%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : stun_codec.erl %%% Author : Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% Description : STUN codec %%% Created : 7 Aug 2009 by Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2011 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(stun_codec). %% API -export([decode/1, encode/1, version/1, reason/1, pp/1]). %% Tests -export([test_udp/2, test_tcp/2, test_tls/2, test_public/0]). -include("stun.hrl"). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== decode(<<0:2, Type:14, Len:16, Magic:32, TrID:96, Body:Len/binary, Tail/binary>>) -> case catch decode(Type, Magic, TrID, Body) of {'EXIT', _} -> {error, unparsed}; Res -> {ok, Res, Tail} end; decode(<<0:2, _/binary>>) -> more; decode(<<>>) -> empty; decode(_) -> {error, unparsed}. encode(#stun{class = Class, method = Method, magic = Magic, trid = TrID} = Msg) -> ClassCode = case Class of request -> 0; indication -> 1; response -> 2; error -> 3 end, Type = ?STUN_TYPE(ClassCode, Method), Attrs = enc_attrs(Msg), Len = size(Attrs), <<0:2, Type:14, Len:16, Magic:32, TrID:96, Attrs/binary>>. pp(Term) -> io_lib_pretty:print(Term, fun pp/2). version(#stun{magic = ?STUN_MAGIC}) -> new; version(#stun{}) -> old. reason(300) -> <<"Try Alternate">>; reason(400) -> <<"Bad Request">>; reason(401) -> <<"Unauthorized">>; reason(420) -> <<"Unknown Attribute">>; reason(438) -> <<"Stale Nonce">>; reason(500) -> <<"Server Error">>; reason(_) -> <<"Undefined Error">>. %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== decode(Type, Magic, TrID, Body) -> Method = ?STUN_METHOD(Type), Class = case ?STUN_CLASS(Type) of 0 -> request; 1 -> indication; 2 -> response; 3 -> error end, dec_attrs(Body, #stun{class = Class, method = Method, magic = Magic, trid = TrID}). dec_attrs(<>, Msg) -> PaddLen = padd_len(Len), <> = Rest, NewMsg = dec_attr(Type, Val, Msg), if Type == ?STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY -> NewMsg; true -> dec_attrs(Tail, NewMsg) end; dec_attrs(<<>>, Msg) -> Msg. enc_attrs(Msg) -> list_to_binary( [enc_attr(?STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, Msg#stun.'SOFTWARE'), enc_addr(?STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, Msg#stun.'MAPPED-ADDRESS'), enc_xor_addr(?STUN_ATTR_XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, Msg#stun.magic, Msg#stun.trid, Msg#stun.'XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS'), enc_addr(?STUN_ATTR_ALTERNATE_SERVER, Msg#stun.'ALTERNATE-SERVER'), enc_attr(?STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, Msg#stun.'USERNAME'), enc_attr(?STUN_ATTR_REALM, Msg#stun.'REALM'), enc_attr(?STUN_ATTR_NONCE, Msg#stun.'NONCE'), enc_error_code(Msg#stun.'ERROR-CODE'), enc_unknown_attrs(Msg#stun.'UNKNOWN-ATTRIBUTES')]). dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, Val, Msg) -> <<_, Family, Port:16, AddrBin/binary>> = Val, Addr = dec_addr(Family, AddrBin), Msg#stun{'MAPPED-ADDRESS' = {Addr, Port}}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS, Val, Msg) -> <<_, Family, XPort:16, XAddr/binary>> = Val, Magic = Msg#stun.magic, Port = XPort bxor (Magic bsr 16), Addr = dec_xor_addr(Family, Magic, Msg#stun.trid, XAddr), Msg#stun{'XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS' = {Addr, Port}}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, Val, Msg) -> Msg#stun{'SOFTWARE' = Val}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_USERNAME, Val, Msg) -> Msg#stun{'USERNAME' = Val}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_REALM, Val, Msg) -> Msg#stun{'REALM' = Val}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_NONCE, Val, Msg) -> Msg#stun{'NONCE' = Val}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY, Val, Msg) -> Msg#stun{'MESSAGE-INTEGRITY' = Val}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_ALTERNATE_SERVER, Val, Msg) -> <<_, Family, Port:16, Address/binary>> = Val, IP = dec_addr(Family, Address), Msg#stun{'ALTERNATE-SERVER' = {IP, Port}}; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE, Val, Msg) -> <<_:21, Class:3, Number:8, Reason/binary>> = Val, if Class >=3, Class =< 6, Number >=0, Number =< 99 -> Code = Class * 100 + Number, Msg#stun{'ERROR-CODE' = {Code, Reason}} end; dec_attr(?STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES, Val, Msg) -> Attrs = dec_unknown_attrs(Val, []), Msg#stun{'UNKNOWN-ATTRIBUTES' = Attrs}; dec_attr(Attr, _Val, #stun{unsupported = Attrs} = Msg) when Attr =< 16#7fff -> Msg#stun{unsupported = [Attr|Attrs]}; dec_attr(_Attr, _Val, Msg) -> Msg. dec_addr(1, <>) -> {A1, A2, A3, A4}; dec_addr(2, <>) -> {A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8}. dec_xor_addr(1, Magic, _TrID, <>) -> Addr = XAddr bxor Magic, dec_addr(1, <>); dec_xor_addr(2, Magic, TrID, <>) -> Addr = XAddr bxor ((Magic bsl 96) bor TrID), dec_addr(2, <>). dec_unknown_attrs(<>, Acc) -> dec_unknown_attrs(Tail, [Attr|Acc]); dec_unknown_attrs(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). enc_attr(_Attr, undefined) -> <<>>; enc_attr(Attr, Val) -> Len = size(Val), PaddLen = padd_len(Len), <>. enc_addr(_Type, undefined) -> <<>>; enc_addr(Type, {{A1, A2, A3, A4}, Port}) -> enc_attr(Type, <<0, 1, Port:16, A1, A2, A3, A4>>); enc_addr(Type, {{A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8}, Port}) -> enc_attr(Type, <<0, 2, Port:16, A1:16, A2:16, A3:16, A4:16, A5:16, A6:16, A7:16, A8:16>>). enc_xor_addr(_Type, _Magic, _TrID, undefined) -> <<>>; enc_xor_addr(Type, Magic, _TrID, {{A1, A2, A3, A4}, Port}) -> XPort = Port bxor (Magic bsr 16), <> = <>, XAddr = Addr bxor Magic, enc_attr(Type, <<0, 1, XPort:16, XAddr:32>>); enc_xor_addr(Type, Magic, TrID, {{A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8}, Port}) -> XPort = Port bxor (Magic bsr 16), <> = <>, XAddr = Addr bxor ((Magic bsl 96) bor TrID), enc_attr(Type, <<0, 2, XPort:16, XAddr:128>>). enc_error_code(undefined) -> <<>>; enc_error_code({Code, Reason}) -> Class = Code div 100, Number = Code rem 100, enc_attr(?STUN_ATTR_ERROR_CODE, <<0:21, Class:3, Number:8, Reason/binary>>). enc_unknown_attrs([]) -> <<>>; enc_unknown_attrs(Attrs) -> enc_attr(?STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTES, list_to_binary([<> || Attr <- Attrs])). %%==================================================================== %% Auxiliary functions %%==================================================================== pp(Tag, N) -> try pp1(Tag, N) catch _:_ -> no end. pp1(stun, N) -> N = record_info(size, stun) - 1, record_info(fields, stun); pp1(_, _) -> no. %% Workaround for stupid clients. -ifdef(NO_PADDING). padd_len(_Len) -> 0. -else. padd_len(Len) -> case Len rem 4 of 0 -> 0; N -> 8*(4-N) end. -endif. %%==================================================================== %% Test functions %%==================================================================== bind_msg() -> Msg = #stun{method = ?STUN_METHOD_BINDING, class = request, trid = random:uniform(1 bsl 96), 'SOFTWARE' = <<"test">>}, encode(Msg). test_udp(Addr, Port) -> test(Addr, Port, gen_udp). test_tcp(Addr, Port) -> test(Addr, Port, gen_tcp). test_tls(Addr, Port) -> test(Addr, Port, ssl). test(Addr, Port, Mod) -> Res = case Mod of gen_udp -> Mod:open(0, [binary, {active, false}]); _ -> Mod:connect(Addr, Port, [binary, {active, false}], 1000) end, case Res of {ok, Sock} -> if Mod == gen_udp -> Mod:send(Sock, Addr, Port, bind_msg()); true -> Mod:send(Sock, bind_msg()) end, case Mod:recv(Sock, 0, 1000) of {ok, {_, _, Data}} -> try_dec(Data); {ok, Data} -> try_dec(Data); Err -> io:format("err: ~p~n", [Err]) end, Mod:close(Sock); Err -> io:format("err: ~p~n", [Err]) end. try_dec(Data) -> case decode(Data) of {ok, Msg, _} -> io:format("got:~n~s~n", [pp(Msg)]); Err -> io:format("err: ~p~n", [Err]) end. public_servers() -> [{"stun.ekiga.net", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.fwdnet.net", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.ideasip.com", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun01.sipphone.com", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.softjoys.com", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.voipbuster.com", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.voxgratia.org", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.xten.com", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stunserver.org", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.sipgate.net", 10000, 10000, 5349}, {"numb.viagenie.ca", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"stun.ipshka.com", 3478, 3478, 5349}, {"localhost", 3478, 5349, 5349}]. test_public() -> ssl:start(), lists:foreach( fun({Addr, UDPPort, TCPPort, TLSPort}) -> io:format("trying ~s:~p on UDP... ", [Addr, UDPPort]), test_udp(Addr, UDPPort), io:format("trying ~s:~p on TCP... ", [Addr, TCPPort]), test_tcp(Addr, TCPPort), io:format("trying ~s:~p on TLS... ", [Addr, TLSPort]), test_tls(Addr, TLSPort) end, public_servers()).