#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; use File::Slurp qw(slurp write_file); use File::stat; use File::Touch; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use Carp; use Term::ANSIColor; use Term::ReadKey; use List::Util qw(first unpairs); use Clone qw(clone); sub get_deps { my ($config, %fdeps) = @_; my %deps; return { } unless $config =~ /\{\s*deps\s*,\s*\[(.*?)\]/s; my $sdeps = $1; while ($sdeps =~ /\{\s* (\w+) \s*,\s* ".*?" \s*,\s* \{\s*git \s*,\s* "(.*?)" \s*,\s* (?: (?:{\s*tag \s*,\s* "(.*?)") | "(.*?)" | ( \{ (?: (?-1) | [^{}]+ )+ \} ) )/sgx) { next unless not %fdeps or exists $fdeps{$1}; $deps{$1} = { repo => $2, commit => $3 || $4 }; } return \%deps; } my (%info_updates, %top_deps_updates, %sub_deps_updates, @operations); sub top_deps { state %deps; if (not %deps) { my $config = slurp "rebar.config"; croak "Unable to extract floating_deps" unless $config =~ /\{floating_deps, \[(.*?)\]/s; my $fdeps = $1; $fdeps =~ s/\s*//g; my %fdeps = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $fdeps; %deps = %{get_deps($config, %fdeps)}; } return {%deps, %top_deps_updates}; } sub update_deps_repos { my $deps = top_deps(); mkdir(".deps-update") unless -d ".deps-update"; for my $dep (keys %{$deps}) { my $dd = ".deps-update/$dep"; if (not -d $dd) { say "Downloading $dep..."; my $repo = $deps->{$dep}->{repo}; $repo =~ s!^https?://github/!git\@github.com:!; system("git", "-C", ".deps-update", "clone", $repo); } elsif (time() - stat($dd)->mtime > 24 * 60 * 60) { say "Updating $dep..."; system("git", "-C", $dd, "fetch"); touch($dd) } } } sub sub_deps { state %sub_deps; if (not %sub_deps) { my $deps = top_deps(); for my $dep (keys %{$deps}) { my $rc = ".deps-update/$dep/rebar.config"; $sub_deps{$dep} = { }; next unless -f $rc; $sub_deps{$dep} = get_deps(scalar(slurp($rc))); } } return {%sub_deps, %sub_deps_updates}; } sub rev_deps_helper { my ($rev_deps, $dep) = @_; if (not exists $rev_deps->{$dep}->{indirect}) { my %deps = %{$rev_deps->{$dep}->{direct} || {}}; for (keys %{$rev_deps->{$dep}->{direct}}) { %deps = (%deps, %{rev_deps_helper($rev_deps, $_)}); } $rev_deps->{$dep}->{indirect} = \%deps; } return $rev_deps->{$dep}->{indirect}; } sub rev_deps { state %rev_deps; if (not %rev_deps) { my $sub_deps = sub_deps(); for my $dep (keys %$sub_deps) { $rev_deps{$_}->{direct}->{$dep} = 1 for keys %{$sub_deps->{$dep}}; } for my $dep (keys %$sub_deps) { $rev_deps{$dep}->{indirect} = rev_deps_helper(\%rev_deps, $dep); } } return \%rev_deps; } sub update_changelog { my ($dep, $version, @reasons) = @_; my $cl = ".deps-update/$dep/CHANGELOG.md"; return if not -f $cl; my $reason = join "\n", map {"* $_"} @reasons; my $content = slurp($cl); if (not $content =~ /^# Version $version/) { $content = "# Version $version\n\n$reason\n\n$content" } else { $content =~ s/(# Version $version\n\n)/$1$reason\n/; } write_file($cl, $content); } sub update_app_src { my ($dep, $version) = @_; my $app = ".deps-update/$dep/src/$dep.app.src"; return if not -f $app; my $content = slurp($app); $content =~ s/({\s*vsn\s*,\s*)".*"/$1"$version"/; write_file($app, $content); } sub update_deps_versions { my ($config_path, %deps) = @_; my $config = slurp $config_path; for (keys %deps) { $config =~ s/(\{\s*$_\s*,\s*".*?"\s*,\s*\{\s*git\s*,\s*".*?"\s*,\s*)(?:{\s*tag\s*,\s*"(.*?)"\s*}|"(.*?)" )/$1\{tag, "$deps{$_}"}/s; } write_file($config_path, $config); } sub cmp_ver { my @a = split /(\d+)/, $a; my @b = split /(\d+)/, $b; my $is_num = 1; return - 1 if $#a == 0; return 1 if $#b == 0; while (1) { my $ap = shift @a; my $bp = shift @b; $is_num = 1 - $is_num; if (defined $ap) { if (defined $bp) { if ($is_num) { next if $ap == $bp; return 1 if $ap > $bp; return - 1; } else { next if $ap eq $bp; return 1 if $ap gt $bp; return - 1; } } else { return 1; } } elsif (defined $bp) { return - 1; } else { return 0; } } } sub deps_git_info { state %info; if (not %info) { my $deps = top_deps(); for my $dep (keys %{$deps}) { my $dir = ".deps-update/$dep"; my @tags = `git -C "$dir" tag`; chomp(@tags); @tags = sort cmp_ver @tags; my $last_tag = $tags[$#tags]; my @new = `git -C $dir log --oneline $last_tag..origin/master`; my $new_tag = $last_tag; $new_tag =~ s/(\d+)$/$1+1/e; chomp(@new); $info{$dep} = { last_tag => $last_tag, new_commits => \@new, new_tag => $new_tag }; } } return { %info, %info_updates }; } sub show_commands { my %commands = @_; my @keys; while (@_) { push @keys, shift; shift; } for (@keys) { say color("red"), $_, color("reset"), ") $commands{$_}"; } ReadMode(4); while (1) { my $key = ReadKey(0); if (defined $commands{uc($key)}) { ReadMode(0); say ""; return uc($key); } } } sub schedule_operation { my ($type, $dep, $tag, $reason, $op) = @_; my $idx = first { $operations[$_]->{dep} eq $dep } 0..$#operations; if (defined $idx) { my $mop = $operations[$idx]; if (defined $op) { my $oidx = first { $mop->{operations}->[$_]->[0] eq $op->[0] } 0..$#{$mop->{operations}}; if (defined $oidx) { $mop->{reasons}->[$oidx] = $reason; $mop->{operations}->[$oidx] = $op; } else { push @{$mop->{reasons}}, $reason; push @{$mop->{operations}}, $op; } } return if $type eq "update"; $mop->{type} = $type; $info_updates{$dep}->{new_commits} = []; return; } my $info = deps_git_info(); $top_deps_updates{$dep} = {commit => $tag}; $info_updates{$dep} = {last_tag => $tag, new_tag => $tag, new_commits => $type eq "tupdate" ? [] : $info->{$dep}->{new_commits}}; my $rev_deps = rev_deps(); @operations = sort { exists $rev_deps->{$a->{dep}}->{indirect}->{$b->{dep}} ? -1 : exists $rev_deps->{$b->{dep}}->{indirect}->{$a->{dep}} ? 1 : $a->{dep} cmp $b->{dep} } (@operations, { type => $type, dep => $dep, version => $tag, reasons => ($reason ? [$reason] : []), operations => ($op ? [$op] : [])} ); my $sub_deps = sub_deps(); for (keys %{$rev_deps->{$dep}->{direct}}) { schedule_operation("update", $_, $info->{$_}->{new_tag}, "Updating $dep to version $tag.", [$dep, $tag]); $sub_deps_updates{$_} = $sub_deps_updates{$_} || clone($sub_deps->{$_}); $sub_deps_updates{$_}->{$dep}->{commit} = $tag; } } sub git_tag { my ($dep, $ver, $msg) = @_; system("git", "-C", ".deps-update/$dep", "commit", "-a", "-m", $msg); system("git", "-C", ".deps-update/$dep", "tag", $ver); } sub git_push { my ($dep) = @_; system("git", "-C", ".deps-update/$dep", "push"); system("git", "-C", ".deps-update/$dep", "push", "--tags"); } update_deps_repos(); while (1) { my $top_deps = top_deps(); my $git_info = deps_git_info(); print color("bold blue"), "Dependences with newer tags:\n", color("reset"); my $old_deps = 0; for my $dep (sort keys %$top_deps) { next unless $git_info->{$dep}->{last_tag} ne $top_deps->{$dep}->{commit}; say color("red"), "$dep", color("reset"), ": $top_deps->{$dep}->{commit} -> $git_info->{$dep}->{last_tag}"; $old_deps = 1; } say "(none)" if not $old_deps; say ""; print color("bold blue"), "Dependences that have commits after last tags:\n", color("reset"); my $changed_deps = 0; for my $dep (sort keys %$top_deps) { next unless @{$git_info->{$dep}->{new_commits}}; say color("red"), "$dep", color("reset"), " ($top_deps->{$dep}->{commit}):"; say " $_" for @{$git_info->{$dep}->{new_commits}}; $changed_deps = 1; } say "(none)" if not $changed_deps; say ""; my $cmd = show_commands($old_deps ? (U => "Update dependency") : (), $changed_deps ? (T => "Tag new release") : (), @operations ? (A => "Apply changes") : (), E => "Exit"); last if $cmd eq "E"; if ($cmd eq "U") { while (1) { my @deps_to_update; my @od; my $idx = 1; for my $dep (sort keys %$top_deps) { next unless $git_info->{$dep}->{last_tag} ne $top_deps->{$dep}->{commit}; $od[$idx] = $dep; push @deps_to_update, $idx++, "Update $dep to $git_info->{$dep}->{last_tag}"; } last if $idx == 1; my $cmd = show_commands(@deps_to_update, E => "Exit"); last if $cmd eq "E"; my $dep = $od[$cmd]; schedule_operation("update", $dep, $git_info->{$dep}->{last_tag}); $top_deps = top_deps(); $git_info = deps_git_info(); } } if ($cmd eq "T") { while (1) { my @deps_to_tag; my @od; my $idx = 1; for my $dep (sort keys %$top_deps) { next unless @{$git_info->{$dep}->{new_commits}}; $od[$idx] = $dep; push @deps_to_tag, $idx++, "Tag $dep with version $git_info->{$dep}->{new_tag}"; } last if $idx == 1; my $cmd = show_commands(@deps_to_tag, E => "Exit"); last if $cmd eq "E"; my $dep = $od[$cmd]; my $d = $git_info->{$dep}; schedule_operation("tupdate", $dep, $d->{new_tag}); $top_deps = top_deps(); $git_info = deps_git_info(); } } if ($cmd eq "A") { $top_deps = top_deps(); $git_info = deps_git_info(); my $sub_deps = sub_deps(); for my $dep (keys %$top_deps) { for my $sdep (keys %{$sub_deps->{$dep}}) { next if not defined $top_deps->{$sdep} or $sub_deps->{$dep}->{$sdep}->{commit} eq $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit}; say "$dep $sdep ",$sub_deps->{$dep}->{$sdep}->{commit}," <=> $sdep ",$top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit}; schedule_operation("update", $dep, $git_info->{$dep}->{new_tag}, "Updating $sdep to version $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit}.", [$sdep, $top_deps->{$sdep}->{commit}]); } } %info_updates = (); %top_deps_updates = (); %sub_deps_updates = (); $top_deps = top_deps(); $git_info = deps_git_info(); $sub_deps = sub_deps(); print color("bold blue"), "List of operations:\n", color("reset"); for my $op (@operations) { print color("red"), $op->{dep}, color("reset"), " ($top_deps->{$op->{dep}}->{commit} -> $op->{version})"; if (@{$op->{operations}}) { say ":"; say " $_->[0] -> $_->[1]" for @{$op->{operations}}; } else { say ""; } } say ""; my $cmd = show_commands(A => "Apply", E => "Exit"); if ($cmd eq "A") { my %top_changes; for my $op (@operations) { update_changelog($op->{dep}, $op->{version}, @{$op->{reasons}}) if @{$op->{reasons}}; update_deps_versions(".deps-update/$op->{dep}/rebar.config", unpairs(@{$op->{operations}})) if @{$op->{operations}}; if ($git_info->{$op->{dep}}->{last_tag} ne $op->{version}) { update_app_src($op->{dep}, $op->{version}); git_tag($op->{dep}, $op->{version}, "Release $op->{version}"); } $top_changes{$op->{dep}} = $op->{version}; } update_deps_versions("rebar.config", %top_changes); for my $op (@operations) { if ($git_info->{$op->{dep}}->{last_tag} ne $op->{version}) { git_push($op->{dep}); } } last; } } }