%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_config.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Load config file %%% Created : 14 Dec 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2008 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_config). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -export([start/0, load_file/1, add_global_option/2, add_local_option/2, get_global_option/1, get_local_option/1]). -export([get_vh_by_auth_method/1]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_config.hrl"). %% @type macro() = {macro_key(), macro_value()} %% @type macro_key() = atom(). %% The atom must have all characters in uppercase. %% @type macro_value() = term(). start() -> mnesia:create_table(config, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, config)}]), mnesia:add_table_copy(config, node(), ram_copies), mnesia:create_table(local_config, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {local_content, true}, {attributes, record_info(fields, local_config)}]), mnesia:add_table_copy(local_config, node(), ram_copies), Config = get_ejabberd_config_path(), load_file(Config), %% This start time is used by mod_last: add_local_option(node_start, now()), ok. %% @doc Get the filename of the ejabberd configuration file. %% The filename can be specified with: erl -config "/path/to/ejabberd.cfg". %% It can also be specified with the environtment variable EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH. %% If not specified, the default value 'ejabberd.cfg' is assumed. %% @spec () -> string() get_ejabberd_config_path() -> case application:get_env(config) of {ok, Path} -> Path; undefined -> case os:getenv("EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH") of false -> ?CONFIG_PATH; Path -> Path end end. %% @doc Load the ejabberd configuration file. %% It also includes additional configuration files and replaces macros. %% @spec (File::string()) -> ok load_file(File) -> Terms = get_plain_terms_file(File), State = lists:foldl(fun search_hosts/2, #state{}, Terms), Terms_macros = replace_macros(Terms), Res = lists:foldl(fun process_term/2, State, Terms_macros), set_opts(Res). %% @doc Read an ejabberd configuration file and return the terms. %% Input is an absolute or relative path to an ejabberd config file. %% Returns a list of plain terms, %% in which the options 'include_config_file' were parsed %% and the terms in those files were included. %% @spec(string()) -> [term()] get_plain_terms_file(File1) -> File = get_absolute_path(File1), case file:consult(File) of {ok, Terms} -> include_config_files(Terms); {error, {_LineNumber, erl_parse, _ParseMessage} = Reason} -> ExitText = lists:flatten(File ++ " approximately in the line " ++ file:format_error(Reason)), ?ERROR_MSG("Problem loading ejabberd config file ~n~s", [ExitText]), exit(ExitText); {error, Reason} -> ExitText = lists:flatten(File ++ ": " ++ file:format_error(Reason)), ?ERROR_MSG("Problem loading ejabberd config file ~n~s", [ExitText]), exit(ExitText) end. %% @doc Convert configuration filename to absolute path. %% Input is an absolute or relative path to an ejabberd configuration file. %% And returns an absolute path to the configuration file. %% @spec (string()) -> string() get_absolute_path(File) -> case filename:pathtype(File) of absolute -> File; relative -> Config_path = get_ejabberd_config_path(), Config_dir = filename:dirname(Config_path), filename:absname_join(Config_dir, File) end. search_hosts(Term, State) -> case Term of {host, Host} -> if State#state.hosts == [] -> add_hosts_to_option([Host], State); true -> ?ERROR_MSG("Can't load config file: " "too many hosts definitions", []), exit("too many hosts definitions") end; {hosts, Hosts} -> if State#state.hosts == [] -> add_hosts_to_option(Hosts, State); true -> ?ERROR_MSG("Can't load config file: " "too many hosts definitions", []), exit("too many hosts definitions") end; _ -> State end. add_hosts_to_option(Hosts, State) -> PrepHosts = normalize_hosts(Hosts), add_option(hosts, PrepHosts, State#state{hosts = PrepHosts}). normalize_hosts(Hosts) -> normalize_hosts(Hosts,[]). normalize_hosts([], PrepHosts) -> lists:reverse(PrepHosts); normalize_hosts([Host|Hosts], PrepHosts) -> case jlib:nodeprep(Host) of error -> ?ERROR_MSG("Can't load config file: " "invalid host name [~p]", [Host]), exit("invalid hostname"); PrepHost -> normalize_hosts(Hosts, [PrepHost|PrepHosts]) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Support for 'include_config_file' %% @doc Include additional configuration files in the list of terms. %% @spec ([term()]) -> [term()] include_config_files(Terms) -> include_config_files(Terms, []). include_config_files([], Res) -> Res; include_config_files([{include_config_file, Filename} | Terms], Res) -> include_config_files([{include_config_file, Filename, []} | Terms], Res); include_config_files([{include_config_file, Filename, Options} | Terms], Res) -> Included_terms = get_plain_terms_file(Filename), Disallow = proplists:get_value(disallow, Options, []), Included_terms2 = delete_disallowed(Disallow, Included_terms), Allow_only = proplists:get_value(allow_only, Options, all), Included_terms3 = keep_only_allowed(Allow_only, Included_terms2), include_config_files(Terms, Res ++ Included_terms3); include_config_files([Term | Terms], Res) -> include_config_files(Terms, Res ++ [Term]). %% @doc Filter from the list of terms the disallowed. %% Returns a sublist of Terms without the ones which first element is %% included in Disallowed. %% @spec (Disallowed::[atom()], Terms::[term()]) -> [term()] delete_disallowed(Disallowed, Terms) -> lists:foldl( fun(Dis, Ldis) -> delete_disallowed2(Dis, Ldis) end, Terms, Disallowed). delete_disallowed2(Disallowed, [H|T]) -> case element(1, H) of Disallowed -> ?WARNING_MSG("The option '~p' is disallowed, " "and will not be accepted", [Disallowed]), delete_disallowed2(Disallowed, T); _ -> [H|delete_disallowed2(Disallowed, T)] end; delete_disallowed2(_, []) -> []. %% @doc Keep from the list only the allowed terms. %% Returns a sublist of Terms with only the ones which first element is %% included in Allowed. %% @spec (Allowed::[atom()], Terms::[term()]) -> [term()] keep_only_allowed(all, Terms) -> Terms; keep_only_allowed(Allowed, Terms) -> {As, NAs} = lists:partition( fun(Term) -> lists:member(element(1, Term), Allowed) end, Terms), [?WARNING_MSG("This option is not allowed, " "and will not be accepted:~n~p", [NA]) || NA <- NAs], As. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Support for Macro %% @doc Replace the macros with their defined values. %% @spec (Terms::[term()]) -> [term()] replace_macros(Terms) -> {TermsOthers, Macros} = split_terms_macros(Terms), replace(TermsOthers, Macros). %% @doc Split Terms into normal terms and macro definitions. %% @spec (Terms) -> {Terms, Macros} %% Terms = [term()] %% Macros = [macro()] split_terms_macros(Terms) -> lists:foldl( fun(Term, {TOs, Ms}) -> case Term of {define_macro, Key, Value} -> case is_atom(Key) and is_all_uppercase(Key) of true -> {TOs, Ms++[{Key, Value}]}; false -> exit({macro_not_properly_defined, Term}) end; Term -> {TOs ++ [Term], Ms} end end, {[], []}, Terms). %% @doc Recursively replace in Terms macro usages with the defined value. %% @spec (Terms, Macros) -> Terms %% Terms = [term()] %% Macros = [macro()] replace([], _) -> []; replace([Term|Terms], Macros) -> [replace_term(Term, Macros) | replace(Terms, Macros)]. replace_term(Key, Macros) when is_atom(Key) -> case is_all_uppercase(Key) of true -> case proplists:get_value(Key, Macros) of undefined -> exit({undefined_macro, Key}); Value -> Value end; false -> Key end; replace_term({use_macro, Key, Value}, Macros) -> proplists:get_value(Key, Macros, Value); replace_term(Term, Macros) when is_list(Term) -> replace(Term, Macros); replace_term(Term, Macros) when is_tuple(Term) -> List = tuple_to_list(Term), List2 = replace(List, Macros), list_to_tuple(List2); replace_term(Term, _) -> Term. is_all_uppercase(Atom) -> String = erlang:atom_to_list(Atom), lists:all(fun(C) when C >= $a, C =< $z -> false; (_) -> true end, String). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Process terms process_term(Term, State) -> case Term of override_global -> State#state{override_global = true}; override_local -> State#state{override_local = true}; override_acls -> State#state{override_acls = true}; {acl, _ACLName, _ACLData} -> process_host_term(Term, global, State); {access, _RuleName, _Rules} -> process_host_term(Term, global, State); {shaper, _Name, _Data} -> %%lists:foldl(fun(Host, S) -> process_host_term(Term, Host, S) end, %% State, State#state.hosts); process_host_term(Term, global, State); {host, _Host} -> State; {hosts, _Hosts} -> State; {host_config, Host, Terms} -> lists:foldl(fun(T, S) -> process_host_term(T, Host, S) end, State, Terms); {listen, Val} -> add_option(listen, Val, State); {language, Val} -> add_option(language, Val, State); {outgoing_s2s_port, Port} -> add_option(outgoing_s2s_port, Port, State); {s2s_use_starttls, Port} -> add_option(s2s_use_starttls, Port, State); {s2s_certfile, CertFile} -> add_option(s2s_certfile, CertFile, State); {domain_certfile, Domain, CertFile} -> add_option({domain_certfile, Domain}, CertFile, State); {node_type, NodeType} -> add_option(node_type, NodeType, State); {cluster_nodes, Nodes} -> add_option(cluster_nodes, Nodes, State); {domain_balancing, Domain, Balancing} -> add_option({domain_balancing, Domain}, Balancing, State); {domain_balancing_component_number, Domain, N} -> add_option({domain_balancing_component_number, Domain}, N, State); {watchdog_admins, Admins} -> add_option(watchdog_admins, Admins, State); {registration_timeout, Timeout} -> add_option(registration_timeout, Timeout, State); {loglevel, Loglevel} -> ejabberd_loglevel:set(Loglevel), State; {_Opt, _Val} -> lists:foldl(fun(Host, S) -> process_host_term(Term, Host, S) end, State, State#state.hosts) end. process_host_term(Term, Host, State) -> case Term of {acl, ACLName, ACLData} -> State#state{opts = [acl:to_record(Host, ACLName, ACLData) | State#state.opts]}; {access, RuleName, Rules} -> State#state{opts = [#config{key = {access, RuleName, Host}, value = Rules} | State#state.opts]}; {shaper, Name, Data} -> State#state{opts = [#config{key = {shaper, Name, Host}, value = Data} | State#state.opts]}; {host, Host} -> State; {hosts, _Hosts} -> State; {odbc_server, ODBC_server} -> add_option({odbc_server, Host}, ODBC_server, State); {Opt, Val} -> add_option({Opt, Host}, Val, State) end. add_option(Opt, Val, State) -> Table = case Opt of hosts -> config; language -> config; _ -> local_config end, case Table of config -> State#state{opts = [#config{key = Opt, value = Val} | State#state.opts]}; local_config -> case Opt of {{add, OptName}, Host} -> State#state{opts = compact({OptName, Host}, Val, State#state.opts, [])}; _ -> State#state{opts = [#local_config{key = Opt, value = Val} | State#state.opts]} end end. compact({OptName, Host} = Opt, Val, [], Os) -> ?WARNING_MSG("The option '~p' is defined for the host ~p using host_config " "before the global '~p' option. This host_config option may get overwritten.", [OptName, Host, OptName]), [#local_config{key = Opt, value = Val}] ++ Os; %% Traverse the list of the options already parsed compact(Opt, Val, [O | Os1], Os2) -> case catch O#local_config.key of %% If the key of a local_config matches the Opt that wants to be added Opt -> %% Then prepend the new value to the list of old values Os2 ++ [#local_config{key = Opt, value = Val++O#local_config.value} ] ++ Os1; _ -> compact(Opt, Val, Os1, Os2++[O]) end. set_opts(State) -> Opts = lists:reverse(State#state.opts), F = fun() -> if State#state.override_global -> Ksg = mnesia:all_keys(config), lists:foreach(fun(K) -> mnesia:delete({config, K}) end, Ksg); true -> ok end, if State#state.override_local -> Ksl = mnesia:all_keys(local_config), lists:foreach(fun(K) -> mnesia:delete({local_config, K}) end, Ksl); true -> ok end, if State#state.override_acls -> Ksa = mnesia:all_keys(acl), lists:foreach(fun(K) -> mnesia:delete({acl, K}) end, Ksa); true -> ok end, lists:foreach(fun(R) -> mnesia:write(R) end, Opts) end, case mnesia:transaction(F) of {atomic, _} -> ok; {aborted,{no_exists,Table}} -> MnesiaDirectory = mnesia:system_info(directory), ?ERROR_MSG("Error reading Mnesia database spool files:~n" "The Mnesia database couldn't read the spool file for the table '~p'.~n" "ejabberd needs read and write access in the directory:~n ~s~n" "Maybe the problem is a change in the computer hostname,~n" "or a change in the Erlang node name, which is currently:~n ~p~n" "Check the ejabberd guide for details about changing the~n" "computer hostname or Erlang node name.~n", [Table, MnesiaDirectory, node()]), exit("Error reading Mnesia database") end. add_global_option(Opt, Val) -> mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(#config{key = Opt, value = Val}) end). add_local_option(Opt, Val) -> mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(#local_config{key = Opt, value = Val}) end). get_global_option(Opt) -> case ets:lookup(config, Opt) of [#config{value = Val}] -> Val; _ -> undefined end. get_local_option(Opt) -> case ets:lookup(local_config, Opt) of [#local_config{value = Val}] -> Val; _ -> undefined end. %% Return the list of hosts handled by a given module get_vh_by_auth_method(AuthMethod) -> mnesia:dirty_select(local_config, [{#local_config{key = {auth_method, '$1'}, value=AuthMethod},[],['$1']}]).