%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_sip.erl %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Purpose : SIP RFC-3261 %%% Created : 21 Apr 2014 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2014-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_sip). -protocol({rfc, 3261}). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -ifndef(SIP). -export([start/2, stop/1, depends/2, mod_options/1, mod_doc/0]). start(_, _) -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("ejabberd is not compiled with SIP support", []), {error, sip_not_compiled}. stop(_) -> ok. depends(_, _) -> []. mod_options(_) -> []. mod_doc() -> #{desc => [?T("SIP support has not been enabled.")]}. -else. -behaviour(gen_mod). -behaviour(esip). %% API -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, make_response/2, is_my_host/1, at_my_host/1]). -export([data_in/2, data_out/2, message_in/2, message_out/2, request/2, request/3, response/2, locate/1, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, depends/2, mod_doc/0]). -include_lib("esip/include/esip.hrl"). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start(_Host, _Opts) -> ejabberd:start_app(esip), esip:set_config_value(max_server_transactions, 10000), esip:set_config_value(max_client_transactions, 10000), esip:set_config_value( software, <<"ejabberd ", (ejabberd_option:version())/binary>>), esip:set_config_value(module, ?MODULE), Spec = {mod_sip_registrar, {mod_sip_registrar, start_link, []}, transient, 2000, worker, [mod_sip_registrar]}, TmpSupSpec = {mod_sip_proxy_sup, {ejabberd_tmp_sup, start_link, [mod_sip_proxy_sup, mod_sip_proxy]}, permanent, infinity, supervisor, [ejabberd_tmp_sup]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, Spec), supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, TmpSupSpec), ok. stop(_Host) -> ok. reload(_Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> ok. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. data_in(Data, #sip_socket{type = Transport, addr = {MyIP, MyPort}, peer = {PeerIP, PeerPort}}) -> ?DEBUG( "SIP [~p/in] ~ts:~p -> ~ts:~p:~n~ts", [Transport, inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP), PeerPort, inet_parse:ntoa(MyIP), MyPort, Data]). data_out(Data, #sip_socket{type = Transport, addr = {MyIP, MyPort}, peer = {PeerIP, PeerPort}}) -> ?DEBUG( "SIP [~p/out] ~ts:~p -> ~ts:~p:~n~ts", [Transport, inet_parse:ntoa(MyIP), MyPort, inet_parse:ntoa(PeerIP), PeerPort, Data]). message_in(#sip{type = request, method = M} = Req, SIPSock) when M /= <<"ACK">>, M /= <<"CANCEL">> -> case action(Req, SIPSock) of {relay, _LServer} -> ok; Action -> request(Req, SIPSock, undefined, Action) end; message_in(ping, SIPSock) -> mod_sip_registrar:ping(SIPSock); message_in(_, _) -> ok. message_out(_, _) -> ok. response(_Resp, _SIPSock) -> ok. request(#sip{method = <<"ACK">>} = Req, SIPSock) -> case action(Req, SIPSock) of {relay, LServer} -> mod_sip_proxy:route(Req, LServer, [{authenticated, true}]); {proxy_auth, LServer} -> mod_sip_proxy:route(Req, LServer, [{authenticated, false}]); _ -> ok end; request(_Req, _SIPSock) -> ok. request(Req, SIPSock, TrID) -> request(Req, SIPSock, TrID, action(Req, SIPSock)). request(Req, SIPSock, TrID, Action) -> case Action of to_me -> process(Req, SIPSock); register -> mod_sip_registrar:request(Req, SIPSock); loop -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 483, type = response}); {unsupported, Require} -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 420, type = response, hdrs = [{'unsupported', Require}]}); {relay, LServer} -> case mod_sip_proxy:start(LServer, []) of {ok, Pid} -> mod_sip_proxy:route(Req, SIPSock, TrID, Pid), {mod_sip_proxy, route, [Pid]}; Err -> ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to proxy request ~p: ~p", [Req, Err]), Err end; {proxy_auth, LServer} -> make_response( Req, #sip{status = 407, type = response, hdrs = [{'proxy-authenticate', make_auth_hdr(LServer)}]}); {auth, LServer} -> make_response( Req, #sip{status = 401, type = response, hdrs = [{'www-authenticate', make_auth_hdr(LServer)}]}); deny -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 403, type = response}); not_found -> make_response(Req, #sip{status = 480, type = response}) end. locate(_SIPMsg) -> ok. find(#uri{user = User, host = Host}) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Host), if LUser == <<"">> -> to_me; true -> case mod_sip_registrar:find_sockets(LUser, LServer) of [] -> not_found; [_|_] -> {relay, LServer} end end. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== action(#sip{method = <<"REGISTER">>, type = request, hdrs = Hdrs, uri = #uri{user = <<"">>} = URI} = Req, SIPSock) -> case at_my_host(URI) of true -> Require = esip:get_hdrs('require', Hdrs) -- supported(), case Require of [_|_] -> {unsupported, Require}; _ -> {_, ToURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('to', Hdrs), case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> case check_auth(Req, 'authorization', SIPSock) of true -> register; false -> {auth, jid:nameprep(ToURI#uri.host)} end; false -> deny end end; false -> deny end; action(#sip{method = Method, hdrs = Hdrs, type = request} = Req, SIPSock) -> case esip:get_hdr('max-forwards', Hdrs) of 0 when Method == <<"OPTIONS">> -> to_me; 0 -> loop; _ -> Require = esip:get_hdrs('proxy-require', Hdrs) -- supported(), case Require of [_|_] -> {unsupported, Require}; _ -> {_, ToURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('to', Hdrs), {_, FromURI, _} = esip:get_hdr('from', Hdrs), case at_my_host(FromURI) of true -> case check_auth(Req, 'proxy-authorization', SIPSock) of true -> case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> find(ToURI); false -> LServer = jid:nameprep(FromURI#uri.host), {relay, LServer} end; false -> {proxy_auth, FromURI#uri.host} end; false -> case at_my_host(ToURI) of true -> find(ToURI); false -> deny end end end end. check_auth(#sip{method = <<"CANCEL">>}, _, _SIPSock) -> true; check_auth(#sip{method = Method, hdrs = Hdrs, body = Body}, AuthHdr, _SIPSock) -> Issuer = case AuthHdr of 'authorization' -> to; 'proxy-authorization' -> from end, {_, #uri{user = User, host = Host}, _} = esip:get_hdr(Issuer, Hdrs), LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Host), case lists:filter( fun({_, Params}) -> Username = esip:get_param(<<"username">>, Params), Realm = esip:get_param(<<"realm">>, Params), (LUser == esip:unquote(Username)) and (LServer == esip:unquote(Realm)) end, esip:get_hdrs(AuthHdr, Hdrs)) of [Auth|_] -> case ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(LUser, LServer) of <<"">> -> false; Password when is_binary(Password) -> esip:check_auth(Auth, Method, Body, Password); _ScramedPassword -> ?ERROR_MSG("Unable to authenticate ~ts@~ts against SCRAM'ed " "password", [LUser, LServer]), false end; [] -> false end. allow() -> [<<"OPTIONS">>, <<"REGISTER">>]. supported() -> [<<"path">>, <<"outbound">>]. process(#sip{method = <<"OPTIONS">>} = Req, _) -> make_response(Req, #sip{type = response, status = 200, hdrs = [{'allow', allow()}, {'supported', supported()}]}); process(#sip{method = <<"REGISTER">>} = Req, _) -> make_response(Req, #sip{type = response, status = 400}); process(Req, _) -> make_response(Req, #sip{type = response, status = 405, hdrs = [{'allow', allow()}]}). make_auth_hdr(LServer) -> {<<"Digest">>, [{<<"realm">>, esip:quote(LServer)}, {<<"qop">>, esip:quote(<<"auth">>)}, {<<"nonce">>, esip:quote(esip:make_hexstr(20))}]}. make_response(Req, Resp) -> esip:make_response(Req, Resp, esip:make_tag()). at_my_host(#uri{host = Host}) -> is_my_host(jid:nameprep(Host)). is_my_host(LServer) -> gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, ?MODULE). mod_opt_type(always_record_route) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(flow_timeout_tcp) -> econf:timeout(second); mod_opt_type(flow_timeout_udp) -> econf:timeout(second); mod_opt_type(record_route) -> econf:sip_uri(); mod_opt_type(routes) -> econf:list(econf:sip_uri()); mod_opt_type(via) -> econf:list( fun(L) when is_list(L) -> (econf:and_then( econf:options( #{type => econf:enum([tcp, tls, udp]), host => econf:domain(), port => econf:port()}, [{required, [type, host]}]), fun(Opts) -> Type = proplists:get_value(type, Opts), Host = proplists:get_value(host, Opts), Port = proplists:get_value(port, Opts), {Type, {Host, Port}} end))(L); (U) -> (econf:and_then( econf:url([tls, tcp, udp]), fun(URI) -> {ok, Type, _UserInfo, Host, Port, _, _} = misc:uri_parse(URI), {list_to_atom(Type), {unicode:characters_to_binary(Host), Port}} end))(U) end, [unique]). -spec mod_options(binary()) -> [{via, [{tcp | tls | udp, {binary(), 1..65535}}]} | {atom(), term()}]. mod_options(Host) -> Route = #uri{scheme = <<"sip">>, host = Host, params = [{<<"lr">>, <<>>}]}, [{always_record_route, true}, {flow_timeout_tcp, timer:seconds(120)}, {flow_timeout_udp, timer:seconds(29)}, {record_route, Route}, {routes, [Route]}, {via, []}]. mod_doc() -> #{desc => [?T("This module adds SIP proxy/registrar support " "for the corresponding virtual host."), "", ?T("NOTE: It is not enough to just load this module. " "You should also configure listeners and DNS records " "properly. For details see the section about the " "http://../listen/#ejabberd_sip[ejabberd_sip] listen module " "in the ejabberd Documentation.")], opts => [{always_record_route, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Always insert \"Record-Route\" header into " "SIP messages. With this approach it is possible to bypass " "NATs/firewalls a bit more easily. " "The default value is 'true'.")}}, {flow_timeout_tcp, #{value => "timeout()", desc => ?T("The option sets a keep-alive timer for " "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5626[SIP outbound] " "TCP connections. The default value is '2' minutes.")}}, {flow_timeout_udp, #{value => "timeout()", desc => ?T("The options sets a keep-alive timer for " "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5626[SIP outbound] " "UDP connections. The default value is '29' seconds.")}}, {record_route, #{value => ?T("URI"), desc => ?T("When the option 'always_record_route' is set to " "'true' or when https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5626" "[SIP outbound] is utilized, ejabberd inserts " "\"Record-Route\" header field with this 'URI' into " "a SIP message. The default is a SIP URI constructed " "from the virtual host on which the module is loaded.")}}, {routes, #{value => "[URI, ...]", desc => ?T("You can set a list of SIP URIs of routes pointing " "to this SIP proxy server. The default is a list containing " "a single SIP URI constructed from the virtual host " "on which the module is loaded.")}}, {via, #{value => "[URI, ...]", desc => ?T("A list to construct \"Via\" headers for " "inserting them into outgoing SIP messages. " "This is useful if you're running your SIP proxy " "in a non-standard network topology. Every 'URI' " "element in the list must be in the form of " "\"scheme://host:port\", where \"transport\" " "must be 'tls', 'tcp', or 'udp', \"host\" must " "be a domain name or an IP address and \"port\" " "must be an internet port number. Note that all " "parts of the 'URI' are mandatory (e.g. you " "cannot omit \"port\" or \"scheme\").")}}], example => ["modules:", " ...", " mod_sip:", " always_record_route: false", " record_route: \"sip:example.com;lr\"", " routes:", " - \"sip:example.com;lr\"", " - \"sip:sip.example.com;lr\"", " flow_timeout_udp: 30 sec", " flow_timeout_tcp: 1 min", " via:", " - tls://sip-tls.example.com:5061", " - tcp://sip-tcp.example.com:5060", " - udp://sip-udp.example.com:5060", " ..."]}. -endif.