-module(override_deps_versions). -export([preprocess/2, 'pre_update-deps'/2, new_replace/1, new_replace/0]). preprocess(Config, _Dirs) -> update_deps(Config). update_deps(Config) -> LocalDeps = rebar_config:get_local(Config, deps, []), TopDeps = case rebar_config:get_xconf(Config, top_deps, []) of [] -> LocalDeps; Val -> Val end, Config2 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config, top_deps, TopDeps), NewDeps = lists:map(fun({Name, _, _} = Dep) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, TopDeps) of false -> Dep; TopDep -> TopDep end end, LocalDeps), %io:format("LD ~p~n", [LocalDeps]), %io:format("TD ~p~n", [TopDeps]), Config3 = rebar_config:set(Config2, deps, NewDeps), {ok, Config3, []}. 'pre_update-deps'(Config, _Dirs) -> {ok, Config2, _} = update_deps(Config), case code:is_loaded(old_rebar_config) of false -> {_, Beam, _} = code:get_object_code(rebar_config), NBeam = rename(Beam, old_rebar_config), code:load_binary(old_rebar_config, "blank", NBeam), replace_mod(Beam); _ -> ok end, {ok, Config2}. new_replace() -> old_rebar_config:new(). new_replace(Config) -> NC = old_rebar_config:new(Config), {ok, Conf, _} = update_deps(NC), Conf. replace_mod(Beam) -> {ok, {_, [{exports, Exports}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [exports]), Funcs = lists:filtermap( fun({module_info, _}) -> false; ({Name, Arity}) -> Args = args(Arity), Call = case Name of new -> [erl_syntax:application( erl_syntax:abstract(override_deps_versions), erl_syntax:abstract(new_replace), Args)]; _ -> [erl_syntax:application( erl_syntax:abstract(old_rebar_config), erl_syntax:abstract(Name), Args)] end, {true, erl_syntax:function(erl_syntax:abstract(Name), [erl_syntax:clause(Args, none, Call)])} end, Exports), Forms0 = ([erl_syntax:attribute(erl_syntax:abstract(module), [erl_syntax:abstract(rebar_config)])] ++ Funcs), Forms = [erl_syntax:revert(Form) || Form <- Forms0], %io:format("--------------------------------------------------~n" % "~s~n", % [[erl_pp:form(Form) || Form <- Forms]]), {ok, Mod, Bin} = compile:forms(Forms, [report, export_all]), code:purge(rebar_config), {module, Mod} = code:load_binary(rebar_config, "mock", Bin). args(0) -> []; args(N) -> [arg(N) | args(N-1)]. arg(N) -> erl_syntax:variable(list_to_atom("A"++integer_to_list(N))). rename(BeamBin0, Name) -> BeamBin = replace_in_atab(BeamBin0, Name), update_form_size(BeamBin). %% Replace the first atom of the atom table with the new name replace_in_atab(<<"Atom", CnkSz0:32, Cnk:CnkSz0/binary, Rest/binary>>, Name) -> replace_first_atom(<<"Atom">>, Cnk, CnkSz0, Rest, latin1, Name); replace_in_atab(<<"AtU8", CnkSz0:32, Cnk:CnkSz0/binary, Rest/binary>>, Name) -> replace_first_atom(<<"AtU8">>, Cnk, CnkSz0, Rest, unicode, Name); replace_in_atab(<>, Name) -> <>. replace_first_atom(CnkName, Cnk, CnkSz0, Rest, Encoding, Name) -> <> = Cnk, NumPad0 = num_pad_bytes(CnkSz0), <<_:NumPad0/unit:8, NextCnks/binary>> = Rest, NameBin = atom_to_binary(Name, Encoding), NameSz = byte_size(NameBin), CnkSz = CnkSz0 + NameSz - NameSz0, NumPad = num_pad_bytes(CnkSz), <>. %% Calculate the number of padding bytes that have to be added for the %% BinSize to be an even multiple of ?beam_num_bytes_alignment. num_pad_bytes(BinSize) -> case 4 - (BinSize rem 4) of 4 -> 0; N -> N end. %% Update the size within the top-level form update_form_size(<<"FOR1", _OldSz:32, Rest/binary>> = Bin) -> Sz = size(Bin) - 8, <<"FOR1", Sz:32, Rest/binary>>.