defmodule ExUnit.CTFormatter do @moduledoc false use GenEvent import ExUnit.Formatter, only: [format_time: 2, format_filters: 2, format_test_failure: 5, format_test_case_failure: 5] def init(opts) do file =! "exunit.log", [:append] # We do not print filter in log file as exclusion of test with tag # pending: true is always done config = %{ file: file, seed: opts[:seed], trace: opts[:trace], colors: Keyword.put_new(opts[:colors], :enabled, false), width: 80, tests_counter: 0, failures_counter: 0, skipped_counter: 0, invalids_counter: 0 } {:ok, config} end def handle_event({:suite_started, _opts}, config) do {:ok, config} end def handle_event({:suite_finished, run_us, load_us}, config) do print_suite(config, run_us, load_us) File.close config[:file] :remove_handler end def handle_event({:test_started, %ExUnit.Test{} = test}, config) do if config.tests_counter == 0, do: IO.binwrite config[:file], "== Running #{} ==\n\n" {:ok, config} end def handle_event({:test_finished, %ExUnit.Test{state: nil} = _test}, config) do IO.binwrite config[:file], "." {:ok, %{config | tests_counter: config.tests_counter + 1}} end def handle_event({:test_finished, %ExUnit.Test{state: {:skip, _}} = _test}, config) do {:ok, %{config | tests_counter: config.tests_counter + 1, skipped_counter: config.skipped_counter + 1}} end def handle_event({:test_finished, %ExUnit.Test{state: {:invalid, _}} = _test}, config) do IO.binwrite config[:file], "?" {:ok, %{config | tests_counter: config.tests_counter + 1, invalids_counter: config.invalids_counter + 1}} end def handle_event({:test_finished, %ExUnit.Test{state: {:failed, failures}} = test}, config) do formatted = format_test_failure(test, failures, config.failures_counter + 1, config.width, &formatter(&1, &2, config)) print_failure(formatted, config) print_logs(test.logs) {:ok, %{config | tests_counter: config.tests_counter + 1, failures_counter: config.failures_counter + 1}} end def handle_event({:case_started, %ExUnit.TestCase{}}, config) do {:ok, config} end def handle_event({:case_finished, %ExUnit.TestCase{state: nil}}, config) do {:ok, config} end def handle_event({:case_finished, %ExUnit.TestCase{state: {:failed, failures}} = test_case}, config) do formatted = format_test_case_failure(test_case, failures, config.failures_counter + 1, config.width, &formatter(&1, &2, config)) print_failure(formatted, config) {:ok, %{config | failures_counter: config.failures_counter + 1}} end ## Printing defp print_suite(config, run_us, load_us) do IO.binwrite config[:file], "\n\n" IO.binwrite config[:file], format_time(run_us, load_us) IO.binwrite config[:file], "\n\n" # singular/plural test_pl = pluralize(config.tests_counter, "test", "tests") failure_pl = pluralize(config.failures_counter, "failure", "failures") message = "#{config.tests_counter} #{test_pl}, #{config.failures_counter} #{failure_pl}" |> if_true(config.skipped_counter > 0, & &1 <> ", #{config.skipped_counter} skipped") |> if_true(config.invalids_counter > 0, & &1 <> ", #{config.invalids_counter} invalid") cond do config.failures_counter > 0 -> IO.binwrite config[:file], message config.invalids_counter > 0 -> IO.binwrite config[:file], message true -> IO.binwrite config[:file], message end IO.binwrite config[:file], "\nRandomized with seed #{config.seed}\n\n\n\n" end defp if_true(value, false, _fun), do: value defp if_true(value, true, fun), do: fun.(value) defp print_failure(formatted, config) do IO.binwrite config[:file], "\n" IO.binwrite config[:file], formatted IO.binwrite config[:file], "\n" end defp formatter(_, msg, _config), do: msg defp pluralize(1, singular, _plural), do: singular defp pluralize(_, _singular, plural), do: plural defp print_logs(""), do: nil defp print_logs(output) do indent = "\n " output = String.replace(output, "\n", indent) IO.puts([" The following output was logged:", indent | output]) end end