%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_muc_log.erl %%% Author : Badlop@process-one.net %%% Purpose : MUC room logging %%% Created : 12 Mar 2006 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2020 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_muc_log). -protocol({xep, 334, '0.2'}). -author('badlop@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_server). -behaviour(gen_mod). %% API -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, get_url/1, check_access_log/2, add_to_log/5]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, depends/2, mod_doc/0]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -include("mod_muc_room.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -record(room, {jid, title, subject, subject_author, config}). -define(PLAINTEXT_CO, <<"ZZCZZ">>). -define(PLAINTEXT_IN, <<"ZZIZZ">>). -define(PLAINTEXT_OUT, <<"ZZOZZ">>). -record(logstate, {host, out_dir, dir_type, dir_name, file_format, file_permissions, css_file, access, lang, timezone, spam_prevention, top_link}). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== start(Host, Opts) -> gen_mod:start_child(?MODULE, Host, Opts). stop(Host) -> gen_mod:stop_child(?MODULE, Host). reload(Host, NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> Proc = get_proc_name(Host), gen_server:cast(Proc, {reload, NewOpts}). add_to_log(Host, Type, Data, Room, Opts) -> gen_server:cast(get_proc_name(Host), {add_to_log, Type, Data, Room, Opts}). check_access_log(Host, From) -> case catch gen_server:call(get_proc_name(Host), {check_access_log, Host, From}) of {'EXIT', _Error} -> deny; Res -> Res end. -spec get_url(#state{}) -> {ok, binary()} | error. get_url(#state{room = Room, host = Host, server_host = ServerHost}) -> case mod_muc_log_opt:url(ServerHost) of undefined -> error; URL -> case mod_muc_log_opt:dirname(ServerHost) of room_jid -> {ok, <>}; room_name -> {ok, <>} end end. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> [{mod_muc, hard}]. %%==================================================================== %% gen_server callbacks %%==================================================================== init([Host|_]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Opts = gen_mod:get_module_opts(Host, ?MODULE), {ok, init_state(Host, Opts)}. handle_call({check_access_log, ServerHost, FromJID}, _From, State) -> Reply = acl:match_rule(ServerHost, State#logstate.access, FromJID), {reply, Reply, State}; handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> {stop, normal, ok, State}. handle_cast({reload, Opts}, #logstate{host = Host}) -> {noreply, init_state(Host, Opts)}; handle_cast({add_to_log, Type, Data, Room, Opts}, State) -> case catch add_to_log2(Type, Data, Room, Opts, State) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("~p", [Reason]); _ -> ok end, {noreply, State}; handle_cast(Msg, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_state(Host, Opts) -> OutDir = mod_muc_log_opt:outdir(Opts), DirType = mod_muc_log_opt:dirtype(Opts), DirName = mod_muc_log_opt:dirname(Opts), FileFormat = mod_muc_log_opt:file_format(Opts), FilePermissions = mod_muc_log_opt:file_permissions(Opts), CSSFile = mod_muc_log_opt:cssfile(Opts), AccessLog = mod_muc_log_opt:access_log(Opts), Timezone = mod_muc_log_opt:timezone(Opts), Top_link = mod_muc_log_opt:top_link(Opts), NoFollow = mod_muc_log_opt:spam_prevention(Opts), Lang = ejabberd_option:language(Host), #logstate{host = Host, out_dir = OutDir, dir_type = DirType, dir_name = DirName, file_format = FileFormat, css_file = CSSFile, file_permissions = FilePermissions, access = AccessLog, lang = Lang, timezone = Timezone, spam_prevention = NoFollow, top_link = Top_link}. add_to_log2(text, {Nick, Packet}, Room, Opts, State) -> case has_no_permanent_store_hint(Packet) of false -> case {Packet#message.subject, Packet#message.body} of {[], []} -> ok; {[], Body} -> Message = {body, xmpp:get_text(Body)}, add_message_to_log(Nick, Message, Room, Opts, State); {Subj, _} -> Message = {subject, xmpp:get_text(Subj)}, add_message_to_log(Nick, Message, Room, Opts, State) end; true -> ok end; add_to_log2(roomconfig_change, _Occupants, Room, Opts, State) -> add_message_to_log(<<"">>, roomconfig_change, Room, Opts, State); add_to_log2(roomconfig_change_enabledlogging, Occupants, Room, Opts, State) -> add_message_to_log(<<"">>, {roomconfig_change, Occupants}, Room, Opts, State); add_to_log2(room_existence, NewStatus, Room, Opts, State) -> add_message_to_log(<<"">>, {room_existence, NewStatus}, Room, Opts, State); add_to_log2(nickchange, {OldNick, NewNick}, Room, Opts, State) -> add_message_to_log(NewNick, {nickchange, OldNick}, Room, Opts, State); add_to_log2(join, Nick, Room, Opts, State) -> add_message_to_log(Nick, join, Room, Opts, State); add_to_log2(leave, {Nick, Reason}, Room, Opts, State) -> case Reason of <<"">> -> add_message_to_log(Nick, leave, Room, Opts, State); _ -> add_message_to_log(Nick, {leave, Reason}, Room, Opts, State) end; add_to_log2(kickban, {Nick, Reason, Code}, Room, Opts, State) -> add_message_to_log(Nick, {kickban, Code, Reason}, Room, Opts, State). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Core build_filename_string(TimeStamp, OutDir, RoomJID, DirType, DirName, FileFormat) -> {{Year, Month, Day}, _Time} = TimeStamp, {Dir, Filename, Rel} = case DirType of subdirs -> SYear = (str:format("~4..0w", [Year])), SMonth = (str:format("~2..0w", [Month])), SDay = (str:format("~2..0w", [Day])), {fjoin([SYear, SMonth]), SDay, <<"../..">>}; plain -> Date = (str:format("~4..0w-~2..0w-~2..0w", [Year, Month, Day])), {<<"">>, Date, <<".">>} end, RoomString = case DirName of room_jid -> RoomJID; room_name -> get_room_name(RoomJID) end, Extension = case FileFormat of html -> <<".html">>; plaintext -> <<".txt">> end, Fd = fjoin([OutDir, RoomString, Dir]), Fn = fjoin([Fd, <>]), Fnrel = fjoin([Rel, Dir, <>]), {Fd, Fn, Fnrel}. get_room_name(RoomJID) -> JID = jid:decode(RoomJID), JID#jid.user. %% calculate day before get_timestamp_daydiff(TimeStamp, Daydiff) -> {Date1, HMS} = TimeStamp, Date2 = calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Date1) + Daydiff), {Date2, HMS}. %% Try to close the previous day log, if it exists close_previous_log(Fn, Images_dir, FileFormat) -> case file:read_file_info(Fn) of {ok, _} -> {ok, F} = file:open(Fn, [append]), write_last_lines(F, Images_dir, FileFormat), file:close(F); _ -> ok end. write_last_lines(_, _, plaintext) -> ok; write_last_lines(F, Images_dir, _FileFormat) -> fw(F, <<"
">>), fw(F, <<" \"Powered">>, [Images_dir]), fw(F, <<" \"Powered">>, [Images_dir]), fw(F, <<"">>), fw(F, <<" ">>, [Images_dir]), fw(F, <<" \"Valid">>, [Images_dir]), fw(F, <<"
">>). set_filemode(Fn, {FileMode, FileGroup}) -> ok = file:change_mode(Fn, list_to_integer(integer_to_list(FileMode), 8)), ok = file:change_group(Fn, FileGroup). htmlize_nick(Nick1, html) -> htmlize(<<"<", Nick1/binary, ">">>, html); htmlize_nick(Nick1, plaintext) -> htmlize(<>, plaintext). add_message_to_log(Nick1, Message, RoomJID, Opts, State) -> #logstate{out_dir = OutDir, dir_type = DirType, dir_name = DirName, file_format = FileFormat, file_permissions = FilePermissions, css_file = CSSFile, lang = Lang, timezone = Timezone, spam_prevention = NoFollow, top_link = TopLink} = State, Room = get_room_info(RoomJID, Opts), Nick = htmlize(Nick1, FileFormat), Nick2 = htmlize_nick(Nick1, FileFormat), Now = erlang:timestamp(), TimeStamp = case Timezone of local -> calendar:now_to_local_time(Now); universal -> calendar:now_to_universal_time(Now) end, {Fd, Fn, _Dir} = build_filename_string(TimeStamp, OutDir, Room#room.jid, DirType, DirName, FileFormat), {Date, Time} = TimeStamp, case file:read_file_info(Fn) of {ok, _} -> {ok, F} = file:open(Fn, [append]); {error, enoent} -> make_dir_rec(Fd), {ok, F} = file:open(Fn, [append]), catch set_filemode(Fn, FilePermissions), Datestring = get_dateweek(Date, Lang), TimeStampYesterday = get_timestamp_daydiff(TimeStamp, -1), {_FdYesterday, FnYesterday, DatePrev} = build_filename_string(TimeStampYesterday, OutDir, Room#room.jid, DirType, DirName, FileFormat), TimeStampTomorrow = get_timestamp_daydiff(TimeStamp, 1), {_FdTomorrow, _FnTomorrow, DateNext} = build_filename_string(TimeStampTomorrow, OutDir, Room#room.jid, DirType, DirName, FileFormat), HourOffset = calc_hour_offset(TimeStamp), put_header(F, Room, Datestring, CSSFile, Lang, HourOffset, DatePrev, DateNext, TopLink, FileFormat), Images_dir = fjoin([OutDir, <<"images">>]), file:make_dir(Images_dir), create_image_files(Images_dir), Images_url = case DirType of subdirs -> <<"../../../images">>; plain -> <<"../images">> end, close_previous_log(FnYesterday, Images_url, FileFormat) end, Text = case Message of roomconfig_change -> RoomConfig = roomconfig_to_string(Room#room.config, Lang, FileFormat), put_room_config(F, RoomConfig, Lang, FileFormat), io_lib:format("~ts
", [tr(Lang, ?T("Chatroom configuration modified"))]); {roomconfig_change, Occupants} -> RoomConfig = roomconfig_to_string(Room#room.config, Lang, FileFormat), put_room_config(F, RoomConfig, Lang, FileFormat), RoomOccupants = roomoccupants_to_string(Occupants, FileFormat), put_room_occupants(F, RoomOccupants, Lang, FileFormat), io_lib:format("~ts
", [tr(Lang, ?T("Chatroom configuration modified"))]); join -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("joins the room"))]); leave -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("leaves the room"))]); {leave, Reason} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts: ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("leaves the room")), htmlize(Reason, NoFollow, FileFormat)]); {kickban, 301, <<"">>} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("has been banned"))]); {kickban, 301, Reason} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts: ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("has been banned")), htmlize(Reason, FileFormat)]); {kickban, 307, <<"">>} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("has been kicked"))]); {kickban, 307, Reason} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts: ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("has been kicked")), htmlize(Reason, FileFormat)]); {kickban, 321, <<"">>} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("has been kicked because of an affiliation " "change"))]); {kickban, 322, <<"">>} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("has been kicked because the room has " "been changed to members-only"))]); {kickban, 332, <<"">>} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T("has been kicked because of a system " "shutdown"))]); {nickchange, OldNick} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts ~ts
", [htmlize(OldNick, FileFormat), tr(Lang, ?T("is now known as")), Nick]); {subject, T} -> io_lib:format("~ts~ts~ts
", [Nick, tr(Lang, ?T(" has set the subject to: ")), htmlize(T, NoFollow, FileFormat)]); {body, T} -> case {ejabberd_regexp:run(T, <<"^/me ">>), Nick} of {_, <<"">>} -> io_lib:format("~ts
", [htmlize(T, NoFollow, FileFormat)]); {match, _} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick, str:substr(htmlize(T, FileFormat), 5)]); {nomatch, _} -> io_lib:format("~ts ~ts
", [Nick2, htmlize(T, NoFollow, FileFormat)]) end; {room_existence, RoomNewExistence} -> io_lib:format("~ts
", [get_room_existence_string(RoomNewExistence, Lang)]) end, {Hour, Minute, Second} = Time, STime = io_lib:format("~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w", [Hour, Minute, Second]), {_, _, Microsecs} = Now, STimeUnique = io_lib:format("~ts.~w", [STime, Microsecs]), fw(F, io_lib:format("[~ts] ", [STimeUnique, STimeUnique, STimeUnique, STime]) ++ Text, FileFormat), file:close(F), ok. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Utilities get_room_existence_string(created, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Chatroom is created")); get_room_existence_string(destroyed, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Chatroom is destroyed")); get_room_existence_string(started, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Chatroom is started")); get_room_existence_string(stopped, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Chatroom is stopped")). get_dateweek(Date, Lang) -> Weekday = case calendar:day_of_the_week(Date) of 1 -> tr(Lang, ?T("Monday")); 2 -> tr(Lang, ?T("Tuesday")); 3 -> tr(Lang, ?T("Wednesday")); 4 -> tr(Lang, ?T("Thursday")); 5 -> tr(Lang, ?T("Friday")); 6 -> tr(Lang, ?T("Saturday")); 7 -> tr(Lang, ?T("Sunday")) end, {Y, M, D} = Date, Month = case M of 1 -> tr(Lang, ?T("January")); 2 -> tr(Lang, ?T("February")); 3 -> tr(Lang, ?T("March")); 4 -> tr(Lang, ?T("April")); 5 -> tr(Lang, ?T("May")); 6 -> tr(Lang, ?T("June")); 7 -> tr(Lang, ?T("July")); 8 -> tr(Lang, ?T("August")); 9 -> tr(Lang, ?T("September")); 10 -> tr(Lang, ?T("October")); 11 -> tr(Lang, ?T("November")); 12 -> tr(Lang, ?T("December")) end, list_to_binary( case Lang of <<"en">> -> io_lib:format("~ts, ~ts ~w, ~w", [Weekday, Month, D, Y]); <<"es">> -> io_lib:format("~ts ~w de ~ts de ~w", [Weekday, D, Month, Y]); _ -> io_lib:format("~ts, ~w ~ts ~w", [Weekday, D, Month, Y]) end). make_dir_rec(Dir) -> filelib:ensure_dir(<>). %% {ok, F1}=file:open("valid-xhtml10.png", [read]). %% {ok, F1b}=file:read(F1, 1000000). %% c("../../ejabberd/src/jlib.erl"). %% base64:encode(F1b). create_image_files(Images_dir) -> Filenames = [<<"powered-by-ejabberd.png">>, <<"powered-by-erlang.png">>, <<"valid-xhtml10.png">>, <<"vcss.png">>], lists:foreach( fun(Filename) -> Src = filename:join([misc:img_dir(), Filename]), Dst = fjoin([Images_dir, Filename]), case file:copy(Src, Dst) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, Why} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to copy ~ts to ~ts: ~ts", [Src, Dst, file:format_error(Why)]) end end, Filenames). fw(F, S) -> fw(F, S, [], html). fw(F, S, O) when is_list(O) -> fw(F, S, O, html); fw(F, S, FileFormat) when is_atom(FileFormat) -> fw(F, S, [], FileFormat). fw(F, S, O, FileFormat) -> S1 = <<(str:format(S, O))/binary, "\n">>, S2 = case FileFormat of html -> S1; plaintext -> S1a = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1, <<"<[^<^>]*>">>, <<"">>), S1x = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1a, ?PLAINTEXT_CO, <<"~~">>), S1y = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1x, ?PLAINTEXT_IN, <<"<">>), ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1y, ?PLAINTEXT_OUT, <<">">>) end, file:write(F, S2). put_header(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, plaintext) -> ok; put_header(F, Room, Date, CSSFile, Lang, Hour_offset, Date_prev, Date_next, Top_link, FileFormat) -> fw(F, <<"">>), fw(F, <<"">>, [Lang, Lang]), fw(F, <<"">>), fw(F, <<"">>), fw(F, <<"~ts - ~ts">>, [htmlize(Room#room.title), Date]), put_header_css(F, CSSFile), put_header_script(F), fw(F, <<"">>), fw(F, <<"">>), {Top_url, Top_text} = Top_link, fw(F, <<"">>, [Top_url, Top_text]), fw(F, <<"
">>, [htmlize(Room#room.title)]), fw(F, <<"~ts" "">>, [Room#room.jid, Room#room.jid]), fw(F, <<"
~ts" "< " "^ >">>, [Date, Date_prev, Date_next]), case {htmlize(Room#room.subject_author), htmlize(Room#room.subject)} of {<<"">>, <<"">>} -> ok; {SuA, Su} -> fw(F, <<"
">>, [SuA, tr(Lang, ?T(" has set the subject to: ")), Su]) end, RoomConfig = roomconfig_to_string(Room#room.config, Lang, FileFormat), put_room_config(F, RoomConfig, Lang, FileFormat), Occupants = get_room_occupants(Room#room.jid), RoomOccupants = roomoccupants_to_string(Occupants, FileFormat), put_room_occupants(F, RoomOccupants, Lang, FileFormat), Time_offset_str = case Hour_offset < 0 of true -> io_lib:format("~p", [Hour_offset]); false -> io_lib:format("+~p", [Hour_offset]) end, fw(F, <<"
">>, [Time_offset_str]). put_header_css(F, {file, Path}) -> fw(F, <<"">>); put_header_css(F, {url, URL}) -> fw(F, <<"">>, [URL]). put_header_script(F) -> fw(F, <<"">>). put_room_config(_F, _RoomConfig, _Lang, plaintext) -> ok; put_room_config(F, RoomConfig, Lang, _FileFormat) -> {_, Now2, _} = erlang:timestamp(), fw(F, <<"
">>), fw(F, <<"
">>, [Now2, tr(Lang, ?T("Room Configuration"))]), fw(F, <<"

">>, [Now2, RoomConfig]), fw(F, <<"
">>). put_room_occupants(_F, _RoomOccupants, _Lang, plaintext) -> ok; put_room_occupants(F, RoomOccupants, Lang, _FileFormat) -> {_, Now2, _} = erlang:timestamp(), %% htmlize %% The default behaviour is to ignore the nofollow spam prevention on links %% (NoFollow=false) fw(F, <<"
">>), fw(F, <<"
">>, [Now2, tr(Lang, ?T("Room Occupants"))]), fw(F, <<"

">>, [Now2, RoomOccupants]), fw(F, <<"
">>). htmlize(S1) -> htmlize(S1, html). htmlize(S1, plaintext) -> ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1, <<"~">>, ?PLAINTEXT_CO); htmlize(S1, FileFormat) -> htmlize(S1, false, FileFormat). %% The NoFollow parameter tell if the spam prevention should be applied to the link found %% true means 'apply nofollow on links'. htmlize(S0, _NoFollow, plaintext) -> S1 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S0, <<"~">>, ?PLAINTEXT_CO), S1x = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1, <<"<">>, ?PLAINTEXT_IN), ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1x, <<">">>, ?PLAINTEXT_OUT); htmlize(S1, NoFollow, _FileFormat) -> S2_list = str:tokens(S1, <<"\n">>), lists:foldl(fun (Si, Res) -> Si2 = htmlize2(Si, NoFollow), case Res of <<"">> -> Si2; _ -> <", Si2/binary>> end end, <<"">>, S2_list). htmlize2(S1, NoFollow) -> %% Regexp link %% Add the nofollow rel attribute when required S2 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S1, <<"\\&">>, <<"\\&">>), S3 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S2, <<"<">>, <<"\\<">>), S4 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S3, <<">">>, <<"\\>">>), S5 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S4, <<"((http|https|ftp)://|(mailto|xmpp):)[^] " ")'\"}]+">>, link_regexp(NoFollow)), S6 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S5, <<" ">>, <<"\\ \\ ">>), S7 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S6, <<"\\t">>, <<"\\ \\ \\ \\ ">>), S8 = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S7, <<"~">>, <<"~~">>), ejabberd_regexp:greplace(S8, <<226, 128, 174>>, <<"[RLO]">>). link_regexp(false) -> <<"&">>; link_regexp(true) -> <<"&">>. get_room_info(RoomJID, Opts) -> Title = case lists:keysearch(title, 1, Opts) of {value, {_, T}} -> T; false -> <<"">> end, Subject = case lists:keysearch(subject, 1, Opts) of {value, {_, S}} -> xmpp:get_text(S); false -> <<"">> end, SubjectAuthor = case lists:keysearch(subject_author, 1, Opts) of {value, {_, SA}} -> SA; false -> <<"">> end, #room{jid = jid:encode(RoomJID), title = Title, subject = Subject, subject_author = SubjectAuthor, config = Opts}. roomconfig_to_string(Options, Lang, FileFormat) -> Title = case lists:keysearch(title, 1, Options) of {value, Tuple} -> [Tuple]; false -> [] end, Os1 = lists:keydelete(title, 1, Options), Os2 = lists:sort(Os1), Options2 = Title ++ Os2, lists:foldl(fun ({Opt, Val}, R) -> case get_roomconfig_text(Opt, Lang) of undefined -> R; OptText -> R2 = case Val of false -> <<"
", OptText/binary, "
">>; true -> <<"
", OptText/binary, "
">>; <<"">> -> <<"
", OptText/binary, "
">>; T -> case Opt of password -> <<"
", OptText/binary, "
">>; max_users -> <<"
", OptText/binary, ": \"", (htmlize(integer_to_binary(T), FileFormat))/binary, "\"
">>; title -> <<"
", OptText/binary, ": \"", (htmlize(T, FileFormat))/binary, "\"
">>; description -> <<"
", OptText/binary, ": \"", (htmlize(T, FileFormat))/binary, "\"
">>; allow_private_messages_from_visitors -> <<"
", OptText/binary, ": \"", (htmlize(tr(Lang, misc:atom_to_binary(T)), FileFormat))/binary, "\"
">>; _ -> <<"\"", T/binary, "\"">> end end, <> end end, <<"">>, Options2). get_roomconfig_text(title, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Room title")); get_roomconfig_text(persistent, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Make room persistent")); get_roomconfig_text(public, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Make room public searchable")); get_roomconfig_text(public_list, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Make participants list public")); get_roomconfig_text(password_protected, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Make room password protected")); get_roomconfig_text(password, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Password")); get_roomconfig_text(anonymous, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("This room is not anonymous")); get_roomconfig_text(members_only, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Make room members-only")); get_roomconfig_text(moderated, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Make room moderated")); get_roomconfig_text(members_by_default, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Default users as participants")); get_roomconfig_text(allow_change_subj, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Allow users to change the subject")); get_roomconfig_text(allow_private_messages, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Allow users to send private messages")); get_roomconfig_text(allow_private_messages_from_visitors, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Allow visitors to send private messages to")); get_roomconfig_text(allow_query_users, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Allow users to query other users")); get_roomconfig_text(allow_user_invites, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Allow users to send invites")); get_roomconfig_text(logging, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Enable logging")); get_roomconfig_text(allow_visitor_nickchange, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Allow visitors to change nickname")); get_roomconfig_text(allow_visitor_status, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates")); get_roomconfig_text(captcha_protected, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Make room CAPTCHA protected")); get_roomconfig_text(description, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Room description")); %% get_roomconfig_text(subject, Lang) -> "Subject"; %% get_roomconfig_text(subject_author, Lang) -> "Subject author"; get_roomconfig_text(max_users, Lang) -> tr(Lang, ?T("Maximum Number of Occupants")); get_roomconfig_text(_, _) -> undefined. %% Users = [{JID, Nick, Role}] roomoccupants_to_string(Users, _FileFormat) -> Res = [role_users_to_string(RoleS, Users1) || {RoleS, Users1} <- group_by_role(Users), Users1 /= []], iolist_to_binary([<<"
">>, Res, <<"
">>]). group_by_role(Users) -> {Ms, Ps, Vs, Ns} = lists:foldl(fun ({JID, Nick, moderator}, {Mod, Par, Vis, Non}) -> {[{JID, Nick}] ++ Mod, Par, Vis, Non}; ({JID, Nick, participant}, {Mod, Par, Vis, Non}) -> {Mod, [{JID, Nick}] ++ Par, Vis, Non}; ({JID, Nick, visitor}, {Mod, Par, Vis, Non}) -> {Mod, Par, [{JID, Nick}] ++ Vis, Non}; ({JID, Nick, none}, {Mod, Par, Vis, Non}) -> {Mod, Par, Vis, [{JID, Nick}] ++ Non} end, {[], [], [], []}, Users), case Ms of [] -> []; _ -> [{<<"Moderator">>, Ms}] end ++ case Ms of [] -> []; _ -> [{<<"Participant">>, Ps}] end ++ case Ms of [] -> []; _ -> [{<<"Visitor">>, Vs}] end ++ case Ms of [] -> []; _ -> [{<<"None">>, Ns}] end. role_users_to_string(RoleS, Users) -> SortedUsers = lists:keysort(2, Users), UsersString = << <">> || {_JID, Nick} <- SortedUsers >>, <>. get_room_occupants(RoomJIDString) -> RoomJID = jid:decode(RoomJIDString), RoomName = RoomJID#jid.luser, MucService = RoomJID#jid.lserver, case get_room_state(RoomName, MucService) of {ok, StateData} -> [{U#user.jid, U#user.nick, U#user.role} || U <- maps:values(StateData#state.users)]; error -> [] end. -spec get_room_state(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, mod_muc_room:state()} | error. get_room_state(RoomName, MucService) -> case mod_muc:find_online_room(RoomName, MucService) of {ok, RoomPid} -> get_room_state(RoomPid); error -> error end. -spec get_room_state(pid()) -> {ok, mod_muc_room:state()} | error. get_room_state(RoomPid) -> case mod_muc_room:get_state(RoomPid) of {ok, State} -> {ok, State}; {error, _} -> error end. get_proc_name(Host) -> gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE). calc_hour_offset(TimeHere) -> TimeZero = calendar:universal_time(), TimeHereHour = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(TimeHere) div 3600, TimeZeroHour = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(TimeZero) div 3600, TimeHereHour - TimeZeroHour. fjoin(FileList) -> list_to_binary(filename:join([binary_to_list(File) || File <- FileList])). -spec tr(binary(), binary()) -> binary(). tr(Lang, Text) -> translate:translate(Lang, Text). has_no_permanent_store_hint(Packet) -> xmpp:has_subtag(Packet, #hint{type = 'no-store'}) orelse xmpp:has_subtag(Packet, #hint{type = 'no-storage'}) orelse xmpp:has_subtag(Packet, #hint{type = 'no-permanent-store'}) orelse xmpp:has_subtag(Packet, #hint{type = 'no-permanent-storage'}). mod_opt_type(access_log) -> econf:acl(); mod_opt_type(cssfile) -> econf:url_or_file(); mod_opt_type(dirname) -> econf:enum([room_jid, room_name]); mod_opt_type(dirtype) -> econf:enum([subdirs, plain]); mod_opt_type(file_format) -> econf:enum([html, plaintext]); mod_opt_type(file_permissions) -> econf:and_then( econf:options( #{mode => econf:non_neg_int(), group => econf:non_neg_int()}), fun(Opts) -> {proplists:get_value(mode, Opts, 644), proplists:get_value(group, Opts, 33)} end); mod_opt_type(outdir) -> econf:directory(write); mod_opt_type(spam_prevention) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(timezone) -> econf:enum([local, universal]); mod_opt_type(url) -> econf:url(); mod_opt_type(top_link) -> econf:and_then( econf:non_empty( econf:map(econf:binary(), econf:binary())), fun hd/1). -spec mod_options(binary()) -> [{top_link, {binary(), binary()}} | {file_permissions, {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}} | {atom(), any()}]. mod_options(_) -> [{access_log, muc_admin}, {cssfile, {file, filename:join(misc:css_dir(), <<"muc.css">>)}}, {dirname, room_jid}, {dirtype, subdirs}, {file_format, html}, {file_permissions, {644, 33}}, {outdir, <<"www/muc">>}, {spam_prevention, true}, {timezone, local}, {url, undefined}, {top_link, {<<"/">>, <<"Home">>}}]. mod_doc() -> #{desc => [?T("This module enables optional logging " "of Multi-User Chat (MUC) public " "conversations to HTML. Once you enable " "this module, users can join a room using a " "MUC capable XMPP client, and if they have " "enough privileges, they can request the " "configuration form in which they can set " "the option to enable room logging."), "", ?T("Features:"), "", ?T("- Room details are added on top of each page: " "room title, JID, author, subject and configuration."), "", ?T("- The room JID in the generated HTML is a link " "to join the room (using XMPP URI)."), "", ?T("- Subject and room configuration changes are tracked " "and displayed."), "", ?T("- Joins, leaves, nick changes, kicks, bans and '/me' " "are tracked and displayed, including the reason if available."), "", ?T("- Generated HTML files are XHTML 1.0 Transitional and " "CSS compliant."), "", ?T("- Timestamps are self-referencing links."), "", ?T("- Links on top for quicker navigation: " "Previous day, Next day, Up."), "", ?T("- CSS is used for style definition, and a custom " "CSS file can be used."), "", ?T("- URLs on messages and subjects are converted to hyperlinks."), "", ?T("- Timezone used on timestamps is shown on the log files."), "", ?T("- A custom link can be added on top of each page."), "", ?T("The module depends on 'mod_muc'.")], opts => [{access_log, #{value => ?T("AccessName"), desc => ?T("This option restricts which occupants are " "allowed to enable or disable room logging. " "The default value is 'muc_admin'. NOTE: " "for this default setting you need to have an " "access rule for 'muc_admin' in order to take effect.")}}, {cssfile, #{value => ?T("Path | URL"), desc => ?T("With this option you can set whether the HTML " "files should have a custom CSS file or if they " "need to use the embedded CSS. Allowed values " "are either 'Path' to local file or an 'URL' to " "a remote file. By default a predefined CSS will " "be embedded into the HTML page.")}}, {dirname, #{value => "room_jid | room_name", desc => ?T("Allows to configure the name of the room directory. " "If set to 'room_jid', the room directory name will " "be the full room JID. Otherwise, the room directory " "name will be only the room name, not including the " "MUC service name. The default value is 'room_jid'.")}}, {dirtype, #{value => "subdirs | plain", desc => ?T("The type of the created directories can be specified " "with this option. If set to 'subdirs', subdirectories " "are created for each year and month. Otherwise, the " "names of the log files contain the full date, and " "there are no subdirectories. The default value is 'subdirs'.")}}, {file_format, #{value => "html | plaintext", desc => ?T("Define the format of the log files: 'html' stores " "in HTML format, 'plaintext' stores in plain text. " "The default value is 'html'.")}}, {file_permissions, #{value => "{mode: Mode, group: Group}", desc => ?T("Define the permissions that must be used when " "creating the log files: the number of the mode, " "and the numeric id of the group that will own the " "files. The default value is shown in the example below:"), example => ["file_permissions:", " mode: 644", " group: 33"]}}, {outdir, #{value => ?T("Path"), desc => ?T("This option sets the full path to the directory " "in which the HTML files should be stored. " "Make sure the ejabberd daemon user has write " "access on that directory. The default value is 'www/muc'.")}}, {spam_prevention, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("If set to 'true', a special attribute is added to links " "that prevent their indexation by search engines. " "The default value is 'true', which mean that 'nofollow' " "attributes will be added to user submitted links.")}}, {timezone, #{value => "local | universal", desc => ?T("The time zone for the logs is configurable with " "this option. If set to 'local', the local time, as " "reported to Erlang emulator by the operating system, " "will be used. Otherwise, UTC time will be used. " "The default value is 'local'.")}}, {url, #{value => ?T("URL"), desc => ?T("A top level 'URL' where a client can access " "logs of a particular conference. The conference name " "is appended to the URL if 'dirname' option is set to " "'room_name' or a conference JID is appended to the 'URL' " "otherwise. There is no default value.")}}, {top_link, #{value => "{URL: Text}", desc => ?T("With this option you can customize the link on " "the top right corner of each log file. " "The default value is shown in the example below:"), example => ["top_link:", " /: Home"]}}]}.