%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : xml.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : XML utils %%% Created : 20 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% Id : $Id$ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(xml). -author('alexey@sevcom.net'). -vsn('$Revision$ '). -export([element_to_string/1, crypt/1, remove_cdata/1, get_cdata/1, get_attr/2, get_attr_s/2, make_error_iq_reply/3]). element_to_string(El) -> case El of {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} -> if length(Els) > 0 -> "<" ++ Name ++ attrs_to_string(Attrs) ++ ">" ++ lists:append( lists:map(fun(E) -> element_to_string(E) end, Els)) ++ ""; true -> "<" ++ Name ++ attrs_to_string(Attrs) ++ "/>" end; {xmlcdata, CData} -> crypt(CData) end. attrs_to_string(Attrs) -> lists:append(lists:map(fun(A) -> attr_to_string(A) end, Attrs)). attr_to_string({Name, Value}) -> " " ++ crypt(Name) ++ "='" ++ crypt(Value) ++ "'". crypt(S) -> lists:reverse(crypt(S, "")). crypt([$& | S], R) -> crypt(S, [$;, $p, $m, $a, $& | R]); crypt([$< | S], R) -> crypt(S, [$;, $t, $l, $& | R]); crypt([$> | S], R) -> crypt(S, [$;, $t, $g, $& | R]); crypt([$" | S], R) -> crypt(S, [$;, $t, $o, $u, $q, $& | R]); crypt([$' | S], R) -> crypt(S, [$;, $s, $o, $p, $a, $& | R]); crypt([C | S], R) -> crypt(S, [C | R]); crypt([], R) -> R. remove_cdata(L) -> lists:reverse(remove_cdata(L, [])). remove_cdata([{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} | L], R) -> remove_cdata(L, [{xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} | R]); remove_cdata([{xmlcdata, CData} | L], R) -> remove_cdata(L, R); remove_cdata([], R) -> R. get_cdata(L) -> get_cdata(L, ""). get_cdata([{xmlcdata, CData} | L], S) -> get_cdata(L, S ++ CData); get_cdata([_ | L], S) -> get_cdata(L, S); get_cdata([], S) -> S. get_attr(AttrName, Attrs) -> case lists:keysearch(AttrName, 1, Attrs) of {value, {_, Val}} -> {value, Val}; _ -> false end. get_attr_s(AttrName, Attrs) -> case lists:keysearch(AttrName, 1, Attrs) of {value, {_, Val}} -> Val; _ -> "" end. make_error_iq_reply({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, SubTags}, Code, Desc) when Name == "iq" -> NewAttrs = make_error_iq_reply_attrs(Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, NewAttrs, SubTags ++ [{xmlelement, "error", [{"code", Code}], [{xmlcdata, Desc}]}]}. make_error_iq_reply_attrs(Attrs) -> To = get_attr("to", Attrs), From = get_attr("from", Attrs), Attrs1 = lists:keydelete("to", 1, Attrs), Attrs2 = lists:keydelete("from", 1, Attrs1), Attrs3 = case To of {value, ToVal} -> [{"from", ToVal} | Attrs2]; _ -> Attrs2 end, Attrs4 = case From of {value, FromVal} -> [{"to", FromVal} | Attrs3]; _ -> Attrs3 end, Attrs5 = lists:keydelete("type", 1, Attrs4), Attrs6 = [{"type", "error"} | Attrs5], Attrs6.