%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_muc_room.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : MUC room stuff %%% Created : 19 Mar 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_muc_room). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -protocol({xep, 317, '0.1', '21.12', "", "conversejs/prosody compatible"}). -protocol({xep, 410, '1.1.0', '18.12', "", ""}). -behaviour(p1_fsm). %% External exports -export([start_link/10, start_link/8, start/10, start/8, supervisor/1, get_role/2, get_affiliation/2, is_occupant_or_admin/2, route/2, expand_opts/1, config_fields/0, destroy/1, destroy/2, shutdown/1, get_config/1, set_config/2, get_state/1, get_info/1, change_item/5, change_item_async/5, config_reloaded/1, subscribe/4, unsubscribe/2, is_subscribed/2, get_subscribers/1, service_message/2, get_disco_item/4]). %% gen_fsm callbacks -export([init/1, normal_state/2, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, code_change/4]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -include("mod_muc_room.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_stacktrace.hrl"). -define(MAX_USERS_DEFAULT_LIST, [5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000]). -define(MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD, <<"http://prosody.im/protocol/hats#add">>). -define(MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD, <<"http://prosody.im/protocol/hats#remove">>). -define(MUC_HAT_LIST_CMD, <<"p1:hats#list">>). -define(MAX_HATS_USERS, 100). -define(MAX_HATS_PER_USER, 10). -define(CLEAN_ROOM_TIMEOUT, 30000). %-define(DBGFSM, true). -ifdef(DBGFSM). -define(FSMOPTS, [{debug, [trace]}]). -else. -define(FSMOPTS, []). -endif. -type state() :: #state{}. -type fsm_stop() :: {stop, normal, state()}. -type fsm_next() :: {next_state, normal_state, state()}. -type fsm_transition() :: fsm_stop() | fsm_next(). -type disco_item_filter() :: only_non_empty | all | non_neg_integer(). -type admin_action() :: {jid(), affiliation | role, affiliation() | role(), binary()}. -export_type([state/0, disco_item_filter/0]). -callback set_affiliation(binary(), binary(), binary(), jid(), affiliation(), binary()) -> ok | {error, any()}. -callback set_affiliations(binary(), binary(), binary(), affiliations()) -> ok | {error, any()}. -callback get_affiliation(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {ok, affiliation()} | {error, any()}. -callback get_affiliations(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {ok, affiliations()} | {error, any()}. -callback search_affiliation(binary(), binary(), binary(), affiliation()) -> {ok, [{ljid(), {affiliation(), binary()}}]} | {error, any()}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec start(binary(), binary(), mod_muc:access(), binary(), non_neg_integer(), atom(), jid(), binary(), [{atom(), term()}], ram | file) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts, QueueType) -> supervisor:start_child( supervisor(ServerHost), [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts, QueueType]). -spec start(binary(), binary(), mod_muc:access(), binary(), non_neg_integer(), atom(), [{atom(), term()}], ram | file) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts, QueueType) -> supervisor:start_child( supervisor(ServerHost), [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts, QueueType]). -spec start_link(binary(), binary(), mod_muc:access(), binary(), non_neg_integer(), atom(), jid(), binary(), [{atom(), term()}], ram | file) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start_link(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts, QueueType) -> p1_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, Nick, DefRoomOpts, QueueType], ?FSMOPTS). -spec start_link(binary(), binary(), mod_muc:access(), binary(), non_neg_integer(), atom(), [{atom(), term()}], ram | file) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start_link(Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts, QueueType) -> p1_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts, QueueType], ?FSMOPTS). -spec supervisor(binary()) -> atom(). supervisor(Host) -> gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, mod_muc_room_sup). -spec destroy(pid()) -> ok. destroy(Pid) -> p1_fsm:send_all_state_event(Pid, destroy). -spec destroy(pid(), binary()) -> ok. destroy(Pid, Reason) -> p1_fsm:send_all_state_event(Pid, {destroy, Reason}). -spec shutdown(pid()) -> boolean(). shutdown(Pid) -> ejabberd_cluster:send(Pid, shutdown). -spec config_reloaded(pid()) -> boolean(). config_reloaded(Pid) -> ejabberd_cluster:send(Pid, config_reloaded). -spec get_config(pid()) -> {ok, config()} | {error, notfound | timeout}. get_config(Pid) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, get_config) catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, timeout}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, notfound} end. -spec set_config(pid(), config()) -> {ok, config()} | {error, notfound | timeout}. set_config(Pid, Config) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {change_config, Config}) catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, timeout}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, notfound} end. -spec change_item(pid(), jid(), affiliation | role, affiliation() | role(), binary()) -> {ok, state()} | {error, notfound | timeout}. change_item(Pid, JID, Type, AffiliationOrRole, Reason) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event( Pid, {process_item_change, {JID, Type, AffiliationOrRole, Reason}, undefined}) catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, timeout}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, notfound} end. -spec change_item_async(pid(), jid(), affiliation | role, affiliation() | role(), binary()) -> ok. change_item_async(Pid, JID, Type, AffiliationOrRole, Reason) -> p1_fsm:send_all_state_event( Pid, {process_item_change, {JID, Type, AffiliationOrRole, Reason}, undefined}). -spec get_state(pid()) -> {ok, state()} | {error, notfound | timeout}. get_state(Pid) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, get_state) catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, timeout}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, notfound} end. -spec get_info(pid()) -> {ok, #{occupants_number => integer()}} | {error, notfound | timeout}. get_info(Pid) -> try {ok, p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, get_info)} catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, timeout}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, notfound} end. -spec subscribe(pid(), jid(), binary(), [binary()]) -> {ok, [binary()]} | {error, binary()}. subscribe(Pid, JID, Nick, Nodes) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {muc_subscribe, JID, Nick, Nodes}) catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, ?T("Request has timed out")}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, ?T("Conference room does not exist")} end. -spec unsubscribe(pid(), jid()) -> ok | {error, binary()}. unsubscribe(Pid, JID) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {muc_unsubscribe, JID}) catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, ?T("Request has timed out")}; exit:{normal, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> ok; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, ?T("Conference room does not exist")} end. -spec is_subscribed(pid(), jid()) -> {true, binary(), [binary()]} | false. is_subscribed(Pid, JID) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {is_subscribed, JID}) catch _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> false end. -spec get_subscribers(pid()) -> {ok, [jid()]} | {error, notfound | timeout}. get_subscribers(Pid) -> try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, get_subscribers) catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, timeout}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, notfound} end. -spec service_message(pid(), binary()) -> ok. service_message(Pid, Text) -> p1_fsm:send_all_state_event(Pid, {service_message, Text}). -spec get_disco_item(pid(), disco_item_filter(), jid(), binary()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, notfound | timeout}. get_disco_item(Pid, Filter, JID, Lang) -> Timeout = 100, Time = erlang:system_time(millisecond), Query = {get_disco_item, Filter, JID, Lang, Time+Timeout}, try p1_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, Query, Timeout) of {item, Desc} -> {ok, Desc}; false -> {error, notfound} catch _:{timeout, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, timeout}; _:{_, {p1_fsm, _, _}} -> {error, notfound} end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Callback functions from gen_fsm %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Creator, _Nick, DefRoomOpts, QueueType]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Shaper = ejabberd_shaper:new(RoomShaper), RoomQueue = room_queue_new(ServerHost, Shaper, QueueType), State = set_opts(DefRoomOpts, #state{host = Host, server_host = ServerHost, access = Access, room = Room, history = lqueue_new(HistorySize, QueueType), jid = jid:make(Room, Host), just_created = true, room_queue = RoomQueue, room_shaper = Shaper}), State1 = set_affiliation(Creator, owner, State), store_room(State1), ?INFO_MSG("Created MUC room ~ts@~ts by ~ts", [Room, Host, jid:encode(Creator)]), add_to_log(room_existence, created, State1), add_to_log(room_existence, started, State1), ejabberd_hooks:run(start_room, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Room, Host]), erlang:send_after(?CLEAN_ROOM_TIMEOUT, self(), close_room_if_temporary_and_empty), {ok, normal_state, reset_hibernate_timer(State1)}; init([Host, ServerHost, Access, Room, HistorySize, RoomShaper, Opts, QueueType]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Shaper = ejabberd_shaper:new(RoomShaper), RoomQueue = room_queue_new(ServerHost, Shaper, QueueType), Jid = jid:make(Room, Host), State = set_opts(Opts, #state{host = Host, server_host = ServerHost, access = Access, room = Room, history = lqueue_new(HistorySize, QueueType), jid = Jid, room_queue = RoomQueue, room_shaper = Shaper}), add_to_log(room_existence, started, State), ejabberd_hooks:run(start_room, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Room, Host]), State1 = cleanup_affiliations(State), State2 = case {lists:keyfind(hibernation_time, 1, Opts), (State1#state.config)#config.mam, (State1#state.history)#lqueue.max} of {{_, V}, true, L} when is_integer(V), L > 0 -> {Msgs, _, _} = mod_mam:select(ServerHost, Jid, Jid, [], #rsm_set{max = L, before = <<"9999999999999999">>}, groupchat, only_messages), Hist2 = lists:foldl( fun({_, TS, #forwarded{sub_els = [#message{meta = #{archive_nick := Nick}} = Msg]}}, Hist) -> Pkt = xmpp:set_from_to(Msg, jid:replace_resource(Jid, Nick), Jid), Size = element_size(Pkt), lqueue_in({Nick, Pkt, false, misc:usec_to_now(TS), Size}, Hist) end, State1#state.history, Msgs), State1#state{history = Hist2}; _ -> State1 end, erlang:send_after(?CLEAN_ROOM_TIMEOUT, self(), close_room_if_temporary_and_empty), {ok, normal_state, reset_hibernate_timer(State2)}. normal_state({route, <<"">>, #message{from = From, type = Type, lang = Lang} = Packet}, StateData) -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) orelse is_subscriber(From, StateData) orelse is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(From, StateData) of true when Type == groupchat -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Now = erlang:system_time(microsecond), MinMessageInterval = trunc(mod_muc_opt:min_message_interval(StateData#state.server_host) * 1000000), Size = element_size(Packet), {MessageShaper, MessageShaperInterval} = ejabberd_shaper:update(Activity#activity.message_shaper, Size), if Activity#activity.message /= undefined -> ErrText = ?T("Traffic rate limit is exceeded"), Err = xmpp:err_resource_constraint(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; Now >= Activity#activity.message_time + MinMessageInterval, MessageShaperInterval == 0 -> {RoomShaper, RoomShaperInterval} = ejabberd_shaper:update(StateData#state.room_shaper, Size), RoomQueueEmpty = case StateData#state.room_queue of undefined -> true; RQ -> p1_queue:is_empty(RQ) end, if RoomShaperInterval == 0, RoomQueueEmpty -> NewActivity = Activity#activity{ message_time = Now, message_shaper = MessageShaper}, StateData1 = store_user_activity(From, NewActivity, StateData), StateData2 = StateData1#state{room_shaper = RoomShaper}, process_groupchat_message(Packet, StateData2); true -> StateData1 = if RoomQueueEmpty -> erlang:send_after(RoomShaperInterval, self(), process_room_queue), StateData#state{room_shaper = RoomShaper}; true -> StateData end, NewActivity = Activity#activity{ message_time = Now, message_shaper = MessageShaper, message = Packet}, RoomQueue = p1_queue:in({message, From}, StateData#state.room_queue), StateData2 = store_user_activity(From, NewActivity, StateData1), StateData3 = StateData2#state{room_queue = RoomQueue}, {next_state, normal_state, StateData3} end; true -> MessageInterval = (Activity#activity.message_time + MinMessageInterval - Now) div 1000, Interval = lists:max([MessageInterval, MessageShaperInterval]), erlang:send_after(Interval, self(), {process_user_message, From}), NewActivity = Activity#activity{ message = Packet, message_shaper = MessageShaper}, StateData1 = store_user_activity(From, NewActivity, StateData), {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; true when Type == error -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of true -> ErrorText = ?T("It is not allowed to send error messages to the" " room. The participant (~s) has sent an error " "message (~s) and got kicked from the room"), NewState = expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, translate:translate(Lang, ErrorText)), close_room_if_temporary_and_empty(NewState); _ -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; true when Type == chat -> ErrText = ?T("It is not allowed to send private messages " "to the conference"), Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; true when Type == normal -> {next_state, normal_state, try xmpp:decode_els(Packet) of Pkt -> process_normal_message(From, Pkt, StateData) catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why), Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData end}; true -> ErrText = ?T("Improper message type"), Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; false when Type /= error -> handle_roommessage_from_nonparticipant(Packet, StateData, From), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; false -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state({route, <<"">>, #iq{from = From, type = Type, lang = Lang, sub_els = [_]} = IQ0}, StateData) when Type == get; Type == set -> try case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold( muc_process_iq, StateData#state.server_host, xmpp:set_from_to(xmpp:decode_els(IQ0), From, StateData#state.jid), [StateData]) of ignore -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; #iq{type = T} = IQRes when T == error; T == result -> ejabberd_router:route(IQRes), {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; #iq{sub_els = [SubEl]} = IQ -> Res1 = case SubEl of #muc_admin{} -> process_iq_admin(From, IQ, StateData); #muc_owner{} -> process_iq_owner(From, IQ, StateData); #disco_info{} -> process_iq_disco_info(From, IQ, StateData); #disco_items{} -> process_iq_disco_items(From, IQ, StateData); #vcard_temp{} -> process_iq_vcard(From, IQ, StateData); #muc_subscribe{} -> process_iq_mucsub(From, IQ, StateData); #muc_unsubscribe{} -> process_iq_mucsub(From, IQ, StateData); #muc_subscriptions{} -> process_iq_mucsub(From, IQ, StateData); #xcaptcha{} -> process_iq_captcha(From, IQ, StateData); #adhoc_command{} -> process_iq_adhoc(From, IQ, StateData); _ -> Txt = ?T("The feature requested is not " "supported by the conference"), {error, xmpp:err_service_unavailable(Txt, Lang)} end, {IQRes, NewStateData} = case Res1 of {result, Res, SD} -> {xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, Res), SD}; {result, Res} -> {xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, Res), StateData}; {ignore, SD} -> {ignore, SD}; {error, Error} -> {xmpp:make_error(IQ0, Error), StateData} end, if IQRes /= ignore -> ejabberd_router:route(IQRes); true -> ok end, case NewStateData of stop -> Conf = StateData#state.config, {stop, normal, StateData#state{config = Conf#config{persistent = false}}}; _ when NewStateData#state.just_created -> close_room_if_temporary_and_empty(NewStateData); _ -> {next_state, normal_state, NewStateData} end end catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> ErrTxt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why), Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrTxt, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(IQ0, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state({route, <<"">>, #iq{} = IQ}, StateData) -> Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(), ejabberd_router:route_error(IQ, Err), case StateData#state.just_created of true -> {stop, normal, StateData}; _ -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state({route, Nick, #presence{from = From} = Packet}, StateData) -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Now = erlang:system_time(microsecond), MinPresenceInterval = trunc(mod_muc_opt:min_presence_interval(StateData#state.server_host) * 1000000), if (Now >= Activity#activity.presence_time + MinPresenceInterval) and (Activity#activity.presence == undefined) -> NewActivity = Activity#activity{presence_time = Now}, StateData1 = store_user_activity(From, NewActivity, StateData), process_presence(Nick, Packet, StateData1); true -> if Activity#activity.presence == undefined -> Interval = (Activity#activity.presence_time + MinPresenceInterval - Now) div 1000, erlang:send_after(Interval, self(), {process_user_presence, From}); true -> ok end, NewActivity = Activity#activity{presence = {Nick, Packet}}, StateData1 = store_user_activity(From, NewActivity, StateData), {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; normal_state({route, ToNick, #message{from = From, type = Type, lang = Lang} = Packet}, StateData) -> case decide_fate_message(Packet, From, StateData) of {expulse_sender, Reason} -> ?DEBUG(Reason, []), ErrorText = ?T("It is not allowed to send error messages to the" " room. The participant (~s) has sent an error " "message (~s) and got kicked from the room"), NewState = expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, translate:translate(Lang, ErrorText)), {next_state, normal_state, NewState}; forget_message -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; continue_delivery -> case {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_private_messages, is_user_online(From, StateData) orelse is_subscriber(From, StateData) orelse is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(From, StateData)} of {true, true} when Type == groupchat -> ErrText = ?T("It is not allowed to send private messages " "of type \"groupchat\""), Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err); {true, true} -> case find_jids_by_nick(ToNick, StateData) of [] -> ErrText = ?T("Recipient is not in the conference room"), Err = xmpp:err_item_not_found(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err); ToJIDs -> SrcIsVisitor = is_visitor(From, StateData), DstIsModerator = is_moderator(hd(ToJIDs), StateData), PmFromVisitors = (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors, if SrcIsVisitor == false; PmFromVisitors == anyone; (PmFromVisitors == moderators) and DstIsModerator -> {FromNick, _} = get_participant_data(From, StateData), FromNickJID = jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick), X = #muc_user{}, PrivMsg = xmpp:set_from( xmpp:set_subtag(Packet, X), FromNickJID), lists:foreach( fun(ToJID) -> ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:set_to(PrivMsg, ToJID)) end, ToJIDs); true -> ErrText = ?T("It is not allowed to send private messages"), Err = xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err) end end; {true, false} -> ErrText = ?T("Only occupants are allowed to send messages " "to the conference"), Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err); {false, _} -> ErrText = ?T("It is not allowed to send private messages"), Err = xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err) end, {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state({route, ToNick, #iq{from = From, lang = Lang} = Packet}, #state{config = #config{allow_query_users = AllowQuery}} = StateData) -> try maps:get(jid:tolower(From), StateData#state.users) of #user{nick = FromNick} when AllowQuery orelse ToNick == FromNick -> case find_jid_by_nick(ToNick, StateData) of false -> ErrText = ?T("Recipient is not in the conference room"), Err = xmpp:err_item_not_found(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err); To -> FromJID = jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick), case direct_iq_type(Packet) of vcard -> ejabberd_router:route_iq( xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, FromJID, jid:remove_resource(To)), Packet, self()); ping when ToNick == FromNick -> %% Self-ping optimization from XEP-0410 ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:make_iq_result(Packet)); response -> ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, FromJID, To)); #stanza_error{} = Err -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err); _OtherRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_iq( xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, FromJID, To), Packet, self()) end end; _ -> ErrText = ?T("Queries to the conference members are " "not allowed in this room"), Err = xmpp:err_not_allowed(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err) catch _:{badkey, _} -> ErrText = ?T("Only occupants are allowed to send queries " "to the conference"), Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err) end, {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; normal_state(hibernate, StateData) -> case maps:size(StateData#state.users) of 0 -> store_room_no_checks(StateData, [], true), ?INFO_MSG("Hibernating room ~ts@~ts", [StateData#state.room, StateData#state.host]), {stop, normal, StateData#state{hibernate_timer = hibernating}}; _ -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; normal_state(_Event, StateData) -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}. handle_event({service_message, Msg}, _StateName, StateData) -> MessagePkt = #message{type = groupchat, body = xmpp:mk_text(Msg)}, send_wrapped_multiple( StateData#state.jid, get_users_and_subscribers_with_node(?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_MESSAGES, StateData), MessagePkt, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_MESSAGES, StateData), NSD = add_message_to_history(<<"">>, StateData#state.jid, MessagePkt, StateData), {next_state, normal_state, NSD}; handle_event({destroy, Reason}, _StateName, StateData) -> _ = destroy_room(#muc_destroy{xmlns = ?NS_MUC_OWNER, reason = Reason}, StateData), ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~ts with reason: ~p", [jid:encode(StateData#state.jid), Reason]), add_to_log(room_existence, destroyed, StateData), Conf = StateData#state.config, {stop, shutdown, StateData#state{config = Conf#config{persistent = false}}}; handle_event(destroy, StateName, StateData) -> ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~ts", [jid:encode(StateData#state.jid)]), handle_event({destroy, <<"">>}, StateName, StateData); handle_event({set_affiliations, Affiliations}, StateName, StateData) -> NewStateData = set_affiliations(Affiliations, StateData), {next_state, StateName, NewStateData}; handle_event({process_item_change, Item, UJID}, StateName, StateData) -> case process_item_change(Item, StateData, UJID) of {error, _} -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}; StateData -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}; NSD -> store_room(NSD), {next_state, StateName, NSD} end; handle_event(_Event, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. handle_sync_event({get_disco_item, Filter, JID, Lang, Time}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> Len = maps:size(StateData#state.nicks), Reply = case (Filter == all) or (Filter == Len) or ((Filter /= 0) and (Len /= 0)) of true -> get_roomdesc_reply(JID, StateData, get_roomdesc_tail(StateData, Lang)); false -> false end, CurrentTime = erlang:system_time(millisecond), if CurrentTime < Time -> {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}; true -> {next_state, StateName, StateData} end; %% These two clauses are only for backward compatibility with nodes running old code handle_sync_event({get_disco_item, JID, Lang}, From, StateName, StateData) -> handle_sync_event({get_disco_item, any, JID, Lang}, From, StateName, StateData); handle_sync_event({get_disco_item, Filter, JID, Lang}, From, StateName, StateData) -> handle_sync_event({get_disco_item, Filter, JID, Lang, infinity}, From, StateName, StateData); handle_sync_event(get_config, _From, StateName, StateData) -> {reply, {ok, StateData#state.config}, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event(get_state, _From, StateName, StateData) -> {reply, {ok, StateData}, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event(get_info, _From, StateName, StateData) -> Result = #{occupants_number => maps:size(StateData#state.users)}, {reply, Result, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event({change_config, Config}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> {result, undefined, NSD} = change_config(Config, StateData), {reply, {ok, NSD#state.config}, StateName, NSD}; handle_sync_event({change_state, NewStateData}, _From, StateName, _StateData) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(NewStateData#state.server_host, mod_muc), case erlang:function_exported(Mod, get_subscribed_rooms, 3) of true -> ok; _ -> erlang:put(muc_subscribers, NewStateData#state.muc_subscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers) end, {reply, {ok, NewStateData}, StateName, NewStateData}; handle_sync_event({process_item_change, Item, UJID}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> case process_item_change(Item, StateData, UJID) of {error, _} = Err -> {reply, Err, StateName, StateData}; StateData -> {reply, {ok, StateData}, StateName, StateData}; NSD -> store_room(NSD), {reply, {ok, NSD}, StateName, NSD} end; handle_sync_event(get_subscribers, _From, StateName, StateData) -> JIDs = muc_subscribers_fold( fun(_LBareJID, #subscriber{jid = JID}, Acc) -> [JID | Acc] end, [], StateData#state.muc_subscribers), {reply, {ok, JIDs}, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event({muc_subscribe, From, Nick, Nodes}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> IQ = #iq{type = set, id = p1_rand:get_string(), from = From, sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{nick = Nick, events = Nodes}]}, Config = StateData#state.config, CaptchaRequired = Config#config.captcha_protected, PasswordProtected = Config#config.password_protected, MembersOnly = Config#config.members_only, TmpConfig = Config#config{captcha_protected = false, password_protected = false, members_only = false}, TmpState = StateData#state{config = TmpConfig}, case process_iq_mucsub(From, IQ, TmpState) of {result, #muc_subscribe{events = NewNodes}, NewState} -> NewConfig = (NewState#state.config)#config{ captcha_protected = CaptchaRequired, password_protected = PasswordProtected, members_only = MembersOnly}, {reply, {ok, NewNodes}, StateName, NewState#state{config = NewConfig}}; {ignore, NewState} -> NewConfig = (NewState#state.config)#config{ captcha_protected = CaptchaRequired, password_protected = PasswordProtected, members_only = MembersOnly}, {reply, {error, ?T("Request is ignored")}, NewState#state{config = NewConfig}}; {error, Err} -> {reply, {error, get_error_text(Err)}, StateName, StateData} end; handle_sync_event({muc_unsubscribe, From}, _From, StateName, #state{config = Conf} = StateData) -> IQ = #iq{type = set, id = p1_rand:get_string(), from = From, sub_els = [#muc_unsubscribe{}]}, case process_iq_mucsub(From, IQ, StateData) of {result, _, stop} -> {stop, normal, StateData#state{config = Conf#config{persistent = false}}}; {result, _, NewState} -> {reply, ok, StateName, NewState}; {ignore, NewState} -> {reply, {error, ?T("Request is ignored")}, NewState}; {error, Err} -> {reply, {error, get_error_text(Err)}, StateName, StateData} end; handle_sync_event({is_subscribed, From}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> IsSubs = try muc_subscribers_get( jid:split(From), StateData#state.muc_subscribers) of #subscriber{nick = Nick, nodes = Nodes} -> {true, Nick, Nodes} catch _:{badkey, _} -> false end, {reply, IsSubs, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}. code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) -> {ok, StateName, StateData}. handle_info({process_user_presence, From}, normal_state = _StateName, StateData) -> RoomQueueEmpty = p1_queue:is_empty(StateData#state.room_queue), RoomQueue = p1_queue:in({presence, From}, StateData#state.room_queue), StateData1 = StateData#state{room_queue = RoomQueue}, if RoomQueueEmpty -> StateData2 = prepare_room_queue(StateData1), {next_state, normal_state, StateData2}; true -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; handle_info({process_user_message, From}, normal_state = _StateName, StateData) -> RoomQueueEmpty = p1_queue:is_empty(StateData#state.room_queue), RoomQueue = p1_queue:in({message, From}, StateData#state.room_queue), StateData1 = StateData#state{room_queue = RoomQueue}, if RoomQueueEmpty -> StateData2 = prepare_room_queue(StateData1), {next_state, normal_state, StateData2}; true -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end; handle_info(process_room_queue, normal_state = StateName, StateData) -> case p1_queue:out(StateData#state.room_queue) of {{value, {message, From}}, RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Packet = Activity#activity.message, NewActivity = Activity#activity{message = undefined}, StateData1 = store_user_activity(From, NewActivity, StateData), StateData2 = StateData1#state{room_queue = RoomQueue}, StateData3 = prepare_room_queue(StateData2), process_groupchat_message(Packet, StateData3); {{value, {presence, From}}, RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), {Nick, Packet} = Activity#activity.presence, NewActivity = Activity#activity{presence = undefined}, StateData1 = store_user_activity(From, NewActivity, StateData), StateData2 = StateData1#state{room_queue = RoomQueue}, StateData3 = prepare_room_queue(StateData2), process_presence(Nick, Packet, StateData3); {empty, _} -> {next_state, StateName, StateData} end; handle_info({captcha_succeed, From}, normal_state, StateData) -> NewState = case maps:get(From, StateData#state.robots, passed) of {Nick, Packet} -> Robots = maps:put(From, passed, StateData#state.robots), add_new_user(From, Nick, Packet, StateData#state{robots = Robots}); passed -> StateData end, {next_state, normal_state, NewState}; handle_info({captcha_failed, From}, normal_state, StateData) -> NewState = case maps:get(From, StateData#state.robots, passed) of {_Nick, Packet} -> Robots = maps:remove(From, StateData#state.robots), Txt = ?T("The CAPTCHA verification has failed"), Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Packet), Err = xmpp:err_not_authorized(Txt, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData#state{robots = Robots}; passed -> StateData end, {next_state, normal_state, NewState}; handle_info(close_room_if_temporary_and_empty, _StateName, StateData) -> close_room_if_temporary_and_empty(StateData); handle_info(shutdown, _StateName, StateData) -> {stop, shutdown, StateData}; handle_info({iq_reply, #iq{type = Type, sub_els = Els}, #iq{from = From, to = To} = IQ}, StateName, StateData) -> ejabberd_router:route( xmpp:set_from_to( IQ#iq{type = Type, sub_els = Els}, To, From)), {next_state, StateName, StateData}; handle_info({iq_reply, timeout, IQ}, StateName, StateData) -> Txt = ?T("Request has timed out"), Err = xmpp:err_recipient_unavailable(Txt, IQ#iq.lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(IQ, Err), {next_state, StateName, StateData}; handle_info(config_reloaded, StateName, StateData) -> Max = mod_muc_opt:history_size(StateData#state.server_host), History1 = StateData#state.history, Q1 = History1#lqueue.queue, Q2 = case p1_queue:len(Q1) of Len when Len > Max -> lqueue_cut(Q1, Len-Max); _ -> Q1 end, History2 = History1#lqueue{queue = Q2, max = Max}, {next_state, StateName, StateData#state{history = History2}}; handle_info(_Info, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. terminate(Reason, _StateName, #state{server_host = LServer, host = Host, room = Room} = StateData) -> try ?INFO_MSG("Stopping MUC room ~ts@~ts", [Room, Host]), ReasonT = case Reason of shutdown -> ?T("You are being removed from the room " "because of a system shutdown"); _ -> ?T("Room terminates") end, Packet = #presence{ type = unavailable, sub_els = [#muc_user{items = [#muc_item{affiliation = none, reason = ReasonT, role = none}], status_codes = [332,110]}]}, maps:fold( fun(_, #user{nick = Nick, jid = JID}, _) -> case Reason of shutdown -> send_wrapped(jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), JID, Packet, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PARTICIPANTS, StateData); _ -> ok end, tab_remove_online_user(JID, StateData) end, [], get_users_and_subscribers_with_node( ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PARTICIPANTS, StateData)), disable_hibernate_timer(StateData), case StateData#state.hibernate_timer of hibernating -> ok; _ -> add_to_log(room_existence, stopped, StateData), case (StateData#state.config)#config.persistent of false -> ejabberd_hooks:run(room_destroyed, LServer, [LServer, Room, Host]); _ -> ok end end catch ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) -> StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St), ?ERROR_MSG("Got exception on room termination:~n** ~ts", [misc:format_exception(2, E, R, StackTrace)]) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec route(pid(), stanza()) -> ok. route(Pid, Packet) -> ?DEBUG("Routing to MUC room ~p:~n~ts", [Pid, xmpp:pp(Packet)]), #jid{lresource = Nick} = xmpp:get_to(Packet), p1_fsm:send_event(Pid, {route, Nick, Packet}). -spec process_groupchat_message(message(), state()) -> fsm_next(). process_groupchat_message(#message{from = From, lang = Lang} = Packet, StateData) -> IsSubscriber = is_subscriber(From, StateData), case is_user_online(From, StateData) orelse IsSubscriber orelse is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(From, StateData) of true -> {FromNick, Role} = get_participant_data(From, StateData), #config{moderated = Moderated} = StateData#state.config, AllowedByModerationRules = case {Role == moderator orelse Role == participant orelse not Moderated, IsSubscriber} of {true, _} -> true; {_, true} -> % We assume all subscribers are at least members true; _ -> false end, if AllowedByModerationRules -> Subject = check_subject(Packet), {NewStateData1, IsAllowed} = case Subject of [] -> {StateData, true}; _ -> case can_change_subject(Role, IsSubscriber, StateData) of true -> NSD = StateData#state{subject = Subject, subject_author = FromNick}, store_room(NSD), {NSD, true}; _ -> {StateData, false} end end, case IsAllowed of true -> case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(muc_filter_message, StateData#state.server_host, Packet, [StateData, FromNick]) of drop -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; NewPacket1 -> NewPacket = xmpp:put_meta(xmpp:remove_subtag(NewPacket1, #nick{}), muc_sender_real_jid, From), Node = if Subject == [] -> ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_MESSAGES; true -> ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBJECT end, send_wrapped_multiple( jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick), get_users_and_subscribers_with_node(Node, StateData), NewPacket, Node, NewStateData1), NewStateData2 = case has_body_or_subject(NewPacket) of true -> add_message_to_history(FromNick, From, NewPacket, NewStateData1); false -> NewStateData1 end, {next_state, normal_state, NewStateData2} end; _ -> Err = case (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_change_subj of true -> xmpp:err_forbidden( ?T("Only moderators and participants are " "allowed to change the subject in this " "room"), Lang); _ -> xmpp:err_forbidden( ?T("Only moderators are allowed to change " "the subject in this room"), Lang) end, ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; true -> ErrText = ?T("Visitors are not allowed to send messages " "to all occupants"), Err = xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end; false -> ErrText = ?T("Only occupants are allowed to send messages " "to the conference"), Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end. -spec process_normal_message(jid(), message(), state()) -> state(). process_normal_message(From, #message{lang = Lang} = Pkt, StateData) -> Action = lists:foldl( fun(_, {error, _} = Err) -> Err; (_, {ok, _} = Result) -> Result; (#muc_user{invites = [_|_] = Invites}, _) -> case check_invitation(From, Invites, Lang, StateData) of ok -> {ok, Invites}; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; (#xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs}, _) -> try {ok, muc_request:decode(Fs)} catch _:{muc_request, Why} -> Txt = muc_request:format_error(Why), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)} end; (_, Acc) -> Acc end, ok, xmpp:get_els(Pkt)), case Action of {ok, [#muc_invite{}|_] = Invitations} -> lists:foldl( fun(Invitation, AccState) -> process_invitation(From, Pkt, Invitation, Lang, AccState) end, StateData, Invitations); {ok, [{role, participant}]} -> process_voice_request(From, Pkt, StateData); {ok, VoiceApproval} -> process_voice_approval(From, Pkt, VoiceApproval, StateData); {error, Err} -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Pkt, Err), StateData; ok -> StateData end. -spec process_invitation(jid(), message(), muc_invite(), binary(), state()) -> state(). process_invitation(From, Pkt, Invitation, Lang, StateData) -> IJID = route_invitation(From, Pkt, Invitation, Lang, StateData), Config = StateData#state.config, case Config#config.members_only of true -> case get_affiliation(IJID, StateData) of none -> NSD = set_affiliation(IJID, member, StateData), send_affiliation(IJID, member, StateData), store_room(NSD), NSD; _ -> StateData end; false -> StateData end. -spec process_voice_request(jid(), message(), state()) -> state(). process_voice_request(From, Pkt, StateData) -> Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Pkt), case (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_voice_requests of true -> MinInterval = (StateData#state.config)#config.voice_request_min_interval, BareFrom = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(From)), NowPriority = -erlang:system_time(microsecond), CleanPriority = NowPriority + MinInterval * 1000000, Times = clean_treap(StateData#state.last_voice_request_time, CleanPriority), case treap:lookup(BareFrom, Times) of error -> Times1 = treap:insert(BareFrom, NowPriority, true, Times), NSD = StateData#state{last_voice_request_time = Times1}, send_voice_request(From, Lang, NSD), NSD; {ok, _, _} -> ErrText = ?T("Please, wait for a while before sending " "new voice request"), Err = xmpp:err_resource_constraint(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Pkt, Err), StateData#state{last_voice_request_time = Times} end; false -> ErrText = ?T("Voice requests are disabled in this conference"), Err = xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Pkt, Err), StateData end. -spec process_voice_approval(jid(), message(), [muc_request:property()], state()) -> state(). process_voice_approval(From, Pkt, VoiceApproval, StateData) -> Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Pkt), case is_moderator(From, StateData) of true -> case lists:keyfind(jid, 1, VoiceApproval) of {_, TargetJid} -> Allow = proplists:get_bool(request_allow, VoiceApproval), case is_visitor(TargetJid, StateData) of true when Allow -> Reason = <<>>, NSD = set_role(TargetJid, participant, StateData), catch send_new_presence( TargetJid, Reason, NSD, StateData), NSD; _ -> StateData end; false -> ErrText = ?T("Failed to extract JID from your voice " "request approval"), Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Pkt, Err), StateData end; false -> ErrText = ?T("Only moderators can approve voice requests"), Err = xmpp:err_not_allowed(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Pkt, Err), StateData end. -spec direct_iq_type(iq()) -> vcard | ping | request | response | stanza_error(). direct_iq_type(#iq{type = T, sub_els = SubEls, lang = Lang}) when T == get; T == set -> case SubEls of [El] -> case xmpp:get_ns(El) of ?NS_VCARD when T == get -> vcard; ?NS_PING when T == get -> ping; _ -> request end; [] -> xmpp:err_bad_request(?T("No child elements found"), Lang); [_|_] -> xmpp:err_bad_request(?T("Too many child elements"), Lang) end; direct_iq_type(#iq{}) -> response. %% @doc Check if this non participant can send message to room. %% %% XEP-0045 v1.23: %% 7.9 Sending a Message to All Occupants %% an implementation MAY allow users with certain privileges %% (e.g., a room owner, room admin, or service-level admin) %% to send messages to the room even if those users are not occupants. -spec is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). is_user_allowed_message_nonparticipant(JID, StateData) -> case get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData) of owner -> true; _ -> false end. %% @doc Get information of this participant, or default values. %% If the JID is not a participant, return values for a service message. -spec get_participant_data(jid(), state()) -> {binary(), role()}. get_participant_data(From, StateData) -> try maps:get(jid:tolower(From), StateData#state.users) of #user{nick = FromNick, role = Role} -> {FromNick, Role} catch _:{badkey, _} -> try muc_subscribers_get(jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(From)), StateData#state.muc_subscribers) of #subscriber{nick = FromNick} -> {FromNick, none} catch _:{badkey, _} -> {From#jid.luser, moderator} end end. -spec process_presence(binary(), presence(), state()) -> fsm_transition(). process_presence(Nick, #presence{from = From, type = Type0} = Packet0, StateData) -> IsOnline = is_user_online(From, StateData), if Type0 == available; IsOnline and ((Type0 == unavailable) or (Type0 == error)) -> case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(muc_filter_presence, StateData#state.server_host, Packet0, [StateData, Nick]) of drop -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData}; #presence{} = Packet -> close_room_if_temporary_and_empty( do_process_presence(Nick, Packet, StateData)) end; true -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData} end. -spec do_process_presence(binary(), presence(), state()) -> state(). do_process_presence(Nick, #presence{from = From, type = available, lang = Lang} = Packet, StateData) -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of false -> add_new_user(From, Nick, Packet, StateData); true -> case is_nick_change(From, Nick, StateData) of true -> case {nick_collision(From, Nick, StateData), mod_muc:can_use_nick(StateData#state.server_host, StateData#state.host, From, Nick), {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_visitor_nickchange, is_visitor(From, StateData)}} of {_, _, {false, true}} -> Packet1 = Packet#presence{sub_els = [#muc{}]}, ErrText = ?T("Visitors are not allowed to change their " "nicknames in this room"), Err = xmpp:err_not_allowed(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet1, Err), StateData; {true, _, _} -> Packet1 = Packet#presence{sub_els = [#muc{}]}, ErrText = ?T("That nickname is already in use by another " "occupant"), Err = xmpp:err_conflict(ErrText, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet1, Err), StateData; {_, false, _} -> Packet1 = Packet#presence{sub_els = [#muc{}]}, Err = case Nick of <<>> -> xmpp:err_jid_malformed(?T("Nickname can't be empty"), Lang); _ -> xmpp:err_conflict(?T("That nickname is registered" " by another person"), Lang) end, ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet1, Err), StateData; _ -> change_nick(From, Nick, StateData) end; false -> Stanza = maybe_strip_status_from_presence( From, Packet, StateData), NewState = add_user_presence(From, Stanza, StateData), case xmpp:has_subtag(Packet, #muc{}) of true -> send_initial_presences_and_messages( From, Nick, Packet, NewState, StateData); false -> send_new_presence(From, NewState, StateData) end, NewState end end; do_process_presence(Nick, #presence{from = From, type = unavailable} = Packet, StateData) -> NewPacket = case {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_visitor_status, is_visitor(From, StateData)} of {false, true} -> strip_status(Packet); _ -> Packet end, NewState = add_user_presence_un(From, NewPacket, StateData), case maps:get(Nick, StateData#state.nicks, []) of [_, _ | _] -> Aff = get_affiliation(From, StateData), Item = #muc_item{affiliation = Aff, role = none, jid = From}, Pres = xmpp:set_subtag( Packet, #muc_user{items = [Item], status_codes = [110]}), send_wrapped(jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Pres, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE, StateData); _ -> send_new_presence(From, NewState, StateData) end, Reason = xmpp:get_text(NewPacket#presence.status), remove_online_user(From, NewState, Reason); do_process_presence(_Nick, #presence{from = From, type = error, lang = Lang} = Packet, StateData) -> ErrorText = ?T("It is not allowed to send error messages to the" " room. The participant (~s) has sent an error " "message (~s) and got kicked from the room"), expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, translate:translate(Lang, ErrorText)). -spec maybe_strip_status_from_presence(jid(), presence(), state()) -> presence(). maybe_strip_status_from_presence(From, Packet, StateData) -> case {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_visitor_status, is_visitor(From, StateData)} of {false, true} -> strip_status(Packet); _Allowed -> Packet end. -spec close_room_if_temporary_and_empty(state()) -> fsm_transition(). close_room_if_temporary_and_empty(StateData1) -> case not (StateData1#state.config)#config.persistent andalso maps:size(StateData1#state.users) == 0 andalso muc_subscribers_size(StateData1#state.muc_subscribers) == 0 of true -> ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~ts because it's temporary " "and empty", [jid:encode(StateData1#state.jid)]), add_to_log(room_existence, destroyed, StateData1), forget_room(StateData1), {stop, normal, StateData1}; _ -> {next_state, normal_state, StateData1} end. -spec get_users_and_subscribers(state()) -> users(). get_users_and_subscribers(StateData) -> get_users_and_subscribers_aux( StateData#state.muc_subscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers, StateData). -spec get_users_and_subscribers_with_node(binary(), state()) -> users(). get_users_and_subscribers_with_node(Node, StateData) -> get_users_and_subscribers_aux( muc_subscribers_get_by_node(Node, StateData#state.muc_subscribers), StateData). get_users_and_subscribers_aux(Subscribers, StateData) -> OnlineSubscribers = maps:fold( fun(LJID, _, Acc) -> LBareJID = jid:remove_resource(LJID), case is_subscriber(LBareJID, StateData) of true -> ?SETS:add_element(LBareJID, Acc); false -> Acc end end, ?SETS:new(), StateData#state.users), maps:fold( fun(LBareJID, #subscriber{nick = Nick}, Acc) -> case ?SETS:is_element(LBareJID, OnlineSubscribers) of false -> maps:put(LBareJID, #user{jid = jid:make(LBareJID), nick = Nick, role = none, last_presence = undefined}, Acc); true -> Acc end end, StateData#state.users, Subscribers). -spec is_user_online(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). is_user_online(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), maps:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users). -spec is_subscriber(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). is_subscriber(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(JID)), muc_subscribers_is_key(LJID, StateData#state.muc_subscribers). %% Check if the user is occupant of the room, or at least is an admin or owner. -spec is_occupant_or_admin(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). is_occupant_or_admin(JID, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), FRole = get_role(JID, StateData), case FRole /= none orelse FAffiliation == member orelse FAffiliation == admin orelse FAffiliation == owner of true -> true; _ -> false end. %% Check if the user is an admin or owner. -spec is_admin(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). is_admin(JID, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), FAffiliation == admin orelse FAffiliation == owner. %% Decide the fate of the message and its sender %% Returns: continue_delivery | forget_message | {expulse_sender, Reason} -spec decide_fate_message(message(), jid(), state()) -> continue_delivery | forget_message | {expulse_sender, binary()}. decide_fate_message(#message{type = error} = Msg, From, StateData) -> Err = xmpp:get_error(Msg), PD = case check_error_kick(Err) of %% If this is an error stanza and its condition matches a criteria true -> Reason = str:format("This participant is considered a ghost " "and is expulsed: ~s", [jid:encode(From)]), {expulse_sender, Reason}; false -> continue_delivery end, case PD of {expulse_sender, R} -> case is_user_online(From, StateData) of true -> {expulse_sender, R}; false -> forget_message end; Other -> Other end; decide_fate_message(_, _, _) -> continue_delivery. %% Check if the elements of this error stanza indicate %% that the sender is a dead participant. %% If so, return true to kick the participant. -spec check_error_kick(stanza_error()) -> boolean(). check_error_kick(#stanza_error{reason = Reason}) -> case Reason of #gone{} -> true; 'internal-server-error' -> true; 'item-not-found' -> true; 'jid-malformed' -> true; 'recipient-unavailable' -> true; #redirect{} -> true; 'remote-server-not-found' -> true; 'remote-server-timeout' -> true; 'service-unavailable' -> true; _ -> false end; check_error_kick(undefined) -> false. -spec get_error_condition(stanza_error()) -> string(). get_error_condition(#stanza_error{reason = Reason}) -> case Reason of #gone{} -> "gone"; #redirect{} -> "redirect"; Atom -> atom_to_list(Atom) end; get_error_condition(undefined) -> "undefined". -spec get_error_text(stanza_error()) -> binary(). get_error_text(#stanza_error{text = Txt}) -> xmpp:get_text(Txt). -spec make_reason(stanza(), jid(), state(), binary()) -> binary(). make_reason(Packet, From, StateData, Reason1) -> #user{nick = FromNick} = maps:get(jid:tolower(From), StateData#state.users), Condition = get_error_condition(xmpp:get_error(Packet)), Reason2 = unicode:characters_to_list(Reason1), str:format(Reason2, [FromNick, Condition]). -spec expulse_participant(stanza(), jid(), state(), binary()) -> state(). expulse_participant(Packet, From, StateData, Reason1) -> Reason2 = make_reason(Packet, From, StateData, Reason1), NewState = add_user_presence_un(From, #presence{type = unavailable, status = xmpp:mk_text(Reason2)}, StateData), LJID = jid:tolower(From), #user{nick = Nick} = maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users), case maps:get(Nick, StateData#state.nicks, []) of [_, _ | _] -> Aff = get_affiliation(From, StateData), Item = #muc_item{affiliation = Aff, role = none, jid = From}, Pres = xmpp:set_subtag( Packet, #muc_user{items = [Item], status_codes = [110]}), send_wrapped(jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), From, Pres, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE, StateData); _ -> send_new_presence(From, NewState, StateData) end, remove_online_user(From, NewState). -spec set_affiliation(jid(), affiliation(), state()) -> state(). set_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, StateData) -> set_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, StateData, <<"">>). -spec set_affiliation(jid(), affiliation(), state(), binary()) -> state(). set_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, #state{config = #config{persistent = false}} = StateData, Reason) -> set_affiliation_fallback(JID, Affiliation, StateData, Reason); set_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, StateData, Reason) -> ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, mod_muc), case Mod:set_affiliation(ServerHost, Room, Host, JID, Affiliation, Reason) of ok -> StateData; {error, _} -> set_affiliation_fallback(JID, Affiliation, StateData, Reason) end. -spec set_affiliation_fallback(jid(), affiliation(), state(), binary()) -> state(). set_affiliation_fallback(JID, Affiliation, StateData, Reason) -> LJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), Affiliations = case Affiliation of none -> maps:remove(LJID, StateData#state.affiliations); _ -> maps:put(LJID, {Affiliation, Reason}, StateData#state.affiliations) end, StateData#state{affiliations = Affiliations}. -spec set_affiliations(affiliations(), state()) -> state(). set_affiliations(Affiliations, #state{config = #config{persistent = false}} = StateData) -> set_affiliations_fallback(Affiliations, StateData); set_affiliations(Affiliations, StateData) -> Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, mod_muc), case Mod:set_affiliations(ServerHost, Room, Host, Affiliations) of ok -> StateData; {error, _} -> set_affiliations_fallback(Affiliations, StateData) end. -spec set_affiliations_fallback(affiliations(), state()) -> state(). set_affiliations_fallback(Affiliations, StateData) -> StateData#state{affiliations = Affiliations}. -spec get_affiliation(ljid() | jid(), state()) -> affiliation(). get_affiliation(#jid{} = JID, StateData) -> case get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData) of owner -> owner; none -> case do_get_affiliation(JID, StateData) of {Affiliation, _Reason} -> Affiliation; Affiliation -> Affiliation end end; get_affiliation(LJID, StateData) -> get_affiliation(jid:make(LJID), StateData). -spec do_get_affiliation(jid(), state()) -> affiliation() | {affiliation(), binary()}. do_get_affiliation(JID, #state{config = #config{persistent = false}} = StateData) -> do_get_affiliation_fallback(JID, StateData); do_get_affiliation(JID, StateData) -> Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, LServer = JID#jid.lserver, LUser = JID#jid.luser, ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, mod_muc), case Mod:get_affiliation(ServerHost, Room, Host, LUser, LServer) of {error, _} -> do_get_affiliation_fallback(JID, StateData); {ok, Affiliation} -> Affiliation end. -spec do_get_affiliation_fallback(jid(), state()) -> affiliation() | {affiliation(), binary()}. do_get_affiliation_fallback(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), try maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.affiliations) catch _:{badkey, _} -> BareLJID = jid:remove_resource(LJID), try maps:get(BareLJID, StateData#state.affiliations) catch _:{badkey, _} -> DomainLJID = setelement(1, LJID, <<"">>), try maps:get(DomainLJID, StateData#state.affiliations) catch _:{badkey, _} -> DomainBareLJID = jid:remove_resource(DomainLJID), try maps:get(DomainBareLJID, StateData#state.affiliations) catch _:{badkey, _} -> none end end end end. -spec get_affiliations(state()) -> affiliations(). get_affiliations(#state{config = #config{persistent = false}} = StateData) -> get_affiliations_fallback(StateData); get_affiliations(StateData) -> Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, mod_muc), case Mod:get_affiliations(ServerHost, Room, Host) of {error, _} -> get_affiliations_fallback(StateData); {ok, Affiliations} -> Affiliations end. -spec get_affiliations_fallback(state()) -> affiliations(). get_affiliations_fallback(StateData) -> StateData#state.affiliations. -spec get_service_affiliation(jid(), state()) -> owner | none. get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData) -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, AccessAdmin, _AccessPersistent, _AccessMam} = StateData#state.access, case acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessAdmin, JID) of allow -> owner; _ -> none end. -spec set_role(jid(), role(), state()) -> state(). set_role(JID, Role, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), LJIDs = case LJID of {U, S, <<"">>} -> maps:fold(fun (J, _, Js) -> case J of {U, S, _} -> [J | Js]; _ -> Js end end, [], StateData#state.users); _ -> case maps:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of true -> [LJID]; _ -> [] end end, {Users, Nicks} = case Role of none -> lists:foldl( fun (J, {Us, Ns}) -> NewNs = try maps:get(J, Us) of #user{nick = Nick} -> maps:remove(Nick, Ns) catch _:{badkey, _} -> Ns end, {maps:remove(J, Us), NewNs} end, {StateData#state.users, StateData#state.nicks}, LJIDs); _ -> {lists:foldl( fun (J, Us) -> User = maps:get(J, Us), if User#user.last_presence == undefined -> Us; true -> maps:put(J, User#user{role = Role}, Us) end end, StateData#state.users, LJIDs), StateData#state.nicks} end, Affiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), Roles = case Role of %% Don't persist 'none' role: if someone is kicked, they will %% maintain the same role they had *before* they were kicked, %% unless they were banned none when Affiliation /= outcast -> StateData#state.roles; NewRole -> maps:put(jid:remove_resource(LJID), NewRole, StateData#state.roles) end, StateData#state{users = Users, nicks = Nicks, roles = Roles}. -spec get_role(jid(), state()) -> role(). get_role(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), try maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users) of #user{role = Role} -> Role catch _:{badkey, _} -> none end. -spec get_default_role(affiliation(), state()) -> role(). get_default_role(Affiliation, StateData) -> case Affiliation of owner -> moderator; admin -> moderator; member -> participant; outcast -> none; none -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.members_only of true -> none; _ -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.members_by_default of true -> participant; _ -> visitor end end end. -spec is_visitor(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). is_visitor(Jid, StateData) -> get_role(Jid, StateData) =:= visitor. -spec is_moderator(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). is_moderator(Jid, StateData) -> get_role(Jid, StateData) =:= moderator. -spec get_max_users(state()) -> non_neg_integer(). get_max_users(StateData) -> MaxUsers = (StateData#state.config)#config.max_users, ServiceMaxUsers = get_service_max_users(StateData), if MaxUsers =< ServiceMaxUsers -> MaxUsers; true -> ServiceMaxUsers end. -spec get_service_max_users(state()) -> pos_integer(). get_service_max_users(StateData) -> mod_muc_opt:max_users(StateData#state.server_host). -spec get_max_users_admin_threshold(state()) -> pos_integer(). get_max_users_admin_threshold(StateData) -> mod_muc_opt:max_users_admin_threshold(StateData#state.server_host). -spec room_queue_new(binary(), ejabberd_shaper:shaper(), _) -> p1_queue:queue({message | presence, jid()}) | undefined. room_queue_new(ServerHost, Shaper, QueueType) -> HaveRoomShaper = Shaper /= none, HaveMessageShaper = mod_muc_opt:user_message_shaper(ServerHost) /= none, HavePresenceShaper = mod_muc_opt:user_presence_shaper(ServerHost) /= none, HaveMinMessageInterval = mod_muc_opt:min_message_interval(ServerHost) /= 0, HaveMinPresenceInterval = mod_muc_opt:min_presence_interval(ServerHost) /= 0, if HaveRoomShaper or HaveMessageShaper or HavePresenceShaper or HaveMinMessageInterval or HaveMinPresenceInterval -> p1_queue:new(QueueType); true -> undefined end. -spec get_user_activity(jid(), state()) -> #activity{}. get_user_activity(JID, StateData) -> case treap:lookup(jid:tolower(JID), StateData#state.activity) of {ok, _P, A} -> A; error -> MessageShaper = ejabberd_shaper:new(mod_muc_opt:user_message_shaper(StateData#state.server_host)), PresenceShaper = ejabberd_shaper:new(mod_muc_opt:user_presence_shaper(StateData#state.server_host)), #activity{message_shaper = MessageShaper, presence_shaper = PresenceShaper} end. -spec store_user_activity(jid(), #activity{}, state()) -> state(). store_user_activity(JID, UserActivity, StateData) -> MinMessageInterval = trunc(mod_muc_opt:min_message_interval(StateData#state.server_host) * 1000), MinPresenceInterval = trunc(mod_muc_opt:min_presence_interval(StateData#state.server_host) * 1000), Key = jid:tolower(JID), Now = erlang:system_time(microsecond), Activity1 = clean_treap(StateData#state.activity, {1, -Now}), Activity = case treap:lookup(Key, Activity1) of {ok, _P, _A} -> treap:delete(Key, Activity1); error -> Activity1 end, StateData1 = case MinMessageInterval == 0 andalso MinPresenceInterval == 0 andalso UserActivity#activity.message_shaper == none andalso UserActivity#activity.presence_shaper == none andalso UserActivity#activity.message == undefined andalso UserActivity#activity.presence == undefined of true -> StateData#state{activity = Activity}; false -> case UserActivity#activity.message == undefined andalso UserActivity#activity.presence == undefined of true -> {_, MessageShaperInterval} = ejabberd_shaper:update(UserActivity#activity.message_shaper, 100000), {_, PresenceShaperInterval} = ejabberd_shaper:update(UserActivity#activity.presence_shaper, 100000), Delay = lists:max([MessageShaperInterval, PresenceShaperInterval, MinMessageInterval, MinPresenceInterval]) * 1000, Priority = {1, -(Now + Delay)}, StateData#state{activity = treap:insert(Key, Priority, UserActivity, Activity)}; false -> Priority = {0, 0}, StateData#state{activity = treap:insert(Key, Priority, UserActivity, Activity)} end end, reset_hibernate_timer(StateData1). -spec clean_treap(treap:treap(), integer() | {1, integer()}) -> treap:treap(). clean_treap(Treap, CleanPriority) -> case treap:is_empty(Treap) of true -> Treap; false -> {_Key, Priority, _Value} = treap:get_root(Treap), if Priority > CleanPriority -> clean_treap(treap:delete_root(Treap), CleanPriority); true -> Treap end end. -spec prepare_room_queue(state()) -> state(). prepare_room_queue(StateData) -> case p1_queue:out(StateData#state.room_queue) of {{value, {message, From}}, _RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), Packet = Activity#activity.message, Size = element_size(Packet), {RoomShaper, RoomShaperInterval} = ejabberd_shaper:update(StateData#state.room_shaper, Size), erlang:send_after(RoomShaperInterval, self(), process_room_queue), StateData#state{room_shaper = RoomShaper}; {{value, {presence, From}}, _RoomQueue} -> Activity = get_user_activity(From, StateData), {_Nick, Packet} = Activity#activity.presence, Size = element_size(Packet), {RoomShaper, RoomShaperInterval} = ejabberd_shaper:update(StateData#state.room_shaper, Size), erlang:send_after(RoomShaperInterval, self(), process_room_queue), StateData#state{room_shaper = RoomShaper}; {empty, _} -> StateData end. -spec update_online_user(jid(), #user{}, state()) -> state(). update_online_user(JID, #user{nick = Nick} = User, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), add_to_log(join, Nick, StateData), Nicks1 = try maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users) of #user{nick = OldNick} -> case lists:delete( LJID, maps:get(OldNick, StateData#state.nicks)) of [] -> maps:remove(OldNick, StateData#state.nicks); LJIDs -> maps:put(OldNick, LJIDs, StateData#state.nicks) end catch _:{badkey, _} -> StateData#state.nicks end, Nicks = maps:update_with(Nick, fun (LJIDs) -> [LJID|LJIDs -- [LJID]] end, [LJID], Nicks1), Users = maps:update_with(LJID, fun(U) -> U#user{nick = Nick} end, User, StateData#state.users), NewStateData = StateData#state{users = Users, nicks = Nicks}, case {maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users, error), maps:get(LJID, NewStateData#state.users, error)} of {#user{nick = Old}, #user{nick = New}} when Old /= New -> send_nick_changing(JID, Old, NewStateData, true, true); _ -> ok end, NewStateData. -spec set_subscriber(jid(), binary(), [binary()], state()) -> state(). set_subscriber(JID, Nick, Nodes, #state{room = Room, host = Host, server_host = ServerHost} = StateData) -> BareJID = jid:remove_resource(JID), LBareJID = jid:tolower(BareJID), MUCSubscribers = muc_subscribers_put( #subscriber{jid = BareJID, nick = Nick, nodes = Nodes}, StateData#state.muc_subscribers), NewStateData = StateData#state{muc_subscribers = MUCSubscribers}, store_room(NewStateData, [{add_subscription, BareJID, Nick, Nodes}]), case not muc_subscribers_is_key(LBareJID, StateData#state.muc_subscribers) of true -> Packet1a = #message{ sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBSCRIBERS, items = [#ps_item{ id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{jid = BareJID, nick = Nick}]}]}}]}, Packet1b = #message{ sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBSCRIBERS, items = [#ps_item{ id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{nick = Nick}]}]}}]}, {Packet2a, Packet2b} = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(muc_subscribed, ServerHost, {Packet1a, Packet1b}, [ServerHost, Room, Host, BareJID, StateData]), send_subscriptions_change_notifications(Packet2a, Packet2b, NewStateData); _ -> ok end, NewStateData. -spec add_online_user(jid(), binary(), role(), state()) -> state(). add_online_user(JID, Nick, Role, StateData) -> tab_add_online_user(JID, StateData), User = #user{jid = JID, nick = Nick, role = Role}, reset_hibernate_timer(update_online_user(JID, User, StateData)). -spec remove_online_user(jid(), state()) -> state(). remove_online_user(JID, StateData) -> remove_online_user(JID, StateData, <<"">>). -spec remove_online_user(jid(), state(), binary()) -> state(). remove_online_user(JID, StateData, Reason) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), #user{nick = Nick} = maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users), add_to_log(leave, {Nick, Reason}, StateData), tab_remove_online_user(JID, StateData), Users = maps:remove(LJID, StateData#state.users), Nicks = try maps:get(Nick, StateData#state.nicks) of [LJID] -> maps:remove(Nick, StateData#state.nicks); U -> maps:put(Nick, U -- [LJID], StateData#state.nicks) catch _:{badkey, _} -> StateData#state.nicks end, reset_hibernate_timer(StateData#state{users = Users, nicks = Nicks}). -spec filter_presence(presence()) -> presence(). filter_presence(Presence) -> Els = lists:filter( fun(El) -> XMLNS = xmpp:get_ns(El), case catch binary:part(XMLNS, 0, size(?NS_MUC)) of ?NS_MUC -> false; _ -> XMLNS /= ?NS_HATS end end, xmpp:get_els(Presence)), xmpp:set_els(Presence, Els). -spec strip_status(presence()) -> presence(). strip_status(Presence) -> Presence#presence{status = []}. -spec add_user_presence(jid(), presence(), state()) -> state(). add_user_presence(JID, Presence, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), FPresence = filter_presence(Presence), Users = maps:update_with(LJID, fun (#user{} = User) -> User#user{last_presence = FPresence} end, StateData#state.users), StateData#state{users = Users}. -spec add_user_presence_un(jid(), presence(), state()) -> state(). add_user_presence_un(JID, Presence, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), FPresence = filter_presence(Presence), Users = maps:update_with(LJID, fun (#user{} = User) -> User#user{last_presence = FPresence, role = none} end, StateData#state.users), StateData#state{users = Users}. %% Find and return a list of the full JIDs of the users of Nick. %% Return jid record. -spec find_jids_by_nick(binary(), state()) -> [jid()]. find_jids_by_nick(Nick, StateData) -> Users = case maps:get(Nick, StateData#state.nicks, []) of [] -> muc_subscribers_get_by_nick( Nick, StateData#state.muc_subscribers); Us -> Us end, [jid:make(LJID) || LJID <- Users]. %% Find and return the full JID of the user of Nick with %% highest-priority presence. Return jid record. -spec find_jid_by_nick(binary(), state()) -> jid() | false. find_jid_by_nick(Nick, StateData) -> try maps:get(Nick, StateData#state.nicks) of [User] -> jid:make(User); [FirstUser | Users] -> #user{last_presence = FirstPresence} = maps:get(FirstUser, StateData#state.users), {LJID, _} = lists:foldl( fun(Compare, {HighestUser, HighestPresence}) -> #user{last_presence = P1} = maps:get(Compare, StateData#state.users), case higher_presence(P1, HighestPresence) of true -> {Compare, P1}; false -> {HighestUser, HighestPresence} end end, {FirstUser, FirstPresence}, Users), jid:make(LJID) catch _:{badkey, _} -> false end. -spec higher_presence(undefined | presence(), undefined | presence()) -> boolean(). higher_presence(Pres1, Pres2) when Pres1 /= undefined, Pres2 /= undefined -> Pri1 = get_priority_from_presence(Pres1), Pri2 = get_priority_from_presence(Pres2), Pri1 > Pri2; higher_presence(Pres1, Pres2) -> Pres1 > Pres2. -spec get_priority_from_presence(presence()) -> integer(). get_priority_from_presence(#presence{priority = Prio}) -> case Prio of undefined -> 0; _ -> Prio end. -spec find_nick_by_jid(jid(), state()) -> binary(). find_nick_by_jid(JID, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), #user{nick = Nick} = maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users), Nick. -spec is_nick_change(jid(), binary(), state()) -> boolean(). is_nick_change(JID, Nick, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), case Nick of <<"">> -> false; _ -> #user{nick = OldNick} = maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users), Nick /= OldNick end. -spec nick_collision(jid(), binary(), state()) -> boolean(). nick_collision(User, Nick, StateData) -> UserOfNick = case find_jid_by_nick(Nick, StateData) of false -> case muc_subscribers_get_by_nick(Nick, StateData#state.muc_subscribers) of [J] -> J; [] -> false end; J -> J end, (UserOfNick /= false andalso jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(UserOfNick)) /= jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(User))). -spec add_new_user(jid(), binary(), presence(), state()) -> state(); (jid(), binary(), iq(), state()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {ignore, state()} | {result, muc_subscribe(), state()}. add_new_user(From, Nick, Packet, StateData) -> Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Packet), MaxUsers = get_max_users(StateData), MaxAdminUsers = MaxUsers + get_max_users_admin_threshold(StateData), NUsers = maps:size(StateData#state.users), Affiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), ServiceAffiliation = get_service_affiliation(From, StateData), NConferences = tab_count_user(From, StateData), MaxConferences = mod_muc_opt:max_user_conferences(StateData#state.server_host), Collision = nick_collision(From, Nick, StateData), IsSubscribeRequest = not is_record(Packet, presence), case {ServiceAffiliation == owner orelse ((((Affiliation == admin orelse Affiliation == owner) andalso NUsers < MaxAdminUsers) orelse NUsers < MaxUsers) andalso NConferences < MaxConferences), Collision, mod_muc:can_use_nick(StateData#state.server_host, StateData#state.host, From, Nick), get_occupant_initial_role(From, Affiliation, StateData)} of {false, _, _, _} when NUsers >= MaxUsers orelse NUsers >= MaxAdminUsers -> Txt = ?T("Too many users in this conference"), Err = xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; {false, _, _, _} when NConferences >= MaxConferences -> Txt = ?T("You have joined too many conferences"), Err = xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; {false, _, _, _} -> Err = xmpp:err_service_unavailable(), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; {_, _, _, none} -> Err = case Affiliation of outcast -> ErrText = ?T("You have been banned from this room"), xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang); _ -> ErrText = ?T("Membership is required to enter this room"), xmpp:err_registration_required(ErrText, Lang) end, if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; {_, true, _, _} -> ErrText = ?T("That nickname is already in use by another occupant"), Err = xmpp:err_conflict(ErrText, Lang), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; {_, _, false, _} -> Err = case Nick of <<>> -> xmpp:err_jid_malformed(?T("Nickname can't be empty"), Lang); _ -> xmpp:err_conflict(?T("That nickname is registered" " by another person"), Lang) end, if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; {_, _, _, Role} -> case check_password(ServiceAffiliation, Affiliation, Packet, From, StateData) of true -> Nodes = get_subscription_nodes(Packet), NewStateData = if not IsSubscribeRequest -> NewState = add_user_presence( From, Packet, add_online_user(From, Nick, Role, StateData)), send_initial_presences_and_messages( From, Nick, Packet, NewState, StateData), NewState; true -> set_subscriber(From, Nick, Nodes, StateData) end, ResultState = case NewStateData#state.just_created of true -> NewStateData#state{just_created = erlang:system_time(microsecond)}; _ -> Robots = maps:remove(From, StateData#state.robots), NewStateData#state{robots = Robots} end, if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ResultState; true -> {result, subscribe_result(Packet), ResultState} end; need_password -> ErrText = ?T("A password is required to enter this room"), Err = xmpp:err_not_authorized(ErrText, Lang), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; captcha_required -> SID = xmpp:get_id(Packet), RoomJID = StateData#state.jid, To = jid:replace_resource(RoomJID, Nick), Limiter = {From#jid.luser, From#jid.lserver}, case ejabberd_captcha:create_captcha(SID, RoomJID, To, Lang, Limiter, From) of {ok, ID, Body, CaptchaEls} -> MsgPkt = #message{from = RoomJID, to = From, id = ID, body = Body, sub_els = CaptchaEls}, Robots = maps:put(From, {Nick, Packet}, StateData#state.robots), ejabberd_router:route(MsgPkt), NewState = StateData#state{robots = Robots}, if not IsSubscribeRequest -> NewState; true -> {ignore, NewState} end; {error, limit} -> ErrText = ?T("Too many CAPTCHA requests"), Err = xmpp:err_resource_constraint(ErrText, Lang), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end; _ -> ErrText = ?T("Unable to generate a CAPTCHA"), Err = xmpp:err_internal_server_error(ErrText, Lang), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end end; _ -> ErrText = ?T("Incorrect password"), Err = xmpp:err_not_authorized(ErrText, Lang), if not IsSubscribeRequest -> ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), StateData; true -> {error, Err} end end end. -spec check_password(affiliation(), affiliation(), presence() | iq(), jid(), state()) -> boolean() | need_password | captcha_required. check_password(owner, _Affiliation, _Packet, _From, _StateData) -> %% Don't check pass if user is owner in MUC service (access_admin option) true; check_password(_ServiceAffiliation, Affiliation, Packet, From, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of false -> check_captcha(Affiliation, From, StateData); true -> Pass = extract_password(Packet), case Pass of false -> need_password; _ -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.password of Pass -> true; _ -> false end end end. -spec check_captcha(affiliation(), jid(), state()) -> true | captcha_required. check_captcha(Affiliation, From, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.captcha_protected andalso ejabberd_captcha:is_feature_available() of true when Affiliation == none -> case maps:get(From, StateData#state.robots, error) of passed -> true; _ -> WList = (StateData#state.config)#config.captcha_whitelist, #jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = R} = From, case (?SETS):is_element({U, S, R}, WList) of true -> true; false -> case (?SETS):is_element({U, S, <<"">>}, WList) of true -> true; false -> case (?SETS):is_element({<<"">>, S, <<"">>}, WList) of true -> true; false -> captcha_required end end end end; _ -> true end. -spec extract_password(presence() | iq()) -> binary() | false. extract_password(#presence{} = Pres) -> case xmpp:get_subtag(Pres, #muc{}) of #muc{password = Password} when is_binary(Password) -> Password; _ -> false end; extract_password(#iq{} = IQ) -> case xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #muc_subscribe{}) of #muc_subscribe{password = Password} when Password /= <<"">> -> Password; _ -> false end. -spec get_history(binary(), stanza(), state()) -> [lqueue_elem()]. get_history(Nick, Packet, #state{history = History}) -> case xmpp:get_subtag(Packet, #muc{}) of #muc{history = #muc_history{} = MUCHistory} -> Now = erlang:timestamp(), Q = History#lqueue.queue, filter_history(Q, Now, Nick, MUCHistory); _ -> p1_queue:to_list(History#lqueue.queue) end. -spec filter_history(p1_queue:queue(lqueue_elem()), erlang:timestamp(), binary(), muc_history()) -> [lqueue_elem()]. filter_history(Queue, Now, Nick, #muc_history{since = Since, seconds = Seconds, maxstanzas = MaxStanzas, maxchars = MaxChars}) -> {History, _, _} = lists:foldr( fun({_, _, _, TimeStamp, Size} = Elem, {Elems, NumStanzas, NumChars} = Acc) -> NowDiff = timer:now_diff(Now, TimeStamp) div 1000000, Chars = Size + byte_size(Nick) + 1, if (NumStanzas < MaxStanzas) andalso (TimeStamp > Since) andalso (NowDiff =< Seconds) andalso (NumChars + Chars =< MaxChars) -> {[Elem|Elems], NumStanzas + 1, NumChars + Chars}; true -> Acc end end, {[], 0, 0}, p1_queue:to_list(Queue)), History. -spec is_room_overcrowded(state()) -> boolean(). is_room_overcrowded(StateData) -> MaxUsersPresence = mod_muc_opt:max_users_presence(StateData#state.server_host), maps:size(StateData#state.users) > MaxUsersPresence. -spec presence_broadcast_allowed(jid(), state()) -> boolean(). presence_broadcast_allowed(JID, StateData) -> Role = get_role(JID, StateData), lists:member(Role, (StateData#state.config)#config.presence_broadcast). -spec send_initial_presences_and_messages( jid(), binary(), presence(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_initial_presences_and_messages(From, Nick, Presence, NewState, OldState) -> advertise_entity_capabilities(From, NewState), send_existing_presences(From, NewState), send_self_presence(From, NewState, OldState), History = get_history(Nick, Presence, NewState), send_history(From, History, NewState), send_subject(From, OldState). -spec advertise_entity_capabilities(jid(), state()) -> ok. advertise_entity_capabilities(JID, State) -> AvatarHash = (State#state.config)#config.vcard_xupdate, DiscoInfo = make_disco_info(JID, State), Extras = iq_disco_info_extras(<<"en">>, State, true), DiscoInfo1 = DiscoInfo#disco_info{xdata = [Extras]}, DiscoHash = mod_caps:compute_disco_hash(DiscoInfo1, sha), Els1 = [#caps{hash = <<"sha-1">>, node = ejabberd_config:get_uri(), version = DiscoHash}], Els2 = if is_binary(AvatarHash) -> [#vcard_xupdate{hash = AvatarHash}|Els1]; true -> Els1 end, ejabberd_router:route(#presence{from = State#state.jid, to = JID, id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = Els2}). -spec send_self_presence(jid(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_self_presence(NJID, StateData, OldStateData) -> send_new_presence(NJID, <<"">>, true, StateData, OldStateData). -spec send_update_presence(jid(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_update_presence(JID, StateData, OldStateData) -> send_update_presence(JID, <<"">>, StateData, OldStateData). -spec send_update_presence(jid(), binary(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_update_presence(JID, Reason, StateData, OldStateData) -> case is_room_overcrowded(StateData) of true -> ok; false -> send_update_presence1(JID, Reason, StateData, OldStateData) end. -spec send_update_presence1(jid(), binary(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_update_presence1(JID, Reason, StateData, OldStateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), LJIDs = case LJID of {U, S, <<"">>} -> maps:fold(fun (J, _, Js) -> case J of {U, S, _} -> [J | Js]; _ -> Js end end, [], StateData#state.users); _ -> case maps:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of true -> [LJID]; _ -> [] end end, lists:foreach(fun (J) -> send_new_presence(J, Reason, false, StateData, OldStateData) end, LJIDs). -spec send_new_presence(jid(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_new_presence(NJID, StateData, OldStateData) -> send_new_presence(NJID, <<"">>, false, StateData, OldStateData). -spec send_new_presence(jid(), binary(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_new_presence(NJID, Reason, StateData, OldStateData) -> send_new_presence(NJID, Reason, false, StateData, OldStateData). -spec is_ra_changed(jid(), boolean(), state(), state()) -> boolean(). is_ra_changed(_, _IsInitialPresence = true, _, _) -> false; is_ra_changed(JID, _IsInitialPresence = false, NewStateData, OldStateData) -> NewRole = get_role(JID, NewStateData), NewAff = get_affiliation(JID, NewStateData), OldRole = get_role(JID, OldStateData), OldAff = get_affiliation(JID, OldStateData), if (NewRole == none) and (NewAff == OldAff) -> %% A user is leaving the room; false; true -> (NewRole /= OldRole) or (NewAff /= OldAff) end. -spec send_new_presence(jid(), binary(), boolean(), state(), state()) -> ok. send_new_presence(NJID, Reason, IsInitialPresence, StateData, OldStateData) -> LNJID = jid:tolower(NJID), #user{nick = Nick} = maps:get(LNJID, StateData#state.users), LJID = find_jid_by_nick(Nick, StateData), #user{jid = RealJID, role = Role0, last_presence = Presence0} = UserInfo = maps:get(jid:tolower(LJID), StateData#state.users), {Role1, Presence1} = case (presence_broadcast_allowed(NJID, StateData) orelse presence_broadcast_allowed(NJID, OldStateData)) of true -> {Role0, Presence0}; false -> {none, #presence{type = unavailable}} end, Affiliation = get_affiliation(LJID, StateData), Node1 = case is_ra_changed(NJID, IsInitialPresence, StateData, OldStateData) of true -> ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_AFFILIATIONS; false -> ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE end, Node2 = ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PARTICIPANTS, UserMap = case is_room_overcrowded(StateData) orelse (not (presence_broadcast_allowed(NJID, StateData) orelse presence_broadcast_allowed(NJID, OldStateData))) of true -> #{LNJID => UserInfo}; false -> %% TODO: optimize further UM1 = get_users_and_subscribers_with_node(Node1, StateData), UM2 = get_users_and_subscribers_with_node(Node2, StateData), maps:merge(UM1, UM2) end, maps:fold( fun(LUJID, Info, _) -> IsSelfPresence = LNJID == LUJID, {Role, Presence} = if IsSelfPresence -> {Role0, Presence0}; true -> {Role1, Presence1} end, Item0 = #muc_item{affiliation = Affiliation, role = Role}, Item1 = case Info#user.role == moderator orelse (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false orelse IsSelfPresence of true -> Item0#muc_item{jid = RealJID}; false -> Item0 end, Item = Item1#muc_item{reason = Reason}, StatusCodes = status_codes(IsInitialPresence, IsSelfPresence, StateData), Pres = if Presence == undefined -> #presence{}; true -> Presence end, Packet = xmpp:set_subtag( add_presence_hats(NJID, Pres, StateData), #muc_user{items = [Item], status_codes = StatusCodes}), send_wrapped(jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet, Node1, StateData), Type = xmpp:get_type(Packet), IsSubscriber = is_subscriber(Info#user.jid, StateData), IsOccupant = Info#user.last_presence /= undefined, if (IsSubscriber and not IsOccupant) and (IsInitialPresence or (Type == unavailable)) -> send_wrapped(jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet, Node2, StateData); true -> ok end end, ok, UserMap). -spec send_existing_presences(jid(), state()) -> ok. send_existing_presences(ToJID, StateData) -> case is_room_overcrowded(StateData) of true -> ok; false -> send_existing_presences1(ToJID, StateData) end. -spec send_existing_presences1(jid(), state()) -> ok. send_existing_presences1(ToJID, StateData) -> LToJID = jid:tolower(ToJID), #user{jid = RealToJID, role = Role} = maps:get(LToJID, StateData#state.users), maps:fold( fun(FromNick, _Users, _) -> LJID = find_jid_by_nick(FromNick, StateData), #user{jid = FromJID, role = FromRole, last_presence = Presence} = maps:get(jid:tolower(LJID), StateData#state.users), PresenceBroadcast = lists:member( FromRole, (StateData#state.config)#config.presence_broadcast), case {RealToJID, PresenceBroadcast} of {FromJID, _} -> ok; {_, false} -> ok; _ -> FromAffiliation = get_affiliation(LJID, StateData), Item0 = #muc_item{affiliation = FromAffiliation, role = FromRole}, Item = case Role == moderator orelse (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false of true -> Item0#muc_item{jid = FromJID}; false -> Item0 end, Packet = xmpp:set_subtag( add_presence_hats( FromJID, Presence, StateData), #muc_user{items = [Item]}), send_wrapped(jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick), RealToJID, Packet, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE, StateData) end end, ok, StateData#state.nicks). -spec set_nick(jid(), binary(), state()) -> state(). set_nick(JID, Nick, State) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), #user{nick = OldNick} = maps:get(LJID, State#state.users), Users = maps:update_with(LJID, fun (#user{} = User) -> User#user{nick = Nick} end, State#state.users), OldNickUsers = maps:get(OldNick, State#state.nicks), NewNickUsers = maps:get(Nick, State#state.nicks, []), Nicks = case OldNickUsers of [LJID] -> maps:put(Nick, [LJID | NewNickUsers -- [LJID]], maps:remove(OldNick, State#state.nicks)); [_ | _] -> maps:put(Nick, [LJID | NewNickUsers -- [LJID]], maps:put(OldNick, OldNickUsers -- [LJID], State#state.nicks)) end, State#state{users = Users, nicks = Nicks}. -spec change_nick(jid(), binary(), state()) -> state(). change_nick(JID, Nick, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), #user{nick = OldNick} = maps:get(LJID, StateData#state.users), OldNickUsers = maps:get(OldNick, StateData#state.nicks), NewNickUsers = maps:get(Nick, StateData#state.nicks, []), SendOldUnavailable = length(OldNickUsers) == 1, SendNewAvailable = SendOldUnavailable orelse NewNickUsers == [], NewStateData = set_nick(JID, Nick, StateData), case presence_broadcast_allowed(JID, NewStateData) of true -> send_nick_changing(JID, OldNick, NewStateData, SendOldUnavailable, SendNewAvailable); false -> ok end, add_to_log(nickchange, {OldNick, Nick}, StateData), NewStateData. -spec send_nick_changing(jid(), binary(), state(), boolean(), boolean()) -> ok. send_nick_changing(JID, OldNick, StateData, SendOldUnavailable, SendNewAvailable) -> #user{jid = RealJID, nick = Nick, role = Role, last_presence = Presence} = maps:get(jid:tolower(JID), StateData#state.users), Affiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), maps:fold( fun(LJID, Info, _) when Presence /= undefined -> IsSelfPresence = LJID == jid:tolower(JID), Item0 = #muc_item{affiliation = Affiliation, role = Role}, Item = case Info#user.role == moderator orelse (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false orelse IsSelfPresence of true -> Item0#muc_item{jid = RealJID}; false -> Item0 end, Status110 = case IsSelfPresence of true -> [110]; false -> [] end, Packet1 = #presence{ type = unavailable, sub_els = [#muc_user{ items = [Item#muc_item{nick = Nick}], status_codes = [303|Status110]}]}, Packet2 = xmpp:set_subtag(Presence, #muc_user{items = [Item], status_codes = Status110}), if SendOldUnavailable -> send_wrapped( jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, OldNick), Info#user.jid, Packet1, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE, StateData); true -> ok end, if SendNewAvailable -> send_wrapped( jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet2, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE, StateData); true -> ok end; (_, _, _) -> ok end, ok, get_users_and_subscribers_with_node( ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE, StateData)). -spec maybe_send_affiliation(jid(), affiliation(), state()) -> ok. maybe_send_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), %% TODO: there should be a better way to check IsOccupant Users = get_users_and_subscribers(StateData), IsOccupant = case LJID of {LUser, LServer, <<"">>} -> #{} /= maps:filter( fun({U, S, _}, _) -> U == LUser andalso S == LServer end, Users); {_LUser, _LServer, _LResource} -> maps:is_key(LJID, Users) end, case IsOccupant of true -> ok; % The new affiliation is published via presence. false -> send_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, StateData) end. -spec send_affiliation(jid(), affiliation(), state()) -> ok. send_affiliation(JID, Affiliation, StateData) -> Item = #muc_item{jid = JID, affiliation = Affiliation, role = none}, Message = #message{id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = [#muc_user{items = [Item]}]}, Users = get_users_and_subscribers_with_node( ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_AFFILIATIONS, StateData), Recipients = case (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous of true -> maps:filter(fun(_, #user{role = moderator}) -> true; (_, _) -> false end, Users); false -> Users end, send_wrapped_multiple(StateData#state.jid, Recipients, Message, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_AFFILIATIONS, StateData). -spec status_codes(boolean(), boolean(), state()) -> [pos_integer()]. status_codes(IsInitialPresence, _IsSelfPresence = true, StateData) -> S0 = [110], case IsInitialPresence of true -> S1 = case StateData#state.just_created of true -> [201|S0]; _ -> S0 end, S2 = case (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous of true -> S1; false -> [100|S1] end, S3 = case (StateData#state.config)#config.logging of true -> [170|S2]; false -> S2 end, S3; false -> S0 end; status_codes(_IsInitialPresence, _IsSelfPresence = false, _StateData) -> []. -spec lqueue_new(non_neg_integer(), ram | file) -> lqueue(). lqueue_new(Max, Type) -> #lqueue{queue = p1_queue:new(Type), max = Max}. -spec lqueue_in(lqueue_elem(), lqueue()) -> lqueue(). %% If the message queue limit is set to 0, do not store messages. lqueue_in(_Item, LQ = #lqueue{max = 0}) -> LQ; %% Otherwise, rotate messages in the queue store. lqueue_in(Item, #lqueue{queue = Q1, max = Max}) -> Len = p1_queue:len(Q1), Q2 = p1_queue:in(Item, Q1), if Len >= Max -> Q3 = lqueue_cut(Q2, Len - Max + 1), #lqueue{queue = Q3, max = Max}; true -> #lqueue{queue = Q2, max = Max} end. -spec lqueue_cut(p1_queue:queue(lqueue_elem()), non_neg_integer()) -> p1_queue:queue(lqueue_elem()). lqueue_cut(Q, 0) -> Q; lqueue_cut(Q, N) -> {_, Q1} = p1_queue:out(Q), lqueue_cut(Q1, N - 1). -spec add_message_to_history(binary(), jid(), message(), state()) -> state(). add_message_to_history(FromNick, FromJID, Packet, StateData) -> add_to_log(text, {FromNick, Packet}, StateData), case check_subject(Packet) of [] -> TimeStamp = erlang:timestamp(), AddrPacket = case (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous of true -> Packet; false -> Addresses = #addresses{ list = [#address{type = ofrom, jid = FromJID}]}, xmpp:set_subtag(Packet, Addresses) end, TSPacket = misc:add_delay_info( AddrPacket, StateData#state.jid, TimeStamp), SPacket = xmpp:set_from_to( TSPacket, jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick), StateData#state.jid), Size = element_size(SPacket), Q1 = lqueue_in({FromNick, TSPacket, false, TimeStamp, Size}, StateData#state.history), StateData#state{history = Q1, just_created = erlang:system_time(microsecond)}; _ -> StateData#state{just_created = erlang:system_time(microsecond)} end. -spec send_history(jid(), [lqueue_elem()], state()) -> ok. send_history(JID, History, StateData) -> lists:foreach( fun({Nick, Packet, _HaveSubject, _TimeStamp, _Size}) -> ejabberd_router:route( xmpp:set_from_to( Packet, jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), JID)) end, History). -spec send_subject(jid(), state()) -> ok. send_subject(JID, #state{subject_author = Nick} = StateData) -> Subject = case StateData#state.subject of [] -> [#text{}]; [_|_] = S -> S end, Packet = #message{from = jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), to = JID, type = groupchat, subject = Subject}, ejabberd_router:route(Packet). -spec check_subject(message()) -> [text()]. check_subject(#message{subject = [_|_] = Subj, body = [], thread = undefined}) -> Subj; check_subject(_) -> []. -spec can_change_subject(role(), boolean(), state()) -> boolean(). can_change_subject(Role, IsSubscriber, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_change_subj of true -> Role == moderator orelse Role == participant orelse IsSubscriber == true; _ -> Role == moderator end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Admin stuff -spec process_iq_admin(jid(), iq(), #state{}) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {result, undefined, #state{}} | {result, muc_admin()}. process_iq_admin(_From, #iq{lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_admin{items = []}]}, _StateData) -> Txt = ?T("No 'item' element found"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}; process_iq_admin(_From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_admin{items = [_, _|_]}]}, _StateData) -> ErrText = ?T("Too many elements"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrText, Lang)}; process_iq_admin(From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_admin{items = Items}]}, StateData) -> process_admin_items_set(From, Items, Lang, StateData); process_iq_admin(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_admin{items = [Item]}]}, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), FRole = get_role(From, StateData), case Item of #muc_item{role = undefined, affiliation = undefined} -> Txt = ?T("Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}; #muc_item{role = undefined, affiliation = Affiliation} -> if (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) or ((FAffiliation == member) and not (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous) -> Items = items_with_affiliation(Affiliation, StateData), {result, #muc_admin{items = Items}}; true -> ErrText = ?T("Administrator privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang)} end; #muc_item{role = Role} -> if FRole == moderator -> Items = items_with_role(Role, StateData), {result, #muc_admin{items = Items}}; true -> ErrText = ?T("Moderator privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang)} end end. -spec items_with_role(role(), state()) -> [muc_item()]. items_with_role(SRole, StateData) -> lists:map(fun ({_, U}) -> user_to_item(U, StateData) end, search_role(SRole, StateData)). -spec items_with_affiliation(affiliation(), state()) -> [muc_item()]. items_with_affiliation(SAffiliation, StateData) -> lists:map( fun({JID, {Affiliation, Reason}}) -> #muc_item{affiliation = Affiliation, jid = jid:make(JID), reason = Reason}; ({JID, Affiliation}) -> #muc_item{affiliation = Affiliation, jid = jid:make(JID)} end, search_affiliation(SAffiliation, StateData)). -spec user_to_item(#user{}, state()) -> muc_item(). user_to_item(#user{role = Role, nick = Nick, jid = JID}, StateData) -> Affiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), #muc_item{role = Role, affiliation = Affiliation, nick = Nick, jid = JID}. -spec search_role(role(), state()) -> [{ljid(), #user{}}]. search_role(Role, StateData) -> lists:filter(fun ({_, #user{role = R}}) -> Role == R end, maps:to_list(StateData#state.users)). -spec search_affiliation(affiliation(), state()) -> [{ljid(), affiliation() | {affiliation(), binary()}}]. search_affiliation(Affiliation, #state{config = #config{persistent = false}} = StateData) -> search_affiliation_fallback(Affiliation, StateData); search_affiliation(Affiliation, StateData) -> Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, mod_muc), case Mod:search_affiliation(ServerHost, Room, Host, Affiliation) of {ok, AffiliationList} -> AffiliationList; {error, _} -> search_affiliation_fallback(Affiliation, StateData) end. -spec search_affiliation_fallback(affiliation(), state()) -> [{ljid(), affiliation() | {affiliation(), binary()}}]. search_affiliation_fallback(Affiliation, StateData) -> lists:filter( fun({_, A}) -> case A of {A1, _Reason} -> Affiliation == A1; _ -> Affiliation == A end end, maps:to_list(StateData#state.affiliations)). -spec process_admin_items_set(jid(), [muc_item()], binary(), #state{}) -> {result, undefined, #state{}} | {error, stanza_error()}. process_admin_items_set(UJID, Items, Lang, StateData) -> UAffiliation = get_affiliation(UJID, StateData), URole = get_role(UJID, StateData), case catch find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, []) of {result, Res} -> ?INFO_MSG("Processing MUC admin query from ~ts in " "room ~ts:~n ~p", [jid:encode(UJID), jid:encode(StateData#state.jid), Res]), case lists:foldl(process_item_change(UJID), StateData, lists:flatten(Res)) of {error, _} = Err -> Err; NSD -> store_room(NSD), {result, undefined, NSD} end; {error, Err} -> {error, Err} end. -spec process_item_change(jid()) -> fun((admin_action(), state() | {error, stanza_error()}) -> state() | {error, stanza_error()}). process_item_change(UJID) -> fun(_, {error, _} = Err) -> Err; (Item, SD) -> process_item_change(Item, SD, UJID) end. -spec process_item_change(admin_action(), state(), undefined | jid()) -> state() | {error, stanza_error()}. process_item_change(Item, SD, UJID) -> try case Item of {JID, affiliation, owner, _} when JID#jid.luser == <<"">> -> %% If the provided JID does not have username, %% forget the affiliation completely SD; {JID, role, none, Reason} -> send_kickban_presence(UJID, JID, Reason, 307, SD), set_role(JID, none, SD); {JID, affiliation, none, Reason} -> case get_affiliation(JID, SD) of none -> SD; _ -> case (SD#state.config)#config.members_only of true -> send_kickban_presence(UJID, JID, Reason, 321, none, SD), maybe_send_affiliation(JID, none, SD), SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, none, SD), set_role(JID, none, SD1); _ -> SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, none, SD), SD2 = case (SD1#state.config)#config.moderated of true -> set_role(JID, visitor, SD1); false -> set_role(JID, participant, SD1) end, send_update_presence(JID, Reason, SD2, SD), maybe_send_affiliation(JID, none, SD2), SD2 end end; {JID, affiliation, outcast, Reason} -> send_kickban_presence(UJID, JID, Reason, 301, outcast, SD), maybe_send_affiliation(JID, outcast, SD), {result, undefined, SD2} = process_iq_mucsub(JID, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#muc_unsubscribe{}]}, SD), set_role(JID, none, set_affiliation(JID, outcast, SD2, Reason)); {JID, affiliation, A, Reason} when (A == admin) or (A == owner) -> SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, A, SD, Reason), SD2 = set_role(JID, moderator, SD1), send_update_presence(JID, Reason, SD2, SD), maybe_send_affiliation(JID, A, SD2), SD2; {JID, affiliation, member, Reason} -> SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, member, SD, Reason), SD2 = set_role(JID, participant, SD1), send_update_presence(JID, Reason, SD2, SD), maybe_send_affiliation(JID, member, SD2), SD2; {JID, role, Role, Reason} -> SD1 = set_role(JID, Role, SD), send_new_presence(JID, Reason, SD1, SD), SD1; {JID, affiliation, A, _Reason} -> SD1 = set_affiliation(JID, A, SD), send_update_presence(JID, SD1, SD), maybe_send_affiliation(JID, A, SD1), SD1 end catch ?EX_RULE(E, R, St) -> StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St), FromSuffix = case UJID of #jid{} -> JidString = jid:encode(UJID), <<" from ", JidString/binary>>; undefined -> <<"">> end, ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to set item ~p~ts:~n** ~ts", [Item, FromSuffix, misc:format_exception(2, E, R, StackTrace)]), {error, xmpp:err_internal_server_error()} end. -spec find_changed_items(jid(), affiliation(), role(), [muc_item()], binary(), state(), [admin_action()]) -> {result, [admin_action()]}. find_changed_items(_UJID, _UAffiliation, _URole, [], _Lang, _StateData, Res) -> {result, Res}; find_changed_items(_UJID, _UAffiliation, _URole, [#muc_item{jid = undefined, nick = <<"">>}|_], Lang, _StateData, _Res) -> Txt = ?T("Neither 'jid' nor 'nick' attribute found"), throw({error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}); find_changed_items(_UJID, _UAffiliation, _URole, [#muc_item{role = undefined, affiliation = undefined}|_], Lang, _StateData, _Res) -> Txt = ?T("Neither 'role' nor 'affiliation' attribute found"), throw({error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}); find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, [#muc_item{jid = J, nick = Nick, reason = Reason, role = Role, affiliation = Affiliation}|Items], Lang, StateData, Res) -> [JID | _] = JIDs = if J /= undefined -> [J]; Nick /= <<"">> -> case find_jids_by_nick(Nick, StateData) of [] -> ErrText = {?T("Nickname ~s does not exist in the room"), [Nick]}, throw({error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang)}); JIDList -> JIDList end end, {RoleOrAff, RoleOrAffValue} = if Role == undefined -> {affiliation, Affiliation}; true -> {role, Role} end, TAffiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), TRole = get_role(JID, StateData), ServiceAf = get_service_affiliation(JID, StateData), UIsSubscriber = is_subscriber(UJID, StateData), URole1 = case {URole, UIsSubscriber} of {none, true} -> subscriber; {UR, _} -> UR end, CanChangeRA = case can_change_ra(UAffiliation, URole1, TAffiliation, TRole, RoleOrAff, RoleOrAffValue, ServiceAf) of nothing -> nothing; true -> true; check_owner -> case search_affiliation(owner, StateData) of [{OJID, _}] -> jid:remove_resource(OJID) /= jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(UJID)); _ -> true end; _ -> false end, case CanChangeRA of nothing -> find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, Res); true -> MoreRes = case RoleOrAff of affiliation -> [{jid:remove_resource(Jidx), RoleOrAff, RoleOrAffValue, Reason} || Jidx <- JIDs]; role -> [{Jidx, RoleOrAff, RoleOrAffValue, Reason} || Jidx <- JIDs] end, find_changed_items(UJID, UAffiliation, URole, Items, Lang, StateData, MoreRes ++ Res); false -> Txt = ?T("Changing role/affiliation is not allowed"), throw({error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)}) end. -spec can_change_ra(affiliation(), role(), affiliation(), role(), affiliation, affiliation(), affiliation()) -> boolean() | nothing | check_owner; (affiliation(), role(), affiliation(), role(), role, role(), affiliation()) -> boolean() | nothing | check_owner. can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, owner, _TRole, affiliation, owner, owner) -> %% A room owner tries to add as persistent owner a %% participant that is already owner because he is MUC admin true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, _TRole, _RoleorAffiliation, _Value, owner) -> %% Nobody can decrease MUC admin's role/affiliation false; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, TAffiliation, _TRole, affiliation, Value, _ServiceAf) when TAffiliation == Value -> nothing; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, TRole, role, Value, _ServiceAf) when TRole == Value -> nothing; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, none, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, member, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, admin, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, outcast, _TRole, affiliation, owner, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, outcast, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, member, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, admin, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, none, _TRole, affiliation, owner, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, outcast, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, none, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, admin, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, member, _TRole, affiliation, owner, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, admin, _TRole, affiliation, _Affiliation, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, owner, _TRole, affiliation, _Affiliation, _ServiceAf) -> check_owner; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, _TRole, affiliation, _Value, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, none, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, subscriber, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, none, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, subscriber, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, participant, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, visitor, role, moderator, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, participant, role, none, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, subscriber, _TAffiliation, participant, role, none, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, moderator, _TAffiliation, participant, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, subscriber, _TAffiliation, participant, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, participant, role, moderator, _ServiceAf) when (FAffiliation == owner) or (FAffiliation == admin) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, owner, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, admin, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(admin, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, visitor, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, owner, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(owner, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, admin, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> false; can_change_ra(admin, _FRole, _TAffiliation, moderator, role, participant, _ServiceAf) -> true; can_change_ra(owner, moderator, TAffiliation, moderator, role, none, _ServiceAf) when TAffiliation /= owner -> true; can_change_ra(owner, subscriber, TAffiliation, moderator, role, none, _ServiceAf) when TAffiliation /= owner -> true; can_change_ra(admin, moderator, TAffiliation, moderator, role, none, _ServiceAf) when (TAffiliation /= owner) and (TAffiliation /= admin) -> true; can_change_ra(admin, subscriber, TAffiliation, moderator, role, none, _ServiceAf) when (TAffiliation /= owner) and (TAffiliation /= admin) -> true; can_change_ra(_FAffiliation, _FRole, _TAffiliation, _TRole, role, _Value, _ServiceAf) -> false. -spec send_kickban_presence(undefined | jid(), jid(), binary(), pos_integer(), state()) -> ok. send_kickban_presence(UJID, JID, Reason, Code, StateData) -> NewAffiliation = get_affiliation(JID, StateData), send_kickban_presence(UJID, JID, Reason, Code, NewAffiliation, StateData). -spec send_kickban_presence(undefined | jid(), jid(), binary(), pos_integer(), affiliation(), state()) -> ok. send_kickban_presence(UJID, JID, Reason, Code, NewAffiliation, StateData) -> LJID = jid:tolower(JID), LJIDs = case LJID of {U, S, <<"">>} -> maps:fold(fun (J, _, Js) -> case J of {U, S, _} -> [J | Js]; _ -> Js end end, [], StateData#state.users); _ -> case maps:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users) of true -> [LJID]; _ -> [] end end, lists:foreach(fun (LJ) -> #user{nick = Nick, jid = J} = maps:get(LJ, StateData#state.users), add_to_log(kickban, {Nick, Reason, Code}, StateData), tab_remove_online_user(J, StateData), send_kickban_presence1(UJID, J, Reason, Code, NewAffiliation, StateData) end, LJIDs). -spec send_kickban_presence1(undefined | jid(), jid(), binary(), pos_integer(), affiliation(), state()) -> ok. send_kickban_presence1(MJID, UJID, Reason, Code, Affiliation, StateData) -> #user{jid = RealJID, nick = Nick} = maps:get(jid:tolower(UJID), StateData#state.users), ActorNick = get_actor_nick(MJID, StateData), %% TODO: optimize further UserMap = maps:merge( get_users_and_subscribers_with_node( ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_AFFILIATIONS, StateData), get_users_and_subscribers_with_node( ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PARTICIPANTS, StateData)), maps:fold( fun(LJID, Info, _) -> IsSelfPresence = jid:tolower(UJID) == LJID, Item0 = #muc_item{affiliation = Affiliation, role = none}, Item1 = case Info#user.role == moderator orelse (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false orelse IsSelfPresence of true -> Item0#muc_item{jid = RealJID}; false -> Item0 end, Item2 = Item1#muc_item{reason = Reason}, Item = case ActorNick of <<"">> -> Item2; _ -> Item2#muc_item{actor = #muc_actor{nick = ActorNick}} end, Codes = if IsSelfPresence -> [110, Code]; true -> [Code] end, Packet = #presence{type = unavailable, sub_els = [#muc_user{items = [Item], status_codes = Codes}]}, RoomJIDNick = jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), send_wrapped(RoomJIDNick, Info#user.jid, Packet, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_AFFILIATIONS, StateData), IsSubscriber = is_subscriber(Info#user.jid, StateData), IsOccupant = Info#user.last_presence /= undefined, if (IsSubscriber and not IsOccupant) -> send_wrapped(RoomJIDNick, Info#user.jid, Packet, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PARTICIPANTS, StateData); true -> ok end end, ok, UserMap). -spec get_actor_nick(undefined | jid(), state()) -> binary(). get_actor_nick(undefined, _StateData) -> <<"">>; get_actor_nick(MJID, StateData) -> try maps:get(jid:tolower(MJID), StateData#state.users) of #user{nick = ActorNick} -> ActorNick catch _:{badkey, _} -> <<"">> end. -spec convert_legacy_fields([xdata_field()]) -> [xdata_field()]. convert_legacy_fields(Fs) -> lists:map( fun(#xdata_field{var = Var} = F) -> NewVar = case Var of <<"muc#roomconfig_allowvisitorstatus">> -> <<"allow_visitor_status">>; <<"muc#roomconfig_allowvisitornickchange">> -> <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>; <<"muc#roomconfig_allowvoicerequests">> -> <<"allow_voice_requests">>; <<"muc#roomconfig_allow_subscription">> -> <<"allow_subscription">>; <<"muc#roomconfig_voicerequestmininterval">> -> <<"voice_request_min_interval">>; <<"muc#roomconfig_captcha_whitelist">> -> <<"captcha_whitelist">>; <<"muc#roomconfig_mam">> -> <<"mam">>; _ -> Var end, F#xdata_field{var = NewVar} end, Fs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Owner stuff -spec process_iq_owner(jid(), iq(), state()) -> {result, undefined | muc_owner()} | {result, undefined | muc_owner(), state() | stop} | {error, stanza_error()}. process_iq_owner(From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_owner{destroy = Destroy, config = Config, items = Items}]}, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), if FAffiliation /= owner -> ErrText = ?T("Owner privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang)}; Destroy /= undefined, Config == undefined, Items == [] -> ?INFO_MSG("Destroyed MUC room ~ts by the owner ~ts", [jid:encode(StateData#state.jid), jid:encode(From)]), add_to_log(room_existence, destroyed, StateData), destroy_room(Destroy, StateData); Config /= undefined, Destroy == undefined, Items == [] -> case Config of #xdata{type = cancel} -> {result, undefined}; #xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs} -> Fs1 = convert_legacy_fields(Fs), try muc_roomconfig:decode(Fs1) of Options -> case is_allowed_log_change(Options, StateData, From) andalso is_allowed_persistent_change(Options, StateData, From) andalso is_allowed_mam_change(Options, StateData, From) andalso is_allowed_string_limits(Options, StateData) andalso is_password_settings_correct(Options, StateData) of true -> set_config(Options, StateData, Lang); false -> {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable()} end catch _:{muc_roomconfig, Why} -> Txt = muc_roomconfig:format_error(Why), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)} end; _ -> Txt = ?T("Incorrect data form"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)} end; Items /= [], Config == undefined, Destroy == undefined -> process_admin_items_set(From, Items, Lang, StateData); true -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()} end; process_iq_owner(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_owner{destroy = Destroy, config = Config, items = Items}]}, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), if FAffiliation /= owner -> ErrText = ?T("Owner privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang)}; Destroy == undefined, Config == undefined -> case Items of [] -> {result, #muc_owner{config = get_config(Lang, StateData, From)}}; [#muc_item{affiliation = undefined}] -> Txt = ?T("No 'affiliation' attribute found"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}; [#muc_item{affiliation = Affiliation}] -> Items = items_with_affiliation(Affiliation, StateData), {result, #muc_owner{items = Items}}; [_|_] -> Txt = ?T("Too many elements"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)} end; true -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()} end. -spec is_allowed_log_change(muc_roomconfig:result(), state(), jid()) -> boolean(). is_allowed_log_change(Options, StateData, From) -> case proplists:is_defined(enablelogging, Options) of false -> true; true -> allow == mod_muc_log:check_access_log(StateData#state.server_host, From) end. -spec is_allowed_persistent_change(muc_roomconfig:result(), state(), jid()) -> boolean(). is_allowed_persistent_change(Options, StateData, From) -> case proplists:is_defined(persistentroom, Options) of false -> true; true -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, _AccessAdmin, AccessPersistent, _AccessMam} = StateData#state.access, allow == acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessPersistent, From) end. -spec is_allowed_mam_change(muc_roomconfig:result(), state(), jid()) -> boolean(). is_allowed_mam_change(Options, StateData, From) -> case proplists:is_defined(mam, Options) of false -> true; true -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, _AccessAdmin, _AccessPersistent, AccessMam} = StateData#state.access, allow == acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessMam, From) end. %% Check if the string fields defined in the Data Form %% are conformant to the configured limits -spec is_allowed_string_limits(muc_roomconfig:result(), state()) -> boolean(). is_allowed_string_limits(Options, StateData) -> RoomName = proplists:get_value(roomname, Options, <<"">>), RoomDesc = proplists:get_value(roomdesc, Options, <<"">>), Password = proplists:get_value(roomsecret, Options, <<"">>), CaptchaWhitelist = proplists:get_value(captcha_whitelist, Options, []), CaptchaWhitelistSize = lists:foldl( fun(Jid, Sum) -> byte_size(jid:encode(Jid)) + Sum end, 0, CaptchaWhitelist), MaxRoomName = mod_muc_opt:max_room_name(StateData#state.server_host), MaxRoomDesc = mod_muc_opt:max_room_desc(StateData#state.server_host), MaxPassword = mod_muc_opt:max_password(StateData#state.server_host), MaxCaptchaWhitelist = mod_muc_opt:max_captcha_whitelist(StateData#state.server_host), (byte_size(RoomName) =< MaxRoomName) andalso (byte_size(RoomDesc) =< MaxRoomDesc) andalso (byte_size(Password) =< MaxPassword) andalso (CaptchaWhitelistSize =< MaxCaptchaWhitelist). %% Return false if: %% "the password for a password-protected room is blank" -spec is_password_settings_correct(muc_roomconfig:result(), state()) -> boolean(). is_password_settings_correct(Options, StateData) -> Config = StateData#state.config, OldProtected = Config#config.password_protected, OldPassword = Config#config.password, NewProtected = proplists:get_value(passwordprotectedroom, Options), NewPassword = proplists:get_value(roomsecret, Options), case {OldProtected, NewProtected, OldPassword, NewPassword} of {true, undefined, <<"">>, undefined} -> false; {true, undefined, _, <<"">>} -> false; {_, true, <<"">>, undefined} -> false; {_, true, _, <<"">>} -> false; _ -> true end. -spec get_default_room_maxusers(state()) -> non_neg_integer(). get_default_room_maxusers(RoomState) -> DefRoomOpts = mod_muc_opt:default_room_options(RoomState#state.server_host), RoomState2 = set_opts(DefRoomOpts, RoomState), (RoomState2#state.config)#config.max_users. -spec get_config(binary(), state(), jid()) -> xdata(). get_config(Lang, StateData, From) -> {_AccessRoute, _AccessCreate, _AccessAdmin, AccessPersistent, _AccessMam} = StateData#state.access, ServiceMaxUsers = get_service_max_users(StateData), DefaultRoomMaxUsers = get_default_room_maxusers(StateData), Config = StateData#state.config, MaxUsersRoom = get_max_users(StateData), Title = str:translate_and_format( Lang, ?T("Configuration of room ~s"), [jid:encode(StateData#state.jid)]), Fs = [{roomname, Config#config.title}, {roomdesc, Config#config.description}, {lang, Config#config.lang}] ++ case acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessPersistent, From) of allow -> [{persistentroom, Config#config.persistent}]; deny -> [] end ++ [{publicroom, Config#config.public}, {public_list, Config#config.public_list}, {passwordprotectedroom, Config#config.password_protected}, {roomsecret, case Config#config.password_protected of true -> Config#config.password; false -> <<"">> end}, {maxusers, MaxUsersRoom, [if is_integer(ServiceMaxUsers) -> []; true -> [{?T("No limit"), <<"none">>}] end] ++ [{integer_to_binary(N), N} || N <- lists:usort([ServiceMaxUsers, DefaultRoomMaxUsers, MaxUsersRoom | ?MAX_USERS_DEFAULT_LIST]), N =< ServiceMaxUsers]}, {whois, if Config#config.anonymous -> moderators; true -> anyone end}, {presencebroadcast, Config#config.presence_broadcast}, {membersonly, Config#config.members_only}, {moderatedroom, Config#config.moderated}, {members_by_default, Config#config.members_by_default}, {changesubject, Config#config.allow_change_subj}, {allow_private_messages, Config#config.allow_private_messages}, {allow_private_messages_from_visitors, Config#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors}, {allow_query_users, Config#config.allow_query_users}, {allowinvites, Config#config.allow_user_invites}, {allow_visitor_status, Config#config.allow_visitor_status}, {allow_visitor_nickchange, Config#config.allow_visitor_nickchange}, {allow_voice_requests, Config#config.allow_voice_requests}, {allow_subscription, Config#config.allow_subscription}, {voice_request_min_interval, Config#config.voice_request_min_interval}, {pubsub, Config#config.pubsub}, {enable_hats, Config#config.enable_hats}] ++ case ejabberd_captcha:is_feature_available() of true -> [{captcha_protected, Config#config.captcha_protected}, {captcha_whitelist, lists:map( fun jid:make/1, ?SETS:to_list(Config#config.captcha_whitelist))}]; false -> [] end ++ case mod_muc_log:check_access_log(StateData#state.server_host, From) of allow -> [{enablelogging, Config#config.logging}]; deny -> [] end, Fields = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(get_room_config, StateData#state.server_host, Fs, [StateData, From, Lang]), #xdata{type = form, title = Title, fields = muc_roomconfig:encode(Fields, Lang)}. -spec set_config(muc_roomconfig:result(), state(), binary()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {result, undefined, state()}. set_config(Options, StateData, Lang) -> try #config{} = Config = set_config(Options, StateData#state.config, StateData#state.server_host, Lang), {result, _, NSD} = Res = change_config(Config, StateData), Type = case {(StateData#state.config)#config.logging, Config#config.logging} of {true, false} -> roomconfig_change_disabledlogging; {false, true} -> roomconfig_change_enabledlogging; {_, _} -> roomconfig_change end, Users = [{U#user.jid, U#user.nick, U#user.role} || U <- maps:values(StateData#state.users)], add_to_log(Type, Users, NSD), Res catch _:{badmatch, {error, #stanza_error{}} = Err} -> Err end. -spec get_config_opt_name(pos_integer()) -> atom(). get_config_opt_name(Pos) -> Fs = [config|record_info(fields, config)], lists:nth(Pos, Fs). -spec set_config([muc_roomconfig:property()], #config{}, binary(), binary()) -> #config{} | {error, stanza_error()}. set_config(Opts, Config, ServerHost, Lang) -> lists:foldl( fun(_, {error, _} = Err) -> Err; ({roomname, Title}, C) -> C#config{title = Title}; ({roomdesc, Desc}, C) -> C#config{description = Desc}; ({changesubject, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_change_subj = V}; ({allow_query_users, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_query_users = V}; ({allow_private_messages, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_private_messages = V}; ({allow_private_messages_from_visitors, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_private_messages_from_visitors = V}; ({allow_visitor_status, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_visitor_status = V}; ({allow_visitor_nickchange, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_visitor_nickchange = V}; ({publicroom, V}, C) -> C#config{public = V}; ({public_list, V}, C) -> C#config{public_list = V}; ({persistentroom, V}, C) -> C#config{persistent = V}; ({moderatedroom, V}, C) -> C#config{moderated = V}; ({members_by_default, V}, C) -> C#config{members_by_default = V}; ({membersonly, V}, C) -> C#config{members_only = V}; ({captcha_protected, V}, C) -> C#config{captcha_protected = V}; ({allowinvites, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_user_invites = V}; ({allow_subscription, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_subscription = V}; ({passwordprotectedroom, V}, C) -> C#config{password_protected = V}; ({roomsecret, V}, C) -> C#config{password = V}; ({anonymous, V}, C) -> C#config{anonymous = V}; ({presencebroadcast, V}, C) -> C#config{presence_broadcast = V}; ({allow_voice_requests, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_voice_requests = V}; ({voice_request_min_interval, V}, C) -> C#config{voice_request_min_interval = V}; ({whois, moderators}, C) -> C#config{anonymous = true}; ({whois, anyone}, C) -> C#config{anonymous = false}; ({maxusers, V}, C) -> C#config{max_users = V}; ({enablelogging, V}, C) -> C#config{logging = V}; ({pubsub, V}, C) -> C#config{pubsub = V}; ({enable_hats, V}, C) -> C#config{enable_hats = V}; ({lang, L}, C) -> C#config{lang = L}; ({captcha_whitelist, Js}, C) -> LJIDs = [jid:tolower(J) || J <- Js], C#config{captcha_whitelist = ?SETS:from_list(LJIDs)}; ({O, V} = Opt, C) -> case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(set_room_option, ServerHost, {0, undefined}, [Opt, Lang]) of {0, undefined} -> ?ERROR_MSG("set_room_option hook failed for " "option '~ts' with value ~p", [O, V]), Txt = {?T("Failed to process option '~s'"), [O]}, {error, xmpp:err_internal_server_error(Txt, Lang)}; {Pos, Val} -> setelement(Pos, C, Val) end end, Config, Opts). -spec change_config(#config{}, state()) -> {result, undefined, state()}. change_config(Config, StateData) -> send_config_change_info(Config, StateData), StateData0 = StateData#state{config = Config}, StateData1 = remove_subscriptions(StateData0), StateData2 = case {(StateData#state.config)#config.persistent, Config#config.persistent} of {WasPersistent, true} -> if not WasPersistent -> set_affiliations(StateData1#state.affiliations, StateData1); true -> ok end, store_room(StateData1), StateData1; {true, false} -> Affiliations = get_affiliations(StateData), maybe_forget_room(StateData), StateData1#state{affiliations = Affiliations}; _ -> StateData1 end, case {(StateData#state.config)#config.members_only, Config#config.members_only} of {false, true} -> StateData3 = remove_nonmembers(StateData2), {result, undefined, StateData3}; _ -> {result, undefined, StateData2} end. -spec send_config_change_info(#config{}, state()) -> ok. send_config_change_info(Config, #state{config = Config}) -> ok; send_config_change_info(New, #state{config = Old} = StateData) -> Codes = case {Old#config.logging, New#config.logging} of {false, true} -> [170]; {true, false} -> [171]; _ -> [] end ++ case {Old#config.anonymous, New#config.anonymous} of {true, false} -> [172]; {false, true} -> [173]; _ -> [] end ++ case Old#config{anonymous = New#config.anonymous, logging = New#config.logging} of New -> []; _ -> [104] end, if Codes /= [] -> maps:fold( fun(_LJID, #user{jid = JID}, _) -> advertise_entity_capabilities(JID, StateData#state{config = New}) end, ok, StateData#state.users), Message = #message{type = groupchat, id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = [#muc_user{status_codes = Codes}]}, send_wrapped_multiple(StateData#state.jid, get_users_and_subscribers_with_node( ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_CONFIG, StateData), Message, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_CONFIG, StateData); true -> ok end. -spec remove_nonmembers(state()) -> state(). remove_nonmembers(StateData) -> maps:fold( fun(_LJID, #user{jid = JID}, SD) -> Affiliation = get_affiliation(JID, SD), case Affiliation of none -> catch send_kickban_presence(undefined, JID, <<"">>, 322, SD), set_role(JID, none, SD); _ -> SD end end, StateData, get_users_and_subscribers(StateData)). -spec set_opts([{atom(), any()}], state()) -> state(). set_opts(Opts, StateData) -> case lists:keytake(persistent, 1, Opts) of false -> set_opts2(Opts, StateData); {value, Tuple, Rest} -> set_opts2([Tuple | Rest], StateData) end. -spec set_opts2([{atom(), any()}], state()) -> state(). set_opts2([], StateData) -> set_vcard_xupdate(StateData); set_opts2([{vcard, Val} | Opts], StateData) when is_record(Val, vcard_temp) -> %% default_room_options is setting a default room vcard ValRaw = fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(Val)), set_opts2([{vcard, ValRaw} | Opts], StateData); set_opts2([{Opt, Val} | Opts], StateData) -> NSD = case Opt of title -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{title = Val}}; description -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{description = Val}}; allow_change_subj -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_change_subj = Val}}; allow_query_users -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_query_users = Val}}; allow_private_messages -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_private_messages = Val}}; allow_private_messages_from_visitors -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_private_messages_from_visitors = Val}}; allow_visitor_nickchange -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_visitor_nickchange = Val}}; allow_visitor_status -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_visitor_status = Val}}; public -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{public = Val}}; public_list -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{public_list = Val}}; persistent -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{persistent = Val}}; moderated -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{moderated = Val}}; members_by_default -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{members_by_default = Val}}; members_only -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{members_only = Val}}; allow_user_invites -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_user_invites = Val}}; password_protected -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{password_protected = Val}}; captcha_protected -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{captcha_protected = Val}}; password -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{password = Val}}; anonymous -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{anonymous = Val}}; presence_broadcast -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{presence_broadcast = Val}}; logging -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{logging = Val}}; mam -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{mam = Val}}; captcha_whitelist -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{captcha_whitelist = (?SETS):from_list(Val)}}; allow_voice_requests -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_voice_requests = Val}}; voice_request_min_interval -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{voice_request_min_interval = Val}}; max_users -> ServiceMaxUsers = get_service_max_users(StateData), MaxUsers = if Val =< ServiceMaxUsers -> Val; true -> ServiceMaxUsers end, StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{max_users = MaxUsers}}; vcard -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{vcard = Val}}; vcard_xupdate -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{vcard_xupdate = Val}}; pubsub -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{pubsub = Val}}; allow_subscription -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_subscription = Val}}; enable_hats -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{enable_hats = Val}}; lang -> StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{lang = Val}}; subscribers -> MUCSubscribers = lists:foldl( fun({JID, Nick, Nodes}, MUCSubs) -> BareJID = case JID of #jid{} -> jid:remove_resource(JID); _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Invalid subscriber JID in set_opts ~p", [JID]), jid:remove_resource(jid:make(JID)) end, muc_subscribers_put( #subscriber{jid = BareJID, nick = Nick, nodes = Nodes}, MUCSubs) end, muc_subscribers_new(), Val), StateData#state{muc_subscribers = MUCSubscribers}; affiliations -> set_affiliations(maps:from_list(Val), StateData); roles -> StateData#state{roles = maps:from_list(Val)}; subject -> Subj = if Val == <<"">> -> []; is_binary(Val) -> [#text{data = Val}]; is_list(Val) -> Val end, StateData#state{subject = Subj}; subject_author -> StateData#state{subject_author = Val}; hats_users -> Hats = maps:from_list( lists:map(fun({U, H}) -> {U, maps:from_list(H)} end, Val)), StateData#state{hats_users = Hats}; hibernation_time -> StateData; Other -> ?INFO_MSG("Unknown MUC room option, will be discarded: ~p", [Other]), StateData end, set_opts2(Opts, NSD). -spec set_vcard_xupdate(state()) -> state(). set_vcard_xupdate(#state{config = #config{vcard = VCardRaw, vcard_xupdate = undefined} = Config} = State) when VCardRaw /= <<"">> -> case fxml_stream:parse_element(VCardRaw) of {error, _} -> State; El -> Hash = mod_vcard_xupdate:compute_hash(El), State#state{config = Config#config{vcard_xupdate = Hash}} end; set_vcard_xupdate(State) -> State. get_occupant_initial_role(Jid, Affiliation, #state{roles = Roles} = StateData) -> DefaultRole = get_default_role(Affiliation, StateData), case (StateData#state.config)#config.moderated of true -> get_occupant_stored_role(Jid, Roles, DefaultRole); false -> DefaultRole end. get_occupant_stored_role(Jid, Roles, DefaultRole) -> maps:get(jid:split(jid:remove_resource(Jid)), Roles, DefaultRole). -define(MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(Opt), {get_config_opt_name(Opt), element(Opt, Config)}). -spec make_opts(state(), boolean()) -> [{atom(), any()}]. make_opts(StateData, Hibernation) -> Config = StateData#state.config, Subscribers = muc_subscribers_fold( fun(_LJID, Sub, Acc) -> [{Sub#subscriber.jid, Sub#subscriber.nick, Sub#subscriber.nodes}|Acc] end, [], StateData#state.muc_subscribers), [?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.title), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.description), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_change_subj), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_query_users), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_private_messages), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_visitor_status), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_visitor_nickchange), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.public), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.public_list), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.persistent), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.moderated), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.members_by_default), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.members_only), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_user_invites), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.password_protected), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.captcha_protected), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.password), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.anonymous), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.logging), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.max_users), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_voice_requests), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.allow_subscription), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.mam), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.presence_broadcast), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.voice_request_min_interval), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.vcard), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.vcard_xupdate), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.pubsub), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.enable_hats), ?MAKE_CONFIG_OPT(#config.lang), {captcha_whitelist, (?SETS):to_list((StateData#state.config)#config.captcha_whitelist)}, {affiliations, maps:to_list(StateData#state.affiliations)}, {roles, maps:to_list(StateData#state.roles)}, {subject, StateData#state.subject}, {subject_author, StateData#state.subject_author}, {hats_users, lists:map(fun({U, H}) -> {U, maps:to_list(H)} end, maps:to_list(StateData#state.hats_users))}, {hibernation_time, if Hibernation -> erlang:system_time(microsecond); true -> undefined end}, {subscribers, Subscribers}]. expand_opts(CompactOpts) -> DefConfig = #config{}, Fields = record_info(fields, config), {_, Opts1} = lists:foldl( fun(Field, {Pos, Opts}) -> case lists:keyfind(Field, 1, CompactOpts) of false -> DefV = element(Pos, DefConfig), DefVal = case (?SETS):is_set(DefV) of true -> (?SETS):to_list(DefV); false -> DefV end, {Pos+1, [{Field, DefVal}|Opts]}; {_, Val} -> {Pos+1, [{Field, Val}|Opts]} end end, {2, []}, Fields), SubjectAuthor = proplists:get_value(subject_author, CompactOpts, <<"">>), Subject = proplists:get_value(subject, CompactOpts, <<"">>), Subscribers = proplists:get_value(subscribers, CompactOpts, []), HibernationTime = proplists:get_value(hibernation_time, CompactOpts, 0), [{subject, Subject}, {subject_author, SubjectAuthor}, {subscribers, Subscribers}, {hibernation_time, HibernationTime} | lists:reverse(Opts1)]. config_fields() -> [subject, subject_author, subscribers, hibernate_time | record_info(fields, config)]. -spec destroy_room(muc_destroy(), state()) -> {result, undefined, stop}. destroy_room(DEl, StateData) -> Destroy = DEl#muc_destroy{xmlns = ?NS_MUC_USER}, maps:fold( fun(_LJID, Info, _) -> Nick = Info#user.nick, Item = #muc_item{affiliation = none, role = none}, Packet = #presence{ type = unavailable, sub_els = [#muc_user{items = [Item], destroy = Destroy}]}, send_wrapped(jid:replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, Nick), Info#user.jid, Packet, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_CONFIG, StateData) end, ok, get_users_and_subscribers_with_node( ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_CONFIG, StateData)), forget_room(StateData), {result, undefined, stop}. -spec forget_room(state()) -> state(). forget_room(StateData) -> mod_muc:forget_room(StateData#state.server_host, StateData#state.host, StateData#state.room), StateData. -spec maybe_forget_room(state()) -> state(). maybe_forget_room(StateData) -> Forget = case (StateData#state.config)#config.persistent of true -> true; _ -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc), erlang:function_exported(Mod, get_subscribed_rooms, 3) end, case Forget of true -> forget_room(StateData); _ -> StateData end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Disco -define(CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE(Opt, Fiftrue, Fiffalse), case Opt of true -> Fiftrue; false -> Fiffalse end). -spec make_disco_info(jid(), state()) -> disco_info(). make_disco_info(_From, StateData) -> Config = StateData#state.config, Feats = [?NS_VCARD, ?NS_MUC, ?NS_DISCO_INFO, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, ?NS_COMMANDS, ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE((Config#config.public), <<"muc_public">>, <<"muc_hidden">>), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE((Config#config.persistent), <<"muc_persistent">>, <<"muc_temporary">>), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE((Config#config.members_only), <<"muc_membersonly">>, <<"muc_open">>), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE((Config#config.anonymous), <<"muc_semianonymous">>, <<"muc_nonanonymous">>), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE((Config#config.moderated), <<"muc_moderated">>, <<"muc_unmoderated">>), ?CONFIG_OPT_TO_FEATURE((Config#config.password_protected), <<"muc_passwordprotected">>, <<"muc_unsecured">>)] ++ case Config#config.allow_subscription of true -> [?NS_MUCSUB]; false -> [] end ++ case {gen_mod:is_loaded(StateData#state.server_host, mod_mam), Config#config.mam} of {true, true} -> [?NS_MAM_TMP, ?NS_MAM_0, ?NS_MAM_1, ?NS_MAM_2, ?NS_SID_0]; _ -> [] end, #disco_info{identities = [#identity{category = <<"conference">>, type = <<"text">>, name = (StateData#state.config)#config.title}], features = Feats}. -spec process_iq_disco_info(jid(), iq(), state()) -> {result, disco_info()} | {error, stanza_error()}. process_iq_disco_info(_From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang}, _StateData) -> Txt = ?T("Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed"), {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)}; process_iq_disco_info(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_info{node = <<>>}]}, StateData) -> DiscoInfo = make_disco_info(From, StateData), Extras = iq_disco_info_extras(Lang, StateData, false), {result, DiscoInfo#disco_info{xdata = [Extras]}}; process_iq_disco_info(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_info{node = ?NS_COMMANDS}]}, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats andalso is_admin(From, StateData) of true -> {result, #disco_info{ identities = [#identity{category = <<"automation">>, type = <<"command-list">>, name = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Commands"))}]}}; false -> Txt = ?T("Node not found"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_disco_info(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_info{node = ?MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD}]}, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats andalso is_admin(From, StateData) of true -> {result, #disco_info{ identities = [#identity{category = <<"automation">>, type = <<"command-node">>, name = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Add a hat to a user"))}], features = [?NS_COMMANDS]}}; false -> Txt = ?T("Node not found"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_disco_info(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_info{node = ?MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD}]}, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats andalso is_admin(From, StateData) of true -> {result, #disco_info{ identities = [#identity{category = <<"automation">>, type = <<"command-node">>, name = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Remove a hat from a user"))}], features = [?NS_COMMANDS]}}; false -> Txt = ?T("Node not found"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_disco_info(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_info{node = ?MUC_HAT_LIST_CMD}]}, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats andalso is_admin(From, StateData) of true -> {result, #disco_info{ identities = [#identity{category = <<"automation">>, type = <<"command-node">>, name = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("List users with hats"))}], features = [?NS_COMMANDS]}}; false -> Txt = ?T("Node not found"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_disco_info(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_info{node = Node}]}, StateData) -> try true = mod_caps:is_valid_node(Node), DiscoInfo = make_disco_info(From, StateData), Extras = iq_disco_info_extras(Lang, StateData, true), DiscoInfo1 = DiscoInfo#disco_info{xdata = [Extras]}, Hash = mod_caps:compute_disco_hash(DiscoInfo1, sha), Node = <<(ejabberd_config:get_uri())/binary, $#, Hash/binary>>, {result, DiscoInfo1#disco_info{node = Node}} catch _:{badmatch, _} -> Txt = ?T("Invalid node name"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)} end. -spec iq_disco_info_extras(binary(), state(), boolean()) -> xdata(). iq_disco_info_extras(Lang, StateData, Static) -> Config = StateData#state.config, AllowPM = case Config#config.allow_private_messages of false -> none; true -> case Config#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors of nobody -> participants; _ -> anyone end end, Fs1 = [{roomname, Config#config.title}, {description, Config#config.description}, {changesubject, Config#config.allow_change_subj}, {allowinvites, Config#config.allow_user_invites}, {allow_query_users, Config#config.allow_query_users}, {allowpm, AllowPM}, {lang, Config#config.lang}], Fs2 = case Config#config.pubsub of Node when is_binary(Node), Node /= <<"">> -> [{pubsub, Node}|Fs1]; _ -> Fs1 end, Fs3 = case Static of false -> [{occupants, maps:size(StateData#state.nicks)}|Fs2]; true -> Fs2 end, Fs4 = case Config#config.logging of true -> case mod_muc_log:get_url(StateData) of {ok, URL} -> [{logs, URL}|Fs3]; error -> Fs3 end; false -> Fs3 end, #xdata{type = result, fields = muc_roominfo:encode(Fs4, Lang)}. -spec process_iq_disco_items(jid(), iq(), state()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {result, disco_items()}. process_iq_disco_items(_From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang}, _StateData) -> Txt = ?T("Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed"), {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)}; process_iq_disco_items(From, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_items{node = <<>>}]}, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.public_list of true -> {result, get_mucroom_disco_items(StateData)}; _ -> case is_occupant_or_admin(From, StateData) of true -> {result, get_mucroom_disco_items(StateData)}; _ -> %% If the list of occupants is private, %% the room MUST return an empty element %% (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#disco-roomitems) {result, #disco_items{}} end end; process_iq_disco_items(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_items{node = ?NS_COMMANDS}]}, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats andalso is_admin(From, StateData) of true -> {result, #disco_items{ items = [#disco_item{jid = StateData#state.jid, node = ?MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD, name = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Add a hat to a user"))}, #disco_item{jid = StateData#state.jid, node = ?MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD, name = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Remove a hat from a user"))}, #disco_item{jid = StateData#state.jid, node = ?MUC_HAT_LIST_CMD, name = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("List users with hats"))}]}}; false -> Txt = ?T("Node not found"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_disco_items(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#disco_items{node = Node}]}, StateData) when Node == ?MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD; Node == ?MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD; Node == ?MUC_HAT_LIST_CMD -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats andalso is_admin(From, StateData) of true -> {result, #disco_items{}}; false -> Txt = ?T("Node not found"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_disco_items(_From, #iq{lang = Lang}, _StateData) -> Txt = ?T("Node not found"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)}. -spec process_iq_captcha(jid(), iq(), state()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {result, undefined}. process_iq_captcha(_From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang}, _StateData) -> Txt = ?T("Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed"), {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)}; process_iq_captcha(_From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [SubEl]}, _StateData) -> case ejabberd_captcha:process_reply(SubEl) of ok -> {result, undefined}; {error, malformed} -> Txt = ?T("Incorrect CAPTCHA submit"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}; _ -> Txt = ?T("The CAPTCHA verification has failed"), {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)} end. -spec process_iq_vcard(jid(), iq(), state()) -> {result, vcard_temp() | xmlel()} | {result, undefined, state()} | {error, stanza_error()}. process_iq_vcard(_From, #iq{type = get}, StateData) -> #state{config = #config{vcard = VCardRaw}} = StateData, case fxml_stream:parse_element(VCardRaw) of #xmlel{} = VCard -> {result, VCard}; {error, _} -> {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found()} end; process_iq_vcard(From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [Pkt]}, StateData) -> case get_affiliation(From, StateData) of owner -> SubEl = xmpp:encode(Pkt), VCardRaw = fxml:element_to_binary(SubEl), Hash = mod_vcard_xupdate:compute_hash(SubEl), Config = StateData#state.config, NewConfig = Config#config{vcard = VCardRaw, vcard_xupdate = Hash}, change_config(NewConfig, StateData); _ -> ErrText = ?T("Owner privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang)} end. -spec process_iq_mucsub(jid(), iq(), state()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {result, undefined | muc_subscribe() | muc_subscriptions(), stop | state()} | {ignore, state()}. process_iq_mucsub(_From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{}]}, #state{just_created = Just, config = #config{allow_subscription = false}}) when Just /= true -> {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(?T("Subscriptions are not allowed"), Lang)}; process_iq_mucsub(From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{jid = #jid{} = SubJid} = Mucsub]}, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), FRole = get_role(From, StateData), if FRole == moderator; FAffiliation == owner; FAffiliation == admin -> process_iq_mucsub(SubJid, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [Mucsub#muc_subscribe{jid = undefined}]}, StateData); true -> Txt = ?T("Moderator privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_mucsub(From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{nick = Nick}]} = Packet, StateData) -> LBareJID = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(From)), try muc_subscribers_get(LBareJID, StateData#state.muc_subscribers) of #subscriber{nick = Nick1} when Nick1 /= Nick -> Nodes = get_subscription_nodes(Packet), case nick_collision(From, Nick, StateData) of true -> ErrText = ?T("That nickname is already in use by another occupant"), {error, xmpp:err_conflict(ErrText, Lang)}; false -> case mod_muc:can_use_nick(StateData#state.server_host, StateData#state.host, From, Nick) of false -> Err = case Nick of <<>> -> xmpp:err_jid_malformed( ?T("Nickname can't be empty"), Lang); _ -> xmpp:err_conflict( ?T("That nickname is registered" " by another person"), Lang) end, {error, Err}; true -> NewStateData = set_subscriber(From, Nick, Nodes, StateData), {result, subscribe_result(Packet), NewStateData} end end; #subscriber{} -> Nodes = get_subscription_nodes(Packet), NewStateData = set_subscriber(From, Nick, Nodes, StateData), {result, subscribe_result(Packet), NewStateData} catch _:{badkey, _} -> SD2 = StateData#state{config = (StateData#state.config)#config{allow_subscription = true}}, add_new_user(From, Nick, Packet, SD2) end; process_iq_mucsub(From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_unsubscribe{jid = #jid{} = UnsubJid}]}, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), FRole = get_role(From, StateData), if FRole == moderator; FAffiliation == owner; FAffiliation == admin -> process_iq_mucsub(UnsubJid, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_unsubscribe{jid = undefined}]}, StateData); true -> Txt = ?T("Moderator privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_mucsub(From, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#muc_unsubscribe{}]}, #state{room = Room, host = Host, server_host = ServerHost} = StateData) -> BareJID = jid:remove_resource(From), LBareJID = jid:tolower(BareJID), try muc_subscribers_remove_exn(LBareJID, StateData#state.muc_subscribers) of {MUCSubscribers, #subscriber{nick = Nick}} -> NewStateData = StateData#state{muc_subscribers = MUCSubscribers}, store_room(NewStateData, [{del_subscription, LBareJID}]), Packet1a = #message{ sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBSCRIBERS, items = [#ps_item{ id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = [#muc_unsubscribe{jid = BareJID, nick = Nick}]}]}}]}, Packet1b = #message{ sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBSCRIBERS, items = [#ps_item{ id = p1_rand:get_string(), sub_els = [#muc_unsubscribe{nick = Nick}]}]}}]}, {Packet2a, Packet2b} = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(muc_unsubscribed, ServerHost, {Packet1a, Packet1b}, [ServerHost, Room, Host, BareJID, StateData]), send_subscriptions_change_notifications(Packet2a, Packet2b, StateData), NewStateData2 = case close_room_if_temporary_and_empty(NewStateData) of {stop, normal, _} -> stop; {next_state, normal_state, SD} -> SD end, {result, undefined, NewStateData2} catch _:{badkey, _} -> {result, undefined, StateData} end; process_iq_mucsub(From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#muc_subscriptions{}]}, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), FRole = get_role(From, StateData), IsModerator = FRole == moderator orelse FAffiliation == owner orelse FAffiliation == admin, case IsModerator orelse is_subscriber(From, StateData) of true -> ShowJid = IsModerator orelse (StateData#state.config)#config.anonymous == false, Subs = muc_subscribers_fold( fun(_, #subscriber{jid = J, nick = N, nodes = Nodes}, Acc) -> case ShowJid of true -> [#muc_subscription{jid = J, nick = N, events = Nodes}|Acc]; _ -> [#muc_subscription{nick = N, events = Nodes}|Acc] end end, [], StateData#state.muc_subscribers), {result, #muc_subscriptions{list = Subs}, StateData}; _ -> Txt = ?T("Moderator privileges required"), {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, Lang)} end; process_iq_mucsub(_From, #iq{type = get, lang = Lang}, _StateData) -> Txt = ?T("Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}. -spec remove_subscriptions(state()) -> state(). remove_subscriptions(StateData) -> if not (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_subscription -> StateData#state{muc_subscribers = muc_subscribers_new()}; true -> StateData end. -spec get_subscription_nodes(stanza()) -> [binary()]. get_subscription_nodes(#iq{sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{events = Nodes}]}) -> lists:filter( fun(Node) -> lists:member(Node, [?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PRESENCE, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_MESSAGES, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_AFFILIATIONS, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBJECT, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_CONFIG, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_PARTICIPANTS, ?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBSCRIBERS]) end, Nodes); get_subscription_nodes(_) -> []. -spec subscribe_result(iq()) -> muc_subscribe(). subscribe_result(#iq{sub_els = [#muc_subscribe{nick = Nick}]} = Packet) -> #muc_subscribe{nick = Nick, events = get_subscription_nodes(Packet)}. -spec get_title(state()) -> binary(). get_title(StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.title of <<"">> -> StateData#state.room; Name -> Name end. -spec get_roomdesc_reply(jid(), state(), binary()) -> {item, binary()} | false. get_roomdesc_reply(JID, StateData, Tail) -> IsOccupantOrAdmin = is_occupant_or_admin(JID, StateData), if (StateData#state.config)#config.public or IsOccupantOrAdmin -> if (StateData#state.config)#config.public_list or IsOccupantOrAdmin -> {item, <<(get_title(StateData))/binary,Tail/binary>>}; true -> {item, get_title(StateData)} end; true -> false end. -spec get_roomdesc_tail(state(), binary()) -> binary(). get_roomdesc_tail(StateData, Lang) -> Desc = case (StateData#state.config)#config.public of true -> <<"">>; _ -> translate:translate(Lang, ?T("private, ")) end, Len = maps:size(StateData#state.nicks), <<" (", Desc/binary, (integer_to_binary(Len))/binary, ")">>. -spec get_mucroom_disco_items(state()) -> disco_items(). get_mucroom_disco_items(StateData) -> Items = maps:fold( fun(Nick, _, Acc) -> [#disco_item{jid = jid:make(StateData#state.room, StateData#state.host, Nick), name = Nick}|Acc] end, [], StateData#state.nicks), #disco_items{items = Items}. -spec process_iq_adhoc(jid(), iq(), state()) -> {result, adhoc_command()} | {result, adhoc_command(), state()} | {error, stanza_error()}. process_iq_adhoc(_From, #iq{type = get}, _StateData) -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()}; process_iq_adhoc(From, #iq{type = set, lang = Lang1, sub_els = [#adhoc_command{} = Request]}, StateData) -> % Ad-Hoc Commands are used only for Hats here case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats andalso is_admin(From, StateData) of true -> #adhoc_command{lang = Lang2, node = Node, action = Action, xdata = XData} = Request, Lang = case Lang2 of <<"">> -> Lang1; _ -> Lang2 end, case {Node, Action} of {_, cancel} -> {result, xmpp_util:make_adhoc_response( Request, #adhoc_command{status = canceled, lang = Lang, node = Node})}; {?MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD, execute} -> Form = #xdata{ title = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Add a hat to a user")), type = form, fields = [#xdata_field{ type = 'jid-single', label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Jabber ID")), required = true, var = <<"jid">>}, #xdata_field{ type = 'text-single', label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Hat title")), var = <<"hat_title">>}, #xdata_field{ type = 'text-single', label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Hat URI")), required = true, var = <<"hat_uri">>} ]}, {result, xmpp_util:make_adhoc_response( Request, #adhoc_command{ status = executing, xdata = Form})}; {?MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD, complete} when XData /= undefined -> JID = try jid:decode(hd(xmpp_util:get_xdata_values( <<"jid">>, XData))) catch _:_ -> error end, URI = try hd(xmpp_util:get_xdata_values( <<"hat_uri">>, XData)) catch _:_ -> error end, Title = case xmpp_util:get_xdata_values( <<"hat_title">>, XData) of [] -> <<"">>; [T] -> T end, if (JID /= error) and (URI /= error) -> case add_hat(JID, URI, Title, StateData) of {ok, NewStateData} -> store_room(NewStateData), send_update_presence( JID, NewStateData, StateData), {result, xmpp_util:make_adhoc_response( Request, #adhoc_command{status = completed}), NewStateData}; {error, size_limit} -> Txt = ?T("Hats limit exceeded"), {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)} end; true -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()} end; {?MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD, complete} -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()}; {?MUC_HAT_ADD_CMD, _} -> Txt = ?T("Incorrect value of 'action' attribute"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}; {?MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD, execute} -> Form = #xdata{ title = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Remove a hat from a user")), type = form, fields = [#xdata_field{ type = 'jid-single', label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Jabber ID")), required = true, var = <<"jid">>}, #xdata_field{ type = 'text-single', label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Hat URI")), required = true, var = <<"hat_uri">>} ]}, {result, xmpp_util:make_adhoc_response( Request, #adhoc_command{ status = executing, xdata = Form})}; {?MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD, complete} when XData /= undefined -> JID = try jid:decode(hd(xmpp_util:get_xdata_values( <<"jid">>, XData))) catch _:_ -> error end, URI = try hd(xmpp_util:get_xdata_values( <<"hat_uri">>, XData)) catch _:_ -> error end, if (JID /= error) and (URI /= error) -> NewStateData = del_hat(JID, URI, StateData), store_room(NewStateData), send_update_presence( JID, NewStateData, StateData), {result, xmpp_util:make_adhoc_response( Request, #adhoc_command{status = completed}), NewStateData}; true -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()} end; {?MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD, complete} -> {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()}; {?MUC_HAT_REMOVE_CMD, _} -> Txt = ?T("Incorrect value of 'action' attribute"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}; {?MUC_HAT_LIST_CMD, execute} -> Hats = get_all_hats(StateData), Items = lists:map( fun({JID, URI, Title}) -> [#xdata_field{ var = <<"jid">>, values = [jid:encode(JID)]}, #xdata_field{ var = <<"hat_title">>, values = [URI]}, #xdata_field{ var = <<"hat_uri">>, values = [Title]}] end, Hats), Form = #xdata{ title = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("List of users with hats")), type = result, reported = [#xdata_field{ label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Jabber ID")), var = <<"jid">>}, #xdata_field{ label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Hat title")), var = <<"hat_title">>}, #xdata_field{ label = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Hat URI")), var = <<"hat_uri">>}], items = Items}, {result, xmpp_util:make_adhoc_response( Request, #adhoc_command{ status = completed, xdata = Form})}; {?MUC_HAT_LIST_CMD, _} -> Txt = ?T("Incorrect value of 'action' attribute"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}; _ -> {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found()} end; _ -> {error, xmpp:err_forbidden()} end. -spec add_hat(jid(), binary(), binary(), state()) -> {ok, state()} | {error, size_limit}. add_hat(JID, URI, Title, StateData) -> Hats = StateData#state.hats_users, LJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), UserHats = maps:get(LJID, Hats, #{}), UserHats2 = maps:put(URI, Title, UserHats), USize = maps:size(UserHats2), if USize =< ?MAX_HATS_PER_USER -> Hats2 = maps:put(LJID, UserHats2, Hats), Size = maps:size(Hats2), if Size =< ?MAX_HATS_USERS -> {ok, StateData#state{hats_users = Hats2}}; true -> {error, size_limit} end; true -> {error, size_limit} end. -spec del_hat(jid(), binary(), state()) -> state(). del_hat(JID, URI, StateData) -> Hats = StateData#state.hats_users, LJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), UserHats = maps:get(LJID, Hats, #{}), UserHats2 = maps:remove(URI, UserHats), Hats2 = case maps:size(UserHats2) of 0 -> maps:remove(LJID, Hats); _ -> maps:put(LJID, UserHats2, Hats) end, StateData#state{hats_users = Hats2}. -spec get_all_hats(state()) -> list({jid(), binary(), binary()}). get_all_hats(StateData) -> lists:flatmap( fun({LJID, H}) -> JID = jid:make(LJID), lists:map(fun({URI, Title}) -> {JID, URI, Title} end, maps:to_list(H)) end, maps:to_list(StateData#state.hats_users)). -spec add_presence_hats(jid(), #presence{}, state()) -> #presence{}. add_presence_hats(JID, Pres, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.enable_hats of true -> Hats = StateData#state.hats_users, LJID = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)), UserHats = maps:get(LJID, Hats, #{}), case maps:size(UserHats) of 0 -> Pres; _ -> Items = lists:map(fun({URI, Title}) -> #muc_hat{uri = URI, title = Title} end, maps:to_list(UserHats)), xmpp:set_subtag(Pres, #muc_hats{hats = Items}) end; false -> Pres end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Voice request support -spec prepare_request_form(jid(), binary(), binary()) -> message(). prepare_request_form(Requester, Nick, Lang) -> Title = translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Voice request")), Instruction = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Either approve or decline the voice request.")), Fs = muc_request:encode([{role, participant}, {jid, Requester}, {roomnick, Nick}, {request_allow, false}], Lang), #message{type = normal, sub_els = [#xdata{type = form, title = Title, instructions = [Instruction], fields = Fs}]}. -spec send_voice_request(jid(), binary(), state()) -> ok. send_voice_request(From, Lang, StateData) -> Moderators = search_role(moderator, StateData), FromNick = find_nick_by_jid(From, StateData), lists:foreach( fun({_, User}) -> ejabberd_router:route( xmpp:set_from_to( prepare_request_form(From, FromNick, Lang), StateData#state.jid, User#user.jid)) end, Moderators). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Invitation support -spec check_invitation(jid(), [muc_invite()], binary(), state()) -> ok | {error, stanza_error()}. check_invitation(From, Invitations, Lang, StateData) -> FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData), CanInvite = (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_user_invites orelse FAffiliation == admin orelse FAffiliation == owner, case CanInvite of true -> case lists:all( fun(#muc_invite{to = #jid{}}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Invitations) of true -> ok; false -> Txt = ?T("No 'to' attribute found in the invitation"), {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)} end; false -> Txt = ?T("Invitations are not allowed in this conference"), {error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)} end. -spec route_invitation(jid(), message(), muc_invite(), binary(), state()) -> jid(). route_invitation(From, Pkt, Invitation, Lang, StateData) -> #muc_invite{to = JID, reason = Reason} = Invitation, Invite = Invitation#muc_invite{to = undefined, from = From}, Password = case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of true -> (StateData#state.config)#config.password; false -> undefined end, XUser = #muc_user{password = Password, invites = [Invite]}, XConference = #x_conference{jid = jid:make(StateData#state.room, StateData#state.host), reason = Reason}, Body = iolist_to_binary( [io_lib:format( translate:translate( Lang, ?T("~s invites you to the room ~s")), [jid:encode(From), jid:encode({StateData#state.room, StateData#state.host, <<"">>})]), case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of true -> <<", ", (translate:translate( Lang, ?T("the password is")))/binary, " '", ((StateData#state.config)#config.password)/binary, "'">>; _ -> <<"">> end, case Reason of <<"">> -> <<"">>; _ -> <<" (", Reason/binary, ") ">> end]), Msg = #message{from = StateData#state.jid, to = JID, type = normal, body = xmpp:mk_text(Body), sub_els = [XUser, XConference]}, Msg2 = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(muc_invite, StateData#state.server_host, Msg, [StateData#state.jid, StateData#state.config, From, JID, Reason, Pkt]), ejabberd_router:route(Msg2), JID. %% Handle a message sent to the room by a non-participant. %% If it is a decline, send to the inviter. %% Otherwise, an error message is sent to the sender. -spec handle_roommessage_from_nonparticipant(message(), state(), jid()) -> ok. handle_roommessage_from_nonparticipant(Packet, StateData, From) -> try xmpp:try_subtag(Packet, #muc_user{}) of #muc_user{decline = #muc_decline{to = #jid{} = To} = Decline} = XUser -> NewDecline = Decline#muc_decline{to = undefined, from = From}, NewXUser = XUser#muc_user{decline = NewDecline}, NewPacket = xmpp:set_subtag(Packet, NewXUser), ejabberd_router:route( xmpp:set_from_to(NewPacket, StateData#state.jid, To)); _ -> ErrText = ?T("Only occupants are allowed to send messages " "to the conference"), Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, xmpp:get_lang(Packet)), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err) catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why), Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, xmpp:get_lang(Packet)), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Logging add_to_log(Type, Data, StateData) when Type == roomconfig_change_disabledlogging -> mod_muc_log:add_to_log(StateData#state.server_host, roomconfig_change, Data, StateData#state.jid, make_opts(StateData, false)); add_to_log(Type, Data, StateData) -> case (StateData#state.config)#config.logging of true -> mod_muc_log:add_to_log(StateData#state.server_host, Type, Data, StateData#state.jid, make_opts(StateData, false)); false -> ok end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Users number checking -spec tab_add_online_user(jid(), state()) -> any(). tab_add_online_user(JID, StateData) -> Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, ejabberd_hooks:run(join_room, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Room, Host, JID]), mod_muc:register_online_user(ServerHost, jid:tolower(JID), Room, Host). -spec tab_remove_online_user(jid(), state()) -> any(). tab_remove_online_user(JID, StateData) -> Room = StateData#state.room, Host = StateData#state.host, ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, ejabberd_hooks:run(leave_room, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Room, Host, JID]), mod_muc:unregister_online_user(ServerHost, jid:tolower(JID), Room, Host). -spec tab_count_user(jid(), state()) -> non_neg_integer(). tab_count_user(JID, StateData) -> ServerHost = StateData#state.server_host, {LUser, LServer, _} = jid:tolower(JID), mod_muc:count_online_rooms_by_user(ServerHost, LUser, LServer). -spec element_size(stanza()) -> non_neg_integer(). element_size(El) -> byte_size(fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(El, ?NS_CLIENT))). -spec store_room(state()) -> ok. store_room(StateData) -> store_room(StateData, []). store_room(StateData, ChangesHints) -> % Let store persistent rooms or on those backends that have get_subscribed_rooms Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(StateData#state.server_host, mod_muc), HasGSR = erlang:function_exported(Mod, get_subscribed_rooms, 3), case HasGSR of true -> ok; _ -> erlang:put(muc_subscribers, StateData#state.muc_subscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers) end, ShouldStore = case (StateData#state.config)#config.persistent of true -> true; _ -> case ChangesHints of [] -> false; _ -> HasGSR end end, if ShouldStore -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, store_changes, 4) of true when ChangesHints /= [] -> mod_muc:store_changes( StateData#state.server_host, StateData#state.host, StateData#state.room, ChangesHints); _ -> store_room_no_checks(StateData, ChangesHints, false), ok end; true -> ok end. -spec store_room_no_checks(state(), list(), boolean()) -> {atomic, any()}. store_room_no_checks(StateData, ChangesHints, Hibernation) -> mod_muc:store_room(StateData#state.server_host, StateData#state.host, StateData#state.room, make_opts(StateData, Hibernation), ChangesHints). -spec send_subscriptions_change_notifications(stanza(), stanza(), state()) -> ok. send_subscriptions_change_notifications(Packet, PacketWithoutJid, State) -> {WJ, WN} = maps:fold( fun(_, #subscriber{jid = JID}, {WithJid, WithNick}) -> case (State#state.config)#config.anonymous == false orelse get_role(JID, State) == moderator orelse get_default_role(get_affiliation(JID, State), State) == moderator of true -> {[JID | WithJid], WithNick}; _ -> {WithJid, [JID | WithNick]} end end, {[], []}, muc_subscribers_get_by_node(?NS_MUCSUB_NODES_SUBSCRIBERS, State#state.muc_subscribers)), if WJ /= [] -> ejabberd_router_multicast:route_multicast(State#state.jid, State#state.server_host, WJ, Packet, false); true -> ok end, if WN /= [] -> ejabberd_router_multicast:route_multicast(State#state.jid, State#state.server_host, WN, PacketWithoutJid, false); true -> ok end. -spec send_wrapped(jid(), jid(), stanza(), binary(), state()) -> ok. send_wrapped(From, To, Packet, Node, State) -> LTo = jid:tolower(To), LBareTo = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(To)), IsOffline = case maps:get(LTo, State#state.users, error) of #user{last_presence = undefined} -> true; error -> true; _ -> false end, if IsOffline -> try muc_subscribers_get(LBareTo, State#state.muc_subscribers) of #subscriber{nodes = Nodes, jid = JID} -> case lists:member(Node, Nodes) of true -> MamEnabled = (State#state.config)#config.mam, Id = case xmpp:get_subtag(Packet, #stanza_id{by = #jid{}}) of #stanza_id{id = Id2} -> Id2; _ -> p1_rand:get_string() end, NewPacket = wrap(From, JID, Packet, Node, Id), NewPacket2 = xmpp:put_meta(NewPacket, in_muc_mam, MamEnabled), ejabberd_router:route( xmpp:set_from_to(NewPacket2, State#state.jid, JID)); false -> ok end catch _:{badkey, _} -> ok end; true -> case Packet of #presence{type = unavailable} -> case xmpp:get_subtag(Packet, #muc_user{}) of #muc_user{destroy = Destroy, status_codes = Codes} -> case Destroy /= undefined orelse (lists:member(110,Codes) andalso not lists:member(303, Codes)) of true -> ejabberd_router:route( #presence{from = State#state.jid, to = To, id = p1_rand:get_string(), type = unavailable}); false -> ok end; _ -> false end; _ -> ok end, ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To)) end. -spec wrap(jid(), undefined | jid(), stanza(), binary(), binary()) -> message(). wrap(From, To, Packet, Node, Id) -> El = xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To), #message{ id = Id, sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = Node, items = [#ps_item{ id = Id, sub_els = [El]}]}}]}. -spec send_wrapped_multiple(jid(), users(), stanza(), binary(), state()) -> ok. send_wrapped_multiple(From, Users, Packet, Node, State) -> {Dir, Wra} = maps:fold( fun(_, #user{jid = To, last_presence = LP}, {Direct, Wrapped} = Res) -> IsOffline = LP == undefined, if IsOffline -> LBareTo = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(To)), case muc_subscribers_find(LBareTo, State#state.muc_subscribers) of {ok, #subscriber{nodes = Nodes}} -> case lists:member(Node, Nodes) of true -> {Direct, [To | Wrapped]}; _ -> %% TODO: check that this branch is never called Res end; _ -> Res end; true -> {[To | Direct], Wrapped} end end, {[],[]}, Users), case Dir of [] -> ok; _ -> case Packet of #presence{type = unavailable} -> case xmpp:get_subtag(Packet, #muc_user{}) of #muc_user{destroy = Destroy, status_codes = Codes} -> case Destroy /= undefined orelse (lists:member(110,Codes) andalso not lists:member(303, Codes)) of true -> ejabberd_router_multicast:route_multicast( From, State#state.server_host, Dir, #presence{id = p1_rand:get_string(), type = unavailable}, false); false -> ok end; _ -> false end; _ -> ok end, ejabberd_router_multicast:route_multicast(From, State#state.server_host, Dir, Packet, false) end, case Wra of [] -> ok; _ -> MamEnabled = (State#state.config)#config.mam, Id = case xmpp:get_subtag(Packet, #stanza_id{by = #jid{}}) of #stanza_id{id = Id2} -> Id2; _ -> p1_rand:get_string() end, NewPacket = wrap(From, undefined, Packet, Node, Id), NewPacket2 = xmpp:put_meta(NewPacket, in_muc_mam, MamEnabled), ejabberd_router_multicast:route_multicast(State#state.jid, State#state.server_host, Wra, NewPacket2, true) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% #muc_subscribers API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec muc_subscribers_new() -> #muc_subscribers{}. muc_subscribers_new() -> #muc_subscribers{}. -spec muc_subscribers_get(ljid(), #muc_subscribers{}) -> #subscriber{}. muc_subscribers_get({_, _, _} = LJID, MUCSubscribers) -> maps:get(LJID, MUCSubscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers). -spec muc_subscribers_find(ljid(), #muc_subscribers{}) -> {ok, #subscriber{}} | error. muc_subscribers_find({_, _, _} = LJID, MUCSubscribers) -> maps:find(LJID, MUCSubscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers). -spec muc_subscribers_is_key(ljid(), #muc_subscribers{}) -> boolean(). muc_subscribers_is_key({_, _, _} = LJID, MUCSubscribers) -> maps:is_key(LJID, MUCSubscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers). -spec muc_subscribers_size(#muc_subscribers{}) -> integer(). muc_subscribers_size(MUCSubscribers) -> maps:size(MUCSubscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers). -spec muc_subscribers_fold(Fun, Acc, #muc_subscribers{}) -> Acc when Fun :: fun((ljid(), #subscriber{}, Acc) -> Acc). muc_subscribers_fold(Fun, Init, MUCSubscribers) -> maps:fold(Fun, Init, MUCSubscribers#muc_subscribers.subscribers). -spec muc_subscribers_get_by_nick(binary(), #muc_subscribers{}) -> [#subscriber{}]. muc_subscribers_get_by_nick(Nick, MUCSubscribers) -> maps:get(Nick, MUCSubscribers#muc_subscribers.subscriber_nicks, []). -spec muc_subscribers_get_by_node(binary(), #muc_subscribers{}) -> subscribers(). muc_subscribers_get_by_node(Node, MUCSubscribers) -> maps:get(Node, MUCSubscribers#muc_subscribers.subscriber_nodes, #{}). -spec muc_subscribers_remove_exn(ljid(), #muc_subscribers{}) -> {#muc_subscribers{}, #subscriber{}}. muc_subscribers_remove_exn({_, _, _} = LJID, MUCSubscribers) -> #muc_subscribers{subscribers = Subs, subscriber_nicks = SubNicks, subscriber_nodes = SubNodes} = MUCSubscribers, Subscriber = maps:get(LJID, Subs), #subscriber{nick = Nick, nodes = Nodes} = Subscriber, NewSubNicks = maps:remove(Nick, SubNicks), NewSubs = maps:remove(LJID, Subs), NewSubNodes = lists:foldl( fun(Node, Acc) -> NodeSubs = maps:get(Node, Acc, #{}), NodeSubs2 = maps:remove(LJID, NodeSubs), maps:put(Node, NodeSubs2, Acc) end, SubNodes, Nodes), {#muc_subscribers{subscribers = NewSubs, subscriber_nicks = NewSubNicks, subscriber_nodes = NewSubNodes}, Subscriber}. -spec muc_subscribers_put(#subscriber{}, #muc_subscribers{}) -> #muc_subscribers{}. muc_subscribers_put(Subscriber, MUCSubscribers) -> #subscriber{jid = JID, nick = Nick, nodes = Nodes} = Subscriber, #muc_subscribers{subscribers = Subs, subscriber_nicks = SubNicks, subscriber_nodes = SubNodes} = MUCSubscribers, LJID = jid:tolower(JID), NewSubs = maps:put(LJID, Subscriber, Subs), NewSubNicks = maps:put(Nick, [LJID], SubNicks), NewSubNodes = lists:foldl( fun(Node, Acc) -> NodeSubs = maps:get(Node, Acc, #{}), NodeSubs2 = maps:put(LJID, Subscriber, NodeSubs), maps:put(Node, NodeSubs2, Acc) end, SubNodes, Nodes), #muc_subscribers{subscribers = NewSubs, subscriber_nicks = NewSubNicks, subscriber_nodes = NewSubNodes}. cleanup_affiliations(State) -> case mod_muc_opt:cleanup_affiliations_on_start(State#state.server_host) of true -> Affiliations = maps:filter( fun({LUser, LServer, _}, _) -> case ejabberd_router:is_my_host(LServer) of true -> ejabberd_auth:user_exists(LUser, LServer); false -> true end end, State#state.affiliations), State#state{affiliations = Affiliations}; false -> State end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Detect messange stanzas that don't have meaningful content -spec has_body_or_subject(message()) -> boolean(). has_body_or_subject(#message{body = Body, subject = Subj}) -> Body /= [] orelse Subj /= []. -spec reset_hibernate_timer(state()) -> state(). reset_hibernate_timer(State) -> case State#state.hibernate_timer of hibernating -> ok; _ -> disable_hibernate_timer(State), NewTimer = case {mod_muc_opt:hibernation_timeout(State#state.server_host), maps:size(State#state.users)} of {infinity, _} -> none; {Timeout, 0} -> p1_fsm:send_event_after(Timeout, hibernate); _ -> none end, State#state{hibernate_timer = NewTimer} end. -spec disable_hibernate_timer(state()) -> ok. disable_hibernate_timer(State) -> case State#state.hibernate_timer of Ref when is_reference(Ref) -> p1_fsm:cancel_timer(Ref), ok; _ -> ok end.