%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : cache_tab.erl %%% Author : Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% Description : Caching key-value table %%% %%% Created : 29 Aug 2010 by Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2010 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(cache_tab). -define(GEN_SERVER, gen_server). -behaviour(?GEN_SERVER). %% API -export([start_link/4, new/2, delete/1, delete/3, lookup/3, insert/4, info/2, tab2list/1, setopts/2, dirty_lookup/3, dirty_insert/4, dirty_delete/3, all/0, test/0]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -record(state, {tab = treap:empty(), name, size = 0, owner, max_size, life_time, warn, hits = 0, miss = 0, procs_num, cache_missed, shrink_size}). -define(PROCNAME, ?MODULE). -define(CALL_TIMEOUT, 60000). %% Defaults -define(MAX_SIZE, 1000). -define(WARN, true). -define(CACHE_MISSED, true). -define(LIFETIME, 600). %% 10 minutes %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== start_link(Proc, Tab, Opts, Owner) -> ?GEN_SERVER:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [Tab, Opts, get_proc_num(), Owner], []). new(Tab, Opts) -> Res = lists:flatmap( fun(Proc) -> Spec = {{Tab, Proc}, {?MODULE, start_link, [Proc, Tab, Opts, self()]}, permanent, brutal_kill, worker, [?MODULE]}, case supervisor:start_child(cache_tab_sup, Spec) of {ok, _Pid} -> [ok]; R -> [R] end end, get_all_procs(Tab)), case lists:filter(fun(ok) -> false; (_) -> true end, Res) of [] -> ok; Err -> {error, Err} end. delete(Tab) -> lists:foreach( fun(Proc) -> supervisor:terminate_child(cache_tab_sup, {Tab, Proc}), supervisor:delete_child(cache_tab_sup, {Tab, Proc}) end, get_all_procs(Tab)). delete(Tab, Key, F) -> ?GEN_SERVER:call( get_proc_by_hash(Tab, Key), {delete, Key, F}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). dirty_delete(Tab, Key, F) -> F(), ?GEN_SERVER:call( get_proc_by_hash(Tab, Key), {dirty_delete, Key}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). lookup(Tab, Key, F) -> ?GEN_SERVER:call( get_proc_by_hash(Tab, Key), {lookup, Key, F}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). dirty_lookup(Tab, Key, F) -> Proc = get_proc_by_hash(Tab, Key), case ?GEN_SERVER:call(Proc, {dirty_lookup, Key}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT) of {ok, '$cached_mismatch'} -> error; {ok, Val} -> {ok, Val}; _ -> case F() of {ok, Val} -> ?GEN_SERVER:call( Proc, {dirty_insert, Key, Val}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT), {ok, Val}; _ -> error end end. insert(Tab, Key, Val, F) -> ?GEN_SERVER:call( get_proc_by_hash(Tab, Key), {insert, Key, Val, F}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). dirty_insert(Tab, Key, Val, F) -> F(), ?GEN_SERVER:call( get_proc_by_hash(Tab, Key), {dirty_insert, Key, Val}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT). info(Tab, Info) -> case lists:map( fun(Proc) -> ?GEN_SERVER:call(Proc, {info, Info}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT) end, get_all_procs(Tab)) of Res when Info == size -> {ok, lists:sum(Res)}; Res when Info == all -> {ok, Res}; Res when Info == ratio -> {H, M} = lists:foldl( fun({Hits, Miss}, {HitsAcc, MissAcc}) -> {HitsAcc + Hits, MissAcc + Miss} end, {0, 0}, Res), {ok, [{hits, H}, {miss, M}]}; _ -> {error, badarg} end. setopts(Tab, Opts) -> lists:foreach( fun(Proc) -> ?GEN_SERVER:call(Proc, {setopts, Opts}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT) end, get_all_procs(Tab)). tab2list(Tab) -> lists:flatmap( fun(Proc) -> ?GEN_SERVER:call(Proc, tab2list, ?CALL_TIMEOUT) end, get_all_procs(Tab)). all() -> lists:usort( [Tab || {{Tab, _}, _, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(cache_tab_sup)]). %%==================================================================== %% gen_server callbacks %%==================================================================== init([Tab, Opts, N, Pid]) -> State = #state{procs_num = N, owner = Pid, name = Tab}, {ok, do_setopts(State, Opts)}. handle_call({lookup, Key, F}, _From, #state{tab = T} = State) -> case treap:lookup(Key, T) of {ok, _Prio, Val} -> Hits = State#state.hits, NewState = treap_update(Key, Val, State#state{hits = Hits + 1}), case Val of '$cached_mismatch' -> {reply, error, NewState}; _ -> {reply, {ok, Val}, NewState} end; _ -> case catch F() of {ok, Val} -> Miss = State#state.miss, NewState = treap_insert(Key, Val, State), {reply, {ok, Val}, NewState#state{miss = Miss + 1}}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> print_error(lookup, [Key], Reason, State), {reply, error, State}; _ -> Miss = State#state.miss, NewState = State#state{miss = Miss + 1}, if State#state.cache_missed -> {reply, error, treap_insert(Key, '$cached_mismatch', NewState)}; true -> {reply, error, NewState} end end end; handle_call({dirty_lookup, Key}, _From, #state{tab = T} = State) -> case treap:lookup(Key, T) of {ok, _Prio, Val} -> Hits = State#state.hits, NewState = treap_update(Key, Val, State#state{hits = Hits + 1}), {reply, {ok, Val}, NewState}; _ -> Miss = State#state.miss, NewState = State#state{miss = Miss + 1}, if State#state.cache_missed -> {reply, error, treap_insert(Key, '$cached_mismatch', NewState)}; true -> {reply, error, NewState} end end; handle_call({insert, Key, Val, F}, _From, #state{tab = T} = State) -> case treap:lookup(Key, T) of {ok, _Prio, Val} -> {reply, ok, State}; Res -> case catch F() of {'EXIT', Reason} -> print_error(insert, [Key, Val], Reason, State), {reply, ok, State}; _ -> NewState = case Res of {ok, _, _} -> treap_update(Key, Val, State); _ -> treap_insert(Key, Val, State) end, {reply, ok, NewState} end end; handle_call({dirty_insert, Key, Val}, _From, #state{tab = T} = State) -> case treap:lookup(Key, T) of {ok, _Prio, Val} -> {reply, ok, State}; {ok, _, _} -> {reply, ok, treap_update(Key, Val, State)}; _ -> {reply, ok, treap_insert(Key, Val, State)} end; handle_call({delete, Key, F}, _From, State) -> NewState = treap_delete(Key, State), case catch F() of {'EXIT', Reason} -> print_error(delete, [Key], Reason, State); _ -> ok end, {reply, ok, NewState}; handle_call({dirty_delete, Key}, _From, State) -> NewState = treap_delete(Key, State), {reply, ok, NewState}; handle_call({info, Info}, _From, State) -> Res = case Info of size -> State#state.size; ratio -> {State#state.hits, State#state.miss}; all -> [{max_size, State#state.max_size}, {life_time, State#state.life_time}, {shrink_size, State#state.shrink_size}, {size, State#state.size}, {owner, State#state.owner}, {hits, State#state.hits}, {miss, State#state.miss}, {cache_missed, State#state.cache_missed}, {warn, State#state.warn}]; _ -> badarg end, {reply, Res, State}; handle_call(tab2list, _From, #state{tab = T} = State) -> Res = treap:fold( fun({Key, _, Val}, Acc) -> [{Key, Val}|Acc] end, [], T), {reply, Res, State}; handle_call({setopts, Opts}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, do_setopts(State, Opts)}; handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- do_setopts(#state{procs_num = N} = State, Opts) -> MaxSize = case {proplists:get_value(max_size, Opts), State#state.max_size} of {MS, _} when is_integer(MS), MS > 0 -> round(MS/N); {unlimited, _} -> unlimited; {_, undefined} -> round(?MAX_SIZE/N); {_, MS} -> MS end, LifeTime = case {proplists:get_value(life_time, Opts), State#state.life_time} of {LT, _} when is_integer(LT), LT > 0 -> LT*1000*1000; {unlimited, _} -> unlimited; {_, undefined} -> ?LIFETIME*1000*1000; {_, LT} -> LT end, ShrinkSize = case {proplists:get_value(shrink_size, Opts), State#state.shrink_size} of {SS, _} when is_integer(SS), SS > 0 -> round(SS/N); _ when is_integer(MaxSize) -> round(MaxSize/2); _ -> unlimited end, Warn = case {proplists:get_value(warn, Opts), State#state.warn} of {true, _} -> true; {false, _} -> false; {_, undefined} -> ?WARN; {_, W} -> W end, CacheMissed = case proplists:get_value( cache_missed, Opts, State#state.cache_missed) of false -> false; true -> true; _ -> ?CACHE_MISSED end, State#state{max_size = MaxSize, warn = Warn, life_time = LifeTime, cache_missed = CacheMissed, shrink_size = ShrinkSize}. get_proc_num() -> erlang:system_info(logical_processors). get_proc_by_hash(Tab, Term) -> N = erlang:phash2(Term, get_proc_num()) + 1, get_proc(Tab, N). get_proc(Tab, N) -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(?PROCNAME) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Tab) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(N)). get_all_procs(Tab) -> [get_proc(Tab, N) || N <- lists:seq(1, get_proc_num())]. now_priority() -> {MSec, Sec, USec} = now(), -((MSec*1000000 + Sec)*1000000 + USec). treap_update(Key, Val, #state{tab = T} = State) -> Priority = now_priority(), NewT = treap:insert(Key, Priority, Val, T), State#state{tab = NewT}. treap_insert(Key, Val, State) -> State1 = clean_treap(State), #state{size = Size} = State2 = shrink_treap(State1), treap_update(Key, Val, State2#state{size = Size+1}). treap_delete(Key, #state{tab = T, size = Size} = State) -> case treap:lookup(Key, T) of {ok, _, _} -> NewT = treap:delete(Key, T), clean_treap(State#state{tab = NewT, size = Size-1}); _ -> State end. clean_treap(#state{tab = T, size = Size, life_time = LifeTime} = State) -> if is_integer(LifeTime) -> Priority = now_priority(), {Cleaned, NewT} = clean_treap(T, Priority + LifeTime, 0), State#state{size = Size - Cleaned, tab = NewT}; true -> State end. clean_treap(Treap, CleanPriority, N) -> case treap:is_empty(Treap) of true -> {N, Treap}; false -> {_Key, Priority, _Value} = treap:get_root(Treap), if Priority > CleanPriority -> clean_treap(treap:delete_root(Treap), CleanPriority, N+1); true -> {N, Treap} end end. shrink_treap(#state{tab = T, max_size = MaxSize, shrink_size = ShrinkSize, warn = Warn, size = Size} = State) when Size >= MaxSize -> if Warn -> ?WARNING_MSG("shrinking table:~n" "** Table: ~p~n" "** Processes Number: ~p~n" "** Max Size: ~p items~n" "** Shrink Size: ~p items~n" "** Life Time: ~p microseconds~n" "** Hits/Miss: ~p/~p~n" "** Owner: ~p~n" "** Cache Missed: ~p~n" "** Instruction: you have to tune cacheing options" " if this message repeats too frequently", [State#state.name, State#state.procs_num, MaxSize, ShrinkSize, State#state.life_time, State#state.hits, State#state.miss, State#state.owner, State#state.cache_missed]); true -> ok end, {Shrinked, NewT} = shrink_treap(T, ShrinkSize, 0), State#state{tab = NewT, size = Size - Shrinked}; shrink_treap(State) -> State. shrink_treap(T, ShrinkSize, ShrinkSize) -> {ShrinkSize, T}; shrink_treap(T, ShrinkSize, N) -> case treap:is_empty(T) of true -> {N, T}; false -> shrink_treap(treap:delete_root(T), ShrinkSize, N+1) end. print_error(Operation, Args, Reason, State) -> ?ERROR_MSG("callback failed:~n" "** Tab: ~p~n" "** Owner: ~p~n" "** Operation: ~p~n" "** Args: ~p~n" "** Reason: ~p", [State#state.name, State#state.owner, Operation, Args, Reason]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Tests %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(lookup, dirty_lookup). -define(delete, dirty_delete). -define(insert, dirty_insert). %% -define(lookup, lookup). %% -define(delete, delete). %% -define(insert, insert). test() -> LifeTime = 2, ok = new(test_tbl, [{life_time, LifeTime}, {max_size, unlimited}]), check([]), ok = ?insert(test_tbl, "key", "value", fun() -> ok end), check([{"key", "value"}]), {ok, "value"} = ?lookup(test_tbl, "key", fun() -> error end), check([{"key", "value"}]), io:format("** waiting for ~p seconds to check if cleaner works fine...~n", [LifeTime+1]), timer:sleep(timer:seconds(LifeTime+1)), ok = ?insert(test_tbl, "key1", "value1", fun() -> ok end), check([{"key1", "value1"}]), ok = ?delete(test_tbl, "key1", fun() -> ok end), {ok, "value"} = ?lookup(test_tbl, "key", fun() -> {ok, "value"} end), check([{"key", "value"}]), ok = ?delete(test_tbl, "key", fun() -> ok end), check([]), %% io:format("** testing buggy callbacks...~n"), %% delete(test_tbl, "key", fun() -> erlang:error(badarg) end), %% insert(test_tbl, "key", "val", fun() -> erlang:error(badarg) end), %% lookup(test_tbl, "key", fun() -> erlang:error(badarg) end), check([]), delete(test_tbl), test1(). test1() -> MaxSize = 10, ok = new(test_tbl, [{max_size, MaxSize}, {shrink_size, 1}, {warn, false}]), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> ok = ?insert(test_tbl, N, N, fun() -> ok end) end, lists:seq(1, MaxSize*get_proc_num())), {ok, MaxSize} = info(test_tbl, size), delete(test_tbl), io:format("** testing speed, this may take a while...~n"), test2(1000), test2(10000), test2(100000), test2(1000000). test2(Iter) -> ok = new(test_tbl, [{max_size, unlimited}, {life_time, unlimited}]), L = lists:seq(1, Iter), T1 = now(), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> ok = ?insert(test_tbl, N, N, fun() -> ok end) end, L), io:format("** average insert (size = ~p): ~p usec~n", [Iter, round(timer:now_diff(now(), T1)/Iter)]), T2 = now(), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> {ok, N} = ?lookup(test_tbl, N, fun() -> ok end) end, L), io:format("** average lookup (size = ~p): ~p usec~n", [Iter, round(timer:now_diff(now(), T2)/Iter)]), {ok, Iter} = info(test_tbl, size), delete(test_tbl). check(List) -> Size = length(List), {ok, Size} = info(test_tbl, size), List = tab2list(test_tbl).