Release Notes ejabberd 2.1.11 ejabberd 2.1.11 includes a few bugfixes and improvements. Read more details about the changes in: Download the source code and installers from: The major changes are: * HTTP service - Fix ejabberd_http:get_line - Don't use binary:match to extract lines from binaries - Parse and encode https header names like native http parser does - Parse correctly https request split into multiple packets - Properly handle HEAD request in mod_http_bind (EJAB-1538) - New option default_host for handling requests with ambiguous Host (EJAB-1261) * ODBC - New ODBC support for mod_announce - New ODBC support for mod_blocking - New ODBC support for mod_irc - New ODBC support for mod_muc - New ODBC support for mod_shared_roster - New ODBC support for mod_vcard_xupdate - Add ODBC exporting function for privacy table - Work also with some unicode strings in PgSQL (EJAB-1490) - Replace a single quote with double quotes in an ODBC escape * SSL - Make sure that res is initialized in all cases - Parse correctly https request split into multiple packets (EJAB-1537) - Added missed tls:recv_data/2 - Don't ignore Length parameter in tls:recv - Avoid quadratic behavior in reading SSL data - Dix http_bind webserver TLS fail on Chrome (EJAB-1530) * Miscelanea - Assume we have only one CPU when an auto-detection fails (EJAB-1516) - Auth: Relax digest-uri handling (EJAB-1529) - Caps: Cache caps timestamp before the IQ-request is done - IRC: Use of MUC password - Private: misc errors cases fixes - Pubsub: return user affiliation for a specified node (EJAB-1294) - Shared Roster: Foreign items were not pushed (EJAB-1509) - Shared Roster LDAP: user substitution in ldap_rfilter (EJAB-1555) - Windows: Fix makefile rules for building DLLs Bug reports You can officially report bugs on ProcessOne support site: