%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_vcard_ldap.erl %%% Author : Evgeny Khramtsov %%% Created : 29 Jul 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_vcard_ldap). -behaviour(gen_server). -behaviour(mod_vcard). %% API -export([start_link/2]). -export([init/2, stop/1, get_vcard/2, set_vcard/4, search/4, remove_user/2, import/3, search_fields/1, search_reported/1, mod_opt_type/1]). -export([is_search_supported/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("eldap.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_vcard_ldap). -record(state, {serverhost = <<"">> :: binary(), myhosts = [] :: [binary()], eldap_id = <<"">> :: binary(), search = false :: boolean(), servers = [] :: [binary()], backups = [] :: [binary()], port = ?LDAP_PORT :: inet:port_number(), tls_options = [] :: list(), dn = <<"">> :: binary(), base = <<"">> :: binary(), password = <<"">> :: binary(), uids = [] :: [{binary()} | {binary(), binary()}], vcard_map = [] :: [{binary(), binary(), [binary()]}], vcard_map_attrs = [] :: [binary()], user_filter = <<"">> :: binary(), search_filter :: eldap:filter(), search_fields = [] :: [{binary(), binary()}], search_reported = [] :: [{binary(), binary()}], search_reported_attrs = [] :: [binary()], deref_aliases = never :: never | searching | finding | always, matches = 0 :: non_neg_integer()}). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start_link(Host, Opts) -> Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME), gen_server:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [Host, Opts], []). init(Host, Opts) -> Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME), ChildSpec = {Proc, {?MODULE, start_link, [Host, Opts]}, transient, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_backend_sup, ChildSpec). stop(Host) -> Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME), supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_backend_sup, Proc), supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_backend_sup, Proc), ok. is_search_supported(_LServer) -> true. get_vcard(LUser, LServer) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(LServer, ?PROCNAME), VCardMap = State#state.vcard_map, case find_ldap_user(LUser, State) of #eldap_entry{attributes = Attributes} -> VCard = ldap_attributes_to_vcard(Attributes, VCardMap, {LUser, LServer}), {ok, [xmpp:encode(VCard)]}; _ -> {ok, []} end. set_vcard(_LUser, _LServer, _VCard, _VCardSearch) -> {atomic, not_implemented}. search_fields(LServer) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(LServer, ?PROCNAME), State#state.search_fields. search_reported(LServer) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(LServer, ?PROCNAME), State#state.search_reported. search(LServer, Data, _AllowReturnAll, MaxMatch) -> {ok, State} = eldap_utils:get_state(LServer, ?PROCNAME), Base = State#state.base, SearchFilter = State#state.search_filter, Eldap_ID = State#state.eldap_id, UIDs = State#state.uids, ReportedAttrs = State#state.search_reported_attrs, Filter = eldap:'and'([SearchFilter, eldap_utils:make_filter(Data, UIDs)]), case eldap_pool:search(Eldap_ID, [{base, Base}, {filter, Filter}, {limit, MaxMatch}, {deref_aliases, State#state.deref_aliases}, {attributes, ReportedAttrs}]) of #eldap_search_result{entries = E} -> search_items(E, State); _ -> [] end. search_items(Entries, State) -> LServer = State#state.serverhost, SearchReported = State#state.search_reported, VCardMap = State#state.vcard_map, UIDs = State#state.uids, Attributes = lists:map(fun (E) -> #eldap_entry{attributes = Attrs} = E, Attrs end, Entries), lists:flatmap( fun(Attrs) -> case eldap_utils:find_ldap_attrs(UIDs, Attrs) of {U, UIDAttrFormat} -> case eldap_utils:get_user_part(U, UIDAttrFormat) of {ok, Username} -> case ejabberd_auth:user_exists(Username, LServer) of true -> RFields = lists:map( fun({_, VCardName}) -> {VCardName, map_vcard_attr(VCardName, Attrs, VCardMap, {Username, ?MYNAME})} end, SearchReported), J = <>, [{<<"jid">>, J} | RFields]; _ -> [] end; _ -> [] end; <<"">> -> [] end end, Attributes). remove_user(_User, _Server) -> {atomic, not_implemented}. import(_, _, _) -> ok. %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_server callbacks %%%=================================================================== init([Host, Opts]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), State = parse_options(Host, Opts), eldap_pool:start_link(State#state.eldap_id, State#state.servers, State#state.backups, State#state.port, State#state.dn, State#state.password, State#state.tls_options), {ok, State}. handle_call(get_state, _From, State) -> {reply, {ok, State}, State}; handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== find_ldap_user(User, State) -> Base = State#state.base, RFC2254_Filter = State#state.user_filter, Eldap_ID = State#state.eldap_id, VCardAttrs = State#state.vcard_map_attrs, case eldap_filter:parse(RFC2254_Filter, [{<<"%u">>, User}]) of {ok, EldapFilter} -> case eldap_pool:search(Eldap_ID, [{base, Base}, {filter, EldapFilter}, {deref_aliases, State#state.deref_aliases}, {attributes, VCardAttrs}]) of #eldap_search_result{entries = [E | _]} -> E; _ -> false end; _ -> false end. ldap_attributes_to_vcard(Attributes, VCardMap, UD) -> Attrs = lists:map(fun ({VCardName, _, _}) -> {stringprep:tolower(VCardName), map_vcard_attr(VCardName, Attributes, VCardMap, UD)} end, VCardMap), lists:foldl(fun ldap_attribute_to_vcard/2, #vcard_temp{}, Attrs). -spec ldap_attribute_to_vcard({binary(), binary()}, vcard_temp()) -> vcard_temp(). ldap_attribute_to_vcard({Attr, Value}, V) -> Ts = V#vcard_temp.tel, Es = V#vcard_temp.email, N = case V#vcard_temp.n of undefined -> #vcard_name{}; _ -> V#vcard_temp.n end, O = case V#vcard_temp.org of undefined -> #vcard_org{}; _ -> V#vcard_temp.org end, A = case V#vcard_temp.adr of [] -> #vcard_adr{}; As -> hd(As) end, case Attr of <<"fn">> -> V#vcard_temp{fn = Value}; <<"nickname">> -> V#vcard_temp{nickname = Value}; <<"title">> -> V#vcard_temp{title = Value}; <<"bday">> -> V#vcard_temp{bday = Value}; <<"url">> -> V#vcard_temp{url = Value}; <<"desc">> -> V#vcard_temp{desc = Value}; <<"role">> -> V#vcard_temp{role = Value}; <<"tel">> -> V#vcard_temp{tel = [#vcard_tel{number = Value}|Ts]}; <<"email">> -> V#vcard_temp{email = [#vcard_email{userid = Value}|Es]}; <<"photo">> -> V#vcard_temp{photo = #vcard_photo{binval = Value}}; <<"family">> -> V#vcard_temp{n = N#vcard_name{family = Value}}; <<"given">> -> V#vcard_temp{n = N#vcard_name{given = Value}}; <<"middle">> -> V#vcard_temp{n = N#vcard_name{middle = Value}}; <<"orgname">> -> V#vcard_temp{org = O#vcard_org{name = Value}}; <<"orgunit">> -> V#vcard_temp{org = O#vcard_org{units = [Value]}}; <<"locality">> -> V#vcard_temp{adr = [A#vcard_adr{locality = Value}]}; <<"street">> -> V#vcard_temp{adr = [A#vcard_adr{street = Value}]}; <<"ctry">> -> V#vcard_temp{adr = [A#vcard_adr{ctry = Value}]}; <<"region">> -> V#vcard_temp{adr = [A#vcard_adr{region = Value}]}; <<"pcode">> -> V#vcard_temp{adr = [A#vcard_adr{pcode = Value}]}; _ -> V end. map_vcard_attr(VCardName, Attributes, Pattern, UD) -> Res = lists:filter(fun ({Name, _, _}) -> eldap_utils:case_insensitive_match(Name, VCardName) end, Pattern), case Res of [{_, Str, Attrs}] -> process_pattern(Str, UD, [eldap_utils:get_ldap_attr(X, Attributes) || X <- Attrs]); _ -> <<"">> end. process_pattern(Str, {User, Domain}, AttrValues) -> eldap_filter:do_sub(Str, [{<<"%u">>, User}, {<<"%d">>, Domain}] ++ [{<<"%s">>, V, 1} || V <- AttrValues]). default_vcard_map() -> [{<<"NICKNAME">>, <<"%u">>, []}, {<<"FN">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"displayName">>]}, {<<"FAMILY">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"sn">>]}, {<<"GIVEN">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"givenName">>]}, {<<"MIDDLE">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"initials">>]}, {<<"ORGNAME">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"o">>]}, {<<"ORGUNIT">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"ou">>]}, {<<"CTRY">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"c">>]}, {<<"LOCALITY">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"l">>]}, {<<"STREET">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"street">>]}, {<<"REGION">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"st">>]}, {<<"PCODE">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"postalCode">>]}, {<<"TITLE">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"title">>]}, {<<"URL">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"labeleduri">>]}, {<<"DESC">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"description">>]}, {<<"TEL">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"telephoneNumber">>]}, {<<"EMAIL">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"mail">>]}, {<<"BDAY">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"birthDay">>]}, {<<"ROLE">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"employeeType">>]}, {<<"PHOTO">>, <<"%s">>, [<<"jpegPhoto">>]}]. default_search_fields() -> [{<<"User">>, <<"%u">>}, {<<"Full Name">>, <<"displayName">>}, {<<"Given Name">>, <<"givenName">>}, {<<"Middle Name">>, <<"initials">>}, {<<"Family Name">>, <<"sn">>}, {<<"Nickname">>, <<"%u">>}, {<<"Birthday">>, <<"birthDay">>}, {<<"Country">>, <<"c">>}, {<<"City">>, <<"l">>}, {<<"Email">>, <<"mail">>}, {<<"Organization Name">>, <<"o">>}, {<<"Organization Unit">>, <<"ou">>}]. default_search_reported() -> [{<<"Full Name">>, <<"FN">>}, {<<"Given Name">>, <<"FIRST">>}, {<<"Middle Name">>, <<"MIDDLE">>}, {<<"Family Name">>, <<"LAST">>}, {<<"Nickname">>, <<"NICK">>}, {<<"Birthday">>, <<"BDAY">>}, {<<"Country">>, <<"CTRY">>}, {<<"City">>, <<"LOCALITY">>}, {<<"Email">>, <<"EMAIL">>}, {<<"Organization Name">>, <<"ORGNAME">>}, {<<"Organization Unit">>, <<"ORGUNIT">>}]. parse_options(Host, Opts) -> MyHosts = gen_mod:get_opt_hosts(Host, Opts, <<"vjud.@HOST@">>), Search = gen_mod:get_opt(search, Opts, false), Matches = gen_mod:get_opt(matches, Opts, 30), Eldap_ID = misc:atom_to_binary(gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME)), Cfg = eldap_utils:get_config(Host, Opts), UIDsTemp = gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_uids, Host}, Opts, [{<<"uid">>, <<"%u">>}]), UIDs = eldap_utils:uids_domain_subst(Host, UIDsTemp), SubFilter = eldap_utils:generate_subfilter(UIDs), UserFilter = case gen_mod:get_opt({ldap_filter, Host}, Opts, <<"">>) of <<"">> -> SubFilter; F -> <<"(&", SubFilter/binary, F/binary, ")">> end, {ok, SearchFilter} = eldap_filter:parse(eldap_filter:do_sub(UserFilter, [{<<"%u">>, <<"*">>}])), VCardMap = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_vcard_map, Opts, default_vcard_map()), SearchFields = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_search_fields, Opts, default_search_fields()), SearchReported = gen_mod:get_opt(ldap_search_reported, Opts, default_search_reported()), UIDAttrs = [UAttr || {UAttr, _} <- UIDs], VCardMapAttrs = lists:usort(lists:append([A || {_, _, A} <- VCardMap]) ++ UIDAttrs), SearchReportedAttrs = lists:usort(lists:flatmap(fun ({_, N}) -> case lists:keysearch(N, 1, VCardMap) of {value, {_, _, L}} -> L; _ -> [] end end, SearchReported) ++ UIDAttrs), #state{serverhost = Host, myhosts = MyHosts, eldap_id = Eldap_ID, search = Search, servers = Cfg#eldap_config.servers, backups = Cfg#eldap_config.backups, port = Cfg#eldap_config.port, tls_options = Cfg#eldap_config.tls_options, dn = Cfg#eldap_config.dn, password = Cfg#eldap_config.password, base = Cfg#eldap_config.base, deref_aliases = Cfg#eldap_config.deref_aliases, uids = UIDs, vcard_map = VCardMap, vcard_map_attrs = VCardMapAttrs, user_filter = UserFilter, search_filter = SearchFilter, search_fields = SearchFields, search_reported = SearchReported, search_reported_attrs = SearchReportedAttrs, matches = Matches}. mod_opt_type(ldap_filter) -> fun eldap_utils:check_filter/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_search_fields) -> fun (Ls) -> [{iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(P)} || {S, P} <- Ls] end; mod_opt_type(ldap_search_reported) -> fun (Ls) -> [{iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(P)} || {S, P} <- Ls] end; mod_opt_type(ldap_uids) -> fun (Us) -> lists:map(fun ({U, P}) -> {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(P)}; ({U}) -> {iolist_to_binary(U)}; (U) -> {iolist_to_binary(U)} end, lists:flatten(Us)) end; mod_opt_type(ldap_vcard_map) -> fun (Ls) -> lists:map(fun ({S, [{P, L}]}) -> {iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(P), [iolist_to_binary(E) || E <- L]} end, Ls) end; mod_opt_type(deref_aliases) -> fun (never) -> never; (searching) -> searching; (finding) -> finding; (always) -> always end; mod_opt_type(ldap_backups) -> fun (L) -> [iolist_to_binary(H) || H <- L] end; mod_opt_type(ldap_base) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_deref_aliases) -> fun (never) -> never; (searching) -> searching; (finding) -> finding; (always) -> always end; mod_opt_type(ldap_encrypt) -> fun (tls) -> tls; (starttls) -> starttls; (none) -> none end; mod_opt_type(ldap_password) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_port) -> fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end; mod_opt_type(ldap_rootdn) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_servers) -> fun (L) -> [iolist_to_binary(H) || H <- L] end; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_cacertfile) -> fun misc:try_read_file/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_certfile) -> fun ejabberd_pkix:try_certfile/1; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_depth) -> fun (I) when is_integer(I), I >= 0 -> I end; mod_opt_type(ldap_tls_verify) -> fun (hard) -> hard; (soft) -> soft; (false) -> false end; mod_opt_type(_) -> [ldap_filter, ldap_search_fields, ldap_search_reported, ldap_uids, ldap_vcard_map, deref_aliases, ldap_backups, ldap_base, ldap_deref_aliases, ldap_encrypt, ldap_password, ldap_port, ldap_rootdn, ldap_servers, ldap_tls_cacertfile, ldap_tls_certfile, ldap_tls_depth, ldap_tls_verify].