%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_receiver.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Socket receiver for C2S and S2S connections %%% Created : 10 Nov 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_receiver). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -ifndef(GEN_SERVER). -define(GEN_SERVER, gen_server). -endif. -behaviour(?GEN_SERVER). -behaviour(ejabberd_config). %% API -export([start_link/4, start/3, start/4, change_shaper/2, reset_stream/1, starttls/2, compress/2, become_controller/2, close/1, opt_type/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -record(state, {socket :: inet:socket() | fast_tls:tls_socket() | ezlib:zlib_socket(), sock_mod = gen_tcp :: gen_tcp | fast_tls | ezlib, shaper_state = none :: shaper:shaper(), c2s_pid :: pid() | undefined, max_stanza_size = infinity :: non_neg_integer() | infinity, xml_stream_state :: fxml_stream:xml_stream_state() | undefined, timeout = infinity:: timeout()}). -spec start_link(inet:socket(), atom(), shaper:shaper(), non_neg_integer() | infinity) -> ignore | {error, any()} | {ok, pid()}. start_link(Socket, SockMod, Shaper, MaxStanzaSize) -> ?GEN_SERVER:start_link(?MODULE, [Socket, SockMod, Shaper, MaxStanzaSize], []). -spec start(inet:socket(), atom(), shaper:shaper()) -> undefined | pid(). start(Socket, SockMod, Shaper) -> start(Socket, SockMod, Shaper, infinity). -spec start(inet:socket(), atom(), shaper:shaper(), non_neg_integer() | infinity) -> undefined | pid(). start(Socket, SockMod, Shaper, MaxStanzaSize) -> {ok, Pid} = ?GEN_SERVER:start(ejabberd_receiver, [Socket, SockMod, Shaper, MaxStanzaSize], []), Pid. -spec change_shaper(pid(), shaper:shaper()) -> ok. change_shaper(Pid, Shaper) -> ?GEN_SERVER:cast(Pid, {change_shaper, Shaper}). -spec reset_stream(pid()) -> ok | {error, any()}. reset_stream(Pid) -> do_call(Pid, reset_stream). -spec starttls(pid(), fast_tls:tls_socket()) -> ok | {error, any()}. starttls(Pid, TLSSocket) -> do_call(Pid, {starttls, TLSSocket}). -spec compress(pid(), iodata() | undefined) -> {error, any()} | {ok, ezlib:zlib_socket()}. compress(Pid, Data) -> do_call(Pid, {compress, Data}). -spec become_controller(pid(), pid()) -> ok | {error, any()}. become_controller(Pid, C2SPid) -> do_call(Pid, {become_controller, C2SPid}). -spec close(pid()) -> ok. close(Pid) -> ?GEN_SERVER:cast(Pid, close). %%==================================================================== %% gen_server callbacks %%==================================================================== init([Socket, SockMod, Shaper, MaxStanzaSize]) -> ShaperState = shaper:new(Shaper), Timeout = case SockMod of ssl -> 20; _ -> infinity end, {ok, #state{socket = Socket, sock_mod = SockMod, shaper_state = ShaperState, max_stanza_size = MaxStanzaSize, timeout = Timeout}}. handle_call({starttls, TLSSocket}, _From, State) -> State1 = reset_parser(State), NewState = State1#state{socket = TLSSocket, sock_mod = fast_tls}, case fast_tls:recv_data(TLSSocket, <<"">>) of {ok, TLSData} -> {reply, ok, process_data(TLSData, NewState), hibernate_timeout()}; {error, _} = Err -> {stop, normal, Err, NewState} end; handle_call({compress, Data}, _From, #state{socket = Socket, sock_mod = SockMod} = State) -> ejabberd:start_app(ezlib), {ok, ZlibSocket} = ezlib:enable_zlib(SockMod, Socket), if Data /= undefined -> do_send(State, Data); true -> ok end, State1 = reset_parser(State), NewState = State1#state{socket = ZlibSocket, sock_mod = ezlib}, case ezlib:recv_data(ZlibSocket, <<"">>) of {ok, ZlibData} -> {reply, {ok, ZlibSocket}, process_data(ZlibData, NewState), hibernate_timeout()}; {error, _} = Err -> {stop, normal, Err, NewState} end; handle_call(reset_stream, _From, State) -> NewState = reset_parser(State), Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, NewState, hibernate_timeout()}; handle_call({become_controller, C2SPid}, _From, State) -> XMLStreamState = fxml_stream:new(C2SPid, State#state.max_stanza_size), NewState = State#state{c2s_pid = C2SPid, xml_stream_state = XMLStreamState}, activate_socket(NewState), Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, NewState, hibernate_timeout()}; handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State, hibernate_timeout()}. handle_cast({change_shaper, Shaper}, State) -> NewShaperState = shaper:new(Shaper), {noreply, State#state{shaper_state = NewShaperState}, hibernate_timeout()}; handle_cast(close, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State, hibernate_timeout()}. handle_info({Tag, _TCPSocket, Data}, #state{socket = Socket, sock_mod = SockMod} = State) when (Tag == tcp) or (Tag == ssl) or (Tag == ejabberd_xml) -> case SockMod of fast_tls -> case fast_tls:recv_data(Socket, Data) of {ok, TLSData} -> {noreply, process_data(TLSData, State), hibernate_timeout()}; {error, Reason} -> if is_binary(Reason) -> ?DEBUG("TLS error = ~s", [Reason]); true -> ok end, {stop, normal, State} end; ezlib -> case ezlib:recv_data(Socket, Data) of {ok, ZlibData} -> {noreply, process_data(ZlibData, State), hibernate_timeout()}; {error, _Reason} -> {stop, normal, State} end; _ -> {noreply, process_data(Data, State), hibernate_timeout()} end; handle_info({Tag, _TCPSocket}, State) when (Tag == tcp_closed) or (Tag == ssl_closed) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_info({Tag, _TCPSocket, Reason}, State) when (Tag == tcp_error) or (Tag == ssl_error) -> case Reason of timeout -> {noreply, State, hibernate_timeout()}; _ -> {stop, normal, State} end; handle_info({timeout, _Ref, activate}, State) -> activate_socket(State), {noreply, State, hibernate_timeout()}; handle_info(timeout, State) -> proc_lib:hibernate(?GEN_SERVER, enter_loop, [?MODULE, [], State]), {noreply, State, hibernate_timeout()}; handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State, hibernate_timeout()}. terminate(_Reason, #state{xml_stream_state = XMLStreamState, c2s_pid = C2SPid} = State) -> close_stream(XMLStreamState), if C2SPid /= undefined -> gen_fsm:send_event(C2SPid, closed); true -> ok end, catch (State#state.sock_mod):close(State#state.socket), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- activate_socket(#state{socket = Socket, sock_mod = SockMod}) -> PeerName = case SockMod of gen_tcp -> inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), inet:peername(Socket); _ -> SockMod:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), SockMod:peername(Socket) end, case PeerName of {error, _Reason} -> self() ! {tcp_closed, Socket}; {ok, _} -> ok end. %% Data processing for connectors directly generating xmlelement in %% Erlang data structure. %% WARNING: Shaper does not work with Erlang data structure. process_data([], State) -> activate_socket(State), State; process_data([Element | Els], #state{c2s_pid = C2SPid} = State) when element(1, Element) == xmlel; element(1, Element) == xmlstreamstart; element(1, Element) == xmlstreamelement; element(1, Element) == xmlstreamend -> if C2SPid == undefined -> State; true -> catch gen_fsm:send_event(C2SPid, element_wrapper(Element)), process_data(Els, State) end; %% Data processing for connectors receivind data as string. process_data(Data, #state{xml_stream_state = XMLStreamState, shaper_state = ShaperState, c2s_pid = C2SPid} = State) -> ?DEBUG("Received XML on stream = ~p", [(Data)]), XMLStreamState1 = case XMLStreamState of undefined -> XMLStreamState; _ -> fxml_stream:parse(XMLStreamState, Data) end, {NewShaperState, Pause} = shaper:update(ShaperState, byte_size(Data)), if C2SPid == undefined -> ok; Pause > 0 -> erlang:start_timer(Pause, self(), activate); true -> activate_socket(State) end, State#state{xml_stream_state = XMLStreamState1, shaper_state = NewShaperState}. %% Element coming from XML parser are wrapped inside xmlstreamelement %% When we receive directly xmlelement tuple (from a socket module %% speaking directly Erlang XML), we wrap it inside the same %% xmlstreamelement coming from the XML parser. element_wrapper(XMLElement) when element(1, XMLElement) == xmlel -> {xmlstreamelement, XMLElement}; element_wrapper(Element) -> Element. close_stream(undefined) -> ok; close_stream(XMLStreamState) -> fxml_stream:close(XMLStreamState). reset_parser(#state{xml_stream_state = undefined} = State) -> State; reset_parser(#state{c2s_pid = C2SPid, max_stanza_size = MaxStanzaSize, xml_stream_state = XMLStreamState} = State) -> NewStreamState = try fxml_stream:reset(XMLStreamState) catch error:_ -> close_stream(XMLStreamState), case C2SPid of undefined -> undefined; _ -> fxml_stream:new(C2SPid, MaxStanzaSize) end end, State#state{xml_stream_state = NewStreamState}. do_send(State, Data) -> (State#state.sock_mod):send(State#state.socket, Data). do_call(Pid, Msg) -> try ?GEN_SERVER:call(Pid, Msg) of Res -> Res catch _:{timeout, _} -> {error, timeout}; _:_ -> {error, einval} end. hibernate_timeout() -> ejabberd_config:get_option(receiver_hibernate, timer:seconds(90)). opt_type(receiver_hibernate) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I; (hibernate) -> hibernate end; opt_type(_) -> [receiver_hibernate].