%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_listener.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Manage socket listener %%% Created : 16 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_listener). -behaviour(supervisor). -behaviour(ejabberd_config). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -author('ekhramtsov@process-one.net'). -export([start_link/0, init/1, start/3, init/3, start_listeners/0, start_listener/3, stop_listeners/0, stop_listener/2, add_listener/3, delete_listener/2, transform_options/1, validate_cfg/1, opt_type/1, config_reloaded/0]). %% Legacy API -export([parse_listener_portip/2]). -include("logger.hrl"). -type transport() :: tcp | udp. -type endpoint() :: {inet:port_number(), inet:ip_address(), transport()}. -type listen_opts() :: [proplists:property()]. -type listener() :: {endpoint(), module(), listen_opts()}. -callback start({gen_tcp, inet:socket()}, listen_opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()} | ignore. -callback start_link({gen_tcp, inet:socket()}, listen_opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()} | ignore. -callback accept(pid()) -> any(). -callback listen_opt_type(atom()) -> fun((term()) -> term()). -callback listen_options() -> listen_opts(). -optional_callbacks([listen_opt_type/1]). -define(TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT, 15000). start_link() -> supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). init(_) -> ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, public]), ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 50), Listeners = ejabberd_config:get_option(listen, []), case add_certfiles(Listeners) of ok -> {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, listeners_childspec(Listeners)}}; {error, _} = Err -> Err end. -spec listeners_childspec([listener()]) -> [supervisor:child_spec()]. listeners_childspec(Listeners) -> lists:map( fun({EndPoint, Module, Opts}) -> ets:insert(?MODULE, {EndPoint, Module, Opts}), {EndPoint, {?MODULE, start, [EndPoint, Module, Opts]}, transient, brutal_kill, worker, [?MODULE]} end, Listeners). -spec start_listeners() -> ok. start_listeners() -> Listeners = ejabberd_config:get_option(listen, []), lists:foreach( fun(Spec) -> supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, Spec) end, listeners_childspec(Listeners)). -spec start(endpoint(), module(), listen_opts()) -> term(). start(EndPoint, Module, Opts) -> proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [EndPoint, Module, Opts]). -spec init(endpoint(), module(), listen_opts()) -> ok. init(EndPoint, Module, AllOpts) -> {ModuleOpts, SockOpts} = split_opts(AllOpts), init(EndPoint, Module, ModuleOpts, SockOpts). -spec init(endpoint(), module(), listen_opts(), [gen_tcp:option()]) -> ok. init({Port, _, udp} = EndPoint, Module, Opts, SockOpts) -> case gen_udp:open(Port, [binary, {active, false}, {reuseaddr, true} | SockOpts]) of {ok, Socket} -> proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}), application:ensure_started(ejabberd), ?INFO_MSG("Start accepting UDP connections at ~s for ~p", [format_endpoint(EndPoint), Module]), case erlang:function_exported(Module, udp_init, 2) of false -> udp_recv(Socket, Module, Opts); true -> case catch Module:udp_init(Socket, Opts) of {'EXIT', _} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to process callback function " "~p:~s(~p, ~p): ~p", [Module, udp_init, Socket, Opts, Err]), udp_recv(Socket, Module, Opts); NewOpts -> udp_recv(Socket, Module, NewOpts) end end; {error, Reason} = Err -> report_socket_error(Reason, EndPoint, Module), proc_lib:init_ack(Err) end; init({_, _, tcp} = EndPoint, Module, Opts, SockOpts) -> case listen_tcp(EndPoint, Module, SockOpts) of {ok, ListenSocket} -> proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}), application:ensure_started(ejabberd), Sup = start_module_sup(Module, Opts), ?INFO_MSG("Start accepting TCP connections at ~s for ~p", [format_endpoint(EndPoint), Module]), case erlang:function_exported(Module, tcp_init, 2) of false -> accept(ListenSocket, Module, Opts, Sup); true -> case catch Module:tcp_init(ListenSocket, Opts) of {'EXIT', _} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to process callback function " "~p:~s(~p, ~p): ~p", [Module, tcp_init, ListenSocket, Opts, Err]), accept(ListenSocket, Module, Opts, Sup); NewOpts -> accept(ListenSocket, Module, NewOpts, Sup) end end; {error, _} = Err -> proc_lib:init_ack(Err) end. -spec listen_tcp(endpoint(), module(), [gen_tcp:option()]) -> {ok, inet:socket()} | {error, system_limit | inet:posix()}. listen_tcp({Port, _, _} = EndPoint, Module, SockOpts) -> Res = gen_tcp:listen(Port, [binary, {packet, 0}, {active, false}, {reuseaddr, true}, {nodelay, true}, {send_timeout, ?TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT}, {send_timeout_close, true}, {keepalive, true} | SockOpts]), case Res of {ok, ListenSocket} -> {ok, ListenSocket}; {error, Reason} = Err -> report_socket_error(Reason, EndPoint, Module), Err end. -spec split_opts(listen_opts()) -> {listen_opts(), [gen_tcp:option()]}. split_opts(Opts) -> lists:foldl( fun(Opt, {ModOpts, SockOpts} = Acc) -> case Opt of {ip, _} -> {ModOpts, [Opt|SockOpts]}; {backlog, _} -> {ModOpts, [Opt|SockOpts]}; {inet, true} -> {ModOpts, [inet|SockOpts]}; {inet6, true} -> {ModOpts, [int6|SockOpts]}; {inet, false} -> Acc; {inet6, false} -> Acc; _ -> {[Opt|ModOpts], SockOpts} end end, {[], []}, Opts). -spec accept(inet:socket(), module(), listen_opts(), atom()) -> no_return(). accept(ListenSocket, Module, Opts, Sup) -> Interval = proplists:get_value(accept_interval, Opts, 0), accept(ListenSocket, Module, Opts, Sup, Interval). -spec accept(inet:socket(), module(), listen_opts(), atom(), non_neg_integer()) -> no_return(). accept(ListenSocket, Module, Opts, Sup, Interval) -> NewInterval = check_rate_limit(Interval), case gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket) of {ok, Socket} -> case {inet:sockname(Socket), inet:peername(Socket)} of {{ok, {Addr, Port}}, {ok, {PAddr, PPort}}} -> Receiver = case start_connection(Module, Socket, Opts, Sup) of {ok, RecvPid} -> RecvPid; _ -> gen_tcp:close(Socket), none end, ?INFO_MSG("(~p) Accepted connection ~s:~p -> ~s:~p", [Receiver, ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(inet_parse:ntoa(PAddr)), PPort, inet_parse:ntoa(Addr), Port]); _ -> gen_tcp:close(Socket) end, accept(ListenSocket, Module, Opts, Sup, NewInterval); {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("(~w) Failed TCP accept: ~s", [ListenSocket, inet:format_error(Reason)]), accept(ListenSocket, Module, Opts, Sup, NewInterval) end. -spec udp_recv(inet:socket(), module(), listen_opts()) -> no_return(). udp_recv(Socket, Module, Opts) -> case gen_udp:recv(Socket, 0) of {ok, {Addr, Port, Packet}} -> case catch Module:udp_recv(Socket, Addr, Port, Packet, Opts) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to process UDP packet:~n" "** Source: {~p, ~p}~n" "** Reason: ~p~n** Packet: ~p", [Addr, Port, Reason, Packet]), udp_recv(Socket, Module, Opts); NewOpts -> udp_recv(Socket, Module, NewOpts) end; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected UDP error: ~s", [format_error(Reason)]), throw({error, Reason}) end. -spec start_connection(module(), inet:socket(), listen_opts(), atom()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()} | ignore. start_connection(Module, Socket, Opts, Sup) -> Res = case Sup of undefined -> Module:start({gen_tcp, Socket}, Opts); _ -> supervisor:start_child(Sup, [{gen_tcp, Socket}, Opts]) end, case Res of {ok, Pid} -> case gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid) of ok -> Module:accept(Pid), {ok, Pid}; Err -> exit(Pid, kill), Err end; Err -> Err end. -spec start_listener(endpoint(), module(), listen_opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start_listener(EndPoint, Module, Opts) -> %% It is only required to start the supervisor in some cases. %% But it doesn't hurt to attempt to start it for any listener. %% So, it's normal (and harmless) that in most cases this %% call returns: {error, {already_started, pid()}} case start_listener_sup(EndPoint, Module, Opts) of {ok, _Pid} = R -> R; {error, {{'EXIT', {undef, [{M, _F, _A}|_]}}, _} = Error} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error starting the ejabberd listener: ~p.~n" "It could not be loaded or is not an ejabberd listener.~n" "Error: ~p~n", [Module, Error]), {error, {module_not_available, M}}; {error, {already_started, Pid}} -> {ok, Pid}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end. -spec start_module_sup(module(), [proplists:property()]) -> atom(). start_module_sup(Module, Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(supervisor, Opts, true) of true -> Proc = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Module) ++ "_sup"), ChildSpec = {Proc, {ejabberd_tmp_sup, start_link, [Proc, Module]}, permanent, infinity, supervisor, [ejabberd_tmp_sup]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ChildSpec), Proc; false -> undefined end. -spec start_listener_sup(endpoint(), module(), listen_opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start_listener_sup(EndPoint, Module, Opts) -> ChildSpec = {EndPoint, {?MODULE, start, [EndPoint, Module, Opts]}, transient, brutal_kill, worker, [?MODULE]}, supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, ChildSpec). -spec stop_listeners() -> ok. stop_listeners() -> Ports = ejabberd_config:get_option(listen, []), lists:foreach( fun({PortIpNetp, Module, _Opts}) -> delete_listener(PortIpNetp, Module) end, Ports). -spec stop_listener(endpoint(), module()) -> ok | {error, any()}. stop_listener({_, _, Transport} = EndPoint, Module) -> case supervisor:terminate_child(?MODULE, EndPoint) of ok -> ?INFO_MSG("Stop accepting ~s connections at ~s for ~p", [case Transport of udp -> "UDP"; tcp -> "TCP" end, format_endpoint(EndPoint), Module]), ets:delete(?MODULE, EndPoint), supervisor:delete_child(?MODULE, EndPoint); Err -> Err end. -spec add_listener(endpoint(), module(), listen_opts()) -> ok | {error, any()}. add_listener(EndPoint, Module, Opts) -> case start_listener(EndPoint, Module, Opts) of {ok, _Pid} -> ok; {error, {already_started, _Pid}} -> {error, {already_started, EndPoint}}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end. -spec delete_listener(endpoint(), module()) -> ok | {error, any()}. delete_listener(EndPoint, Module) -> stop_listener(EndPoint, Module). -spec config_reloaded() -> ok. config_reloaded() -> New = ejabberd_config:get_option(listen, []), Old = ets:tab2list(?MODULE), lists:foreach( fun({EndPoint, Module, _Opts}) -> case lists:keyfind(EndPoint, 1, New) of false -> stop_listener(EndPoint, Module); _ -> ok end end, Old), lists:foreach( fun({EndPoint, Module, Opts}) -> case lists:keyfind(EndPoint, 1, Old) of {_, Module, Opts} -> ok; {_, OldModule, _} -> stop_listener(EndPoint, OldModule), ets:insert(?MODULE, {EndPoint, Module, Opts}), start_listener(EndPoint, Module, Opts); false -> ets:insert(?MODULE, {EndPoint, Module, Opts}), start_listener(EndPoint, Module, Opts) end end, New). -spec report_socket_error(inet:posix(), endpoint(), module()) -> ok. report_socket_error(Reason, EndPoint, Module) -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to open socket at ~s for ~s: ~s", [format_endpoint(EndPoint), Module, format_error(Reason)]). -spec format_error(inet:posix()) -> string(). format_error(Reason) -> case inet:format_error(Reason) of "unknown POSIX error" -> atom_to_list(Reason); ReasonStr -> ReasonStr end. -spec format_endpoint(endpoint()) -> string(). format_endpoint({Port, IP, _Transport}) -> IPStr = case tuple_size(IP) of 4 -> inet:ntoa(IP); 8 -> "[" ++ inet:ntoa(IP) ++ "]" end, IPStr ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port). -spec check_rate_limit(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer(). check_rate_limit(Interval) -> NewInterval = receive {rate_limit, AcceptInterval} -> AcceptInterval after 0 -> Interval end, case NewInterval of 0 -> ok; Ms when is_integer(Ms) -> timer:sleep(Ms); {linear, I1, T1, T2, I2} -> {MSec, Sec, _USec} = os:timestamp(), TS = MSec * 1000000 + Sec, I = if TS =< T1 -> I1; TS >= T1 + T2 -> I2; true -> round((I2 - I1) * (TS - T1) / T2 + I1) end, timer:sleep(I) end, NewInterval. -spec add_certfiles([listener()]) -> ok | {error, any()}. add_certfiles([{_, _, Opts}|Listeners]) -> case lists:keyfind(certfile, 1, Opts) of {_, Path} -> case ejabberd_pkix:add_certfile(Path) of ok -> add_certfiles(Listeners); {error, _} = Err -> Err end; false -> add_certfiles(Listeners) end; add_certfiles([]) -> ok. transform_option({{Port, IP, Transport}, Mod, Opts}) -> IPStr = if is_tuple(IP) -> list_to_binary(inet_parse:ntoa(IP)); true -> IP end, Opts1 = lists:map( fun({ip, IPT}) when is_tuple(IPT) -> {ip, list_to_binary(inet_parse:ntoa(IP))}; (ssl) -> {tls, true}; (A) when is_atom(A) -> {A, true}; (Opt) -> Opt end, Opts), Opts2 = lists:foldl( fun(Opt, Acc) -> try Mod:transform_listen_option(Opt, Acc) catch error:undef -> [Opt|Acc] end end, [], Opts1), TransportOpt = if Transport == tcp -> []; true -> [{transport, Transport}] end, IPOpt = if IPStr == <<"">> -> []; true -> [{ip, IPStr}] end, IPOpt ++ TransportOpt ++ [{port, Port}, {module, Mod} | Opts2]; transform_option({{Port, Transport}, Mod, Opts}) when Transport == tcp orelse Transport == udp -> transform_option({{Port, all_zero_ip(Opts), Transport}, Mod, Opts}); transform_option({{Port, IP}, Mod, Opts}) -> transform_option({{Port, IP, tcp}, Mod, Opts}); transform_option({Port, Mod, Opts}) -> transform_option({{Port, all_zero_ip(Opts), tcp}, Mod, Opts}); transform_option(Opt) -> Opt. transform_options(Opts) -> lists:foldl(fun transform_options/2, [], Opts). transform_options({listen, LOpts}, Opts) -> [{listen, lists:map(fun transform_option/1, LOpts)} | Opts]; transform_options(Opt, Opts) -> [Opt|Opts]. -spec validate_cfg(list()) -> [listener()]. validate_cfg(Listeners) -> Listeners1 = lists:map(fun validate_opts/1, Listeners), Listeners2 = lists:keysort(1, Listeners1), check_overlapping_listeners(Listeners2). -spec validate_module(module()) -> ok. validate_module(Mod) -> case code:ensure_loaded(Mod) of {module, Mod} -> lists:foreach( fun({Fun, Arity}) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, Fun, Arity) of true -> ok; false -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to load listening module ~s, " "because it doesn't export ~s/~B callback. " "The module is either not a listening module " "or it is a third-party module which " "requires update", [Mod, Fun, Arity]), erlang:error(badarg) end end, [{start, 2}, {start_link, 2}, {accept, 1}, {listen_options, 0}]); _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to load unknown listening module ~s: " "make sure there is no typo and ~s.beam " "exists inside either ~s or ~s directory", [Mod, Mod, filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), ext_mod:modules_dir()]), erlang:error(badarg) end. -spec validate_opts(listen_opts()) -> listener(). validate_opts(Opts) -> case lists:keyfind(module, 1, Opts) of {_, Mod} -> validate_module(Mod), Opts1 = validate_opts(Mod, Opts), {Opts2, Opts3} = lists:partition( fun({port, _}) -> true; ({transport, _}) -> true; ({module, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Opts1), Port = proplists:get_value(port, Opts2), Transport = proplists:get_value(transport, Opts2, tcp), IP = proplists:get_value(ip, Opts3, all_zero_ip(Opts3)), {{Port, IP, Transport}, Mod, Opts3}; false -> ?ERROR_MSG("Missing required listening option: module", []), erlang:error(badarg) end. -spec validate_opts(module(), listen_opts()) -> listen_opts(). validate_opts(Mod, Opts) -> Defaults = listen_options() ++ Mod:listen_options(), {Opts1, Defaults1} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({Opt, Val} = OptVal, Defs) -> case proplists:is_defined(Opt, Defaults) of true -> NewOptVal = case lists:member(OptVal, Defaults) of true -> []; false -> [validate_module_opt(Mod, Opt, Val)] end, {NewOptVal, proplists:delete(Opt, Defs)}; false -> ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown listening option '~s' of " "module ~s; available options are: ~s", [Opt, Mod, misc:join_atoms( proplists:get_keys(Defaults), <<", ">>)]), erlang:error(badarg) end end, Defaults, Opts), case lists:filter(fun is_atom/1, Defaults1) of [] -> lists:flatten(Opts1); MissingRequiredOpts -> ?ERROR_MSG("Missing required listening option(s): ~s", [misc:join_atoms(MissingRequiredOpts, <<", ">>)]), erlang:error(badarg) end. -spec validate_module_opt(module(), atom(), any()) -> {atom(), any()}. validate_module_opt(Module, Opt, Val) -> VFun = try Module:listen_opt_type(Opt) catch _:_ -> listen_opt_type(Opt) end, try {Opt, VFun(Val)} catch _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Invalid value of listening option ~s: ~s", [Opt, misc:format_val({yaml, Val})]), erlang:error(badarg) end. -spec all_zero_ip(listen_opts()) -> inet:ip_address(). all_zero_ip(Opts) -> case proplists:get_bool(inet6, Opts) of true -> {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; false -> {0,0,0,0} end. -spec check_overlapping_listeners([listener()]) -> [listener()]. check_overlapping_listeners(Listeners) -> lists:foldl( fun({{Port, IP, Transport} = Key, _, _}, Acc) -> case lists:member(Key, Acc) of true -> ?ERROR_MSG("Overlapping listeners found at ~s", [format_endpoint(Key)]), erlang:error(badarg); false -> ZeroIP = case size(IP) of 8 -> {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; 4 -> {0,0,0,0} end, Key1 = {Port, ZeroIP, Transport}, case lists:member(Key1, Acc) of true -> ?ERROR_MSG( "Overlapping listeners found at ~s and ~s", [format_endpoint(Key), format_endpoint(Key1)]), erlang:error(badarg); false -> [Key|Acc] end end end, [], Listeners), Listeners. listen_opt_type(port) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0, I<65536 -> I end; listen_opt_type(module) -> fun(A) when is_atom(A) -> A end; listen_opt_type(ip) -> fun(S) -> {ok, Addr} = inet_parse:address(binary_to_list(S)), Addr end; listen_opt_type(transport) -> fun(tcp) -> tcp; (udp) -> udp end; listen_opt_type(accept_interval) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>=0 -> I end; listen_opt_type(backlog) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>=0 -> I end; listen_opt_type(inet) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; listen_opt_type(inet6) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; listen_opt_type(supervisor) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; listen_opt_type(certfile) -> fun(S) -> ok = ejabberd_pkix:add_certfile(S), iolist_to_binary(S) end; listen_opt_type(ciphers) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; listen_opt_type(dhfile) -> fun misc:try_read_file/1; listen_opt_type(cafile) -> fun misc:try_read_file/1; listen_opt_type(protocol_options) -> fun (Options) -> str:join(Options, <<"|">>) end; listen_opt_type(tls_compression) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; listen_opt_type(tls) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; listen_opt_type(max_stanza_size) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I; (unlimited) -> infinity; (infinity) -> infinity end; listen_opt_type(max_fsm_queue) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end; listen_opt_type(shaper) -> fun acl:shaper_rules_validator/1; listen_opt_type(access) -> fun acl:access_rules_validator/1. listen_options() -> [module, port, {transport, tcp}, {ip, <<"">>}, {inet, true}, {inet6, false}, {accept_interval, 0}, {backlog, 5}, {supervisor, true}]. opt_type(listen) -> fun validate_cfg/1; opt_type(_) -> [listen]. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Some legacy code used by ejabberd_web_admin only %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- parse_listener_portip(PortIP, Opts) -> {IPOpt, Opts2} = strip_ip_option(Opts), {IPVOpt, OptsClean} = case proplists:get_bool(inet6, Opts2) of true -> {inet6, proplists:delete(inet6, Opts2)}; false -> {inet, Opts2} end, {Port, IPT, Proto} = case add_proto(PortIP, Opts) of {P, Prot} -> T = get_ip_tuple(IPOpt, IPVOpt), {P, T, Prot}; {P, T, Prot} when is_integer(P) and is_tuple(T) -> {P, T, Prot}; {P, S, Prot} when is_integer(P) and is_binary(S) -> {ok, T} = inet_parse:address(binary_to_list(S)), {P, T, Prot} end, IPV = case tuple_size(IPT) of 4 -> inet; 8 -> inet6 end, {Port, IPT, IPV, Proto, OptsClean}. add_proto(Port, Opts) when is_integer(Port) -> {Port, get_proto(Opts)}; add_proto({Port, Proto}, _Opts) when is_atom(Proto) -> {Port, normalize_proto(Proto)}; add_proto({Port, Addr}, Opts) -> {Port, Addr, get_proto(Opts)}; add_proto({Port, Addr, Proto}, _Opts) -> {Port, Addr, normalize_proto(Proto)}. strip_ip_option(Opts) -> {IPL, OptsNoIP} = lists:partition( fun({ip, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Opts), case IPL of %% Only the first ip option is considered [{ip, T1} | _] -> {T1, OptsNoIP}; [] -> {no_ip_option, OptsNoIP} end. get_ip_tuple(no_ip_option, inet) -> {0, 0, 0, 0}; get_ip_tuple(no_ip_option, inet6) -> {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; get_ip_tuple(IPOpt, _IPVOpt) -> IPOpt. get_proto(Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(proto, Opts) of undefined -> tcp; Proto -> normalize_proto(Proto) end. normalize_proto(udp) -> udp; normalize_proto(_) -> tcp.