%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : configure.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : %%% Created : 27 Jan 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% Id : $Id$ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(configure). -author('alexey@sevcom.net'). -vsn('$Revision$ '). -export([start/0]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). start() -> Static = case os:getenv("arg") of false -> false; "static" -> true; _ -> false end, case Static of true -> ExpatLib = "EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)\\StaticLibs\\libexpatMT.lib\n", ExpatFlag = "EXPAT_FLAG = -DXML_STATIC\n", IconvDir = "ICONV_DIR = c:\\progra~1\\libiconv-1.9.1-static\n", IconvLib = "ICONV_LIB = $(ICONV_DIR)\\lib\\iconv.lib\n", ZlibDir = "ZLIB_DIR = c:\\progra~1\\zlib-1.2.3\n", ZlibLib = "ZLIB_LIB = $(ZLIB_DIR)\\lib\\zlib.lib\n"; false -> ExpatLib = "EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)\\Libs\\libexpat.lib\n", ExpatFlag = "", IconvDir = "ICONV_DIR = c:\\progra~1\\libiconv-1.9.1\n", IconvLib = "ICONV_LIB = $(ICONV_DIR)\\lib\\iconv.lib\n", ZlibDir = "ZLIB_DIR = c:\\progra~1\\zlib-1.2.3\n", ZlibLib = "ZLIB_LIB = $(ZLIB_DIR)\\lib\\zlib1.lib\n" end, EVersion = "ERLANG_VERSION = " ++ erlang:system_info(version) ++ "\n", EIDirS = "EI_DIR = " ++ code:lib_dir("erl_interface") ++ "\n", RootDirS = "ERLANG_DIR = " ++ code:root_dir() ++ "\n", Version = "EJABBERD_VERSION = " ++ ?VERSION ++ "\n", ExpatDir = "EXPAT_DIR = c:\\progra~1\\expat-1.95.7\n", OpenSSLDir = "OPENSSL_DIR = c:\\progra~1\\OpenSSL\n", SSLDir = "SSLDIR = " ++ code:lib_dir("ssl") ++ "\n", StdLibDir = "STDLIBDIR = " ++ code:lib_dir("stdlib") ++ "\n", file:write_file("Makefile.inc", list_to_binary(EVersion ++ EIDirS ++ RootDirS ++ Version ++ SSLDir ++ StdLibDir ++ OpenSSLDir ++ ExpatDir ++ ExpatLib ++ ExpatFlag ++ IconvDir ++ IconvLib ++ ZlibDir ++ ZlibLib)), halt().