%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejd2odbc.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Export some mnesia tables to SQL DB %%% Created : 22 Aug 2005 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2013 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejd2odbc). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -include("logger.hrl"). -export([export/2, export/3, import_file/2, import/2, import/3]). -define(MAX_RECORDS_PER_TRANSACTION, 100). -record(dump, {fd, cont = start}). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% How to use: %%% A table can be converted from Mnesia to an ODBC database by calling %%% one of the API function with the following parameters: %%% - Server is the server domain you want to convert %%% - Output can be either odbc to export to the configured relational %%% database or "Filename" to export to text file. modules() -> [ejabberd_auth, mod_announce, mod_caps, mod_irc, mod_last, mod_muc, mod_offline, mod_privacy, mod_private, mod_pubsub, mod_roster, mod_shared_roster, mod_vcard, mod_vcard_xupdate]. export(Server, Output) -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(iolist_to_binary(Server)), Modules = modules(), IO = prepare_output(Output), lists:foreach( fun(Module) -> export(LServer, IO, Module) end, Modules), close_output(Output, IO). export(Server, Output, Module) -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(iolist_to_binary(Server)), IO = prepare_output(Output), lists:foreach( fun({Table, ConvertFun}) -> export(LServer, Table, IO, ConvertFun) end, Module:export(Server)), close_output(Output, IO). import_file(Server, FileName) when is_binary(FileName) -> import(Server, binary_to_list(FileName)); import_file(Server, FileName) -> case disk_log:open([{name, make_ref()}, {file, FileName}, {mode, read_only}]) of {ok, Fd} -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), Mods = [{Mod, gen_mod:db_type(LServer, Mod)} || Mod <- modules(), gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, Mod)], AuthMods = case lists:member(ejabberd_auth_internal, ejabberd_auth:auth_modules(LServer)) of true -> [{ejabberd_auth, mnesia}]; false -> [] end, import_dump(LServer, AuthMods ++ Mods, #dump{fd = Fd}); Err -> exit(Err) end. import(Server, Output) -> import(Server, Output, [{fast, true}]). import(Server, Output, Opts) -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(iolist_to_binary(Server)), Modules = modules(), IO = prepare_output(Output, disk_log), lists:foreach( fun(Module) -> import(LServer, IO, Opts, Module) end, Modules), close_output(Output, IO). import(Server, Output, Opts, Module) -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(iolist_to_binary(Server)), IO = prepare_output(Output, disk_log), lists:foreach( fun({SelectQuery, ConvertFun}) -> import(LServer, SelectQuery, IO, ConvertFun, Opts) end, Module:import(Server)), close_output(Output, IO). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- export(LServer, Table, IO, ConvertFun) -> F = fun () -> mnesia:read_lock_table(Table), {_N, SQLs} = mnesia:foldl( fun(R, {N, SQLs} = Acc) -> case ConvertFun(LServer, R) of [] -> Acc; SQL -> if N < (?MAX_RECORDS_PER_TRANSACTION) - 1 -> {N + 1, [SQL | SQLs]}; true -> output(LServer, Table, IO, flatten([SQL | SQLs])), {0, []} end end end, {0, []}, Table), output(LServer, Table, IO, flatten(SQLs)) end, mnesia:transaction(F). output(_LServer, _Table, _IO, []) -> ok; output(LServer, _Table, odbc, SQLs) -> ejabberd_odbc:sql_transaction(LServer, SQLs); output(_LServer, Table, Fd, SQLs) -> file:write(Fd, ["-- \n-- Mnesia table: ", atom_to_list(Table), "\n--\n", SQLs]). import(LServer, SelectQuery, IO, ConvertFun, Opts) -> F = case proplists:get_bool(fast, Opts) of true -> fun() -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t(SelectQuery) of {selected, _, Rows} -> lists:foldl(fun process_sql_row/2, {IO, ConvertFun, undefined}, Rows); Err -> erlang:error(Err) end end; false -> fun() -> ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t( [iolist_to_binary( [<<"declare c cursor for ">>, SelectQuery])]), fetch(IO, ConvertFun, undefined) end end, ejabberd_odbc:sql_transaction(LServer, F). fetch(IO, ConvertFun, PrevRow) -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"fetch c;">>]) of {selected, _, [Row]} -> process_sql_row(Row, {IO, ConvertFun, PrevRow}), fetch(IO, ConvertFun, Row); {selected, _, []} -> ok; Err -> erlang:error(Err) end. process_sql_row(Row, {IO, ConvertFun, PrevRow}) when Row == PrevRow -> %% Avoid calling ConvertFun with the same input {IO, ConvertFun, Row}; process_sql_row(Row, {IO, ConvertFun, _PrevRow}) -> case catch ConvertFun(Row) of {'EXIT', _} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to convert ~p: ~p", [Row, Err]); Term -> ok = disk_log:log(IO#dump.fd, Term) end, {IO, ConvertFun, Row}. import_dump(LServer, Mods, #dump{fd = Fd, cont = Cont}) -> case disk_log:chunk(Fd, Cont) of {NewCont, Terms} -> import_terms(LServer, Mods, Terms), import_dump(LServer, Mods, #dump{fd = Fd, cont = NewCont}); eof -> ok; Err -> exit(Err) end. import_terms(LServer, Mods, [Term|Terms]) -> import_term(LServer, Mods, Term), import_terms(LServer, Mods, Terms); import_terms(_LServer, _Mods, []) -> ok. import_term(LServer, [{Mod, DBType}|Mods], Term) -> case catch Mod:import(LServer, DBType, Term) of pass -> import_term(LServer, Mods, Term); ok -> ok; Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to import ~p for module ~p: ~p", [Term, Mod, Err]) end; import_term(_LServer, [], _Term) -> ok. prepare_output(FileName) -> prepare_output(FileName, normal). prepare_output(FileName, Type) when is_binary(FileName) -> prepare_output(binary_to_list(FileName), Type); prepare_output(FileName, normal) when is_list(FileName) -> case file:open(FileName, [write, raw]) of {ok, Fd} -> Fd; Err -> exit(Err) end; prepare_output(FileName, disk_log) when is_list(FileName) -> case disk_log:open([{name, make_ref()}, {repair, truncate}, {file, FileName}]) of {ok, Fd} -> #dump{fd = Fd}; Err -> exit(Err) end; prepare_output(Output, _Type) -> Output. close_output(FileName, Fd) when FileName /= Fd -> case Fd of #dump{} -> disk_log:close(Fd#dump.fd); _ -> file:close(Fd) end, ok; close_output(_, _) -> ok. flatten(SQLs) -> flatten(SQLs, []). flatten([L|Ls], Acc) -> flatten(Ls, flatten1(lists:reverse(L), Acc)); flatten([], Acc) -> Acc. flatten1([H|T], Acc) -> flatten1(T, [[H, $\n]|Acc]); flatten1([], Acc) -> Acc.