%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_loglevel.erl %%% Author : Mickael Remond %%% Purpose : Loglevel switcher. %%% Be careful: you should not have any ejabberd_logger module %%% as ejabberd_loglevel switcher is compiling and loading %%% dynamically a "virtual" ejabberd_logger module (Described %%% in a string at the end of this module). %%% Created : 29 Nov 2006 by Mickael Remond %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2010 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_loglevel). -author('mickael.remond@process-one.net'). -export([set/1, get/0, get_default/0, set_custom/2, clear_custom/0, clear_custom/1]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -define(LOGMODULE, "error_logger"). %% Error levels: -record(loglevel, {ordinal, name, description, function = no_log, event_type = no_log, msg_prefix = no_log}). -define(LOG_LEVELS, [#loglevel{ordinal = 0, name = no_log, description = "No log"}, #loglevel{ordinal = 1, name = critical, description = "Critical", function = critical_msg, event_type = error, msg_prefix = "C"}, #loglevel{ordinal = 2, name = error, description = "Error", function = error_msg, event_type = error, msg_prefix = "E"}, #loglevel{ordinal = 3, name = warning, description = "Warning", function = warning_msg, event_type = warning_msg, msg_prefix = "W"}, #loglevel{ordinal = 4, name = info, description = "Info", function = info_msg, event_type = info_msg, msg_prefix = "I"}, #loglevel{ordinal = 5, name = debug, description = "Debug", function = debug_msg, event_type = info_msg, msg_prefix = "D"}]). %% @type level() = integer() | atom(). %% @spec () -> {DefaultLevelOrdinal::integer(), [{Module::atom(), LevelOrdinal::integer()}]} %% @doc Get the default and all custom levels get() -> ejabberd_logger:get(). %% @spec () -> {Ordinal::integer(), Name::atom(), Description::string()} %% @doc Get the default level get_default() -> {DefaultLevel, _CustomLevels} = ejabberd_logger:get(), case lists:keysearch(DefaultLevel, #loglevel.ordinal, ?LOG_LEVELS) of {value, Result = #loglevel{}} -> {Result#loglevel.ordinal, Result#loglevel.name, Result#loglevel.description}; _ -> erlang:error({no_such_loglevel, DefaultLevel}) end. %% @spec (DefaultLevel::level() | {DefaultLevel::level(), [{Module::atom(), Level::level()}]}) -> %% {module, ejabberd_logger} %% @doc Set the default and all custom levels set(DefaultLevel) when is_atom(DefaultLevel) orelse is_integer(DefaultLevel) -> set({DefaultLevel, []}); set({DefaultLevel, CustomLevels}) when is_list(CustomLevels) -> DefaultInt = level_to_integer(DefaultLevel), CustomInts = [level_to_integer(C) || C <- CustomLevels], Loglevel = {DefaultInt, CustomInts}, try {Mod,Code} = dynamic_compile:from_string(ejabberd_logger_src(Loglevel)), code:load_binary(Mod, ?LOGMODULE ++ ".erl", Code) catch Type:Error -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("Error compiling logger (~p): ~p~n", [Type, Error]) end; set(_) -> exit("Invalid loglevel format"). %% @spec (Module::atom(), CustomLevel::level()) -> ok %% @doc Set a custom level set_custom(Module, Level) -> {DefaultLevel, CustomLevels} = ejabberd_logger:get(), case lists:keysearch(Module, 1, CustomLevels) of {value, {Module, Level}} -> ok; {value, _} -> set({DefaultLevel, lists:keyreplace(Module, 1, CustomLevels, {Module, Level})}); _ -> set({DefaultLevel, [{Module, Level} | CustomLevels]}) end. %% @spec () -> ok %% @doc Clear all custom levels clear_custom() -> {DefaultLevel, _CustomLevels} = ejabberd_logger:get(), set({DefaultLevel, []}). %% @spec (Module::atom()) -> ok %% @doc Clear a custom level clear_custom(Module) -> {DefaultLevel, CustomLevels} = ejabberd_logger:get(), case lists:keysearch(Module, 1, CustomLevels) of {value, _} -> set({DefaultLevel, lists:keydelete(Module, 1, CustomLevels)}); _ -> ok end. level_to_integer(Level) when is_integer(Level) -> Level; level_to_integer({Module, Level}) -> {Module, level_to_integer(Level)}; level_to_integer(Level) -> case lists:keysearch(Level, #loglevel.name, ?LOG_LEVELS) of {value, #loglevel{ordinal = Int}} -> Int; _ -> erlang:error({no_such_loglevel, Level}) end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% Code of the ejabberd logger, dynamically compiled and loaded %% This allows to dynamically change log level while keeping a %% very efficient code. ejabberd_logger_src(Loglevel) -> lists:flatten([header_src(), get_src(Loglevel), [log_src(Loglevel, LevelSpec) || LevelSpec <- ?LOG_LEVELS], notify_src()]). header_src() -> "-module(ejabberd_logger). -author('mickael.remond@process-one.net'). -export([debug_msg/4, info_msg/4, warning_msg/4, error_msg/4, critical_msg/4, get/0]). ". get_src(Loglevel) -> io_lib:format("get() -> ~w. ", [Loglevel]). log_src(_Loglevel, #loglevel{function = no_log}) -> []; log_src({DefaultLevel, [{Module, Level} | Tail]}, Spec = #loglevel{ordinal = MinLevel}) when Level < MinLevel andalso MinLevel =< DefaultLevel -> [atom_to_list(Spec#loglevel.function), "(", atom_to_list(Module), ", _, _, _) -> ok; ", log_src({DefaultLevel, Tail}, Spec)]; log_src({DefaultLevel, [{Module, Level} | Tail]}, Spec = #loglevel{ordinal = MinLevel}) when DefaultLevel < MinLevel andalso MinLevel =< Level -> [atom_to_list(Spec#loglevel.function), "(", atom_to_list(Module), " = Module, Line, Format, Args) ->", log_notify_src(Spec), "; ", log_src({DefaultLevel, Tail}, Spec)]; log_src({DefaultLevel, [_Head | Tail]}, Spec = #loglevel{}) -> log_src({DefaultLevel, Tail}, Spec); log_src({DefaultLevel, []}, Spec = #loglevel{ordinal = MinLevel}) when DefaultLevel < MinLevel -> [atom_to_list(Spec#loglevel.function), "(_, _, _, _) -> ok. "]; log_src({_DefaultLevel, []}, Spec = #loglevel{}) -> [atom_to_list(Spec#loglevel.function), "(Module, Line, Format, Args) ->", log_notify_src(Spec), ". "]. log_notify_src(Spec = #loglevel{}) -> ["notify(", atom_to_list(Spec#loglevel.event_type), ", \"", Spec#loglevel.msg_prefix, "(~p:~p:~p) : \"++Format++\"~n\", [self(), Module, Line | Args])"]. notify_src() -> %% Distribute the message to the Erlang error logger "notify(Type, Format, Args) -> LoggerMsg = {Type, group_leader(), {self(), Format, Args}}, gen_event:notify(error_logger, LoggerMsg). ".