%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_shared_roster_ldap.erl %%% Author : Realloc %%% Marcin Owsiany %%% Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% Description : LDAP shared roster management %%% Created : 5 Mar 2005 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_shared_roster_ldap). -behaviour(ejabberd_config). -behaviour(gen_server). -behaviour(gen_mod). %% API -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([get_user_roster/2, get_jid_info/4, process_item/2, in_subscription/6, out_subscription/4, mod_opt_type/1, opt_type/1, depends/2, transform_module_options/1]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl"). -include("eldap.hrl"). -define(USER_CACHE, shared_roster_ldap_user_cache). -define(GROUP_CACHE, shared_roster_ldap_group_cache). -define(LDAP_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, 5). %% Timeout for LDAP search queries in seconds -define(INVALID_SETTING_MSG, "~s is not properly set! ~s will not function."). -record(state, {host = <<"">> :: binary(), eldap_id = <<"">> :: binary(), servers = [] :: [binary()], backups = [] :: [binary()], port = ?LDAP_PORT :: inet:port_number(), tls_options = [] :: list(), dn = <<"">> :: binary(), base = <<"">> :: binary(), password = <<"">> :: binary(), uid = <<"">> :: binary(), deref_aliases = never :: never | searching | finding | always, group_attr = <<"">> :: binary(), group_desc = <<"">> :: binary(), user_desc = <<"">> :: binary(), user_uid = <<"">> :: binary(), uid_format = <<"">> :: binary(), uid_format_re = <<"">> :: binary(), filter = <<"">> :: binary(), ufilter = <<"">> :: binary(), rfilter = <<"">> :: binary(), gfilter = <<"">> :: binary(), auth_check = true :: boolean()}). -record(group_info, {desc, members}). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== start(Host, Opts) -> gen_mod:start_child(?MODULE, Host, Opts). stop(Host) -> gen_mod:stop_child(?MODULE, Host). reload(Host, NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> case init_cache(Host, NewOpts) of true -> ets_cache:setopts(?USER_CACHE, cache_opts(Host, NewOpts)), ets_cache:setopts(?GROUP_CACHE, cache_opts(Host, NewOpts)); false -> ok end, Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE), gen_server:cast(Proc, {set_state, parse_options(Host, NewOpts)}). depends(_Host, _Opts) -> [{mod_roster, hard}]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Hooks %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec get_user_roster([#roster{}], {binary(), binary()}) -> [#roster{}]. get_user_roster(Items, {U, S} = US) -> SRUsers = get_user_to_groups_map(US, true), {NewItems1, SRUsersRest} = lists:mapfoldl(fun (Item, SRUsers1) -> {_, _, {U1, S1, _}} = Item#roster.usj, US1 = {U1, S1}, case dict:find(US1, SRUsers1) of {ok, GroupNames} -> {Item#roster{subscription = both, groups = Item#roster.groups ++ GroupNames, ask = none}, dict:erase(US1, SRUsers1)}; error -> {Item, SRUsers1} end end, SRUsers, Items), SRItems = [#roster{usj = {U, S, {U1, S1, <<"">>}}, us = US, jid = {U1, S1, <<"">>}, name = get_user_name(U1, S1), subscription = both, ask = none, groups = GroupNames} || {{U1, S1}, GroupNames} <- dict:to_list(SRUsersRest)], SRItems ++ NewItems1. %% This function in use to rewrite the roster entries when moving or renaming %% them in the user contact list. -spec process_item(#roster{}, binary()) -> #roster{}. process_item(RosterItem, _Host) -> USFrom = RosterItem#roster.us, {User, Server, _Resource} = RosterItem#roster.jid, USTo = {User, Server}, Map = get_user_to_groups_map(USFrom, false), case dict:find(USTo, Map) of error -> RosterItem; {ok, []} -> RosterItem; {ok, GroupNames} when RosterItem#roster.subscription == remove -> RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none, groups = GroupNames}; _ -> RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none} end. -spec get_jid_info({subscription(), [binary()]}, binary(), binary(), jid()) -> {subscription(), [binary()]}. get_jid_info({Subscription, Groups}, User, Server, JID) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), US = {LUser, LServer}, {U1, S1, _} = jid:tolower(JID), US1 = {U1, S1}, SRUsers = get_user_to_groups_map(US, false), case dict:find(US1, SRUsers) of {ok, GroupNames} -> NewGroups = if Groups == [] -> GroupNames; true -> Groups end, {both, NewGroups}; error -> {Subscription, Groups} end. -spec in_subscription(boolean(), binary(), binary(), jid(), subscribe | subscribed | unsubscribe | unsubscribed, binary()) -> boolean(). in_subscription(Acc, User, Server, JID, Type, _Reason) -> process_subscription(in, User, Server, JID, Type, Acc). -spec out_subscription( binary(), binary(), jid(), subscribed | unsubscribed | subscribe | unsubscribe) -> boolean(). out_subscription(User, Server, JID, Type) -> process_subscription(out, User, Server, JID, Type, false). process_subscription(Direction, User, Server, JID, _Type, Acc) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), US = {LUser, LServer}, {U1, S1, _} = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(JID)), US1 = {U1, S1}, DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US), SRUsers = lists:usort(lists:flatmap(fun (Group) -> get_group_users(LServer, Group) end, DisplayedGroups)), case lists:member(US1, SRUsers) of true -> case Direction of in -> {stop, false}; out -> stop end; false -> Acc end. %%==================================================================== %% gen_server callbacks %%==================================================================== init([Host, Opts]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), State = parse_options(Host, Opts), init_cache(Host, Opts), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE, get_user_roster, 70), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_in_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_out_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get_jid_info, Host, ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 70), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_process_item, Host, ?MODULE, process_item, 50), eldap_pool:start_link(State#state.eldap_id, State#state.servers, State#state.backups, State#state.port, State#state.dn, State#state.password, State#state.tls_options), {ok, State}. handle_call(get_state, _From, State) -> {reply, {ok, State}, State}; handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> {reply, {error, badarg}, State}. handle_cast({set_state, NewState}, _State) -> {noreply, NewState}; handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> Host = State#state.host, ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE, get_user_roster, 70), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_in_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_out_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get_jid_info, Host, ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 70), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_process_item, Host, ?MODULE, process_item, 50). code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- get_user_to_groups_map({_, Server} = US, SkipUS) -> DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US), lists:foldl(fun (Group, Dict1) -> GroupName = get_group_name(Server, Group), lists:foldl(fun (Contact, Dict) -> if SkipUS, Contact == US -> Dict; true -> dict:append(Contact, GroupName, Dict) end end, Dict1, get_group_users(Server, Group)) end, dict:new(), DisplayedGroups). eldap_search(State, FilterParseArgs, AttributesList) -> case apply(eldap_filter, parse, FilterParseArgs) of {ok, EldapFilter} -> case eldap_pool:search(State#state.eldap_id, [{base, State#state.base}, {filter, EldapFilter}, {timeout, ?LDAP_SEARCH_TIMEOUT}, {deref_aliases, State#state.deref_aliases}, {attributes, AttributesList}]) of #eldap_search_result{entries = Es} -> %% A result with entries. Return their list. Es; _ -> %% Something else. Pretend we got no results. [] end; _ -> %% Filter parsing failed. Pretend we got no results. [] end. get_user_displayed_groups({User, Host}) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE), GroupAttr = State#state.group_attr, Entries = eldap_search(State, [eldap_filter:do_sub(State#state.rfilter, [{<<"%u">>, User}])], [GroupAttr]), Reply = lists:flatmap(fun (#eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs}) -> case Attrs of [{GroupAttr, ValuesList}] -> ValuesList; _ -> [] end end, Entries), lists:usort(Reply). get_group_users(Host, Group) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE), case ets_cache:lookup(?GROUP_CACHE, {Group, Host}, fun () -> search_group_info(State, Group) end) of {ok, #group_info{members = Members}} when Members /= undefined -> Members; _ -> [] end. get_group_name(Host, Group) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE), case ets_cache:lookup(?GROUP_CACHE, {Group, Host}, fun () -> search_group_info(State, Group) end) of {ok, #group_info{desc = GroupName}} when GroupName /= undefined -> GroupName; _ -> Group end. get_user_name(User, Host) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(Host, ?MODULE), case ets_cache:lookup(?USER_CACHE, {User, Host}, fun () -> search_user_name(State, User) end) of {ok, UserName} -> UserName; error -> User end. search_group_info(State, Group) -> Extractor = case State#state.uid_format_re of <<"">> -> fun (UID) -> catch eldap_utils:get_user_part(UID, State#state.uid_format) end; _ -> fun (UID) -> catch get_user_part_re(UID, State#state.uid_format_re) end end, AuthChecker = case State#state.auth_check of true -> fun ejabberd_auth:user_exists/2; _ -> fun (_U, _S) -> true end end, case eldap_search(State, [eldap_filter:do_sub(State#state.gfilter, [{<<"%g">>, Group}])], [State#state.group_attr, State#state.group_desc, State#state.uid]) of [] -> error; LDAPEntries -> {GroupDesc, MembersLists} = lists:foldl(fun(Entry, Acc) -> extract_members(State, Extractor, AuthChecker, Entry, Acc) end, {Group, []}, LDAPEntries), {ok, #group_info{desc = GroupDesc, members = lists:usort(lists:flatten(MembersLists))}} end. extract_members(State, Extractor, AuthChecker, #eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs}, {DescAcc, JIDsAcc}) -> Host = State#state.host, case {eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.group_attr, Attrs), eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.group_desc, Attrs), lists:keysearch(State#state.uid, 1, Attrs)} of {ID, Desc, {value, {GroupMemberAttr, Members}}} when ID /= <<"">>, GroupMemberAttr == State#state.uid -> JIDs = lists:foldl(fun({ok, UID}, L) -> PUID = jid:nodeprep(UID), case PUID of error -> L; _ -> case AuthChecker(PUID, Host) of true -> [{PUID, Host} | L]; _ -> L end end; (_, L) -> L end, [], lists:map(Extractor, Members)), {Desc, [JIDs | JIDsAcc]}; _ -> {DescAcc, JIDsAcc} end. search_user_name(State, User) -> case eldap_search(State, [eldap_filter:do_sub(State#state.ufilter, [{<<"%u">>, User}])], [State#state.user_desc, State#state.user_uid]) of [#eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs} | _] -> case {eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.user_uid, Attrs), eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(State#state.user_desc, Attrs)} of {UID, Desc} when UID /= <<"">> -> {ok, Desc}; _ -> error end; [] -> error end. %% Getting User ID part by regex pattern get_user_part_re(String, Pattern) -> case catch re:run(String, Pattern) of {match, Captured} -> {First, Len} = lists:nth(2, Captured), Result = str:sub_string(String, First + 1, First + Len), {ok, Result}; _ -> {error, badmatch} end. parse_options(Host, Opts) -> Eldap_ID = misc:atom_to_binary(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE)), Cfg = eldap_utils:get_config(Host, Opts), GroupAttr = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_groupattr, Opts, <<"cn">>), GroupDesc = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_groupdesc, Opts, GroupAttr), UserDesc = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_userdesc, Opts, <<"cn">>), UserUID = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_useruid, Opts, <<"cn">>), UIDAttr = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_memberattr, Opts, <<"memberUid">>), UIDAttrFormat = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_memberattr_format, Opts, <<"%u">>), UIDAttrFormatRe = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_memberattr_format_re, Opts, <<"">>), AuthCheck = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_auth_check, Opts, true), ConfigFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_filter, Host}, Opts, <<"">>), ConfigUserFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_ufilter, Host}, Opts, <<"">>), ConfigGroupFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_gfilter, Host}, Opts, <<"">>), RosterFilter = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_rfilter, Host}, Opts, <<"">>), SubFilter = <<"(&(", UIDAttr/binary, "=", UIDAttrFormat/binary, ")(", GroupAttr/binary, "=%g))">>, UserSubFilter = case ConfigUserFilter of <<"">> -> eldap_filter:do_sub(SubFilter, [{<<"%g">>, <<"*">>}]); UString -> UString end, GroupSubFilter = case ConfigGroupFilter of <<"">> -> eldap_filter:do_sub(SubFilter, [{<<"%u">>, <<"*">>}]); GString -> GString end, Filter = case ConfigFilter of <<"">> -> SubFilter; _ -> <<"(&", SubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary, ")">> end, UserFilter = case ConfigFilter of <<"">> -> UserSubFilter; _ -> <<"(&", UserSubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary, ")">> end, GroupFilter = case ConfigFilter of <<"">> -> GroupSubFilter; _ -> <<"(&", GroupSubFilter/binary, ConfigFilter/binary, ")">> end, #state{host = Host, eldap_id = Eldap_ID, servers = Cfg#eldap_config.servers, backups = Cfg#eldap_config.backups, port = Cfg#eldap_config.port, tls_options = Cfg#eldap_config.tls_options, dn = Cfg#eldap_config.dn, password = Cfg#eldap_config.password, base = Cfg#eldap_config.base, deref_aliases = Cfg#eldap_config.deref_aliases, uid = UIDAttr, group_attr = GroupAttr, group_desc = GroupDesc, user_desc = UserDesc, user_uid = UserUID, uid_format = UIDAttrFormat, uid_format_re = UIDAttrFormatRe, filter = Filter, ufilter = UserFilter, rfilter = RosterFilter, gfilter = GroupFilter, auth_check = AuthCheck}. init_cache(Host, Opts) -> UseCache = use_cache(Host, Opts), case UseCache of true -> CacheOpts = cache_opts(Host, Opts), ets_cache:new(?USER_CACHE, CacheOpts), ets_cache:new(?GROUP_CACHE, CacheOpts); false -> ets_cache:delete(?USER_CACHE), ets_cache:delete(?GROUP_CACHE) end, UseCache. use_cache(Host, Opts) -> gen_mod:get_opt(use_cache, Opts, ejabberd_config:use_cache(Host)). cache_opts(Host, Opts) -> MaxSize = gen_mod:get_opt(cache_size, Opts, ejabberd_config:cache_size(Host)), CacheMissed = gen_mod:get_opt(cache_missed, Opts, ejabberd_config:cache_missed(Host)), LifeTime = case gen_mod:get_opt(cache_life_time, Opts, ejabberd_config:cache_life_time(Host)) of infinity -> infinity; I -> timer:seconds(I) end, [{max_size, MaxSize}, {cache_missed, CacheMissed}, {life_time, LifeTime}]. transform_module_options(Opts) -> lists:map( fun({ldap_group_cache_size, I}) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Option 'ldap_group_cache_size' is deprecated, " "use 'cache_size' instead", []), {cache_size, I}; ({ldap_user_cache_size, I}) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Option 'ldap_user_cache_size' is deprecated, " "use 'cache_size' instead", []), {cache_size, I}; ({ldap_group_cache_validity, Secs}) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Option 'ldap_group_cache_validity' is deprecated, " "use 'cache_life_time' instead", []), {cache_life_time, Secs}; ({ldap_user_cache_validity, Secs}) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Option 'ldap_user_cache_validity' is deprecated, " "use 'cache_life_time' instead", []), {cache_life_time, Secs}; (Opt) -> Opt end, Opts). mod_opt_type(deref_aliases) -> fun (never) -> never; (searching) -> searching; (finding) -> finding; (always) -> always end; mod_opt_type(ldap_backups) -> fun (L) -> [iolist_to_binary(H) || H <- L] end; mod_opt_type(ldap_base) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_deref_aliases) -> fun (never) -> never; (searching) -> searching; (finding) -> finding; (always) -> always end; mod_opt_type(ldap_encrypt) -> fun (tls) -> tls; (starttls) -> starttls; (none) -> none end; mod_opt_type(ldap_password) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_port) -> fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end; mod_opt_type(ldap_rootdn) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_servers) -> fun (L) -> [iolist_to_binary(H) || H <- L] end; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_cacertfile) -> fun misc:try_read_file/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_certfile) -> fun ejabberd_pkix:try_certfile/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_depth) -> fun (I) when is_integer(I), I >= 0 -> I end; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_verify) -> fun (hard) -> hard; (soft) -> soft; (false) -> false end; mod_opt_type(ldap_auth_check) -> fun (on) -> true; (off) -> false; (false) -> false; (true) -> true end; mod_opt_type(ldap_filter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_gfilter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; mod_opt_type(O) when O == cache_size; O == cache_life_time -> fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I; (infinity) -> infinity end; mod_opt_type(O) when O == use_cache; O == cache_missed -> fun (B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; mod_opt_type(ldap_groupattr) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_groupdesc) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_memberattr) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_memberattr_format) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_memberattr_format_re) -> fun (S) -> Re = iolist_to_binary(S), {ok, MP} = re:compile(Re), MP end; mod_opt_type(ldap_rfilter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_ufilter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_userdesc) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_useruid) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(_) -> [ldap_auth_check, ldap_filter, ldap_gfilter, ldap_groupattr, ldap_groupdesc, ldap_memberattr, ldap_memberattr_format, ldap_memberattr_format_re, ldap_rfilter, ldap_ufilter, ldap_userdesc, ldap_useruid, deref_aliases, ldap_backups, ldap_base, ldap_deref_aliases, ldap_encrypt, ldap_password, ldap_port, ldap_rootdn, ldap_servers, ldap_tls_cacertfile, ldap_tls_certfile, ldap_tls_depth, ldap_tls_verify, use_cache, cache_missed, cache_size, cache_life_time]. opt_type(ldap_gfilter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; opt_type(ldap_rfilter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; opt_type(ldap_ufilter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; opt_type(_) -> [ldap_gfilter, ldap_rfilter, ldap_ufilter].