%% Using Elixir as a Rebar dependency %% This configuration file only exists so Elixir can be used %% as a Rebar dependency, the same happens for the file %% src/elixir.app.src. %% In practice, Elixir is structured as OTP where many applications %% are placed in the lib directory. Since this structure is not %% supported by default by Rebar, after adding Elixir as a dependency %% you need to explicitly add it to lib_dirs: %% %% {lib_dirs, [ %% "deps/elixir/lib" %% ]}. %% %% Run "make" as the proper compilation step {post_hooks, [{compile, "make compile"}]}. %% This prevents rebar_elixir_plugin from recompiling Elixir {ex_opts, [{src_dirs, [".PHONY"]}]}.