%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_last.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : jabber:iq:last support (XEP-0012) %%% Created : 24 Oct 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2013 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_last). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, process_local_iq/3, export/1, process_sm_iq/3, on_presence_update/4, store_last_info/4, get_last_info/2, remove_user/2]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -include("mod_privacy.hrl"). -record(last_activity, {us = {<<"">>, <<"">>} :: {binary(), binary()}, timestamp = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), status = <<"">> :: binary()}). start(Host, Opts) -> IQDisc = gen_mod:get_opt(iqdisc, Opts, fun gen_iq_handler:check_type/1, one_queue), case gen_mod:db_type(Opts) of mnesia -> mnesia:create_table(last_activity, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, last_activity)}]), update_table(); _ -> ok end, gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_LAST, ?MODULE, process_local_iq, IQDisc), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_LAST, ?MODULE, process_sm_iq, IQDisc), ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(unset_presence_hook, Host, ?MODULE, on_presence_update, 50). stop(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(unset_presence_hook, Host, ?MODULE, on_presence_update, 50), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_LAST), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_LAST). %%% %%% Uptime of ejabberd node %%% process_local_iq(_From, _To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> case Type of set -> IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}; get -> Sec = get_node_uptime(), IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_LAST}, {<<"seconds">>, iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(Sec))}], children = []}]} end. %% @spec () -> integer() %% @doc Get the uptime of the ejabberd node, expressed in seconds. %% When ejabberd is starting, ejabberd_config:start/0 stores the datetime. get_node_uptime() -> case ejabberd_config:get_local_option( node_start, fun({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} = Now) when is_integer(MegaSecs), MegaSecs >= 0, is_integer(Secs), Secs >= 0, is_integer(MicroSecs), MicroSecs >= 0 -> Now end) of undefined -> trunc(element(1, erlang:statistics(wall_clock)) / 1000); StartNow -> now_to_seconds(now()) - now_to_seconds(StartNow) end. now_to_seconds({MegaSecs, Secs, _MicroSecs}) -> MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs. %%% %%% Serve queries about user last online %%% process_sm_iq(From, To, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ) -> case Type of set -> IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_NOT_ALLOWED]}; get -> User = To#jid.luser, Server = To#jid.lserver, {Subscription, _Groups} = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_get_jid_info, Server, {none, []}, [User, Server, From]), if (Subscription == both) or (Subscription == from) or (From#jid.luser == To#jid.luser) and (From#jid.lserver == To#jid.lserver) -> UserListRecord = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(privacy_get_user_list, Server, #userlist{}, [User, Server]), case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(privacy_check_packet, Server, allow, [User, Server, UserListRecord, {To, From, #xmlel{name = <<"presence">>, attrs = [], children = []}}, out]) of allow -> get_last_iq(IQ, SubEl, User, Server); deny -> IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN]} end; true -> IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN]} end end. %% @spec (LUser::string(), LServer::string()) -> %% {ok, TimeStamp::integer(), Status::string()} | not_found | {error, Reason} get_last(LUser, LServer) -> get_last(LUser, LServer, gen_mod:db_type(LServer, ?MODULE)). get_last(LUser, LServer, mnesia) -> case catch mnesia:dirty_read(last_activity, {LUser, LServer}) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> {error, Reason}; [] -> not_found; [#last_activity{timestamp = TimeStamp, status = Status}] -> {ok, TimeStamp, Status} end; get_last(LUser, LServer, odbc) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), case catch odbc_queries:get_last(LServer, Username) of {selected, [<<"seconds">>, <<"state">>], []} -> not_found; {selected, [<<"seconds">>, <<"state">>], [[STimeStamp, Status]]} -> case catch jlib:binary_to_integer(STimeStamp) of TimeStamp when is_integer(TimeStamp) -> {ok, TimeStamp, Status}; Reason -> {error, {invalid_timestamp, Reason}} end; Reason -> {error, {invalid_result, Reason}} end. get_last_iq(IQ, SubEl, LUser, LServer) -> case ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LUser, LServer) of [] -> case get_last(LUser, LServer) of {error, _Reason} -> IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR]}; not_found -> IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE]}; {ok, TimeStamp, Status} -> TimeStamp2 = now_to_seconds(now()), Sec = TimeStamp2 - TimeStamp, IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_LAST}, {<<"seconds">>, iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(Sec))}], children = [{xmlcdata, Status}]}]} end; _ -> IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_LAST}, {<<"seconds">>, <<"0">>}], children = []}]} end. on_presence_update(User, Server, _Resource, Status) -> TimeStamp = now_to_seconds(now()), store_last_info(User, Server, TimeStamp, Status). store_last_info(User, Server, TimeStamp, Status) -> LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), DBType = gen_mod:db_type(LServer, ?MODULE), store_last_info(LUser, LServer, TimeStamp, Status, DBType). store_last_info(LUser, LServer, TimeStamp, Status, mnesia) -> US = {LUser, LServer}, F = fun () -> mnesia:write(#last_activity{us = US, timestamp = TimeStamp, status = Status}) end, mnesia:transaction(F); store_last_info(LUser, LServer, TimeStamp, Status, odbc) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), Seconds = ejabberd_odbc:escape(iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(TimeStamp))), State = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Status), odbc_queries:set_last_t(LServer, Username, Seconds, State). %% @spec (LUser::string(), LServer::string()) -> %% {ok, TimeStamp::integer(), Status::string()} | not_found get_last_info(LUser, LServer) -> case get_last(LUser, LServer) of {error, _Reason} -> not_found; Res -> Res end. remove_user(User, Server) -> LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), DBType = gen_mod:db_type(LServer, ?MODULE), remove_user(LUser, LServer, DBType). remove_user(LUser, LServer, mnesia) -> US = {LUser, LServer}, F = fun () -> mnesia:delete({last_activity, US}) end, mnesia:transaction(F); remove_user(LUser, LServer, odbc) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), odbc_queries:del_last(LServer, Username). update_table() -> Fields = record_info(fields, last_activity), case mnesia:table_info(last_activity, attributes) of Fields -> ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary( last_activity, Fields, set, fun(#last_activity{us = {U, _}}) -> U end, fun(#last_activity{us = {U, S}, status = Status} = R) -> R#last_activity{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)}, status = iolist_to_binary(Status)} end); _ -> ?INFO_MSG("Recreating last_activity table", []), mnesia:transform_table(last_activity, ignore, Fields) end. export(_Server) -> [{last_activity, fun(Host, #last_activity{us = {LUser, LServer}, timestamp = TimeStamp, status = Status}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), Seconds = ejabberd_odbc:escape(jlib:integer_to_binary(TimeStamp)), State = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Status), [[<<"delete from last where username='">>, Username, <<"';">>], [<<"insert into last(username, seconds, " "state) values ('">>, Username, <<"', '">>, Seconds, <<"', '">>, State, <<"');">>]]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end}].