#!/bin/bash # Erlang modules in ejabberd use a custom module attribute [1] # named -protocol to define what XEPs and RFCs that module implements. # General protocols are defined in ejabberd.erl # # The supported syntax is: # -protocol({rfc, RFC-NUMBER}). # -protocol({xep, XEP-NUMBER, XEP-VERSION}). # -protocol({xep, XEP-NUMBER, XEP-VERSION, EJABBERD-VERSION, STATUS, COMMENTS}). # Where # RFC-NUMBER, XEP-NUMBER :: integer() # XEP-VERSION, EJABBERD-VERSION :: atom() # STATUS, COMMENTS :: string() # For example: # -protocol({rfc, 5766}). # -protocol({xep, 111, '0.2'}). # -protocol({xep, 222, '1.2.0', '17.09', "", ""}). # -protocol({xep, 333, '1.11.2', '21.09', "complete", ""}). # -protocol({xep, 333, '0.2.0', '21.09', "partial", "Only client X is supported"}). # # [1] https://www.erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/modules.html#module-attributes write_doap_head() { cat >"$1" <<-'EOF' ejabberd XMPP Server with MQTT Broker and SIP Service Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP Server, MQTT Broker, SIP Service) 2002-11-16 BSD Linux macOS Windows Erlang C EOF } write_doap_tail() { cat >>"$1" <<-'EOF' EOF } write_rfcs() { rfc=rfc$1 out=$2 int=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^0*//') imp=$(grep "\-protocol({rfc, $int," $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*src\/\(.*\).erl.*'\([0-9.-x]*\)'.*/\1 \2/") [ "$imp" = "" ] && imp="NA 0.0" echo " " >>$out } write_xeps() { xep=xep-$1 out=$2 comments2="" int=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^0*//') imp=$(grep "\-protocol({xep, $int," $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*src\/\(.*\).erl.*'\([0-9.-x]*\)'.*/\1 \2/") [ "$imp" = "" ] && imp="NA 0.0" sourcefiles=$(grep "\-protocol({xep, $int," $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*src\/\(.*\).erl.*'\([0-9.-x]*\)'.*/\1/" | tr '\012' ',' | sed 's|,$||' | sed 's|,|, |g' | sed 's|^ejabberd$||') versionsold=$(grep "\-protocol({xep, $int, .*'})\." $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*'\([0-9.-x]*\)'.*/\1/" | head -1) versionsnew=$(grep "\-protocol({xep, $int, .*\"})\." $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*'\([0-9.-x]*\)', '.*/\1/" | head -1) versions="$versionsold$versionsnew" since=$(grep "\-protocol({xep, $int, .*\"})\." $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*', '\([0-9.-x]*\)',.*/\1/" | head -1) status=$(grep "\-protocol({xep, $int, .*\"})\." $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*', \"\([a-z]*\)\", \".*/\1/" | head -1) comments=$(grep "\-protocol({xep, $int, .*\"})\." $BASE/src/* | sed "s/.*\", \"\(.*\)\"}.*/\1/" | head -1) [ -n "$comments" ] && comments2=", $comments" note="$sourcefiles$comments2" { echo " " echo " " echo " " echo " $versions" echo " $since" echo " $status" echo " $note" echo " " echo " " } >>$out } [ $# -eq 1 ] && BASE="$1" || BASE="$PWD" [ -d $BASE/doc ] || mkdir $BASE/doc temp=tools/ejabberd.temp final=ejabberd.doap write_doap_head $final grep "\-protocol({rfc" $BASE/src/* | sed "s/,//" | awk '{printf("%04d\n", $2)}' | sort -u | while IFS= read -r x_num do write_rfcs $x_num $temp done echo "" >>$temp grep "\-protocol({xep" $BASE/src/* | sed "s/,//" | awk '{printf("%04d\n", $2)}' | sort -u | while IFS= read -r x_num do write_xeps $x_num $temp done cat $temp >>$final rm $temp write_doap_tail $final