-module(gen_storage_migration). -export([migrate_mnesia/3, migrate_odbc/3]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). %% @spec (Host::storage_host(), Table::atom(), Migrations) -> any() %% Migrations = [{OldTable, OldAttributes, MigrateFun}] migrate_mnesia(Host, Table, Migrations) -> SameTableName = [Migration || {OldTable, _, _} = Migration <- Migrations, OldTable =:= Table], lists:foreach(fun(Migration) -> case (catch migrate_mnesia1(Host, Table, Migration)) of ok -> ok; ignored -> ok; R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error performing migration ~p:~n~p", [Migration, R]) end end, SameTableName), DifferentTableName = [Migration || {OldTable, _, _} = Migration <- Migrations, OldTable =/= Table], lists:foreach(fun(Migration) -> case (catch migrate_mnesia1(Host, Table, Migration)) of ok -> ok; ignored -> ok; R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error performing migration ~p:~n~p", [Migration, R]) end end, DifferentTableName). migrate_mnesia1(Host, Table, {OldTable, OldAttributes, MigrateFun}) -> HostB = list_to_binary(Host), case (catch mnesia:table_info(OldTable, attributes)) of OldAttributes -> if Table =:= OldTable -> %% TODO: move into transaction TmpTable = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Table) ++ "_tmp"), NewRecordName = gen_storage:table_info(HostB, Table, record_name), NewAttributes = gen_storage:table_info(HostB, Table, attributes), ?INFO_MSG("Migrating mnesia table ~p via ~p~nfrom ~p~nto ~p", [Table, TmpTable, OldAttributes, NewAttributes]), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table( TmpTable, [{disc_only_copies, [node()]}, {type, bag}, {local_content, true}, {record_name, NewRecordName}, {attributes, NewAttributes}]), F1 = fun() -> mnesia:write_lock_table(TmpTable), mnesia:foldl( fun(OldRecord, _) -> NewRecord = MigrateFun(OldRecord), ?DEBUG("~p-~p: ~p -> ~p~n",[OldTable, Table, OldRecord, NewRecord]), if is_tuple(NewRecord) -> mnesia:write(TmpTable, NewRecord, write); true -> ignored end end, ok, OldTable) end, {atomic, ok} = mnesia:transaction(F1), mnesia:delete_table(OldTable), TableInfo = gen_storage:table_info(HostB, Table, all), {value, {_, Backend}} = lists:keysearch(backend, 1, TableInfo), gen_storage:create_table(Backend, HostB, Table, TableInfo), F2 = fun() -> mnesia:write_lock_table(Table), mnesia:foldl( fun(NewRecord, _) -> ?DEBUG("~p-~p: ~p~n",[OldTable, Table, NewRecord]), gen_storage:write(HostB, Table, NewRecord, write) end, ok, TmpTable) end, {atomic, ok} = mnesia:transaction(F2), mnesia:delete_table(TmpTable), ?INFO_MSG("Migration of mnesia table ~p successfully finished", [Table]); Table =/= OldTable -> ?INFO_MSG("Migrating mnesia table ~p to ~p~nfrom ~p", [OldTable, Table, OldAttributes]), F1 = fun() -> mnesia:write_lock_table(Table), mnesia:foldl( fun(OldRecord, _) -> NewRecord = MigrateFun(OldRecord), ?DEBUG("~p-~p: ~p -> ~p~n",[OldTable, Table, OldRecord, NewRecord]), if is_tuple(NewRecord) -> gen_storage:write(HostB, Table, NewRecord, write); true -> ignored end end, ok, OldTable) end, {atomic, _} = mnesia:transaction(F1), mnesia:delete_table(OldTable), ?INFO_MSG("Migration of mnesia table ~p successfully finished", [Table]), ok end; _ -> ignored end. migrate_odbc(Host, Tables, Migrations) -> try ejabberd_odbc:sql_transaction( Host, fun() -> lists:foreach( fun(Migration) -> case (catch migrate_odbc1(Host, Tables, Migration)) of ok -> ok; ignored -> ok; R -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error performing migration ~p:~n~p", [Migration, R]) end end, Migrations) end) catch exit:{noproc, _Where} -> ?INFO_MSG("Not migrating ODBC on host ~p because no ODBC was configured.", [Host]), ok end. migrate_odbc1(Host, Tables, {OldTable, OldColumns, MigrateFun}) -> migrate_odbc1(Host, Tables, {[{OldTable, OldColumns}], MigrateFun}); migrate_odbc1(Host, Tables, {OldTablesColumns, MigrateFun}) -> {[OldTable | _] = OldTables, [OldColumns | _] = OldColumnsAll} = lists:unzip(OldTablesColumns), OldTablesA = [list_to_atom(Table) || Table <- OldTables], ColumnsT = [odbc_table_columns_t(OldTable1) || OldTable1 <- OldTables], migrate_odbc2(Host, Tables, OldTable, OldTables, OldColumns, OldColumnsAll, OldTablesA, ColumnsT, MigrateFun). migrate_odbc2(Host, Tables, OldTable, OldTables, OldColumns, OldColumnsAll, OldTablesA, ColumnsT, MigrateFun) when ColumnsT == OldColumnsAll -> ?INFO_MSG("Migrating ODBC table ~p to gen_storage tables ~p", [OldTable, Tables]), HostB = list_to_binary(Host), %% rename old tables to *_old lists:foreach(fun(OldTable1) -> {updated, _} = ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t("alter table " ++ OldTable1 ++ " rename to " ++ OldTable1 ++ "_old") end, OldTables), %% recreate new tables lists:foreach(fun(NewTable) -> case lists:member(NewTable, OldTablesA) of true -> TableInfo = gen_storage:table_info(HostB, NewTable, all), {value, {_, Backend}} = lists:keysearch(backend, 1, TableInfo), gen_storage:create_table(Backend, HostB, NewTable, TableInfo); false -> ignored end end, Tables), SELECT = fun(Columns, Table, Keys) -> Table1 = case lists:member(Table, OldTables) of true -> Table ++ "_old"; false -> Table end, WherePart = case Keys of [] -> ""; _ -> " WHERE " ++ string:join([K ++ "=" ++ if is_list(V) -> "\"" ++ ejabberd_odbc:escape(V) ++ "\""; is_integer(V) -> integer_to_list(V) end || {K, V} <- Keys], " AND ") end, {selected, _, Rows} = ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t("SELECT " ++ string:join(Columns, ", ") ++ " FROM " ++ Table1 ++ WherePart), [tuple_to_list(Row) || Row <- Rows] end, %% TODO: this will need lots of RAM, make it batched OldRows = SELECT(OldColumns, OldTable, []), NRows = lists:foldl(fun(OldRow, NRow) -> NewRecords = apply(MigrateFun, [SELECT | OldRow]), if is_list(NewRecords) -> lists:foreach( fun(NewRecord) -> %% TODO: gen_storage transaction? gen_storage:dirty_write(HostB, NewRecord) end, NewRecords); is_tuple(NewRecords) -> gen_storage:dirty_write(HostB, NewRecords) end, NRow + 1 end, 0, OldRows), lists:foreach(fun(OldTable1) -> {updated, _} = ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t("drop table " ++ OldTable1 ++ "_old") end, OldTables), ?INFO_MSG("Migrated ODBC table ~p to gen_storage tables ~p (~p rows)", [OldTable, Tables, NRows]), ok; migrate_odbc2(_Host, _Tables, _OldTable, _OldTables, _OldColumns, _OldColumnsAll, _OldTablesA, [[]], _MigrateFun) -> ignored; migrate_odbc2(Host, Tables, OldTable, OldTables, OldColumns, OldColumnsAll, OldTablesA, [ColumnsTAndCreatedat | MoreCTAC], MigrateFun) when ColumnsTAndCreatedat /= OldColumnsAll -> case lists:last(ColumnsTAndCreatedat) of "created_at" -> ColumnsT = ColumnsTAndCreatedat -- ["created_at"], migrate_odbc2(Host, Tables, OldTable, OldTables, OldColumns, OldColumnsAll, OldTablesA, [ColumnsT | MoreCTAC], MigrateFun); _ -> ignored end. odbc_table_columns_t(Table) -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t("select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='" ++ Table ++ "'") of {selected, _, Columns1} -> Columns2 = lists:map(fun({C}) -> C end, Columns1), Columns2 end.