %% @doc

Write an item into database.

set_item(Item) when is_record(Item, pubsub_item) -> mnesia:write(Item); set_item(_) -> {error, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}. %% @spec (Host, Node, ItemId) -> ok | {error, Reason::stanzaError()} %% Host = mod_pubsub:host() %% Node = mod_pubsub:pubsubNode() %% ItemId = string() %% @doc

Delete an item from database.

del_item(Host, Node, ItemId) -> mnesia:delete({pubsub_item, {ItemId, {Host, Node}}}). del_items(Host, Node, ItemIds) -> lists:foreach(fun(ItemId) -> del_item(Host, Node, ItemId) end, ItemIds). %% @doc

Return the name of the node if known: Default is to return %% node id.

get_item_name(_Host, _Node, Id) -> Id.