%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : cyrsasl_digest.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism %%% Created : 11 Mar 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2010 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(cyrsasl_digest). -author('alexey@sevcom.net'). -export([start/1, stop/0, mech_new/4, mech_step/2]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -behaviour(cyrsasl). -record(state, {step, nonce, username, authzid, get_password, check_password, auth_module, host}). start(_Opts) -> cyrsasl:register_mechanism("DIGEST-MD5", ?MODULE, true). stop() -> ok. mech_new(Host, GetPassword, _CheckPassword, CheckPasswordDigest) -> {ok, #state{step = 1, nonce = randoms:get_string(), host = Host, get_password = GetPassword, check_password = CheckPasswordDigest}}. mech_step(#state{step = 1, nonce = Nonce} = State, _) -> {continue, "nonce=\"" ++ Nonce ++ "\",qop=\"auth\",charset=utf-8,algorithm=md5-sess", State#state{step = 3}}; mech_step(#state{step = 3, nonce = Nonce} = State, ClientIn) -> case parse(ClientIn) of bad -> {error, "bad-protocol"}; KeyVals -> DigestURI = xml:get_attr_s("digest-uri", KeyVals), UserName = xml:get_attr_s("username", KeyVals), case is_digesturi_valid(DigestURI, State#state.host) of false -> ?DEBUG("User login not authorized because digest-uri " "seems invalid: ~p", [DigestURI]), {error, "not-authorized", UserName}; true -> AuthzId = xml:get_attr_s("authzid", KeyVals), case (State#state.get_password)(UserName) of {false, _} -> {error, "not-authorized", UserName}; {Passwd, AuthModule} -> case (State#state.check_password)(UserName, "", xml:get_attr_s("response", KeyVals), fun(PW) -> response(KeyVals, UserName, PW, Nonce, AuthzId, "AUTHENTICATE") end) of {true, _} -> RspAuth = response(KeyVals, UserName, Passwd, Nonce, AuthzId, ""), {continue, "rspauth=" ++ RspAuth, State#state{step = 5, auth_module = AuthModule, username = UserName, authzid = AuthzId}}; false -> {error, "not-authorized", UserName}; {false, _} -> {error, "not-authorized", UserName} end end end end; mech_step(#state{step = 5, auth_module = AuthModule, username = UserName, authzid = AuthzId}, "") -> {ok, [{username, UserName}, {authzid, AuthzId}, {auth_module, AuthModule}]}; mech_step(A, B) -> ?DEBUG("SASL DIGEST: A ~p B ~p", [A,B]), {error, "bad-protocol"}. parse(S) -> parse1(S, "", []). parse1([$= | Cs], S, Ts) -> parse2(Cs, lists:reverse(S), "", Ts); parse1([$, | Cs], [], Ts) -> parse1(Cs, [], Ts); parse1([$\s | Cs], [], Ts) -> parse1(Cs, [], Ts); parse1([C | Cs], S, Ts) -> parse1(Cs, [C | S], Ts); parse1([], [], T) -> lists:reverse(T); parse1([], _S, _T) -> bad. parse2([$\" | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse3(Cs, Key, Val, Ts); parse2([C | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse4(Cs, Key, [C | Val], Ts); parse2([], _, _, _) -> bad. parse3([$\" | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse4(Cs, Key, Val, Ts); parse3([$\\, C | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse3(Cs, Key, [C | Val], Ts); parse3([C | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse3(Cs, Key, [C | Val], Ts); parse3([], _, _, _) -> bad. parse4([$, | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse1(Cs, "", [{Key, lists:reverse(Val)} | Ts]); parse4([$\s | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse4(Cs, Key, Val, Ts); parse4([C | Cs], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse4(Cs, Key, [C | Val], Ts); parse4([], Key, Val, Ts) -> parse1([], "", [{Key, lists:reverse(Val)} | Ts]). %% @doc Check if the digest-uri is valid. %% RFC-2831 allows to provide the IP address in Host, %% however ejabberd doesn't allow that. %% If the service (for example jabber.example.org) %% is provided by several hosts (being one of them server3.example.org), %% then digest-uri can be like xmpp/server3.example.org/jabber.example.org %% In that case, ejabberd only checks the service name, not the host. is_digesturi_valid(DigestURICase, JabberHost) -> DigestURI = stringprep:tolower(DigestURICase), case catch string:tokens(DigestURI, "/") of ["xmpp", Host] when Host == JabberHost -> true; ["xmpp", _Host, ServName] when ServName == JabberHost -> true; _ -> false end. digit_to_xchar(D) when (D >= 0) and (D < 10) -> D + 48; digit_to_xchar(D) -> D + 87. hex(S) -> hex(S, []). hex([], Res) -> lists:reverse(Res); hex([N | Ns], Res) -> hex(Ns, [digit_to_xchar(N rem 16), digit_to_xchar(N div 16) | Res]). response(KeyVals, User, Passwd, Nonce, AuthzId, A2Prefix) -> Realm = xml:get_attr_s("realm", KeyVals), CNonce = xml:get_attr_s("cnonce", KeyVals), DigestURI = xml:get_attr_s("digest-uri", KeyVals), NC = xml:get_attr_s("nc", KeyVals), QOP = xml:get_attr_s("qop", KeyVals), %% handle non-fully latin-1 strings as specified %% on RFC 2831 Section (EJAB-476) SUser = sanitize(User), SPasswd = sanitize(Passwd), SRealm = sanitize(Realm), A1 = case AuthzId of "" -> binary_to_list( crypto:md5(SUser ++ ":" ++ SRealm ++ ":" ++ SPasswd)) ++ ":" ++ Nonce ++ ":" ++ CNonce; _ -> binary_to_list( crypto:md5(SUser ++ ":" ++ SRealm ++ ":" ++ SPasswd)) ++ ":" ++ Nonce ++ ":" ++ CNonce ++ ":" ++ AuthzId end, A2 = case QOP of "auth" -> A2Prefix ++ ":" ++ DigestURI; _ -> A2Prefix ++ ":" ++ DigestURI ++ ":00000000000000000000000000000000" end, T = hex(binary_to_list(crypto:md5(A1))) ++ ":" ++ Nonce ++ ":" ++ NC ++ ":" ++ CNonce ++ ":" ++ QOP ++ ":" ++ hex(binary_to_list(crypto:md5(A2))), hex(binary_to_list(crypto:md5(T))). sanitize(V) -> L = from_utf8(V), case lists:all(fun is_latin1/1, L) of true -> L; false -> V end. %%%% copied from xmerl_ucs:from_utf8/1 and xmerl_ucs:is_latin1/1 , to not %%%% require xmerl as a dependency only for this. from_utf8(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> from_utf8(binary_to_list(Bin)); from_utf8(List) -> case expand_utf8(List) of {Result,0} -> Result; {_Res,_NumBadChar} -> exit({ucs,{bad_utf8_character_code}}) end. %% expand_utf8([Byte]) -> {[UnicodeChar],NumberOfBadBytes} %% Expand UTF8 byte sequences to ISO 10646/Unicode %% charactes. Any illegal bytes are removed and the number of %% bad bytes are returned. %% %% Reference: %% RFC 3629: "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646". expand_utf8(Str) -> expand_utf8_1(Str, [], 0). expand_utf8_1([C|Cs], Acc, Bad) when C < 16#80 -> %% Plain Ascii character. expand_utf8_1(Cs, [C|Acc], Bad); expand_utf8_1([C1,C2|Cs], Acc, Bad) when C1 band 16#E0 =:= 16#C0, C2 band 16#C0 =:= 16#80 -> case ((C1 band 16#1F) bsl 6) bor (C2 band 16#3F) of C when 16#80 =< C -> expand_utf8_1(Cs, [C|Acc], Bad); _ -> %% Bad range. expand_utf8_1(Cs, Acc, Bad+1) end; expand_utf8_1([C1,C2,C3|Cs], Acc, Bad) when C1 band 16#F0 =:= 16#E0, C2 band 16#C0 =:= 16#80, C3 band 16#C0 =:= 16#80 -> case ((((C1 band 16#0F) bsl 6) bor (C2 band 16#3F)) bsl 6) bor (C3 band 16#3F) of C when 16#800 =< C -> expand_utf8_1(Cs, [C|Acc], Bad); _ -> %% Bad range. expand_utf8_1(Cs, Acc, Bad+1) end; expand_utf8_1([C1,C2,C3,C4|Cs], Acc, Bad) when C1 band 16#F8 =:= 16#F0, C2 band 16#C0 =:= 16#80, C3 band 16#C0 =:= 16#80, C4 band 16#C0 =:= 16#80 -> case ((((((C1 band 16#0F) bsl 6) bor (C2 band 16#3F)) bsl 6) bor (C3 band 16#3F)) bsl 6) bor (C4 band 16#3F) of C when 16#10000 =< C -> expand_utf8_1(Cs, [C|Acc], Bad); _ -> %% Bad range. expand_utf8_1(Cs, Acc, Bad+1) end; expand_utf8_1([_|Cs], Acc, Bad) -> %% Ignore bad character. expand_utf8_1(Cs, Acc, Bad+1); expand_utf8_1([], Acc, Bad) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),Bad}. %%% Test for legitimate Latin-1 code is_latin1(Ch) when is_integer(Ch), Ch >= 0, Ch =< 255 -> true; is_latin1(_) -> false.