defmodule Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdModule do @moduledoc """ Module representing a module block in the configuration file. It offers functions for validation and for starting the modules. Warning: The name is EjabberdModule to not collide with the already existing Elixir.Module. """ alias Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdModule alias Ejabberd.Config.Validation alias Ejabberd.Config.Attr @type t :: %{module: atom, attrs: [Attr.attr]} defstruct [:module, :attrs] @doc """ Given a list of modules / single module it runs different validators on them. For each module, returns a {:ok, mod} or {:error, mod, errors} """ def validate(modules) do Validation.validate(modules) end @doc """ Given a list of modules, it takes only the ones with a git attribute and tries to fetch the repo, then, it install them through :ext_mod.install/1 """ def fetch_git_repos(modules) do modules |> Enum.filter(&is_git_module?/1) |> Enum.each(&fetch_and_install_git_module/1) end # Private API defp is_git_module?(%EjabberdModule{attrs: attrs}) do case Keyword.get(attrs, :git) do "" -> false repo -> String.match?(repo, ~r/((git|ssh|http(s)?)|(git@[\w\.]+))(:(\/\/)?)([\w\.@\:\/\-~]+)(\.git)(\/)?/) end end defp fetch_and_install_git_module(%EjabberdModule{attrs: attrs}) do repo = Keyword.get(attrs, :git) mod_name = case Keyword.get(attrs, :name) do "" -> infer_mod_name_from_git_url(repo) name -> name end path = "#{:ext_mod.modules_dir()}/sources/ejabberd-contrib\/#{mod_name}" fetch_and_store_repo_source_if_not_exists(path, repo) :ext_mod.install(mod_name) # Have to check if overwrites an already present mod end defp fetch_and_store_repo_source_if_not_exists(path, repo) do unless File.exists?(path) do IO.puts "[info] Fetching: #{repo}" :os.cmd(~c"git clone #{repo} #{path}") end end defp infer_mod_name_from_git_url(repo), do: String.split(repo, "/") |> List.last |> String.replace(".git", "") end