%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_auth_sql.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Authentication via ODBC %%% Created : 12 Dec 2004 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_auth_sql). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(ejabberd_auth). -export([start/1, stop/1, set_password/3, try_register/3, get_users/2, count_users/2, get_password/2, remove_user/2, store_type/1, plain_password_required/1, export/1, which_users_exists/2]). -include_lib("xmpp/include/scram.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_sql_pt.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_auth.hrl"). -define(SALT_LENGTH, 16). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start(_Host) -> ok. stop(_Host) -> ok. plain_password_required(Server) -> store_type(Server) == scram. store_type(Server) -> ejabberd_auth:password_format(Server). set_password(User, Server, Password) -> F = fun() -> case Password of #scram{hash = Hash, storedkey = SK, serverkey = SEK, salt = Salt, iterationcount = IC} -> SK2 = scram_hash_encode(Hash, SK), set_password_scram_t( User, Server, SK2, SEK, Salt, IC); _ -> set_password_t(User, Server, Password) end end, case ejabberd_sql:sql_transaction(Server, F) of {atomic, _} -> {cache, {ok, Password}}; {aborted, _} -> {nocache, {error, db_failure}} end. try_register(User, Server, Password) -> Res = case Password of #scram{hash = Hash, storedkey = SK, serverkey = SEK, salt = Salt, iterationcount = IC} -> SK2 = scram_hash_encode(Hash, SK), add_user_scram( Server, User, SK2, SEK, Salt, IC); _ -> add_user(Server, User, Password) end, case Res of {updated, 1} -> {cache, {ok, Password}}; _ -> {nocache, {error, exists}} end. get_users(Server, Opts) -> case list_users(Server, Opts) of {selected, Res} -> [{U, Server} || {U} <- Res]; _ -> [] end. count_users(Server, Opts) -> case users_number(Server, Opts) of {selected, [{Res}]} -> Res; _Other -> 0 end. get_password(User, Server) -> case get_password_scram(Server, User) of {selected, [{Password, <<>>, <<>>, 0}]} -> {cache, {ok, Password}}; {selected, [{StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount}]} -> {Hash, SK} = case StoredKey of <<"sha256:", Rest/binary>> -> {sha256, Rest}; <<"sha512:", Rest/binary>> -> {sha512, Rest}; Other -> {sha, Other} end, {cache, {ok, #scram{storedkey = SK, serverkey = ServerKey, salt = Salt, hash = Hash, iterationcount = IterationCount}}}; {selected, []} -> {cache, error}; _ -> {nocache, error} end. remove_user(User, Server) -> case del_user(Server, User) of {updated, _} -> ok; _ -> {error, db_failure} end. -define(BATCH_SIZE, 1000). scram_hash_encode(Hash, StoreKey) -> case Hash of sha -> StoreKey; sha256 -> <<"sha256:", StoreKey/binary>>; sha512 -> <<"sha512:", StoreKey/binary>> end. set_password_scram_t(LUser, LServer, StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount) -> ?SQL_UPSERT_T( "users", ["!username=%(LUser)s", "!server_host=%(LServer)s", "password=%(StoredKey)s", "serverkey=%(ServerKey)s", "salt=%(Salt)s", "iterationcount=%(IterationCount)d"]). set_password_t(LUser, LServer, Password) -> ?SQL_UPSERT_T( "users", ["!username=%(LUser)s", "!server_host=%(LServer)s", "password=%(Password)s"]). get_password_scram(LServer, LUser) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("select @(password)s, @(serverkey)s, @(salt)s, @(iterationcount)d" " from users" " where username=%(LUser)s and %(LServer)H")). add_user_scram(LServer, LUser, StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL_INSERT( "users", ["username=%(LUser)s", "server_host=%(LServer)s", "password=%(StoredKey)s", "serverkey=%(ServerKey)s", "salt=%(Salt)s", "iterationcount=%(IterationCount)d"])). add_user(LServer, LUser, Password) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL_INSERT( "users", ["username=%(LUser)s", "server_host=%(LServer)s", "password=%(Password)s"])). del_user(LServer, LUser) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("delete from users where username=%(LUser)s and %(LServer)H")). list_users(LServer, []) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("select @(username)s from users where %(LServer)H")); list_users(LServer, [{from, Start}, {to, End}]) when is_integer(Start) and is_integer(End) -> list_users(LServer, [{limit, End - Start + 1}, {offset, Start - 1}]); list_users(LServer, [{prefix, Prefix}, {from, Start}, {to, End}]) when is_binary(Prefix) and is_integer(Start) and is_integer(End) -> list_users(LServer, [{prefix, Prefix}, {limit, End - Start + 1}, {offset, Start - 1}]); list_users(LServer, [{limit, Limit}, {offset, Offset}]) when is_integer(Limit) and is_integer(Offset) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("select @(username)s from users " "where %(LServer)H " "order by username " "limit %(Limit)d offset %(Offset)d")); list_users(LServer, [{prefix, Prefix}, {limit, Limit}, {offset, Offset}]) when is_binary(Prefix) and is_integer(Limit) and is_integer(Offset) -> SPrefix = ejabberd_sql:escape_like_arg(Prefix), SPrefix2 = <>, ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("select @(username)s from users " "where username like %(SPrefix2)s %ESCAPE and %(LServer)H " "order by username " "limit %(Limit)d offset %(Offset)d")). users_number(LServer) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, fun(pgsql, _) -> case ejabberd_option:pgsql_users_number_estimate(LServer) of true -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query_t( ?SQL("select @(reltuples :: bigint)d from pg_class" " where oid = 'users'::regclass::oid")); _ -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query_t( ?SQL("select @(count(*))d from users where %(LServer)H")) end; (_Type, _) -> ejabberd_sql:sql_query_t( ?SQL("select @(count(*))d from users where %(LServer)H")) end). users_number(LServer, [{prefix, Prefix}]) when is_binary(Prefix) -> SPrefix = ejabberd_sql:escape_like_arg(Prefix), SPrefix2 = <>, ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("select @(count(*))d from users " "where username like %(SPrefix2)s %ESCAPE and %(LServer)H")); users_number(LServer, []) -> users_number(LServer). which_users_exists(LServer, LUsers) when length(LUsers) =< 100 -> try ejabberd_sql:sql_query( LServer, ?SQL("select @(username)s from users where username in %(LUsers)ls")) of {selected, Matching} -> [U || {U} <- Matching]; {error, _} = E -> E catch _:B -> {error, B} end; which_users_exists(LServer, LUsers) -> {First, Rest} = lists:split(100, LUsers), case which_users_exists(LServer, First) of {error, _} = E -> E; V -> case which_users_exists(LServer, Rest) of {error, _} = E2 -> E2; V2 -> V ++ V2 end end. export(_Server) -> [{passwd, fun(Host, #passwd{us = {LUser, LServer}, password = Password}) when LServer == Host, is_binary(Password) -> [?SQL("delete from users where username=%(LUser)s and %(LServer)H;"), ?SQL_INSERT( "users", ["username=%(LUser)s", "server_host=%(LServer)s", "password=%(Password)s"])]; (Host, {passwd, {LUser, LServer}, {scram, StoredKey1, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount}}) when LServer == Host -> Hash = sha, StoredKey = scram_hash_encode(Hash, StoredKey1), [?SQL("delete from users where username=%(LUser)s and %(LServer)H;"), ?SQL_INSERT( "users", ["username=%(LUser)s", "server_host=%(LServer)s", "password=%(StoredKey)s", "serverkey=%(ServerKey)s", "salt=%(Salt)s", "iterationcount=%(IterationCount)d"])]; (Host, #passwd{us = {LUser, LServer}, password = #scram{} = Scram}) when LServer == Host -> StoredKey = scram_hash_encode(Scram#scram.hash, Scram#scram.storedkey), ServerKey = Scram#scram.serverkey, Salt = Scram#scram.salt, IterationCount = Scram#scram.iterationcount, [?SQL("delete from users where username=%(LUser)s and %(LServer)H;"), ?SQL_INSERT( "users", ["username=%(LUser)s", "server_host=%(LServer)s", "password=%(StoredKey)s", "serverkey=%(ServerKey)s", "salt=%(Salt)s", "iterationcount=%(IterationCount)d"])]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end}].