%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @copyright (C) 2016, Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @doc %%% %%% @end %%% Created : 22 Oct 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(roster_tests). %% API -compile(export_all). -import(suite, [send_recv/2, recv_iq/1, send/2, disconnect/1, del_roster/1, del_roster/2, make_iq_result/1, wait_for_slave/1, wait_for_master/1, recv_presence/1, self_presence/2, put_event/2, get_event/1, match_failure/2, get_roster/1, is_feature_advertised/2]). -include("suite.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl"). -record(state, {subscription = none :: none | from | to | both, peer_available = false, pending_in = false :: boolean(), pending_out = false :: boolean()}). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== init(_TestCase, Config) -> Config. stop(_TestCase, Config) -> Config. %%%=================================================================== %%% Single user tests %%%=================================================================== single_cases() -> {roster_single, [sequence], [single_test(feature_enabled), single_test(iq_set_many_items), single_test(iq_set_duplicated_groups), single_test(iq_get_item), single_test(iq_unexpected_element), single_test(iq_set_ask), single_test(set_item), single_test(version)]}. feature_enabled(Config) -> ct:comment("Checking if roster versioning stream feature is set"), true = ?config(rosterver, Config), disconnect(Config). set_item(Config) -> JID = jid:from_string(<<"nurse@example.com">>), Item = #roster_item{jid = JID}, {V1, Item} = set_items(Config, [Item]), {V1, [Item]} = get_items(Config), ItemWithGroups = Item#roster_item{groups = [<<"G1">>, <<"G2">>]}, {V2, ItemWithGroups} = set_items(Config, [ItemWithGroups]), {V2, [ItemWithGroups]} = get_items(Config), {V3, Item} = set_items(Config, [Item]), {V3, [Item]} = get_items(Config), ItemWithName = Item#roster_item{name = <<"some name">>}, {V4, ItemWithName} = set_items(Config, [ItemWithName]), {V4, [ItemWithName]} = get_items(Config), ItemRemoved = Item#roster_item{subscription = remove}, {V5, ItemRemoved} = set_items(Config, [ItemRemoved]), {V5, []} = get_items(Config), del_roster(disconnect(Config), JID). iq_set_many_items(Config) -> J1 = jid:from_string(<<"nurse1@example.com">>), J2 = jid:from_string(<<"nurse2@example.com">>), ct:comment("Trying to send roster-set with many elements"), Items = [#roster_item{jid = J1}, #roster_item{jid = J2}], #stanza_error{reason = 'bad-request'} = set_items(Config, Items), disconnect(Config). iq_set_duplicated_groups(Config) -> JID = jid:from_string(<<"nurse@example.com">>), G = randoms:get_string(), ct:comment("Trying to send roster-set with duplicated groups"), Item = #roster_item{jid = JID, groups = [G, G]}, #stanza_error{reason = 'bad-request'} = set_items(Config, [Item]), disconnect(Config). iq_set_ask(Config) -> JID = jid:from_string(<<"nurse@example.com">>), ct:comment("Trying to send roster-set with 'ask' included"), Item = #roster_item{jid = JID, ask = subscribe}, #stanza_error{reason = 'bad-request'} = set_items(Config, [Item]), disconnect(Config). iq_get_item(Config) -> JID = jid:from_string(<<"nurse@example.com">>), ct:comment("Trying to send roster-get with element"), #iq{type = error} = Err3 = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#roster_query{ items = [#roster_item{jid = JID}]}]}), #stanza_error{reason = 'bad-request'} = xmpp:get_error(Err3), disconnect(Config). iq_unexpected_element(Config) -> JID = jid:from_string(<<"nurse@example.com">>), ct:comment("Trying to send IQs with unexpected element"), lists:foreach( fun(Type) -> #iq{type = error} = Err4 = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = Type, sub_els = [#roster_item{jid = JID}]}), #stanza_error{reason = 'service-unavailable'} = xmpp:get_error(Err4) end, [get, set]), disconnect(Config). version(Config) -> JID = jid:from_string(<<"nurse@example.com">>), ct:comment("Requesting roster"), {InitialVersion, _} = get_items(Config, <<"">>), ct:comment("Requesting roster with initial version"), {empty, []} = get_items(Config, InitialVersion), ct:comment("Adding JID to the roster"), {NewVersion, _} = set_items(Config, [#roster_item{jid = JID}]), ct:comment("Requesting roster with initial version"), {NewVersion, _} = get_items(Config, InitialVersion), ct:comment("Requesting roster with new version"), {empty, []} = get_items(Config, NewVersion), del_roster(disconnect(Config), JID). %%%=================================================================== %%% Master-slave tests %%%=================================================================== master_slave_cases() -> {roster_master_slave, [parallel], [master_slave_test(subscribe)]}. subscribe_master(Config) -> Actions = actions(), process_subscriptions_master(Config, Actions), del_roster(disconnect(Config)). subscribe_slave(Config) -> process_subscriptions_slave(Config), del_roster(disconnect(Config)). process_subscriptions_master(Config, Actions) -> EnumeratedActions = lists:zip(lists:seq(1, length(Actions)), Actions), self_presence(Config, available), lists:foldl( fun({N, {Dir, Type}}, State) -> if Dir == out -> put_event(Config, {N, in, Type}); Dir == in -> put_event(Config, {N, out, Type}) end, wait_for_slave(Config), ct:pal("Performing ~s-~s (#~p) " "in state:~n~s~nwith roster:~n~s", [Dir, Type, N, pp(State), pp(get_roster(Config))]), transition(Config, Dir, Type, State) end, #state{}, EnumeratedActions), put_event(Config, done), wait_for_slave(Config), Config. process_subscriptions_slave(Config) -> self_presence(Config, available), process_subscriptions_slave(Config, get_event(Config), #state{}). process_subscriptions_slave(Config, done, _State) -> wait_for_master(Config), Config; process_subscriptions_slave(Config, {N, Dir, Type}, State) -> wait_for_master(Config), ct:pal("Performing ~s-~s (#~p) " "in state:~n~s~nwith roster:~n~s", [Dir, Type, N, pp(State), pp(get_roster(Config))]), NewState = transition(Config, Dir, Type, State), process_subscriptions_slave(Config, get_event(Config), NewState). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== single_test(T) -> list_to_atom("roster_" ++ atom_to_list(T)). master_slave_test(T) -> {list_to_atom("roster_" ++ atom_to_list(T)), [parallel], [list_to_atom("roster_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_master"), list_to_atom("roster_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_slave")]}. get_items(Config) -> get_items(Config, <<"">>). get_items(Config, Version) -> case send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = Version}]}) of #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = NewVersion, items = Items}]} -> {NewVersion, Items}; #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} -> {empty, []}; #iq{type = error} = Err -> xmpp:get_error(Err) end. get_item(Config, JID) -> case get_items(Config) of {_Ver, Items} when is_list(Items) -> lists:keyfind(JID, #roster_item.jid, Items); _ -> false end. set_items(Config, Items) -> case send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#roster_query{items = Items}]}) of #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} -> recv_push(Config); #iq{type = error} = Err -> xmpp:get_error(Err) end. recv_push(Config) -> ct:comment("Receiving roster push"), Push = #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#roster_query{ver = Ver, items = [PushItem]}]} = recv_iq(Config), send(Config, make_iq_result(Push)), {Ver, PushItem}. recv_push(Config, Subscription, Ask) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), Match = #roster_item{jid = PeerBareJID, subscription = Subscription, ask = Ask, groups = [], name = <<"">>}, ct:comment("Receiving roster push"), Push = #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#roster_query{items = [Item]}]} = recv_iq(Config), case Item of Match -> send(Config, make_iq_result(Push)); _ -> match_failure(Item, Match) end. recv_presence(Config, Type) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), case recv_presence(Config) of #presence{from = PeerJID, type = Type} -> ok; Pres -> match_failure(Pres, #presence{from = PeerJID, type = Type}) end. recv_subscription(Config, Type) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), case recv_presence(Config) of #presence{from = PeerBareJID, type = Type} -> ok; Pres -> match_failure(Pres, #presence{from = PeerBareJID, type = Type}) end. pp(Term) -> io_lib_pretty:print(Term, fun pp/2). pp(state, N) -> Fs = record_info(fields, state), try N = length(Fs), Fs catch _:_ -> no end; pp(roster, N) -> Fs = record_info(fields, roster), try N = length(Fs), Fs catch _:_ -> no end; pp(_, _) -> no. %% RFC6121, A.2.1 transition(Config, out, subscribe, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), send(Config, #presence{to = PeerBareJID, type = subscribe}), case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, false, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, subscribe), State#state{pending_out = true}; {none, true, false} -> %% BUG: we should not receive roster push here recv_push(Config, none, subscribe), State; {from, false, false} -> recv_push(Config, from, subscribe), State#state{pending_out = true}; _ -> State end; %% RFC6121, A.2.2 transition(Config, out, unsubscribe, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), send(Config, #presence{to = PeerBareJID, type = unsubscribe}), case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, true, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, undefined), State#state{pending_out = false}; {to, false, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, undefined), recv_presence(Config, unavailable), State#state{subscription = none, peer_available = false}; {from, true, false} -> recv_push(Config, from, undefined), State#state{pending_out = false}; {both, false, false} -> recv_push(Config, from, undefined), recv_presence(Config, unavailable), State#state{subscription = from, peer_available = false}; _ -> State end; %% RFC6121, A.2.3 transition(Config, out, subscribed, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), send(Config, #presence{to = PeerBareJID, type = subscribed}), case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, false, true} -> recv_push(Config, from, undefined), State#state{subscription = from, pending_in = false}; {none, true, true} -> recv_push(Config, from, subscribe), State#state{subscription = from, pending_in = false}; {to, false, true} -> recv_push(Config, both, undefined), State#state{subscription = both, pending_in = false}; {to, false, _} -> %% BUG: we should not transition to 'both' state recv_push(Config, both, undefined), State#state{subscription = both}; _ -> State end; %% RFC6121, A.2.4 transition(Config, out, unsubscribed, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), send(Config, #presence{to = PeerBareJID, type = unsubscribed}), case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, false, true} -> State#state{subscription = none, pending_in = false}; {none, true, true} -> recv_push(Config, none, subscribe), State#state{subscription = none, pending_in = false}; {to, _, true} -> State#state{pending_in = false}; {from, false, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, undefined), State#state{subscription = none}; {from, true, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, subscribe), State#state{subscription = none}; {both, _, _} -> recv_push(Config, to, undefined), State#state{subscription = to}; _ -> State end; %% RFC6121, A.3.1 transition(Config, in, subscribe = Type, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, false, false} -> recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{pending_in = true}; {none, true, false} -> recv_push(Config, none, subscribe), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{pending_in = true}; {to, false, false} -> %% BUG: we should not receive roster push in this state! recv_push(Config, to, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{pending_in = true}; _ -> State end; %% RFC6121, A.3.2 transition(Config, in, unsubscribe = Type, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, _, true} -> State#state{pending_in = false}; {to, _, true} -> recv_push(Config, to, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{pending_in = false}; {from, false, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{subscription = none}; {from, true, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, subscribe), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{subscription = none}; {both, _, _} -> recv_push(Config, to, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{subscription = to}; _ -> State end; %% RFC6121, A.3.3 transition(Config, in, subscribed = Type, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, true, _} -> recv_push(Config, to, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), recv_presence(Config, available), State#state{subscription = to, pending_out = false, peer_available = true}; {from, true, _} -> recv_push(Config, both, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), recv_presence(Config, available), State#state{subscription = both, pending_out = false, peer_available = true}; {from, false, _} -> %% BUG: we should not transition to 'both' in this state recv_push(Config, both, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), recv_presence(Config, available), State#state{subscription = both, pending_out = false, peer_available = true}; _ -> State end; %% RFC6121, A.3.4 transition(Config, in, unsubscribed = Type, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, true, true} -> %% BUG: we should receive roster push in this state! recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{subscription = none, pending_out = false}; {none, true, false} -> recv_push(Config, none, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{subscription = none, pending_out = false}; {none, false, false} -> State; {to, false, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), recv_presence(Config, unavailable), State#state{subscription = none, peer_available = false}; {from, true, false} -> recv_push(Config, from, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), State#state{subscription = from, pending_out = false}; {both, _, _} -> recv_push(Config, from, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, Type), recv_presence(Config, unavailable), State#state{subscription = from, peer_available = false}; _ -> State end; %% Outgoing roster remove transition(Config, out, remove, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out}) -> PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), Item = #roster_item{jid = PeerBareJID, subscription = remove}, #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#roster_query{items = [Item]}]}), recv_push(Config, remove, undefined), case {Sub, Out, In} of {to, _, _} -> recv_presence(Config, unavailable); {both, _, _} -> recv_presence(Config, unavailable); _ -> ok end, #state{}; %% Incoming roster remove transition(Config, in, remove, #state{subscription = Sub, pending_in = In, pending_out = Out} = State) -> case {Sub, Out, In} of {none, true, _} -> ok; {from, false, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, unsubscribe); {from, true, _} -> recv_push(Config, none, subscribe), recv_subscription(Config, unsubscribe); {to, false, _} -> %% BUG: we should receive push here %% recv_push(Config, none, undefined), recv_presence(Config, unavailable), recv_subscription(Config, unsubscribed); {both, _, _} -> recv_presence(Config, unavailable), recv_push(Config, to, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, unsubscribe), recv_push(Config, none, undefined), recv_subscription(Config, unsubscribed); _ -> ok end, State#state{subscription = none}. actions() -> States = [{Dir, Type} || Dir <- [out, in], Type <- [subscribe, subscribed, unsubscribe, unsubscribed, remove]], Actions = lists:flatten([[X, Y] || X <- States, Y <- States]), remove_dups(Actions, []). remove_dups([X|T], [X,X|_] = Acc) -> remove_dups(T, Acc); remove_dups([X|T], Acc) -> remove_dups(T, [X|Acc]); remove_dups([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).