#!/bin/sh # Build DEB and RPM packages for Linux/x64 and Linux/arm64. # # Author: Holger Weiss . # # Copyright (c) 2022 ProcessOne, SARL. # All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e set -u myself=${0##*/} architectures='x64 arm64' iteration=1 usage() { echo >&2 "Usage: $myself [-i ]" exit 2 } while getopts i: opt do case $opt in i) iteration="$OPTARG" ;; \?) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if ! [ -e 'mix.exs' ] || ! [ -e "tools/$myself" ] then echo >&2 "Please call this script from the repository's root directory." exit 2 elif [ $# -ne 0 ] then usage fi if ! type fpm >'/dev/null' then echo >&2 'This script requires fpm: https://fpm.readthedocs.io' exit 1 fi rel_name='ejabberd' rel_vsn=$(git describe --tags | sed -e 's/-g.*//' -e 's/-/./' | tr -d '[:space:]') conf_dir="/opt/$rel_name/conf" pem_file="$conf_dir/server.pem" tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d "/tmp/.$myself.XXXXXX") trap 'rm -rf "$tmp_dir"' INT TERM EXIT umask 022 create_scripts() { local dir="$1" cat >"$dir/before-install" <<-EOF if ! getent group '$rel_name' >'/dev/null' then groupadd -r '$rel_name' fi if ! getent passwd '$rel_name' >'/dev/null' then useradd -r -m -d '/opt/$rel_name' -g '$rel_name' '$rel_name' fi if ! [ -e '$pem_file' ] then if ! [ -e '/opt/$rel_name' ] # Huh? then install -o '$rel_name' -g '$rel_name' -m 750 -d '/opt/$rel_name' fi if ! [ -e '$conf_dir' ] then install -o '$rel_name' -g '$rel_name' -m 750 -d '$conf_dir' fi host=\$(hostname --fqdn 2>'/dev/null' || :) if [ -z "\$host" ] then host='localhost' fi openssl req -x509 \ -batch \ -nodes \ -newkey rsa:4096 \ -keyout '$pem_file' \ -out '$pem_file' \ -days 3650 \ -subj "/CN=\$host" >'/dev/null' 2>&1 || : if [ -e '$pem_file' ] then chown '$rel_name:$rel_name' '$pem_file' else echo 'Failed to create a TLS certificate for ejabberd.' >&2 fi fi if ! [ -e '/opt/$rel_name/database' ] then install -o '$rel_name' -g '$rel_name' -m 750 -d '/opt/$rel_name/database' fi if ! [ -e '/opt/$rel_name/logs' ] then install -o '$rel_name' -g '$rel_name' -m 750 -d '/opt/$rel_name/logs' fi EOF cat >"$dir/after-install" <<-EOF host=\$(hostname --fqdn 2>'/dev/null' || :) if [ -n "\$host" ] then sed -i "s/ - localhost$/ - \$host/" '$conf_dir/$rel_name.yml' fi chown 'root:$rel_name' '/opt/$rel_name-$rel_vsn/lib/epam-'*'/priv/bin/epam' chmod '4750' '/opt/$rel_name-$rel_vsn/lib/epam-'*'/priv/bin/epam' EOF cat >"$dir/after-upgrade" <<-EOF chown 'root:$rel_name' '/opt/$rel_name-$rel_vsn/lib/epam-'*'/priv/bin/epam' chmod '4750' '/opt/$rel_name-$rel_vsn/lib/epam-'*'/priv/bin/epam' EOF cat >"$dir/after-remove" <<-EOF rm -f '/opt/$rel_name/.erlang.cookie' if getent passwd '$rel_name' >'/dev/null' then userdel '$rel_name' fi if getent group '$rel_name' >'/dev/null' then groupdel '$rel_name' fi EOF } package_architecture() { local target="$1" local host_target="$(uname -m)-$target" case $host_target in x86_64-x64) printf 'native' ;; x86_64-arm64) printf 'arm64' ;; *) echo >&2 "Unsupported host/target combination: $host_target" exit 1 ;; esac } make_package() { local output_type="$1" local architecture="$(package_architecture "$2")" local work_dir="$3" local include_dirs="$4" cd "$work_dir" # FPM's "--chdir" option doesn't work (as I'd expect). fpm --output-type "$output_type" \ --input-type 'dir' \ --name "$rel_name" \ --version "$rel_vsn" \ --iteration "$iteration" \ --license 'GPL-2+' \ --category 'net' \ --provides 'stun-server' \ --provides 'turn-server' \ --provides 'xmpp-server' \ --no-depends \ --no-auto-depends \ --deb-maintainerscripts-force-errorchecks \ --deb-systemd-enable \ --deb-systemd-auto-start \ --deb-systemd "./$rel_name.service" \ --deb-init "./$rel_name" \ --rpm-init "./$rel_name" \ --config-files "$conf_dir" \ --directories "/opt/$rel_name" \ --directories "/opt/$rel_name-$rel_vsn" \ --architecture "$architecture" \ --maintainer 'ejabberd Maintainers ' \ --vendor 'ProcessOne, SARL' \ --description 'Robust and scalable XMPP/MQTT/SIP server.' \ --url 'https://ejabberd.im' \ --before-install './before-install' \ --after-install './after-install' \ --before-upgrade './before-install' \ --after-upgrade './after-upgrade' \ --after-remove './after-remove' \ $include_dirs cd "$OLDPWD" } for arch in $architectures do tar_name="$rel_name-$rel_vsn-linux-$arch.tar.gz" arch_dir="$tmp_dir/$arch" opt_dir="$arch_dir/opt" etc_dir="$arch_dir/etc" bin_dir="$arch_dir/usr/sbin" dst_dir="$opt_dir/$rel_name-$rel_vsn" test -e "$tar_name" || tools/make-binaries echo "$myself: Putting together DEB and RPM packages for $arch ..." mkdir -p "$opt_dir" "$bin_dir" tar -C "$opt_dir" -xzf "$tar_name" cat >"$bin_dir/${rel_name}ctl" <<-EOF #!/bin/sh exec '/opt/$rel_name-$rel_vsn/bin/${rel_name}ctl' "\$@" EOF chmod +x "$bin_dir/${rel_name}ctl" mkdir -p "$etc_dir/systemd/system" mv "$dst_dir/bin/$rel_name.service" "$etc_dir/systemd/system" mv "$dst_dir/bin/$rel_name.init" "$arch_dir/$rel_name" sed -i \ "s|opt/$rel_name-$rel_vsn/bin/${rel_name}ctl|usr/sbin/${rel_name}ctl|g" \ "$etc_dir/systemd/system/$rel_name.service" "$arch_dir/$rel_name" create_scripts "$arch_dir" make_package 'rpm' "$arch" "$arch_dir" './opt ./usr ./etc' mv "$etc_dir/systemd/system/$rel_name.service" "$arch_dir" rm -r "$etc_dir" make_package 'deb' "$arch" "$arch_dir" './opt ./usr' mv "$arch_dir/$rel_name"?$rel_vsn*.??? . done echo "$myself: Created DEB and RPM packages successfully."