%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : jlib.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : General XMPP library. %%% Created : 23 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2010 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Some replacements to make in ejabberd source code to work with exmpp: %% ``` %% - JID#jid.user %% + exmpp_jid:prep_node(JID), %% ''' %% ``` %% - JID#jid.server %% + exmpp_jid:prep_domain(JID) %% ''' %% ``` %% - ?SERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE %% + exmpp_stream:error('invalid-namespace') %% ''' %% ``` %% - ?POLICY_VIOLATION_ERR(Lang, "Use of STARTTLS required") %% + exmpp_stream:error('policy-violation', {Lang, "Use of STARTTLS required"}) %% ''' %% ``` %% - IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = Result} %% + exmpp_iq:result(IQ, Result) %% ''' -module(jlib). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -export([parse_xdata_submit/1, timestamp_to_iso/1, % TODO: Remove once XEP-0091 is Obsolete timestamp_to_iso/2, timestamp_to_xml/4, timestamp_to_xml/1, % TODO: Remove once XEP-0091 is Obsolete now_to_utc_string/1, now_to_local_string/1, datetime_string_to_timestamp/1, decode_base64/1, encode_base64/1, ip_to_list/1, rsm_encode/1, rsm_encode/2, rsm_decode/1, from_old_jid/1, short_jid/1, short_bare_jid/1, short_prepd_jid/1, short_prepd_bare_jid/1, make_result_iq_reply/1, % TODO: still uses xmlelement make_error_reply/3, % TODO: still uses xmlelement make_error_reply/2, % TODO: still uses xmlelement make_error_element/2, % TODO: still uses xmlelement make_correct_from_to_attrs/3, % TODO: still uses xmlelement replace_from_to_attrs/3, % TODO: still uses xmlelement replace_from_to/3, % TODO: still uses xmlelement replace_from_attrs/2, % TODO: still uses xmlelement replace_from/2, % TODO: still uses xmlelement remove_attr/2, % TODO: still uses xmlelement make_jid/3, make_jid/1, string_to_jid/1, jid_to_string/1, is_nodename/1, tolower/1, nodeprep/1, nameprep/1, resourceprep/1, jid_tolower/1, jid_remove_resource/1, jid_replace_resource/2, get_iq_namespace/1, % TODO: still uses xmlelement iq_query_info/1, iq_query_or_response_info/1, is_iq_request_type/1, iq_to_xml/1 ]). -include_lib("exmpp/include/exmpp.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). %% @type shortjid() = {U, S, R} %% U = binary() %% S = binary() %% R = binary(). parse_xdata_submit(#xmlel{attrs = Attrs, children = Els}) -> case exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_list(Attrs, <<"type">>, "") of "submit" -> lists:reverse(parse_xdata_fields(Els, [])); "form" -> %% This is a workaround to accept Psi's wrong forms lists:reverse(parse_xdata_fields(Els, [])); _ -> invalid end. parse_xdata_fields([], Res) -> Res; parse_xdata_fields([#xmlel{name = 'field', attrs = Attrs, children = SubEls} | Els], Res) -> case exmpp_xml:get_attribute_from_list_as_list(Attrs, <<"var">>, "") of "" -> parse_xdata_fields(Els, Res); Var -> Field = {Var, lists:reverse(parse_xdata_values(SubEls, []))}, parse_xdata_fields(Els, [Field | Res]) end; parse_xdata_fields([_ | Els], Res) -> parse_xdata_fields(Els, Res). parse_xdata_values([], Res) -> Res; parse_xdata_values([#xmlel{name = 'value', children = SubEls} | Els], Res) -> Val = exmpp_xml:get_cdata_from_list_as_list(SubEls), parse_xdata_values(Els, [Val | Res]); parse_xdata_values([_ | Els], Res) -> parse_xdata_values(Els, Res). rsm_decode(#iq{payload=SubEl})-> rsm_decode(SubEl); rsm_decode(#xmlel{}=SubEl)-> case exmpp_xml:get_element(SubEl, 'set') of undefined -> none; #xmlel{name = 'set', children = SubEls}-> lists:foldl(fun rsm_parse_element/2, #rsm_in{}, SubEls) end. rsm_parse_element(#xmlel{name = 'max'}=Elem, RsmIn)-> CountStr = exmpp_xml:get_cdata_as_list(Elem), {Count, _} = string:to_integer(CountStr), RsmIn#rsm_in{max=Count}; rsm_parse_element(#xmlel{name = 'before'}=Elem, RsmIn)-> UID = exmpp_xml:get_cdata_as_list(Elem), RsmIn#rsm_in{direction=before, id=UID}; rsm_parse_element(#xmlel{name = 'after'}=Elem, RsmIn)-> UID = exmpp_xml:get_cdata_as_list(Elem), RsmIn#rsm_in{direction=aft, id=UID}; rsm_parse_element(#xmlel{name = 'index'}=Elem, RsmIn)-> IndexStr = exmpp_xml:get_cdata_as_list(Elem), {Index, _} = string:to_integer(IndexStr), RsmIn#rsm_in{index=Index}; rsm_parse_element(_, RsmIn)-> RsmIn. rsm_encode(#iq{payload=SubEl}=IQ_Rec,RsmOut)-> Set = #xmlel{ns = ?NS_RSM, name = 'set', children = lists:reverse(rsm_encode_out(RsmOut))}, New = exmpp_xml:prepend_child(SubEl, Set), IQ_Rec#iq{payload=New}. rsm_encode(none)-> []; rsm_encode(RsmOut)-> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_RSM, name = 'set', children = lists:reverse(rsm_encode_out(RsmOut))}]. rsm_encode_out(#rsm_out{count=Count, index=Index, first=First, last=Last})-> El = rsm_encode_first(First, Index, []), El2 = rsm_encode_last(Last,El), rsm_encode_count(Count, El2). rsm_encode_first(undefined, undefined, Arr) -> Arr; rsm_encode_first(First, undefined, Arr) -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_RSM, name = 'first', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(First)}]}|Arr]; rsm_encode_first(First, Index, Arr) -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_RSM, name = 'first', attrs = [?XMLATTR(<<"index">>, Index)], children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(First)}]}|Arr]. rsm_encode_last(undefined, Arr) -> Arr; rsm_encode_last(Last, Arr) -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_RSM, name = 'last', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Last)}]}|Arr]. rsm_encode_count(undefined, Arr)-> Arr; rsm_encode_count(Count, Arr)-> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_RSM, name = 'count', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = i2b(Count)}]} | Arr]. i2b(I) when is_integer(I) -> list_to_binary(integer_to_list(I)); i2b(L) when is_list(L) -> list_to_binary(L). %% Timezone = utc | {Sign::string(), {Hours, Minutes}} | {Hours, Minutes} %% Hours = integer() %% Minutes = integer() timestamp_to_iso({{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}, Timezone) -> timestamp_to_iso({{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}, {milliseconds, 0}}, Timezone); timestamp_to_iso({{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}, {_SubsecondUnit, SubsecondValue}}, Timezone) -> Timestamp_string = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~4..0w-~2..0w-~2..0wT~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~3..0w", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, SubsecondValue])), Timezone_string = case Timezone of utc -> "Z"; {Sign, {TZh, TZm}} -> io_lib:format("~s~2..0w:~2..0w", [Sign, TZh, TZm]); {TZh, TZm} -> Sign = case TZh >= 0 of true -> "+"; false -> "-" end, io_lib:format("~s~2..0w:~2..0w", [Sign, abs(TZh),TZm]) end, {Timestamp_string, Timezone_string}. timestamp_to_iso({{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}) -> lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~4..0w~2..0w~2..0wT~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second])). timestamp_to_xml(DateTime, Timezone, FromJID, Desc) -> {T_string, Tz_string} = timestamp_to_iso(DateTime, Timezone), From = exmpp_jid:to_list(FromJID), P1 = exmpp_xml:set_attributes(#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DELAY, name = 'delay'}, [{<<"from">>, From}, {<<"stamp">>, T_string ++ Tz_string}]), exmpp_xml:set_cdata(P1, Desc). %% TODO: Remove this function once XEP-0091 is Obsolete timestamp_to_xml({{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}) -> Timestamp = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~4..0w~2..0w~2..0wT~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second])), exmpp_xml:set_attribute(#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DELAY_OLD, name = 'x'}, <<"stamp">>, Timestamp). now_to_utc_string({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}) -> {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} = calendar:now_to_universal_time({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}), lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~4..0w-~2..0w-~2..0wT~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~6..0wZ", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, MicroSecs])). now_to_local_string({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}) -> LocalTime = calendar:now_to_local_time({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}), UTCTime = calendar:now_to_universal_time({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}), Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LocalTime) - calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UTCTime), {{H, M, _}, Sign} = if Seconds < 0 -> {calendar:seconds_to_time(-Seconds), "-"}; true -> {calendar:seconds_to_time(Seconds), "+"} end, {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} = LocalTime, lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~4..0w-~2..0w-~2..0wT~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w.~6..0w~s~2..0w:~2..0w", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, MicroSecs, Sign, H, M])). % {yyyy-mm-dd|yyyymmdd}Thh:mm:ss[.sss]{|Z|{+|-}hh:mm} -> {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} | undefined datetime_string_to_timestamp(TimeStr) -> case catch parse_datetime(TimeStr) of {'EXIT', _Err} -> undefined; TimeStamp -> TimeStamp end. parse_datetime(TimeStr) -> [Date, Time] = string:tokens(TimeStr, "T"), D = parse_date(Date), {T, MS, TZH, TZM} = parse_time(Time), S = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({D, T}), S1 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}), Seconds = (S - S1) - TZH * 60 * 60 - TZM * 60, {Seconds div 1000000, Seconds rem 1000000, MS}. % yyyy-mm-dd | yyyymmdd parse_date(Date) -> {Y, M, D} = case string:tokens(Date, "-") of [Y1, M1, D1] -> {Y1, M1, D1}; [[Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, M1, M2, D1, D2]] -> {[Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4], [M1, M2], [D1, D2]} end, Date1 = {list_to_integer(Y), list_to_integer(M), list_to_integer(D)}, case calendar:valid_date(Date1) of true -> Date1; _ -> false end. % hh:mm:ss[.sss]TZD parse_time(Time) -> case string:str(Time, "Z") of 0 -> parse_time_with_timezone(Time); _ -> [T | _] = string:tokens(Time, "Z"), {TT, MS} = parse_time1(T), {TT, MS, 0, 0} end. parse_time_with_timezone(Time) -> case string:str(Time, "+") of 0 -> case string:str(Time, "-") of 0 -> {TT, MS} = parse_time1(Time), {TT, MS, 0, 0}; _ -> parse_time_with_timezone(Time, "-") end; _ -> parse_time_with_timezone(Time, "+") end. parse_time_with_timezone(Time, Delim) -> [T, TZ] = string:tokens(Time, Delim), {TZH, TZM} = parse_timezone(TZ), {TT, MS} = parse_time1(T), case Delim of "-" -> {TT, MS, -TZH, -TZM}; "+" -> {TT, MS, TZH, TZM} end. parse_timezone(TZ) -> [H, M] = string:tokens(TZ, ":"), {[H1, M1], true} = check_list([{H, 12}, {M, 60}]), {H1, M1}. parse_time1(Time) -> [HMS | T] = string:tokens(Time, "."), MS = case T of [] -> 0; [Val] -> list_to_integer(string:left(Val, 6, $0)) end, [H, M, S] = string:tokens(HMS, ":"), {[H1, M1, S1], true} = check_list([{H, 24}, {M, 60}, {S, 60}]), {{H1, M1, S1}, MS}. check_list(List) -> lists:mapfoldl( fun({L, N}, B)-> V = list_to_integer(L), if (V >= 0) and (V =< N) -> {V, B}; true -> {false, false} end end, true, List). % % Base64 stuff (based on httpd_util.erl) % decode_base64(S) -> decode1_base64([C || C <- S, C /= $ , C /= $\t, C /= $\n, C /= $\r]). decode1_base64([]) -> []; decode1_base64([Sextet1,Sextet2,$=,$=|Rest]) -> Bits2x6= (d(Sextet1) bsl 18) bor (d(Sextet2) bsl 12), Octet1=Bits2x6 bsr 16, [Octet1|decode1_base64(Rest)]; decode1_base64([Sextet1,Sextet2,Sextet3,$=|Rest]) -> Bits3x6= (d(Sextet1) bsl 18) bor (d(Sextet2) bsl 12) bor (d(Sextet3) bsl 6), Octet1=Bits3x6 bsr 16, Octet2=(Bits3x6 bsr 8) band 16#ff, [Octet1,Octet2|decode1_base64(Rest)]; decode1_base64([Sextet1,Sextet2,Sextet3,Sextet4|Rest]) -> Bits4x6= (d(Sextet1) bsl 18) bor (d(Sextet2) bsl 12) bor (d(Sextet3) bsl 6) bor d(Sextet4), Octet1=Bits4x6 bsr 16, Octet2=(Bits4x6 bsr 8) band 16#ff, Octet3=Bits4x6 band 16#ff, [Octet1,Octet2,Octet3|decode1_base64(Rest)]; decode1_base64(_CatchAll) -> "". d(X) when X >= $A, X =<$Z -> X-65; d(X) when X >= $a, X =<$z -> X-71; d(X) when X >= $0, X =<$9 -> X+4; d($+) -> 62; d($/) -> 63; d(_) -> 63. encode_base64([]) -> []; encode_base64([A]) -> [e(A bsr 2), e((A band 3) bsl 4), $=, $=]; encode_base64([A,B]) -> [e(A bsr 2), e(((A band 3) bsl 4) bor (B bsr 4)), e((B band 15) bsl 2), $=]; encode_base64([A,B,C|Ls]) -> encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Ls). encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Rest) -> BB = (A bsl 16) bor (B bsl 8) bor C, [e(BB bsr 18), e((BB bsr 12) band 63), e((BB bsr 6) band 63), e(BB band 63)|encode_base64(Rest)]. e(X) when X >= 0, X < 26 -> X+65; e(X) when X>25, X<52 -> X+71; e(X) when X>51, X<62 -> X-4; e(62) -> $+; e(63) -> $/; e(X) -> exit({bad_encode_base64_token, X}). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link inet_parse:ntoa/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:ip_to_list %% + inet_parse:ntoa(IpTuple) %% ''' %% Convert Erlang inet IP to list ip_to_list({IP, _Port}) -> ip_to_list(IP); ip_to_list(IpTuple) when is_tuple(IpTuple) -> inet_parse:ntoa(IpTuple); ip_to_list(IP) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [IP])). % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Compat layer. % -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @spec (JID) -> New_JID %% JID = jid() %% New_JID = jid() %% @doc Convert a JID from its ejabberd form to its exmpp form. %% %% Empty fields are set to `undefined', not the empty string. %%TODO: this doesn't make sence!, it is still used?. from_old_jid({jid, NodeRaw, DomainRaw, ResourceRaw, _, _, _}) -> Node = exmpp_stringprep:nodeprep(NodeRaw), Domain = exmpp_stringprep:resourceprep(DomainRaw), Resource = exmpp_stringprep:nameprep(ResourceRaw), exmpp_jid:make(Node,Domain,Resource). short_jid(JID) -> {exmpp_jid:node(JID), exmpp_jid:domain(JID), exmpp_jid:resource(JID)}. short_bare_jid(JID) -> short_jid(exmpp_jid:bare(JID)). short_prepd_jid(JID) -> {exmpp_jid:prep_node(JID), exmpp_jid:prep_domain(JID), exmpp_jid:prep_resource(JID)}. short_prepd_bare_jid(JID) -> short_prepd_jid(exmpp_jid:bare(JID)). make_result_iq_reply({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubTags}) -> NewAttrs = make_result_iq_reply_attrs(Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, SubTags}. make_result_iq_reply_attrs(Attrs) -> To = xml:get_attr("to", Attrs), From = xml:get_attr("from", Attrs), Attrs1 = lists:keydelete("to", 1, Attrs), Attrs2 = lists:keydelete("from", 1, Attrs1), Attrs3 = case To of {value, ToVal} -> [{"from", ToVal} | Attrs2]; _ -> Attrs2 end, Attrs4 = case From of {value, FromVal} -> [{"to", FromVal} | Attrs3]; _ -> Attrs3 end, Attrs5 = lists:keydelete("type", 1, Attrs4), Attrs6 = [{"type", "result"} | Attrs5], Attrs6. make_error_reply({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubTags}, Code, Desc) -> NewAttrs = make_error_reply_attrs(Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, SubTags ++ [{xmlelement, "error", [{"code", Code}], [{xmlcdata, Desc}]}]}. %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_iq:error/2}, %% {@link exmpp_iq:error_without_original/2}. %% ``` %% - jlib:make_error_reply(Packet, ?ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) %% + exmpp_iq:error(Packet, 'feature-not-implemented') %% ''' %% ``` %% - jlib:make_error_reply(El, ?ERR_JID_MALFORMED) %% + exmpp_iq:error_without_original(El, 'jid-malformed') %% ''' %% ``` %% - jlib:make_error_reply(El, ?ERR_AUTH_NO_RESOURCE_PROVIDED("en")) %% + exmpp_iq:error(El, exmpp_stanza:error(Namespace, 'not-acceptable', {"en", "No resource provided"})) %% ''' make_error_reply({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubTags}, Error) -> NewAttrs = make_error_reply_attrs(Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, SubTags ++ [Error]}. make_error_reply_attrs(Attrs) -> To = xml:get_attr("to", Attrs), From = xml:get_attr("from", Attrs), Attrs1 = lists:keydelete("to", 1, Attrs), Attrs2 = lists:keydelete("from", 1, Attrs1), Attrs3 = case To of {value, ToVal} -> [{"from", ToVal} | Attrs2]; _ -> Attrs2 end, Attrs4 = case From of {value, FromVal} -> [{"to", FromVal} | Attrs3]; _ -> Attrs3 end, Attrs5 = lists:keydelete("type", 1, Attrs4), Attrs6 = [{"type", "error"} | Attrs5], Attrs6. make_error_element(Code, Desc) -> {xmlelement, "error", [{"code", Code}], [{xmlcdata, Desc}]}. make_correct_from_to_attrs(From, To, Attrs) -> Attrs1 = lists:keydelete("from", 1, Attrs), Attrs2 = case xml:get_attr("to", Attrs) of {value, _} -> Attrs1; _ -> [{"to", To} | Attrs1] end, Attrs3 = [{"from", From} | Attrs2], Attrs3. %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stanza:set_recipient_in_attrs/2}. %% ``` %% - jlib:replace_from_to_attrs(String1, String2, Attrs) %% + exmpp_stanza:set_recipient_in_attrs(exmpp_stanza:set_sender_in_attrs(Attrs, String1), String2) %% ''' replace_from_to_attrs(From, To, Attrs) -> Attrs1 = lists:keydelete("to", 1, Attrs), Attrs2 = lists:keydelete("from", 1, Attrs1), Attrs3 = [{"to", To} | Attrs2], Attrs4 = [{"from", From} | Attrs3], Attrs4. %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stanza:set_recipient/2}. %% ``` %% - jlib:replace_from_to(JID1, JID2, Stanza) %% + exmpp_stanza:set_recipient(exmpp_stanza:set_sender(Stanza, JID1), JID2) %% ''' replace_from_to(From, To, {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els}) -> NewAttrs = replace_from_to_attrs(jlib:jid_to_string(From), jlib:jid_to_string(To), Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, Els}. replace_from_attrs(From, Attrs) -> Attrs1 = lists:keydelete("from", 1, Attrs), [{"from", From} | Attrs1]. replace_from(From, {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els}) -> NewAttrs = replace_from_attrs(jlib:jid_to_string(From), Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, Els}. %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stanza:remove_recipient/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:remove_attr("to", Stanza) %% + exmpp_stanza:remove_recipient(Stanza) %% ''' remove_attr(Attr, {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els}) -> NewAttrs = lists:keydelete(Attr, 1, Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, Els}. %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_jid:make/3}. %% ``` %% - jlib:make_jid({Username, Server, Resource}) %% + exmpp_jid:make(Username, Server, Resource) %% ''' make_jid({U, S, R}) -> make({U, S, R}). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_jid:make/3}. %% ``` %% - jlib:make_jid(Username, Server, Resource) %% + exmpp_jid:make(Username, Server, Resource) %% ''' %% ``` %% - jlib:make_jid(Username, Server, "") %% + exmpp_jid:bare(JID) %% ''' make_jid(U, S, R) -> make(U, S, R). make(User, Server, Resource) -> try exmpp_jid:make(User, Server, Resource) catch _Exception -> error end. make({User, Server, Resource}) -> make(User, Server, Resource). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_jid:parse/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:string_to_jid(String) %% + exmpp_jid:parse(String) %% ''' string_to_jid(String) -> exmpp_jid:parse(String). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_jid:to_list/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:jid_to_string({Node, Server, Resource} %% + exmpp_jid:to_list(exmpp_jid:make(Node, Server, Resource)) %% ''' %% ``` %% - jlib:jid_to_string(JID) %% + exmpp_jid:to_list(JID) %% ''' jid_to_string({Node, Server, Resource}) -> Jid = exmpp_jid:make(Node, Server, Resource), exmpp_jid:to_list(Jid); jid_to_string(Jid) -> exmpp_jid:to_list(Jid). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stringprep:is_node/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:is_nodename(Username) %% + exmpp_stringprep:is_node(Username) %% ''' is_nodename(Username) -> exmpp_stringprep:is_node(Username). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stringprep:to_lower/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:tolower(String) %% + exmpp_stringprep:to_lower(String) %% ''' %% Not tail-recursive but it seems works faster than variants above tolower(String) -> exmpp_stringprep:to_lower(String). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stringprep:nodeprep/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:nodeprep(Username) %% + exmpp_stringprep:nodeprep(Username) %% ''' nodeprep(Username) -> exmpp_stringprep:nodeprep(Username). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stringprep:nameprep/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:nameprep(Server) %% + exmpp_stringprep:nameprep(Server) %% ''' nameprep(Server) -> exmpp_stringprep:nameprep(Server). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_stringprep:resourceprep/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:resourceprep(Resource) %% + exmpp_stringprep:resourceprep(Resource) %% ''' resourceprep(Resource) -> exmpp_stringprep:resourceprep(Resource). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link jlib:short_prepd_jid/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:jid_tolower(JID) %% + jlib:short_prepd_jid(JID) %% ''' %% ``` %% - jlib:jid_tolower(JID) %% + {exmpp_jid:prep_node_as_list(JID), exmpp_jid:prep_domain_as_list(JID), exmpp_jid:prep_resource_as_list(JID)} %% ''' jid_tolower({U, S, R}) -> jid_tolower(exmpp_jid:make(U, S, R)); jid_tolower(JID) -> jlib:short_prepd_jid(JID). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link jlib:short_prepd_bare_jid/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:jid_remove_resource(jlib:jid_tolower(String)) %% + jlib:short_prepd_bare_jid(String) %% ''' jid_remove_resource({U, S, R}) -> short_prepd_bare_jid(exmpp_jid:make(U, S, R)); jid_remove_resource(JID) -> short_prepd_bare_jid(JID). %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_jid:full/2}. %% ``` %% - jlib:jid_replace_resource(JID, R) %% + exmpp_jid:full(JID, R) %% ''' jid_replace_resource(JID, Resource) -> exmpp_jid:full(JID, Resource). %% @deprecated get_iq_namespace({xmlelement, Name, _Attrs, Els}) when Name == "iq" -> case xml:remove_cdata(Els) of [{xmlelement, _Name2, Attrs2, _Els2}] -> xml:get_attr_s("xmlns", Attrs2); _ -> "" end; get_iq_namespace(_) -> "". %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_iq:xmlel_to_iq/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:iq_query_info(Packet) %% + exmpp_iq:xmlel_to_iq(Packet) %% ''' iq_query_info(El) -> exmpp_iq:xmlel_to_iq(El). iq_query_or_response_info(El) -> exmpp_iq:xmlel_to_iq(El). is_iq_request_type(set) -> true; is_iq_request_type(get) -> true; is_iq_request_type(_) -> false. %% @doc Deprecated for {@link exmpp_iq:iq_to_xmlel/1}. %% ``` %% - jlib:iq_to_xml(IQ) %% + exmpp_iq:iq_to_xmlel(IQ) %% ''' iq_to_xml(IQ) -> exmpp_iq:iq_to_xmlel(IQ).