%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_shared_roster.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Shared roster management %%% Created : 5 Mar 2005 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2012 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_shared_roster). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, item_to_xml/1, webadmin_menu/3, webadmin_page/3, get_user_roster/2, get_subscription_lists/3, get_jid_info/4, process_item/2, in_subscription/6, out_subscription/4, user_available/1, unset_presence/4, register_user/2, remove_user/2, list_groups/1, create_group/2, create_group/3, delete_group/2, get_group_opts/2, set_group_opts/3, get_group_users/2, get_group_explicit_users/2, is_user_in_group/3, add_user_to_group/3, remove_user_from_group/3]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl"). -include("web/ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("web/ejabberd_web_admin.hrl"). -record(sr_group, {group_host, opts}). -record(sr_user, {us, group_host}). start(Host, _Opts) -> mnesia:create_table(sr_group, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, sr_group)}]), mnesia:create_table(sr_user, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {type, bag}, {attributes, record_info(fields, sr_user)}]), mnesia:add_table_index(sr_user, group_host), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_menu_host, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_menu, 70), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_page, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE, get_user_roster, 70), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_in_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_out_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get_subscription_lists, Host, ?MODULE, get_subscription_lists, 70), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_get_jid_info, Host, ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 70), ejabberd_hooks:add(roster_process_item, Host, ?MODULE, process_item, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(user_available_hook, Host, ?MODULE, user_available, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(unset_presence_hook, Host, ?MODULE, unset_presence, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(register_user, Host, ?MODULE, register_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(anonymous_purge_hook, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50). %%ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host, %% ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), stop(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_menu_host, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_menu, 70), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_host, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_page, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get, Host, ?MODULE, get_user_roster, 70), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_in_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, in_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_out_subscription, Host, ?MODULE, out_subscription, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get_subscription_lists, Host, ?MODULE, get_subscription_lists, 70), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_get_jid_info, Host, ?MODULE, get_jid_info, 70), ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_process_item, Host, ?MODULE, process_item, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(user_available_hook, Host, ?MODULE, user_available, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(unset_presence_hook, Host, ?MODULE, unset_presence, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(register_user, Host, ?MODULE, register_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(anonymous_purge_hook, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50). %%ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host, %% ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), get_user_roster(Items, US) -> {U, S} = US, DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US), %% Get shared roster users in all groups and remove self: SRUsers = lists:foldl( fun(Group, Acc1) -> GroupName = get_group_name(S, Group), lists:foldl( fun(User, Acc2) -> if User == US -> Acc2; true -> dict:append(User, GroupName, Acc2) end end, Acc1, get_group_users(S, Group)) end, dict:new(), DisplayedGroups), %% If partially subscribed users are also in shared roster, show them as %% totally subscribed: {NewItems1, SRUsersRest} = lists:mapfoldl( fun(Item, SRUsers1) -> {_, _, {U1, S1, _}} = Item#roster.usj, US1 = {U1, S1}, case dict:find(US1, SRUsers1) of {ok, _GroupNames} -> {Item#roster{subscription = both, ask = none}, dict:erase(US1, SRUsers1)}; error -> {Item, SRUsers1} end end, SRUsers, Items), %% Export items in roster format: ModVcard = get_vcard_module(S), SRItems = [#roster{usj = {U, S, {U1, S1, ""}}, us = US, jid = {U1, S1, ""}, name = get_rosteritem_name(ModVcard, U1, S1), subscription = both, ask = none, groups = GroupNames} || {{U1, S1}, GroupNames} <- dict:to_list(SRUsersRest)], SRItems ++ NewItems1. get_vcard_module(Server) -> Modules = gen_mod:loaded_modules(Server), [M || M <- Modules, (M == mod_vcard) or (M == mod_vcard_odbc) or (M == mod_vcard_ldap)]. get_rosteritem_name([], _, _) -> ""; get_rosteritem_name([ModVcard], U, S) -> From = jlib:make_jid("", S, mod_shared_roster), To = jlib:make_jid(U, S, ""), IQ = {iq,"",get,"vcard-temp","", {xmlelement,"vCard",[{"xmlns","vcard-temp"}],[]}}, IQ_Vcard = ModVcard:process_sm_iq(From, To, IQ), try get_rosteritem_name_vcard(IQ_Vcard#iq.sub_el) catch E1:E2 -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error ~p found when trying to get the vCard of ~s@~s " "in ~p:~n ~p", [E1, U, S, ModVcard, E2]), "" end. get_rosteritem_name_vcard([]) -> ""; get_rosteritem_name_vcard([Vcard]) -> case xml:get_path_s(Vcard, [{elem, "NICKNAME"}, cdata]) of "" -> xml:get_path_s(Vcard, [{elem, "FN"}, cdata]); Nickname -> Nickname end. %% This function rewrites the roster entries when moving or renaming %% them in the user contact list. process_item(RosterItem, Host) -> USFrom = {UserFrom, ServerFrom} = RosterItem#roster.us, {UserTo, ServerTo, ResourceTo} = RosterItem#roster.jid, NameTo = RosterItem#roster.name, USTo = {UserTo, ServerTo}, DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(USFrom), CommonGroups = lists:filter(fun(Group) -> is_user_in_group(USTo, Group, Host) end, DisplayedGroups), case CommonGroups of [] -> RosterItem; %% Roster item cannot be removed: We simply reset the original groups: _ when RosterItem#roster.subscription == remove -> GroupNames = lists:map(fun(Group) -> get_group_name(Host, Group) end, CommonGroups), RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none, groups=[GroupNames]}; %% Both users have at least a common shared group, %% So each user can see the other _ -> %% Check if the list of groups of the new roster item %% include at least a new one case lists:subtract(RosterItem#roster.groups, CommonGroups) of %% If it doesn't, then remove this user from any %% existing roster groups. [] -> %% Remove pending subscription by setting it %% unsubscribed. Mod = get_roster_mod(ServerFrom), %% Remove pending out subscription Mod:out_subscription(UserTo, ServerTo, jlib:make_jid(UserFrom, ServerFrom, ""), unsubscribe), %% Remove pending in subscription Mod:in_subscription(aaaa, UserFrom, ServerFrom, jlib:make_jid(UserTo, ServerTo, ""), unsubscribe, ""), %% But we're still subscribed, so respond as such. RosterItem#roster{subscription = both, ask = none}; %% If so, it means the user wants to add that contact %% to his personal roster PersonalGroups -> %% Store roster items in From and To rosters set_new_rosteritems(UserFrom, ServerFrom, UserTo, ServerTo, ResourceTo, NameTo, PersonalGroups) end end. build_roster_record(User1, Server1, User2, Server2, Name2, Groups) -> USR2 = {User2, Server2, ""}, #roster{usj = {User1, Server1, USR2}, us = {User1, Server1}, jid = USR2, name = Name2, subscription = both, ask = none, groups = Groups }. set_new_rosteritems(UserFrom, ServerFrom, UserTo, ServerTo, ResourceTo, NameTo, GroupsFrom) -> Mod = get_roster_mod(ServerFrom), RIFrom = build_roster_record(UserFrom, ServerFrom, UserTo, ServerTo, NameTo, GroupsFrom), set_item(UserFrom, ServerFrom, ResourceTo, RIFrom), JIDTo = jlib:make_jid(UserTo, ServerTo, ""), JIDFrom = jlib:make_jid(UserFrom, ServerFrom, ""), RITo = build_roster_record(UserTo, ServerTo, UserFrom, ServerFrom, UserFrom,[]), set_item(UserTo, ServerTo, "", RITo), %% From requests Mod:out_subscription(UserFrom, ServerFrom, JIDTo, subscribe), Mod:in_subscription(aaa, UserTo, ServerTo, JIDFrom, subscribe, ""), %% To accepts Mod:out_subscription(UserTo, ServerTo, JIDFrom, subscribed), Mod:in_subscription(aaa, UserFrom, ServerFrom, JIDTo, subscribed, ""), %% To requests Mod:out_subscription(UserTo, ServerTo, JIDFrom, subscribe), Mod:in_subscription(aaa, UserFrom, ServerFrom, JIDTo, subscribe, ""), %% From accepts Mod:out_subscription(UserFrom, ServerFrom, JIDTo, subscribed), Mod:in_subscription(aaa, UserTo, ServerTo, JIDFrom, subscribed, ""), RIFrom. set_item(User, Server, Resource, Item) -> ResIQ = #iq{type = set, xmlns = ?NS_ROSTER, id = "push" ++ randoms:get_string(), sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", ?NS_ROSTER}], [mod_roster:item_to_xml(Item)]}]}, ejabberd_router:route( jlib:make_jid(User, Server, Resource), jlib:make_jid("", Server, ""), jlib:iq_to_xml(ResIQ)). get_subscription_lists({F, T}, User, Server) -> LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), US = {LUser, LServer}, DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US), SRUsers = lists:usort( lists:flatmap( fun(Group) -> get_group_users(LServer, Group) end, DisplayedGroups)), SRJIDs = [{U1, S1, ""} || {U1, S1} <- SRUsers], {lists:usort(SRJIDs ++ F), lists:usort(SRJIDs ++ T)}. get_jid_info({Subscription, Groups}, User, Server, JID) -> LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), US = {LUser, LServer}, {U1, S1, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), US1 = {U1, S1}, DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US), SRUsers = lists:foldl( fun(Group, Acc1) -> lists:foldl( fun(User1, Acc2) -> dict:append( User1, get_group_name(LServer, Group), Acc2) end, Acc1, get_group_users(LServer, Group)) end, dict:new(), DisplayedGroups), case dict:find(US1, SRUsers) of {ok, GroupNames} -> NewGroups = if Groups == [] -> GroupNames; true -> Groups end, {both, NewGroups}; error -> {Subscription, Groups} end. in_subscription(Acc, User, Server, JID, Type, _Reason) -> process_subscription(in, User, Server, JID, Type, Acc). out_subscription(UserFrom, ServerFrom, JIDTo, unsubscribed) -> Mod = get_roster_mod(ServerFrom), %% Remove pending out subscription #jid{luser = UserTo, lserver = ServerTo} = JIDTo, JIDFrom = jlib:make_jid(UserFrom, UserTo, ""), Mod:out_subscription(UserTo, ServerTo, JIDFrom, unsubscribe), %% Remove pending in subscription Mod:in_subscription(aaaa, UserFrom, ServerFrom, JIDTo, unsubscribe, ""), process_subscription(out, UserFrom, ServerFrom, JIDTo, unsubscribed, false); out_subscription(User, Server, JID, Type) -> process_subscription(out, User, Server, JID, Type, false). process_subscription(Direction, User, Server, JID, _Type, Acc) -> LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), US = {LUser, LServer}, {U1, S1, _} = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(JID)), US1 = {U1, S1}, DisplayedGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(US), SRUsers = lists:usort( lists:flatmap( fun(Group) -> get_group_users(LServer, Group) end, DisplayedGroups)), case lists:member(US1, SRUsers) of true -> case Direction of in -> {stop, false}; out -> stop end; false -> Acc end. list_groups(Host) -> mnesia:dirty_select( sr_group, [{#sr_group{group_host = {'$1', '$2'}, _ = '_'}, [{'==', '$2', Host}], ['$1']}]). groups_with_opts(Host) -> Gs = mnesia:dirty_select( sr_group, [{#sr_group{group_host={'$1', Host}, opts='$2', _='_'}, [], [['$1','$2']] }]), lists:map(fun([G,O]) -> {G, O} end, Gs). create_group(Host, Group) -> create_group(Host, Group, []). create_group(Host, Group, Opts) -> R = #sr_group{group_host = {Group, Host}, opts = Opts}, F = fun() -> mnesia:write(R) end, mnesia:transaction(F). delete_group(Host, Group) -> GroupHost = {Group, Host}, F = fun() -> %% Delete the group ... mnesia:delete({sr_group, GroupHost}), %% ... and its users Users = mnesia:index_read(sr_user, GroupHost, #sr_user.group_host), lists:foreach(fun(UserEntry) -> mnesia:delete_object(UserEntry) end, Users) end, mnesia:transaction(F). get_group_opts(Host, Group) -> case catch mnesia:dirty_read(sr_group, {Group, Host}) of [#sr_group{opts = Opts}] -> Opts; _ -> error end. set_group_opts(Host, Group, Opts) -> R = #sr_group{group_host = {Group, Host}, opts = Opts}, F = fun() -> mnesia:write(R) end, mnesia:transaction(F). get_user_groups(US) -> Host = element(2, US), case catch mnesia:dirty_read(sr_user, US) of Rs when is_list(Rs) -> [Group || #sr_user{group_host = {Group, H}} <- Rs, H == Host]; _ -> [] end ++ get_special_users_groups(Host). is_group_enabled(Host1, Group1) -> {Host, Group} = split_grouphost(Host1, Group1), case catch mnesia:dirty_read(sr_group, {Group, Host}) of [#sr_group{opts = Opts}] -> not lists:member(disabled, Opts); _ -> false end. %% @spec (Host::string(), Group::string(), Opt::atom(), Default) -> OptValue | Default get_group_opt(Host, Group, Opt, Default) -> case catch mnesia:dirty_read(sr_group, {Group, Host}) of [#sr_group{opts = Opts}] -> case lists:keysearch(Opt, 1, Opts) of {value, {_, Val}} -> Val; false -> Default end; _ -> Default end. get_online_users(Host) -> lists:usort([{U, S} || {U, S, _} <- ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host)]). get_group_users(Host1, Group1) -> {Host, Group} = split_grouphost(Host1, Group1), case get_group_opt(Host, Group, all_users, false) of true -> ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host); false -> [] end ++ case get_group_opt(Host, Group, online_users, false) of true -> get_online_users(Host); false -> [] end ++ get_group_explicit_users(Host, Group). get_group_users(Host, Group, GroupOpts) -> case proplists:get_value(all_users, GroupOpts, false) of true -> ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host); false -> [] end ++ case proplists:get_value(online_users, GroupOpts, false) of true -> get_online_users(Host); false -> [] end ++ get_group_explicit_users(Host, Group). %% @spec (Host::string(), Group::string()) -> [{User::string(), Server::string()}] get_group_explicit_users(Host, Group) -> Read = (catch mnesia:dirty_index_read( sr_user, {Group, Host}, #sr_user.group_host)), case Read of Rs when is_list(Rs) -> [R#sr_user.us || R <- Rs]; _ -> [] end. get_group_name(Host1, Group1) -> {Host, Group} = split_grouphost(Host1, Group1), get_group_opt(Host, Group, name, Group). %% Get list of names of groups that have @all@/@online@/etc in the memberlist get_special_users_groups(Host) -> lists:filter( fun(Group) -> get_group_opt(Host, Group, all_users, false) orelse get_group_opt(Host, Group, online_users, false) end, list_groups(Host)). %% Get list of names of groups that have @online@ in the memberlist get_special_users_groups_online(Host) -> lists:filter( fun(Group) -> get_group_opt(Host, Group, online_users, false) end, list_groups(Host)). %% Given two lists of groupnames and their options, %% return the list of displayed groups to the second list displayed_groups(GroupsOpts, SelectedGroupsOpts) -> DisplayedGroups = lists:usort( lists:flatmap( fun({_Group, Opts}) -> [G || G <- proplists:get_value(displayed_groups, Opts, []), not lists:member(disabled, Opts)] end, SelectedGroupsOpts)), [G || G <- DisplayedGroups, not lists:member(disabled, proplists:get_value(G, GroupsOpts, []))]. %% Given a list of group names with options, %% for those that have @all@ in memberlist, %% get the list of groups displayed get_special_displayed_groups(GroupsOpts) -> Groups = lists:filter( fun({_Group, Opts}) -> proplists:get_value(all_users, Opts, false) end, GroupsOpts), displayed_groups(GroupsOpts, Groups). %% Given a username and server, and a list of group names with options, %% for the list of groups of that server that user is member %% get the list of groups displayed get_user_displayed_groups(LUser, LServer, GroupsOpts) -> Groups = case catch mnesia:dirty_read(sr_user, {LUser, LServer}) of Rs when is_list(Rs) -> [{Group, proplists:get_value(Group, GroupsOpts, [])} || #sr_user{group_host = {Group, H}} <- Rs, H == LServer]; _ -> [] end, displayed_groups(GroupsOpts, Groups). %% @doc Get the list of groups that are displayed to this user get_user_displayed_groups(US) -> Host = element(2, US), DisplayedGroups1 = lists:usort( lists:flatmap( fun(Group) -> case is_group_enabled(Host, Group) of true -> get_group_opt(Host, Group, displayed_groups, []); false -> [] end end, get_user_groups(US))), [Group || Group <- DisplayedGroups1, is_group_enabled(Host, Group)]. is_user_in_group(US, Group, Host) -> case catch mnesia:dirty_match_object( #sr_user{us=US, group_host={Group, Host}}) of [] -> lists:member(US, get_group_users(Host, Group)); _ -> true end. %% @spec (Host::string(), {User::string(), Server::string()}, Group::string()) -> {atomic, ok} add_user_to_group(Host, US, Group) -> {LUser, LServer} = US, case ejabberd_regexp:run(LUser, "^@.+@$") of match -> GroupOpts = mod_shared_roster:get_group_opts(Host, Group), MoreGroupOpts = case LUser of "@all@" -> [{all_users, true}]; "@online@" -> [{online_users, true}]; _ -> [] end, mod_shared_roster:set_group_opts( Host, Group, GroupOpts ++ MoreGroupOpts); nomatch -> %% Push this new user to members of groups where this group is displayed push_user_to_displayed(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, both), %% Push members of groups that are displayed to this group push_displayed_to_user(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, both), R = #sr_user{us = US, group_host = {Group, Host}}, F = fun() -> mnesia:write(R) end, mnesia:transaction(F) end. push_displayed_to_user(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, Subscription) -> GroupsOpts = groups_with_opts(LServer), GroupOpts = proplists:get_value(Group, GroupsOpts, []), DisplayedGroups = proplists:get_value(displayed_groups, GroupOpts, []), [push_members_to_user(LUser, LServer, DGroup, Host, Subscription) || DGroup <- DisplayedGroups]. remove_user_from_group(Host, US, Group) -> GroupHost = {Group, Host}, {LUser, LServer} = US, case ejabberd_regexp:run(LUser, "^@.+@$") of match -> GroupOpts = mod_shared_roster:get_group_opts(Host, Group), NewGroupOpts = case LUser of "@all@" -> lists:filter(fun(X) -> X/={all_users,true} end, GroupOpts); "@online@" -> lists:filter(fun(X) -> X/={online_users,true} end, GroupOpts) end, mod_shared_roster:set_group_opts(Host, Group, NewGroupOpts); nomatch -> R = #sr_user{us = US, group_host = GroupHost}, F = fun() -> mnesia:delete_object(R) end, Result = mnesia:transaction(F), %% Push removal of the old user to members of groups where the group that this user was members was displayed push_user_to_displayed(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, remove), %% Push removal of members of groups that where displayed to the group which this user has left push_displayed_to_user(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, remove), Result end. push_members_to_user(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, Subscription) -> GroupsOpts = groups_with_opts(LServer), GroupOpts = proplists:get_value(Group, GroupsOpts, []), GroupName = proplists:get_value(name, GroupOpts, Group), Members = get_group_users(Host, Group), lists:foreach( fun({U, S}) -> push_roster_item(LUser, LServer, U, S, GroupName, Subscription) end, Members). register_user(User, Server) -> %% Get list of groups where this user is member Groups = get_user_groups({User, Server}), %% Push this user to members of groups where is displayed a group which this user is member [push_user_to_displayed(User, Server, Group, Server, both) || Group <- Groups]. remove_user(User, Server) -> push_user_to_members(User, Server, remove). push_user_to_members(User, Server, Subscription) -> LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), GroupsOpts = groups_with_opts(LServer), SpecialGroups = get_special_displayed_groups(GroupsOpts), UserGroups = get_user_displayed_groups(LUser, LServer, GroupsOpts), lists:foreach( fun(Group) -> remove_user_from_group(LServer, {LUser, LServer}, Group), GroupOpts = proplists:get_value(Group, GroupsOpts, []), GroupName = proplists:get_value(name, GroupOpts, Group), lists:foreach( fun({U, S}) -> push_roster_item(U, S, LUser, LServer, GroupName, Subscription) end, get_group_users(LServer, Group, GroupOpts)) end, lists:usort(SpecialGroups++UserGroups)). push_user_to_displayed(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, Subscription) -> GroupsOpts = groups_with_opts(Host), GroupOpts = proplists:get_value(Group, GroupsOpts, []), GroupName = proplists:get_value(name, GroupOpts, Group), DisplayedToGroupsOpts = displayed_to_groups(Group, Host), [push_user_to_group(LUser, LServer, GroupD, Host, GroupName, Subscription) || {GroupD, _Opts} <- DisplayedToGroupsOpts]. push_user_to_group(LUser, LServer, Group, Host, GroupName, Subscription) -> lists:foreach( fun({U, S}) when (U == LUser) and (S == LServer) -> ok; ({U, S}) -> push_roster_item(U, S, LUser, LServer, GroupName, Subscription) end, get_group_users(Host, Group)). %% Get list of groups to which this group is displayed displayed_to_groups(GroupName, LServer) -> GroupsOpts = groups_with_opts(LServer), lists:filter( fun({_Group, Opts}) -> lists:member(GroupName, proplists:get_value(displayed_groups, Opts, [])) end, GroupsOpts). push_item(User, Server, From, Item) -> %% It was %% ejabberd_sm:route(jlib:make_jid("", "", ""), %% jlib:make_jid(User, Server, "") %% why? ejabberd_sm:route(From, jlib:make_jid(User, Server, ""), {xmlelement, "broadcast", [], [{item, Item#roster.jid, Item#roster.subscription}]}), Stanza = jlib:iq_to_xml( #iq{type = set, xmlns = ?NS_ROSTER, id = "push" ++ randoms:get_string(), sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query", [{"xmlns", ?NS_ROSTER}], [item_to_xml(Item)]}]}), lists:foreach( fun(Resource) -> JID = jlib:make_jid(User, Server, Resource), ejabberd_router:route(JID, JID, Stanza) end, ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server)). push_roster_item(User, Server, ContactU, ContactS, GroupName, Subscription) -> Item = #roster{usj = {User, Server, {ContactU, ContactS, ""}}, us = {User, Server}, jid = {ContactU, ContactS, ""}, name = "", subscription = Subscription, ask = none, groups = [GroupName]}, push_item(User, Server, jlib:make_jid("", Server, ""), Item). item_to_xml(Item) -> Attrs1 = [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(Item#roster.jid)}], Attrs2 = case Item#roster.name of "" -> Attrs1; Name -> [{"name", Name} | Attrs1] end, Attrs3 = case Item#roster.subscription of none -> [{"subscription", "none"} | Attrs2]; from -> [{"subscription", "from"} | Attrs2]; to -> [{"subscription", "to"} | Attrs2]; both -> [{"subscription", "both"} | Attrs2]; remove -> [{"subscription", "remove"} | Attrs2] end, Attrs4 = case ask_to_pending(Item#roster.ask) of out -> [{"ask", "subscribe"} | Attrs3]; both -> [{"ask", "subscribe"} | Attrs3]; _ -> Attrs3 end, SubEls1 = lists:map(fun(G) -> {xmlelement, "group", [], [{xmlcdata, G}]} end, Item#roster.groups), SubEls = SubEls1 ++ Item#roster.xs, {xmlelement, "item", Attrs4, SubEls}. ask_to_pending(subscribe) -> out; ask_to_pending(unsubscribe) -> none; ask_to_pending(Ask) -> Ask. user_available(New) -> LUser = New#jid.luser, LServer = New#jid.lserver, Resources = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LUser, LServer), ?DEBUG("user_available for ~p @ ~p (~p resources)", [LUser, LServer, length(Resources)]), case length(Resources) of %% first session for this user 1 -> %% This is a simplification - we ignore he 'display' %% property - @online@ is always reflective. OnlineGroups = get_special_users_groups_online(LServer), lists:foreach( fun(OG) -> ?DEBUG("user_available: pushing ~p @ ~p grp ~p", [LUser, LServer, OG ]), push_user_to_displayed(LUser, LServer, OG, LServer, both) end, OnlineGroups); _ -> ok end. unset_presence(LUser, LServer, Resource, Status) -> Resources = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LUser, LServer), ?DEBUG("unset_presence for ~p @ ~p / ~p -> ~p (~p resources)", [LUser, LServer, Resource, Status, length(Resources)]), %% if user has no resources left... case length(Resources) of 0 -> %% This is a simplification - we ignore he 'display' %% property - @online@ is always reflective. OnlineGroups = get_special_users_groups_online(LServer), %% for each of these groups... lists:foreach( fun(OG) -> %% Push removal of the old user to members of groups %% where the group that this uwas members was displayed push_user_to_displayed(LUser, LServer, OG, LServer, remove), %% Push removal of members of groups that where %% displayed to the group which thiuser has left push_displayed_to_user(LUser, LServer, OG, LServer,remove) end, OnlineGroups); _ -> ok end. %%--------------------- %% Web Admin %%--------------------- webadmin_menu(Acc, _Host, Lang) -> [{"shared-roster", ?T("Shared Roster Groups")} | Acc]. webadmin_page(_, Host, #request{us = _US, path = ["shared-roster"], q = Query, lang = Lang} = _Request) -> Res = list_shared_roster_groups(Host, Query, Lang), {stop, Res}; webadmin_page(_, Host, #request{us = _US, path = ["shared-roster", Group], q = Query, lang = Lang} = _Request) -> Res = shared_roster_group(Host, Group, Query, Lang), {stop, Res}; webadmin_page(Acc, _, _) -> Acc. list_shared_roster_groups(Host, Query, Lang) -> Res = list_sr_groups_parse_query(Host, Query), SRGroups = mod_shared_roster:list_groups(Host), FGroups = ?XAE("table", [], [?XE("tbody", lists:map( fun(Group) -> ?XE("tr", [?XE("td", [?INPUT("checkbox", "selected", Group)]), ?XE("td", [?AC(Group ++ "/", Group)]) ] ) end, lists:sort(SRGroups)) ++ [?XE("tr", [?X("td"), ?XE("td", [?INPUT("text", "namenew", "")]), ?XE("td", [?INPUTT("submit", "addnew", "Add New")]) ] )] )]), ?H1GL(?T("Shared Roster Groups"), "modsharedroster", "mod_shared_roster") ++ case Res of ok -> [?XREST("Submitted")]; error -> [?XREST("Bad format")]; nothing -> [] end ++ [?XAE("form", [{"action", ""}, {"method", "post"}], [FGroups, ?BR, ?INPUTT("submit", "delete", "Delete Selected") ]) ]. list_sr_groups_parse_query(Host, Query) -> case lists:keysearch("addnew", 1, Query) of {value, _} -> list_sr_groups_parse_addnew(Host, Query); _ -> case lists:keysearch("delete", 1, Query) of {value, _} -> list_sr_groups_parse_delete(Host, Query); _ -> nothing end end. list_sr_groups_parse_addnew(Host, Query) -> case lists:keysearch("namenew", 1, Query) of {value, {_, Group}} when Group /= "" -> mod_shared_roster:create_group(Host, Group), ok; _ -> error end. list_sr_groups_parse_delete(Host, Query) -> SRGroups = mod_shared_roster:list_groups(Host), lists:foreach( fun(Group) -> case lists:member({"selected", Group}, Query) of true -> mod_shared_roster:delete_group(Host, Group); _ -> ok end end, SRGroups), ok. shared_roster_group(Host, Group, Query, Lang) -> Res = shared_roster_group_parse_query(Host, Group, Query), GroupOpts = mod_shared_roster:get_group_opts(Host, Group), Name = get_opt(GroupOpts, name, ""), Description = get_opt(GroupOpts, description, ""), AllUsers = get_opt(GroupOpts, all_users, false), OnlineUsers = get_opt(GroupOpts, online_users, false), %%Disabled = false, DisplayedGroups = get_opt(GroupOpts, displayed_groups, []), Members = mod_shared_roster:get_group_explicit_users(Host, Group), FMembers = if AllUsers -> "@all@\n"; true -> [] end ++ if OnlineUsers -> "@online@\n"; true -> [] end ++ [[us_to_list(Member), $\n] || Member <- Members], FDisplayedGroups = [[DG, $\n] || DG <- DisplayedGroups], DescNL = length(ejabberd_regexp:split(Description, "\n")), FGroup = ?XAE("table", [{"class", "withtextareas"}], [?XE("tbody", [?XE("tr", [?XCT("td", "Name:"), ?XE("td", [?INPUT("text", "name", Name)]) ] ), ?XE("tr", [?XCT("td", "Description:"), ?XE("td", [ ?TEXTAREA("description", integer_to_list(lists:max([3, DescNL])), "20", Description) ] ) ] ), ?XE("tr", [?XCT("td", "Members:"), ?XE("td", [ ?TEXTAREA("members", integer_to_list(lists:max([3, length(FMembers)])), "20", FMembers) ] ) ] ), ?XE("tr", [?XCT("td", "Displayed Groups:"), ?XE("td", [ ?TEXTAREA("dispgroups", integer_to_list(lists:max([3, length(FDisplayedGroups)])), "20", FDisplayedGroups) ] ) ] )] )]), ?H1GL(?T("Shared Roster Groups"), "modsharedroster", "mod_shared_roster") ++ [?XC("h2", ?T("Group ") ++ Group)] ++ case Res of ok -> [?XREST("Submitted")]; error -> [?XREST("Bad format")]; nothing -> [] end ++ [?XAE("form", [{"action", ""}, {"method", "post"}], [FGroup, ?BR, ?INPUTT("submit", "submit", "Submit") ]) ]. shared_roster_group_parse_query(Host, Group, Query) -> case lists:keysearch("submit", 1, Query) of {value, _} -> {value, {_, Name}} = lists:keysearch("name", 1, Query), {value, {_, Description}} = lists:keysearch("description", 1, Query), {value, {_, SMembers}} = lists:keysearch("members", 1, Query), {value, {_, SDispGroups}} = lists:keysearch("dispgroups", 1, Query), NameOpt = if Name == "" -> []; true -> [{name, Name}] end, DescriptionOpt = if Description == "" -> []; true -> [{description, Description}] end, DispGroups = string:tokens(SDispGroups, "\r\n"), DispGroupsOpt = if DispGroups == [] -> []; true -> [{displayed_groups, DispGroups}] end, OldMembers = mod_shared_roster:get_group_explicit_users( Host, Group), SJIDs = string:tokens(SMembers, ", \r\n"), NewMembers = lists:foldl( fun(_SJID, error) -> error; (SJID, USs) -> case SJID of "@all@" -> USs; "@online@" -> USs; _ -> case jlib:string_to_jid(SJID) of JID when is_record(JID, jid) -> [{JID#jid.luser, JID#jid.lserver} | USs]; error -> error end end end, [], SJIDs), AllUsersOpt = case lists:member("@all@", SJIDs) of true -> [{all_users, true}]; false -> [] end, OnlineUsersOpt = case lists:member("@online@", SJIDs) of true -> [{online_users, true}]; false -> [] end, mod_shared_roster:set_group_opts( Host, Group, NameOpt ++ DispGroupsOpt ++ DescriptionOpt ++ AllUsersOpt ++ OnlineUsersOpt), if NewMembers == error -> error; true -> AddedMembers = NewMembers -- OldMembers, RemovedMembers = OldMembers -- NewMembers, lists:foreach( fun(US) -> mod_shared_roster:remove_user_from_group( Host, US, Group) end, RemovedMembers), lists:foreach( fun(US) -> mod_shared_roster:add_user_to_group( Host, US, Group) end, AddedMembers), ok end; _ -> nothing end. %% Get the roster module for Server. get_roster_mod(Server) -> case lists:member(mod_roster_odbc, gen_mod:loaded_modules(Server)) of true -> mod_roster_odbc; false -> mod_roster end. get_opt(Opts, Opt, Default) -> case lists:keysearch(Opt, 1, Opts) of {value, {_, Val}} -> Val; false -> Default end. us_to_list({User, Server}) -> jlib:jid_to_string({User, Server, ""}). split_grouphost(Host, Group) -> case string:tokens(Group, "@") of [GroupName, HostName] -> {HostName, GroupName}; [_] -> {Host, Group} end.