%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_roster.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Roster management %%% Created : 11 Dec 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2022 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @doc Roster management (Mnesia storage). %%% %%% Includes support for XEP-0237: Roster Versioning. %%% The roster versioning follows an all-or-nothing strategy: %%% - If the version supplied by the client is the latest, return an empty response. %%% - If not, return the entire new roster (with updated version string). %%% Roster version is a hash digest of the entire roster. %%% No additional data is stored in DB. -module(mod_roster). -protocol({xep, 237, '1.3'}). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, process_iq/1, export/1, import_info/0, process_local_iq/1, get_user_roster_items/2, import/5, get_roster/2, push_item/3, import_start/2, import_stop/2, is_subscribed/2, c2s_self_presence/1, in_subscription/2, out_subscription/1, set_items/3, remove_user/2, get_jid_info/4, encode_item/1, webadmin_page/3, webadmin_user/4, get_versioning_feature/2, roster_version/2, mod_doc/0, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, set_roster/1, del_roster/3, process_rosteritems/5, depends/2, set_item_and_notify_clients/3]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_web_admin.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_stacktrace.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -define(ROSTER_CACHE, roster_cache). -define(ROSTER_ITEM_CACHE, roster_item_cache). -define(ROSTER_VERSION_CACHE, roster_version_cache). -define(SM_MIX_ANNOTATE, roster_mix_annotate). -type c2s_state() :: ejabberd_c2s:state(). -export_type([subscription/0]). -callback init(binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> any(). -callback import(binary(), binary(), #roster{} | [binary()]) -> ok. -callback read_roster_version(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, binary()} | error. -callback write_roster_version(binary(), binary(), boolean(), binary()) -> any(). -callback get_roster(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, [#roster{}]} | error. -callback get_roster_item(binary(), binary(), ljid()) -> {ok, #roster{}} | error. -callback read_subscription_and_groups(binary(), binary(), ljid()) -> {ok, {subscription(), ask(), [binary()]}} | error. -callback roster_subscribe(binary(), binary(), ljid(), #roster{}) -> any(). -callback transaction(binary(), fun(() -> T)) -> {atomic, T} | {aborted, any()}. -callback remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> any(). -callback update_roster(binary(), binary(), ljid(), #roster{}) -> any(). -callback del_roster(binary(), binary(), ljid()) -> any(). -callback use_cache(binary(), roster | roster_version) -> boolean(). -callback cache_nodes(binary()) -> [node()]. -optional_callbacks([use_cache/2, cache_nodes/1]). start(Host, Opts) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(Opts, ?MODULE), Mod:init(Host, Opts), init_cache(Mod, Host, Opts), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE, get_user_roster_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_in_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, in_subscription, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_out_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, out_subscription, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get_jid_info, Host, ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_self_presence, Host, ?MODULE, c2s_self_presence, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_post_auth_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_versioning_feature, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_page, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_user, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_user, 50), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_ROSTER, ?MODULE, process_iq). stop(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE, get_user_roster_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_in_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, in_subscription, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_out_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, out_subscription, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get_jid_info, Host, ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_self_presence, Host, ?MODULE, c2s_self_presence, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_post_auth_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_versioning_feature, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_page, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_user, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_user, 50), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_ROSTER). reload(Host, NewOpts, OldOpts) -> NewMod = gen_mod:db_mod(NewOpts, ?MODULE), OldMod = gen_mod:db_mod(OldOpts, ?MODULE), if NewMod /= OldMod -> NewMod:init(Host, NewOpts); true -> ok end, init_cache(NewMod, Host, NewOpts). depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. -spec process_iq(iq()) -> iq(). process_iq(#iq{from = #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, to = #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}} = IQ) -> process_local_iq(IQ); process_iq(#iq{lang = Lang, to = To} = IQ) -> case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_remote_access, To#jid.lserver, false, [IQ]) of false -> Txt = ?T("Query to another users is forbidden"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, Lang)); true -> process_local_iq(IQ) end. -spec process_local_iq(iq()) -> iq(). process_local_iq(#iq{type = set,lang = Lang, sub_els = [#roster_query{ items = [#roster_item{ask = Ask}]}]} = IQ) when Ask /= undefined -> Txt = ?T("Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)); process_local_iq(#iq{type = set, from = From, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#roster_query{ items = [#roster_item{} = Item]}]} = IQ) -> case has_duplicated_groups(Item#roster_item.groups) of true -> Txt = ?T("Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)); false -> #jid{lserver = LServer} = From, Access = mod_roster_opt:access(LServer), case acl:match_rule(LServer, Access, From) of deny -> Txt = ?T("Access denied by service policy"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)); allow -> process_iq_set(IQ) end end; process_local_iq(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#roster_query{items = [_|_]}]} = IQ) -> Txt = ?T("Multiple elements are not allowed by RFC6121"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)); process_local_iq(#iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#roster_query{items = Items}]} = IQ) -> case Items of [] -> process_iq_get(IQ); [_|_] -> Txt = ?T("The query must not contain elements"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)) end; process_local_iq(#iq{lang = Lang} = IQ) -> Txt = ?T("No module is handling this query"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_service_unavailable(Txt, Lang)). -spec roster_hash([#roster{}]) -> binary(). roster_hash(Items) -> str:sha(term_to_binary(lists:sort([R#roster_item{groups = lists:sort(Grs)} || R = #roster_item{groups = Grs} <- Items]))). %% Returns a list that may contain an xmlelement with the XEP-237 feature if it's enabled. -spec get_versioning_feature([xmpp_element()], binary()) -> [xmpp_element()]. get_versioning_feature(Acc, Host) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(Host, ?MODULE) of true -> case mod_roster_opt:versioning(Host) of true -> [#rosterver_feature{}|Acc]; false -> Acc end; false -> Acc end. -spec roster_version(binary(), binary()) -> undefined | binary(). roster_version(LServer, LUser) -> case mod_roster_opt:store_current_id(LServer) of true -> case read_roster_version(LUser, LServer) of error -> undefined; {ok, V} -> V end; false -> roster_hash(run_roster_get_hook(LUser, LServer)) end. -spec read_roster_version(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, binary()} | error. read_roster_version(LUser, LServer) -> ets_cache:lookup( ?ROSTER_VERSION_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, fun() -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:read_roster_version(LUser, LServer) end). -spec write_roster_version(binary(), binary()) -> binary(). write_roster_version(LUser, LServer) -> write_roster_version(LUser, LServer, false). -spec write_roster_version_t(binary(), binary()) -> binary(). write_roster_version_t(LUser, LServer) -> write_roster_version(LUser, LServer, true). -spec write_roster_version(binary(), binary(), boolean()) -> binary(). write_roster_version(LUser, LServer, InTransaction) -> Ver = str:sha(term_to_binary(erlang:unique_integer())), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:write_roster_version(LUser, LServer, InTransaction, Ver), if InTransaction -> ok; true -> ets_cache:delete(?ROSTER_VERSION_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, cache_nodes(Mod, LServer)) end, Ver. %% Load roster from DB only if necessary. %% It is necessary if %% - roster versioning is disabled in server OR %% - roster versioning is not used by the client OR %% - roster versioning is used by server and client, BUT the server isn't storing versions on db OR %% - the roster version from client don't match current version. -spec process_iq_get(iq()) -> iq(). process_iq_get(#iq{to = To, from = From, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = RequestedVersion, mix_annotate = MixAnnotate}]} = IQ) -> LUser = To#jid.luser, LServer = To#jid.lserver, MixEnabled = MixAnnotate == #mix_roster_annotate{}, {ItemsToSend, VersionToSend} = case {mod_roster_opt:versioning(LServer), mod_roster_opt:store_current_id(LServer)} of {true, true} when RequestedVersion /= undefined -> case read_roster_version(LUser, LServer) of error -> RosterVersion = write_roster_version(LUser, LServer), {run_roster_get_hook(LUser, LServer), RosterVersion}; {ok, RequestedVersion} -> {false, false}; {ok, NewVersion} -> {run_roster_get_hook(LUser, LServer), NewVersion} end; {true, false} when RequestedVersion /= undefined -> RosterItems = run_roster_get_hook(LUser, LServer), case roster_hash(RosterItems) of RequestedVersion -> {false, false}; New -> {RosterItems, New} end; _ -> {run_roster_get_hook(LUser, LServer), false} end, % Store that MIX annotation is enabled (for roster pushes) set_mix_annotation_enabled(From, MixEnabled), % Only include element when MIX annotation is enabled Items = case ItemsToSend of false -> false; FullItems -> process_items_mix(FullItems, MixEnabled) end, xmpp:make_iq_result( IQ, case {Items, VersionToSend} of {false, false} -> undefined; {Items, false} -> #roster_query{items = Items}; {Items, Version} -> #roster_query{items = Items, ver = Version} end). -spec run_roster_get_hook(binary(), binary()) -> [#roster_item{}]. run_roster_get_hook(LUser, LServer) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_get, LServer, [], [{LUser, LServer}]). -spec get_filtered_roster(binary(), binary()) -> [#roster{}]. get_filtered_roster(LUser, LServer) -> lists:filter( fun (#roster{subscription = none, ask = in}) -> false; (_) -> true end, get_roster(LUser, LServer)). -spec get_user_roster_items([#roster_item{}], {binary(), binary()}) -> [#roster_item{}]. get_user_roster_items(Acc, {LUser, LServer}) -> lists:map(fun encode_item/1, get_filtered_roster(LUser, LServer)) ++ Acc. -spec get_roster(binary(), binary()) -> [#roster{}]. get_roster(LUser, LServer) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), R = case use_cache(Mod, LServer, roster) of true -> ets_cache:lookup( ?ROSTER_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, fun() -> Mod:get_roster(LUser, LServer) end); false -> Mod:get_roster(LUser, LServer) end, case R of {ok, Items} -> Items; error -> [] end. -spec get_roster_item(binary(), binary(), ljid()) -> #roster{}. get_roster_item(LUser, LServer, LJID) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), case Mod:get_roster_item(LUser, LServer, LJID) of {ok, Item} -> Item; error -> LBJID = jid:remove_resource(LJID), #roster{usj = {LUser, LServer, LBJID}, us = {LUser, LServer}, jid = LBJID} end. -spec get_subscription_and_groups(binary(), binary(), ljid()) -> {subscription(), ask(), [binary()]}. get_subscription_and_groups(LUser, LServer, LJID) -> LBJID = jid:remove_resource(LJID), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Res = case use_cache(Mod, LServer, roster) of true -> ets_cache:lookup( ?ROSTER_ITEM_CACHE, {LUser, LServer, LBJID}, fun() -> Items = get_roster(LUser, LServer), case lists:keyfind(LBJID, #roster.jid, Items) of #roster{subscription = Sub, ask = Ask, groups = Groups} -> {ok, {Sub, Ask, Groups}}; false -> error end end); false -> case Mod:read_subscription_and_groups(LUser, LServer, LBJID) of {ok, {Sub, Groups}} -> %% Backward compatibility for third-party backends {ok, {Sub, none, Groups}}; Other -> Other end end, case Res of {ok, SubAndGroups} -> SubAndGroups; error -> {none, none, []} end. -spec set_roster(#roster{}) -> {atomic | aborted, any()}. set_roster(#roster{us = {LUser, LServer}, jid = LJID} = Item) -> transaction( LUser, LServer, [LJID], fun() -> update_roster_t(LUser, LServer, LJID, Item) end). -spec del_roster(binary(), binary(), ljid()) -> {atomic | aborted, any()}. del_roster(LUser, LServer, LJID) -> transaction( LUser, LServer, [LJID], fun() -> del_roster_t(LUser, LServer, LJID) end). -spec encode_item(#roster{}) -> roster_item(). encode_item(Item) -> #roster_item{jid = jid:make(Item#roster.jid), name = Item#roster.name, subscription = Item#roster.subscription, ask = case ask_to_pending(Item#roster.ask) of out -> subscribe; both -> subscribe; _ -> undefined end, groups = Item#roster.groups}. -spec decode_item(roster_item(), #roster{}, boolean()) -> #roster{}. decode_item(#roster_item{subscription = remove} = Item, R, _) -> R#roster{jid = jid:tolower(Item#roster_item.jid), name = <<"">>, subscription = remove, ask = none, groups = [], askmessage = <<"">>, xs = []}; decode_item(Item, R, Managed) -> R#roster{jid = jid:tolower(Item#roster_item.jid), name = Item#roster_item.name, subscription = case Item#roster_item.subscription of Sub when Managed -> Sub; _ -> R#roster.subscription end, groups = Item#roster_item.groups}. -spec process_iq_set(iq()) -> iq(). process_iq_set(#iq{from = _From, to = To, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#roster_query{items = [QueryItem]}]} = IQ) -> case set_item_and_notify_clients(To, QueryItem, false) of ok -> xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ); {error, _} -> Txt = ?T("Database failure"), Err = xmpp:err_internal_server_error(Txt, Lang), xmpp:make_error(IQ, Err) end. -spec set_item_and_notify_clients(jid(), #roster_item{}, boolean()) -> ok | {error, any()}. set_item_and_notify_clients(To, #roster_item{jid = PeerJID} = RosterItem, OverrideSubscription) -> #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = To, PeerLJID = jid:tolower(PeerJID), F = fun () -> Item1 = get_roster_item(LUser, LServer, PeerLJID), Item2 = decode_item(RosterItem, Item1, OverrideSubscription), Item3 = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_process_item, LServer, Item2, [LServer]), case Item3#roster.subscription of remove -> del_roster_t(LUser, LServer, PeerLJID); _ -> update_roster_t(LUser, LServer, PeerLJID, Item3) end, case mod_roster_opt:store_current_id(LServer) of true -> write_roster_version_t(LUser, LServer); false -> ok end, {Item1, Item3} end, case transaction(LUser, LServer, [PeerLJID], F) of {atomic, {OldItem, NewItem}} -> push_item(To, encode_item(OldItem), encode_item(NewItem)), case NewItem#roster.subscription of remove -> send_unsubscribing_presence(To, OldItem); _ -> ok end; {aborted, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -spec push_item(jid(), #roster_item{}, #roster_item{}) -> ok. push_item(To, OldItem, NewItem) -> #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = To, Ver = case mod_roster_opt:versioning(LServer) of true -> roster_version(LServer, LUser); false -> undefined end, lists:foreach( fun(Resource) -> To1 = jid:replace_resource(To, Resource), push_item(To1, OldItem, NewItem, Ver) end, ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LUser, LServer)). -spec push_item(jid(), #roster_item{}, #roster_item{}, undefined | binary()) -> ok. push_item(To, OldItem, NewItem, Ver) -> route_presence_change(To, OldItem, NewItem), [Item] = process_items_mix([NewItem], To), IQ = #iq{type = set, to = To, from = jid:remove_resource(To), id = <<"push", (p1_rand:get_string())/binary>>, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = Ver, items = [Item]}]}, ejabberd_router:route(IQ). -spec route_presence_change(jid(), #roster_item{}, #roster_item{}) -> ok. route_presence_change(From, OldItem, NewItem) -> OldSub = OldItem#roster_item.subscription, NewSub = NewItem#roster_item.subscription, To = NewItem#roster_item.jid, NewIsFrom = NewSub == both orelse NewSub == from, OldIsFrom = OldSub == both orelse OldSub == from, if NewIsFrom andalso not OldIsFrom -> case ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid( From#jid.luser, From#jid.lserver, From#jid.lresource) of none -> ok; Pid -> ejabberd_c2s:resend_presence(Pid, To) end; OldIsFrom andalso not NewIsFrom -> PU = #presence{from = From, to = To, type = unavailable}, case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold( privacy_check_packet, allow, [From, PU, out]) of deny -> ok; allow -> ejabberd_router:route(PU) end; true -> ok end. -spec ask_to_pending(ask()) -> none | in | out | both. ask_to_pending(subscribe) -> out; ask_to_pending(unsubscribe) -> none; ask_to_pending(Ask) -> Ask. -spec roster_subscribe_t(binary(), binary(), ljid(), #roster{}) -> any(). roster_subscribe_t(LUser, LServer, LJID, Item) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:roster_subscribe(LUser, LServer, LJID, Item). -spec transaction(binary(), binary(), [ljid()], fun(() -> T)) -> {atomic, T} | {aborted, any()}. transaction(LUser, LServer, LJIDs, F) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), case Mod:transaction(LServer, F) of {atomic, _} = Result -> delete_cache(Mod, LUser, LServer, LJIDs), Result; Err -> Err end. -spec in_subscription(boolean(), presence()) -> boolean(). in_subscription(_, #presence{from = JID, to = To, type = Type, status = Status}) -> #jid{user = User, server = Server} = To, Reason = if Type == subscribe -> xmpp:get_text(Status); true -> <<"">> end, process_subscription(in, User, Server, JID, Type, Reason). -spec out_subscription(presence()) -> boolean(). out_subscription(#presence{from = From, to = JID, type = Type}) -> #jid{user = User, server = Server} = From, process_subscription(out, User, Server, JID, Type, <<"">>). -spec process_subscription(in | out, binary(), binary(), jid(), subscribe | subscribed | unsubscribe | unsubscribed, binary()) -> boolean(). process_subscription(Direction, User, Server, JID1, Type, Reason) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), LJID = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(JID1)), F = fun () -> Item = get_roster_item(LUser, LServer, LJID), NewState = case Direction of out -> out_state_change(Item#roster.subscription, Item#roster.ask, Type); in -> in_state_change(Item#roster.subscription, Item#roster.ask, Type) end, AutoReply = case Direction of out -> none; in -> in_auto_reply(Item#roster.subscription, Item#roster.ask, Type) end, AskMessage = case NewState of {_, both} -> Reason; {_, in} -> Reason; _ -> <<"">> end, case NewState of none -> {none, AutoReply}; {none, none} when Item#roster.subscription == none, Item#roster.ask == in -> del_roster_t(LUser, LServer, LJID), {none, AutoReply}; {Subscription, Pending} -> NewItem = Item#roster{subscription = Subscription, ask = Pending, askmessage = AskMessage}, roster_subscribe_t(LUser, LServer, LJID, NewItem), case mod_roster_opt:store_current_id(LServer) of true -> write_roster_version_t(LUser, LServer); false -> ok end, {{push, Item, NewItem}, AutoReply} end end, case transaction(LUser, LServer, [LJID], F) of {atomic, {Push, AutoReply}} -> case AutoReply of none -> ok; _ -> ejabberd_router:route( #presence{type = AutoReply, from = jid:make(User, Server), to = JID1}) end, case Push of {push, OldItem, NewItem} -> if NewItem#roster.subscription == none, NewItem#roster.ask == in -> ok; true -> push_item(jid:make(User, Server), encode_item(OldItem), encode_item(NewItem)) end, true; none -> false end; _ -> false end. %% in_state_change(Subscription, Pending, Type) -> NewState %% NewState = none | {NewSubscription, NewPending} -ifdef(ROSTER_GATEWAY_WORKAROUND). -define(NNSD, {to, none}). -define(NISD, {to, in}). -else. -define(NNSD, none). -define(NISD, none). -endif. in_state_change(none, none, subscribe) -> {none, in}; in_state_change(none, none, subscribed) -> ?NNSD; in_state_change(none, none, unsubscribe) -> none; in_state_change(none, none, unsubscribed) -> none; in_state_change(none, out, subscribe) -> {none, both}; in_state_change(none, out, subscribed) -> {to, none}; in_state_change(none, out, unsubscribe) -> none; in_state_change(none, out, unsubscribed) -> {none, none}; in_state_change(none, in, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(none, in, subscribed) -> ?NISD; in_state_change(none, in, unsubscribe) -> {none, none}; in_state_change(none, in, unsubscribed) -> none; in_state_change(none, both, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(none, both, subscribed) -> {to, in}; in_state_change(none, both, unsubscribe) -> {none, out}; in_state_change(none, both, unsubscribed) -> {none, in}; in_state_change(to, none, subscribe) -> {to, in}; in_state_change(to, none, subscribed) -> none; in_state_change(to, none, unsubscribe) -> none; in_state_change(to, none, unsubscribed) -> {none, none}; in_state_change(to, in, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(to, in, subscribed) -> none; in_state_change(to, in, unsubscribe) -> {to, none}; in_state_change(to, in, unsubscribed) -> {none, in}; in_state_change(from, none, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(from, none, subscribed) -> {both, none}; in_state_change(from, none, unsubscribe) -> {none, none}; in_state_change(from, none, unsubscribed) -> none; in_state_change(from, out, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(from, out, subscribed) -> {both, none}; in_state_change(from, out, unsubscribe) -> {none, out}; in_state_change(from, out, unsubscribed) -> {from, none}; in_state_change(both, none, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(both, none, subscribed) -> none; in_state_change(both, none, unsubscribe) -> {to, none}; in_state_change(both, none, unsubscribed) -> {from, none}; % Invalid states that can occurs from roster modification from API in_state_change(to, out, subscribe) -> {to, in}; in_state_change(to, out, subscribed) -> none; in_state_change(to, out, unsubscribe) -> none; in_state_change(to, out, unsubscribed) -> {none, none}; in_state_change(to, both, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(to, both, subscribed) -> none; in_state_change(to, both, unsubscribe) -> {to, none}; in_state_change(to, both, unsubscribed) -> {none, in}; in_state_change(from, in, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(from, in, subscribed) -> {both, none}; in_state_change(from, in, unsubscribe) -> {none, none}; in_state_change(from, in, unsubscribed) -> none; in_state_change(from, both, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(from, both, subscribed) -> {both, none}; in_state_change(from, both, unsubscribe) -> {none, out}; in_state_change(from, both, unsubscribed) -> {from, none}; in_state_change(both, _, subscribe) -> none; in_state_change(both, _, subscribed) -> none; in_state_change(both, _, unsubscribe) -> {to, none}; in_state_change(both, _, unsubscribed) -> {from, none}. out_state_change(none, none, subscribe) -> {none, out}; out_state_change(none, none, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(none, none, unsubscribe) -> none; out_state_change(none, none, unsubscribed) -> none; out_state_change(none, out, subscribe) -> {none, out}; %% We need to resend query (RFC3921, section 9.2) out_state_change(none, out, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(none, out, unsubscribe) -> {none, none}; out_state_change(none, out, unsubscribed) -> none; out_state_change(none, in, subscribe) -> {none, both}; out_state_change(none, in, subscribed) -> {from, none}; out_state_change(none, in, unsubscribe) -> none; out_state_change(none, in, unsubscribed) -> {none, none}; out_state_change(none, both, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(none, both, subscribed) -> {from, out}; out_state_change(none, both, unsubscribe) -> {none, in}; out_state_change(none, both, unsubscribed) -> {none, out}; out_state_change(to, none, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(to, none, subscribed) -> {both, none}; out_state_change(to, none, unsubscribe) -> {none, none}; out_state_change(to, none, unsubscribed) -> none; out_state_change(to, in, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(to, in, subscribed) -> {both, none}; out_state_change(to, in, unsubscribe) -> {none, in}; out_state_change(to, in, unsubscribed) -> {to, none}; out_state_change(from, none, subscribe) -> {from, out}; out_state_change(from, none, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(from, none, unsubscribe) -> none; out_state_change(from, none, unsubscribed) -> {none, none}; out_state_change(from, out, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(from, out, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(from, out, unsubscribe) -> {from, none}; out_state_change(from, out, unsubscribed) -> {none, out}; out_state_change(both, none, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(both, none, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(both, none, unsubscribe) -> {from, none}; out_state_change(both, none, unsubscribed) -> {to, none}; % Invalid states that can occurs from roster modification from API out_state_change(to, out, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(to, out, subscribed) -> {both, none}; out_state_change(to, out, unsubscribe) -> {none, none}; out_state_change(to, out, unsubscribed) -> none; out_state_change(to, both, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(to, both, subscribed) -> {both, none}; out_state_change(to, both, unsubscribe) -> {none, in}; out_state_change(to, both, unsubscribed) -> {to, none}; out_state_change(from, in, subscribe) -> {from, out}; out_state_change(from, in, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(from, in, unsubscribe) -> none; out_state_change(from, in, unsubscribed) -> {none, none}; out_state_change(from, both, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(from, both, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(from, both, unsubscribe) -> {from, none}; out_state_change(from, both, unsubscribed) -> {none, out}; out_state_change(both, _, subscribe) -> none; out_state_change(both, _, subscribed) -> none; out_state_change(both, _, unsubscribe) -> {from, none}; out_state_change(both, _, unsubscribed) -> {to, none}. in_auto_reply(from, none, subscribe) -> subscribed; in_auto_reply(from, out, subscribe) -> subscribed; in_auto_reply(both, none, subscribe) -> subscribed; in_auto_reply(none, in, unsubscribe) -> unsubscribed; in_auto_reply(none, both, unsubscribe) -> unsubscribed; in_auto_reply(to, in, unsubscribe) -> unsubscribed; in_auto_reply(from, none, unsubscribe) -> unsubscribed; in_auto_reply(from, out, unsubscribe) -> unsubscribed; in_auto_reply(both, none, unsubscribe) -> unsubscribed; in_auto_reply(_, _, _) -> none. -spec remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> ok. remove_user(User, Server) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), Items = get_filtered_roster(LUser, LServer), send_unsubscription_to_rosteritems(LUser, LServer, Items), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:remove_user(LUser, LServer), delete_cache(Mod, LUser, LServer, [Item#roster.jid || Item <- Items]). %% For each contact with Subscription: %% Both or From, send a "unsubscribed" presence stanza; %% Both or To, send a "unsubscribe" presence stanza. -spec send_unsubscription_to_rosteritems(binary(), binary(), [#roster{}]) -> ok. send_unsubscription_to_rosteritems(LUser, LServer, RosterItems) -> From = jid:make({LUser, LServer, <<"">>}), lists:foreach(fun (RosterItem) -> send_unsubscribing_presence(From, RosterItem) end, RosterItems). -spec send_unsubscribing_presence(jid(), #roster{}) -> ok. send_unsubscribing_presence(From, Item) -> IsTo = case Item#roster.subscription of both -> true; to -> true; _ -> false end, IsFrom = case Item#roster.subscription of both -> true; from -> true; _ -> false end, if IsTo -> ejabberd_router:route( #presence{type = unsubscribe, from = jid:remove_resource(From), to = jid:make(Item#roster.jid)}); true -> ok end, if IsFrom -> ejabberd_router:route( #presence{type = unsubscribed, from = jid:remove_resource(From), to = jid:make(Item#roster.jid)}); true -> ok end. %%%=================================================================== %%% MIX %%%=================================================================== -spec remove_mix_channel([#roster_item{}]) -> [#roster_item{}]. remove_mix_channel(Items) -> lists:map( fun(Item) -> Item#roster_item{mix_channel = undefined} end, Items). -spec process_items_mix([#roster_item{}], boolean() | jid()) -> [#roster_item{}]. process_items_mix(Items, true) -> Items; process_items_mix(Items, false) -> remove_mix_channel(Items); process_items_mix(Items, JID) -> process_items_mix(Items, is_mix_annotation_enabled(JID)). -spec is_mix_annotation_enabled(jid()) -> boolean(). is_mix_annotation_enabled(#jid{luser = User, lserver = Host, lresource = Res}) -> case ejabberd_sm:get_user_info(User, Host, Res) of offline -> false; Info -> case lists:keyfind(?SM_MIX_ANNOTATE, 1, Info) of {_, true} -> true; _ -> false end end. -spec set_mix_annotation_enabled(jid(), boolean()) -> ok | {error, any()}. set_mix_annotation_enabled(#jid{luser = U, lserver = Host, lresource = R} = JID, false) -> case is_mix_annotation_enabled(JID) of true -> ?DEBUG("Disabling roster MIX annotation for ~ts@~ts/~ts", [U, Host, R]), case ejabberd_sm:del_user_info(U, Host, R, ?SM_MIX_ANNOTATE) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to disable roster MIX annotation for ~ts@~ts/~ts: ~p", [U, Host, R, Reason]), Err end; false -> ok end; set_mix_annotation_enabled(#jid{luser = U, lserver = Host, lresource = R}, true)-> ?DEBUG("Enabling roster MIX annotation for ~ts@~ts/~ts", [U, Host, R]), case ejabberd_sm:set_user_info(U, Host, R, ?SM_MIX_ANNOTATE, true) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to enable roster MIX annotation for ~ts@~ts/~ts: ~p", [U, Host, R, Reason]), Err end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -spec set_items(binary(), binary(), roster_query()) -> {atomic, ok} | {aborted, any()}. set_items(User, Server, #roster_query{items = Items}) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), LJIDs = [jid:tolower(Item#roster_item.jid) || Item <- Items], F = fun () -> lists:foreach( fun(Item) -> process_item_set_t(LUser, LServer, Item) end, Items) end, transaction(LUser, LServer, LJIDs, F). -spec update_roster_t(binary(), binary(), ljid(), #roster{}) -> any(). update_roster_t(LUser, LServer, LJID, Item) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:update_roster(LUser, LServer, LJID, Item). -spec del_roster_t(binary(), binary(), ljid()) -> any(). del_roster_t(LUser, LServer, LJID) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:del_roster(LUser, LServer, LJID). -spec process_item_set_t(binary(), binary(), roster_item()) -> any(). process_item_set_t(LUser, LServer, #roster_item{jid = JID1} = QueryItem) -> JID = {JID1#jid.user, JID1#jid.server, <<>>}, LJID = {JID1#jid.luser, JID1#jid.lserver, <<>>}, Item = #roster{usj = {LUser, LServer, LJID}, us = {LUser, LServer}, jid = JID}, Item2 = decode_item(QueryItem, Item, _Managed = true), case Item2#roster.subscription of remove -> del_roster_t(LUser, LServer, LJID); _ -> update_roster_t(LUser, LServer, LJID, Item2) end; process_item_set_t(_LUser, _LServer, _) -> ok. -spec c2s_self_presence({presence(), c2s_state()}) -> {presence(), c2s_state()}. c2s_self_presence({_, #{pres_last := _}} = Acc) -> Acc; c2s_self_presence({#presence{type = available} = Pkt, State}) -> Prio = get_priority_from_presence(Pkt), if Prio >= 0 -> State1 = resend_pending_subscriptions(State), {Pkt, State1}; true -> {Pkt, State} end; c2s_self_presence(Acc) -> Acc. -spec resend_pending_subscriptions(c2s_state()) -> c2s_state(). resend_pending_subscriptions(#{jid := JID} = State) -> BareJID = jid:remove_resource(JID), Result = get_roster(JID#jid.luser, JID#jid.lserver), lists:foldl( fun(#roster{ask = Ask} = R, AccState) when Ask == in; Ask == both -> Message = R#roster.askmessage, Status = if is_binary(Message) -> (Message); true -> <<"">> end, Sub = #presence{from = jid:make(R#roster.jid), to = BareJID, type = subscribe, status = xmpp:mk_text(Status)}, ejabberd_c2s:send(AccState, Sub); (_, AccState) -> AccState end, State, Result). -spec get_priority_from_presence(presence()) -> integer(). get_priority_from_presence(#presence{priority = Prio}) -> case Prio of undefined -> 0; _ -> Prio end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -spec get_jid_info({subscription(), ask(), [binary()]}, binary(), binary(), jid()) -> {subscription(), ask(), [binary()]}. get_jid_info(_, User, Server, JID) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), LJID = jid:tolower(JID), get_subscription_and_groups(LUser, LServer, LJID). %% Check if `From` is subscriberd to `To`s presence %% note 1: partial subscriptions are also considered, i.e. %% `To` has already sent a subscription request to `From` %% note 2: it's assumed a user is subscribed to self %% note 3: `To` MUST be a local user, `From` can be any user -spec is_subscribed(jid(), jid()) -> boolean(). is_subscribed(#jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}, #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}) -> true; is_subscribed(From, #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}) -> {Sub, Ask, _} = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold( roster_get_jid_info, LServer, {none, none, []}, [LUser, LServer, From]), (Sub /= none) orelse (Ask == subscribe) orelse (Ask == out) orelse (Ask == both). process_rosteritems(ActionS, SubsS, AsksS, UsersS, ContactsS) -> LServer = ejabberd_config:get_myname(), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:process_rosteritems(ActionS, SubsS, AsksS, UsersS, ContactsS). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% webadmin_page(_, Host, #request{us = _US, path = [<<"user">>, U, <<"roster">>], q = Query, lang = Lang} = _Request) -> Res = user_roster(U, Host, Query, Lang), {stop, Res}; webadmin_page(Acc, _, _) -> Acc. user_roster(User, Server, Query, Lang) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), US = {LUser, LServer}, Items1 = get_roster(LUser, LServer), Res = user_roster_parse_query(User, Server, Items1, Query), Items = get_roster(LUser, LServer), SItems = lists:sort(Items), FItems = case SItems of [] -> [?CT(?T("None"))]; _ -> [?XE(<<"table">>, [?XE(<<"thead">>, [?XE(<<"tr">>, [?XCT(<<"td">>, ?T("Jabber ID")), ?XCT(<<"td">>, ?T("Nickname")), ?XCT(<<"td">>, ?T("Subscription")), ?XCT(<<"td">>, ?T("Pending")), ?XCT(<<"td">>, ?T("Groups"))])]), ?XE(<<"tbody">>, (lists:map(fun (R) -> Groups = lists:flatmap(fun (Group) -> [?C(Group), ?BR] end, R#roster.groups), Pending = ask_to_pending(R#roster.ask), TDJID = build_contact_jid_td(R#roster.jid), ?XE(<<"tr">>, [TDJID, ?XAC(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], (R#roster.name)), ?XAC(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], (iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(R#roster.subscription)))), ?XAC(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], (iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Pending)))), ?XAE(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], Groups), if Pending == in -> ?XAE(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], [?INPUTT(<<"submit">>, <<"validate", (ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(R#roster.jid))/binary>>, ?T("Validate"))]); true -> ?X(<<"td">>) end, ?XAE(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], [?INPUTTD(<<"submit">>, <<"remove", (ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(R#roster.jid))/binary>>, ?T("Remove"))])]) end, SItems)))])] end, PageTitle = str:translate_and_format(Lang, ?T("Roster of ~ts"), [us_to_list(US)]), (?H1GL(PageTitle, <<"modules/#mod-roster">>, <<"mod_roster">>)) ++ case Res of ok -> [?XREST(?T("Submitted"))]; error -> [?XREST(?T("Bad format"))]; nothing -> [] end ++ [?XAE(<<"form">>, [{<<"action">>, <<"">>}, {<<"method">>, <<"post">>}], (FItems ++ [?P, ?INPUT(<<"text">>, <<"newjid">>, <<"">>), ?C(<<" ">>), ?INPUTT(<<"submit">>, <<"addjid">>, ?T("Add Jabber ID"))]))]. build_contact_jid_td(RosterJID) -> ContactJID = jid:make(RosterJID), JIDURI = case {ContactJID#jid.luser, ContactJID#jid.lserver} of {<<"">>, _} -> <<"">>; {CUser, CServer} -> case lists:member(CServer, ejabberd_option:hosts()) of false -> <<"">>; true -> <<"../../../../../server/", CServer/binary, "/user/", CUser/binary, "/">> end end, case JIDURI of <<>> -> ?XAC(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], (jid:encode(RosterJID))); URI when is_binary(URI) -> ?XAE(<<"td">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"valign">>}], [?AC(JIDURI, (jid:encode(RosterJID)))]) end. user_roster_parse_query(User, Server, Items, Query) -> case lists:keysearch(<<"addjid">>, 1, Query) of {value, _} -> case lists:keysearch(<<"newjid">>, 1, Query) of {value, {_, SJID}} -> try jid:decode(SJID) of JID -> user_roster_subscribe_jid(User, Server, JID), ok catch _:{bad_jid, _} -> error end; false -> error end; false -> case catch user_roster_item_parse_query(User, Server, Items, Query) of submitted -> ok; {'EXIT', _Reason} -> error; _ -> nothing end end. user_roster_subscribe_jid(User, Server, JID) -> UJID = jid:make(User, Server), Presence = #presence{from = UJID, to = JID, type = subscribe}, out_subscription(Presence), ejabberd_router:route(Presence). user_roster_item_parse_query(User, Server, Items, Query) -> lists:foreach(fun (R) -> JID = R#roster.jid, case lists:keysearch(<<"validate", (ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(JID))/binary>>, 1, Query) of {value, _} -> JID1 = jid:make(JID), UJID = jid:make(User, Server), Pres = #presence{from = UJID, to = JID1, type = subscribed}, out_subscription(Pres), ejabberd_router:route(Pres), throw(submitted); false -> case lists:keysearch(<<"remove", (ejabberd_web_admin:term_to_id(JID))/binary>>, 1, Query) of {value, _} -> UJID = jid:make(User, Server), RosterItem = #roster_item{ jid = jid:make(JID), subscription = remove}, process_iq_set( #iq{type = set, from = UJID, to = UJID, id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = [#roster_query{ items = [RosterItem]}]}), throw(submitted); false -> ok end end end, Items), nothing. us_to_list({User, Server}) -> jid:encode({User, Server, <<"">>}). webadmin_user(Acc, User, Server, Lang) -> QueueLen = length(get_roster(jid:nodeprep(User), jid:nameprep(Server))), FQueueLen = ?C(integer_to_binary(QueueLen)), FQueueView = ?AC(<<"roster/">>, ?T("View Roster")), Acc ++ [?XCT(<<"h3">>, ?T("Roster:")), FQueueLen, ?C(<<" | ">>), FQueueView]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -spec has_duplicated_groups([binary()]) -> boolean(). has_duplicated_groups(Groups) -> GroupsPrep = lists:usort([jid:resourceprep(G) || G <- Groups]), not (length(GroupsPrep) == length(Groups)). -spec init_cache(module(), binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok. init_cache(Mod, Host, Opts) -> CacheOpts = cache_opts(Opts), case use_cache(Mod, Host, roster_version) of true -> ets_cache:new(?ROSTER_VERSION_CACHE, CacheOpts); false -> ets_cache:delete(?ROSTER_VERSION_CACHE) end, case use_cache(Mod, Host, roster) of true -> ets_cache:new(?ROSTER_CACHE, CacheOpts), ets_cache:new(?ROSTER_ITEM_CACHE, CacheOpts); false -> ets_cache:delete(?ROSTER_CACHE), ets_cache:delete(?ROSTER_ITEM_CACHE) end. -spec cache_opts(gen_mod:opts()) -> [proplists:property()]. cache_opts(Opts) -> MaxSize = mod_roster_opt:cache_size(Opts), CacheMissed = mod_roster_opt:cache_missed(Opts), LifeTime = mod_roster_opt:cache_life_time(Opts), [{max_size, MaxSize}, {cache_missed, CacheMissed}, {life_time, LifeTime}]. -spec use_cache(module(), binary(), roster | roster_version) -> boolean(). use_cache(Mod, Host, Table) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, use_cache, 2) of true -> Mod:use_cache(Host, Table); false -> mod_roster_opt:use_cache(Host) end. -spec cache_nodes(module(), binary()) -> [node()]. cache_nodes(Mod, Host) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, cache_nodes, 1) of true -> Mod:cache_nodes(Host); false -> ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes() end. -spec delete_cache(module(), binary(), binary(), [ljid()]) -> ok. delete_cache(Mod, LUser, LServer, LJIDs) -> case use_cache(Mod, LServer, roster_version) of true -> ets_cache:delete(?ROSTER_VERSION_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, cache_nodes(Mod, LServer)); false -> ok end, case use_cache(Mod, LServer, roster) of true -> Nodes = cache_nodes(Mod, LServer), ets_cache:delete(?ROSTER_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, Nodes), lists:foreach( fun(LJID) -> ets_cache:delete( ?ROSTER_ITEM_CACHE, {LUser, LServer, jid:remove_resource(LJID)}, Nodes) end, LJIDs); false -> ok end. export(LServer) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:export(LServer). import_info() -> [{<<"roster_version">>, 2}, {<<"rostergroups">>, 3}, {<<"rosterusers">>, 10}]. import_start(LServer, DBType) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(DBType, ?MODULE), ets:new(rostergroups_tmp, [private, named_table, bag]), Mod:init(LServer, []), ok. import_stop(_LServer, _DBType) -> ets:delete(rostergroups_tmp), ok. row_length() -> case ejabberd_sql:use_new_schema() of true -> 10; false -> 9 end. import(LServer, {sql, _}, _DBType, <<"rostergroups">>, [LUser, SJID, Group]) -> LJID = jid:tolower(jid:decode(SJID)), ets:insert(rostergroups_tmp, {{LUser, LServer, LJID}, Group}), ok; import(LServer, {sql, _}, DBType, <<"rosterusers">>, Row) -> I = mod_roster_sql:raw_to_record(LServer, lists:sublist(Row, row_length())), Groups = [G || {_, G} <- ets:lookup(rostergroups_tmp, I#roster.usj)], RosterItem = I#roster{groups = Groups}, Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(DBType, ?MODULE), Mod:import(LServer, <<"rosterusers">>, RosterItem); import(LServer, {sql, _}, DBType, <<"roster_version">>, [LUser, Ver]) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(DBType, ?MODULE), Mod:import(LServer, <<"roster_version">>, [LUser, Ver]). mod_opt_type(access) -> econf:acl(); mod_opt_type(store_current_id) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(versioning) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(db_type) -> econf:db_type(?MODULE); mod_opt_type(use_cache) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_size) -> econf:pos_int(infinity); mod_opt_type(cache_missed) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_life_time) -> econf:timeout(second, infinity). mod_options(Host) -> [{access, all}, {store_current_id, false}, {versioning, false}, {db_type, ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, ?MODULE)}, {use_cache, ejabberd_option:use_cache(Host)}, {cache_size, ejabberd_option:cache_size(Host)}, {cache_missed, ejabberd_option:cache_missed(Host)}, {cache_life_time, ejabberd_option:cache_life_time(Host)}]. mod_doc() -> #{desc => ?T("This module implements roster management as " "defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6121#section-2" "[RFC6121 Section 2]. The module also adds support for " "https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0237.html" "[XEP-0237: Roster Versioning]."), opts => [{access, #{value => ?T("AccessName"), desc => ?T("This option can be configured to specify " "rules to restrict roster management. " "If the rule returns 'deny' on the requested " "user name, that user cannot modify their personal " "roster, i.e. they cannot add/remove/modify contacts " "or send presence subscriptions. " "The default value is 'all', i.e. no restrictions.")}}, {versioning, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Enables/disables Roster Versioning. " "The default value is 'false'.")}}, {store_current_id, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("If this option is set to 'true', the current " "roster version number is stored on the database. " "If set to 'false', the roster version number is " "calculated on the fly each time. Enabling this " "option reduces the load for both ejabberd and the database. " "This option does not affect the client in any way. " "This option is only useful if option 'versioning' is " "set to 'true'. The default value is 'false'. " "IMPORTANT: if you use _`mod_shared_roster`_ or " " _`mod_shared_roster_ldap`_, you must set the value " "of the option to 'false'.")}}, {db_type, #{value => "mnesia | sql", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`default_db`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {use_cache, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`use_cache`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_size, #{value => "pos_integer() | infinity", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_size`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_missed, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_missed`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_life_time, #{value => "timeout()", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_life_time`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}], example => ["modules:", " ...", " mod_roster:", " versioning: true", " store_current_id: false", " ..."]}.