# $Id$ all: release pdf html release: @echo "Notes for the releaser:" @echo "* Do not forget to add a link to the release notes in guide.tex" @echo "* Do not forget to update the version number in src/ejabberd.hrl!" @echo "* Do not forget to update the features in introduction.tex (including \new{} and \improved{} tags)." @echo "Press any key to continue" @read foo @echo "% ejabberd version (automatically generated)." > version.tex @echo "\\\newcommand{\\\version}{"`cat ../src/ejabberd.hrl | grep VERSION | sed s/-define\(VERSION,\ \"//g | sed s/\"\).//g`"}" >> version.tex html: guide.html dev.html features.html pdf: guide.pdf features.pdf clean: rm -f *.aux rm -f *.haux rm -f *.html rm -f *.htoc rm -f *.idx rm -f *.ilg rm -f *.ind rm -f *.log rm -f *.out rm -f *.pdf rm -f *.toc guide.html: guide.tex hevea -fix -noiso -pedantic guide.tex dev.html: dev.tex hevea -fix -noiso -pedantic dev.tex features.html: features.tex hevea -fix -noiso -pedantic features.tex guide.pdf: guide.tex pdflatex guide.tex pdflatex guide.tex pdflatex guide.tex makeindex guide.idx pdflatex guide.tex features.pdf: features.tex pdflatex features.tex