\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{hevea} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage[twosideshift=0pt]{geometry} \usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks,unicode,urlcolor=blue,linkcolor=blue,pdftitle=Ejabberd\ Installation\ and\ Operation\ Guide,pdfauthor=Alexey\ Shchepin,pdfsubject=ejabberd,pdfkeywords=ejabberd]{hyperref} \newcommand{\logoscale}{0.7} \newcommand{\imgscale}{0.58} \newcommand{\insimg}[1]{\insscaleimg{\imgscale}{#1}} \newcommand{\insscaleimg}[2]{ \imgsrc{#2}{} \begin{latexonly} \scalebox{#1}{\includegraphics{#2}} \end{latexonly} } \newcommand{\bracehack}{\def\{{\char"7B}\def\}{\char"7D}} \newcommand{\ns}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\jid}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\option}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\poption}[1]{{\bracehack\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\node}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\term}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\shell}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\ejabberd}{\texttt{ejabberd}} \newcommand{\Jabber}{Jabber} \newcommand{\module}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\modconfigure}{\module{mod\_configure}} \newcommand{\moddisco}{\module{mod\_disco}} \newcommand{\modirc}{\module{mod\_irc}} \newcommand{\modlast}{\module{mod\_last}} \newcommand{\modmuc}{\module{mod\_muc}} \newcommand{\modecho}{\module{mod\_echo}} \newcommand{\modoffline}{\module{mod\_offline}} \newcommand{\modprivacy}{\module{mod\_privacy}} \newcommand{\modprivate}{\module{mod\_private}} \newcommand{\modpubsub}{\module{mod\_pubsub}} \newcommand{\modregister}{\module{mod\_register}} \newcommand{\modroster}{\module{mod\_roster}} \newcommand{\modstats}{\module{mod\_stats}} \newcommand{\modtime}{\module{mod\_time}} \newcommand{\modvcard}{\module{mod\_vcard}} \newcommand{\modversion}{\module{mod\_version}} \newcommand{\titem}[1]{\item[\bracehack\texttt{#1}]} %\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} \begin{latexonly} \global\parskip=9pt plus 3pt minus 1pt \global\parindent=0pt \gdef\ahrefurl#1{\href{#1}{\texttt{#1}}} \gdef\footahref#1#2{#2\footnote{\href{#1}{\texttt{#1}}}} \end{latexonly} \newcommand{\tjepref}[2]{\footahref{http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-#1.html}{#2}} \newcommand{\jepref}[1]{\tjepref{#1}{JEP-#1}} \newcommand{\iqdiscitem}[1]{\titem{iqdisc} #1 IQ queries processing discipline (see~\ref{sec:modiqdiscoption}).} \newcommand{\hostitem}[1]{\titem{host} Defines hostname of service (see~\ref{sec:modhostoption}). If not present then prefix \jid{#1.} is added to main \ejabberd{} hostname.} \title{Ejabberd Installation and Operation Guide} \author{Alexey Shchepin \\ \ahrefurl{mailto:alexey@sevcom.net} \\ \ahrefurl{xmpp:aleksey@jabber.ru}} \date{June 24, 2004} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \maketitle{} {\centering \insscaleimg{\logoscale}{logo.png} \par } \end{titlepage} %\newpage \tableofcontents{} \newpage \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} \ejabberd{} is a Free and Open Source fault-tolerant distributed \Jabber{} server. It is written mostly in Erlang. The main features of \ejabberd{} are: \begin{itemize} \item Works on most of popular platforms: *nix (tested on Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD) and Win32 \item Distributed: You can run \ejabberd{} on a cluster of machines to let all of them serve one Jabber domain. \item Fault-tolerance: You can setup an \ejabberd{} cluster so that all the information required for a properly working service will be stored permanently on more than one node. This means that if one of the nodes crashes, then the others will continue working without disruption. You can also add or replace nodes ``on the fly''. \item Built-in \tjepref{0045}{Multi-User Chat} service \item Built-in IRC transport \item Built-in \tjepref{0060}{Publish-Subscribe} service \item Built-in Jabber Users Directory service based on users vCards \item Built-in web-based administration interface \item Built-in \tjepref{0025}{HTTP Polling} service \item SSL support \item Support for LDAP authentification \item Ability to interface with external components (JIT, MSN-t, Yahoo-t, etc.) \item Migration from jabberd14 is possible \item Mostly XMPP-compliant \item Support for \jepref{0030} (Service Discovery). \item Support for \jepref{0039} (Statistics Gathering). \item Support for \ns{xml:lang} \end{itemize} The misfeatures of \ejabberd{} are: \begin{itemize} \item No support for virtual domains \item No support for STARTTLS \end{itemize} \section{Installation} \label{sec:installation} \subsection{Installation Requirements} \label{sec:installreq} \subsubsection{Unix} \label{sec:installrequnix} To compile \ejabberd{}, you will need the following packages: \begin{itemize} \item GNU Make; \item GCC; \item libexpat 1.95 or later; \item Erlang/OTP R8B or later. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Windows} \label{sec:installreqwin} To compile \ejabberd{} in MS Windows environment, you will need the following packages: \begin{itemize} \item MS Visual C++ 6.0 Compiler \item \footahref{http://www.erlang.org/download/otp\_win32\_R9C-0.exe}{Erlang/OTP R9C-0} \item \footahref{http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/expat/expat\_win32bin\_1\_95\_7.exe?download}{Expat 1.95.7} \item \footahref{http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.9.1.tar.gz}{Iconv 1.9.1} (optional) \item \footahref{http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html}{Shining Light OpenSSL} (to enable SSL connections) \end{itemize} \subsection{Obtaining} \label{sec:obtaining} Stable \ejabberd{} release can be obtained at \ahrefurl{http://www.jabberstudio.org/projects/ejabberd/releases/}. The latest alpha version can be retrieved from CVS\@. \begin{verbatim} export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@jabberstudio.org:/home/cvs cvs login cvs -z3 co ejabberd \end{verbatim} \subsection{Compilation} \label{sec:compilation} \subsubsection{Unix} \label{sec:compilationunix} \begin{verbatim} ./configure make su make install \end{verbatim} This will install \ejabberd{} to \verb|/var/lib/ejabberd| directory, \verb|ejabberd.cfg| to \verb|/etc/ejabberd| directory and create \verb|/var/log/ejabberd| directory for log files. \subsubsection{Windows} \label{sec:compilationwin} \begin{itemize} \item Install Erlang emulator (for example, into \verb|C:\Program Files\erl5.3|). \item Install Expat library into \verb|C:\Program Files\Expat-1.95.7| directory. Copy file \verb|C:\Program Files\Expat-1.95.7\Libs\libexpat.dll| to your Windows system directory (for example, \verb|C:\WINNT| or \verb|C:\WINNT\System32|) \item Build and install Iconv library into \verb|C:\Program Files\iconv-1.9.1| directory. Copy file \verb|C:\Program Files\iconv-1.9.1\bin\iconv.dll| to your Windows system directory. Note: Instead of copying libexpat.dll and iconv.dll to Windows directory, you can add directories \verb|C:\Program Files\Expat-1.95.7\Libs| and \verb|C:\Program Files\iconv-1.9.1\bin| to \verb|PATH| environment variable. \item Being in \verb|ejabberd\src| directory run: \begin{verbatim} configure.bat nmake -f Makefile.win32 \end{verbatim} \item Edit file \verb|ejabberd\src\ejabberd.cfg| and run \begin{verbatim} werl -s ejabberd -name ejabberd \end{verbatim} \end{itemize} %\subsection{Initial Configuration} %\label{sec:initconfig} \subsection{Starting} \label{sec:starting} To start \ejabberd{}, use the following command: \begin{verbatim} erl -pa /var/lib/ejabberd/ebin -name ejabberd -s ejabberd \end{verbatim} or \begin{verbatim} erl -pa /var/lib/ejabberd/ebin -sname ejabberd -s ejabberd \end{verbatim} In the latter case Erlang node will be identified using only first part of host name, i.\,e. other Erlang nodes outside this domain can't contact this node. Note that when using above command \ejabberd{} will search for config file in current directory and will use current directory for storing user database and logging. To specify path to config file, log files and Mnesia database directory, you may use the following command: \begin{verbatim} erl -pa /var/lib/ejabberd/ebin \ -sname ejabberd \ -s ejabberd \ -ejabberd config \"/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg\" \ log_path \"/var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log\" \ -sasl sasl_error_logger \{file,\"/var/log/ejabberd/sasl.log\"\} \ -mnesia dir \"/var/lib/ejabberd/spool\" \end{verbatim} You can find other useful options in Erlang manual page (\shell{erl -man erl}). To use more than 1024 connections, you should set environment variable \verb|ERL_MAX_PORTS|: \begin{verbatim} export ERL_MAX_PORTS=32000 \end{verbatim} Note that with this value \ejabberd{} will use more memory (approximately 6MB more). To reduce memory usage, you may set environment variable \verb|ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER|: \begin{verbatim} export ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER=0 \end{verbatim} But in this case \ejabberd{} can start to work slower. \section{Configuration} \label{sec:configuration} \subsection{Initial Configuration} \label{sec:initconfig} %\verbatiminput{../src/ejabberd.cfg} The configuration file is initially loaded the first time \ejabberd{} is executed, when it is parsed and stored in a database. Subsequently the configuration is loaded from the database and any commands in the configuration file are appended to the entries in the database. The configuration file consists of a sequence of Erlang terms. Parts of lines after \term{`\%'} sign are ignored. Each term is tuple, where first element is name of option, and other are option values. E.\,g.\ if this file does not contain a ``host'' definition, then old value stored in the database will be used. To override old values stored in the database the following lines can be added in config: \begin{verbatim} override_global. override_local. override_acls. \end{verbatim} With this lines old global or local options or ACLs will be removed before adding new ones. \subsubsection{Host Name} \label{sec:confighostname} Option \option{hostname} defines name of \Jabber{} domain that \ejabberd{} serves. E.\,g.\ to use \jid{jabber.org} domain add the following line in the config: \begin{verbatim} {host, "jabber.org"}. \end{verbatim} %This option is mandatory. \subsubsection{Default Language} \label{sec:configlanguage} Option \option{language} defines default language of \ejabberd{} messages, sent to users. Default value is \term{"en"}. In order to take effect there must be a translation file \term{.msg} in \ejabberd{} \term{msgs} directory. E.\,g.\ to use Russian as default language add the following line in the config: \begin{verbatim} {language, "ru"}. \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Access Rules} \label{sec:configaccess} Access control in \ejabberd{} is performed via Access Control Lists (ACL). The declarations of ACL in config file have following syntax: \begin{verbatim} {acl, , {, ...}}. \end{verbatim} \term{} can be one of following: \begin{description} \titem{all} Matches all JIDs. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, all, all}. \end{verbatim} \titem{\{user, \}} Matches local user with name \term{}. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, admin, {user, "aleksey"}}. \end{verbatim} \titem{\{user, , \}} Matches user with JID \term{@} and any resource. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, admin, {user, "aleksey", "jabber.ru"}}. \end{verbatim} \titem{\{server, \}} Matches any JID from server \term{}. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, jabberorg, {server, "jabber.org"}}. \end{verbatim} \titem{\{user\_regexp, \}} Matches local user with name that matches \term{}. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, tests, {user, "^test[0-9]*$"}}. \end{verbatim} %$ \titem{\{user\_regexp, , \}} Matches user with name that matches \term{} and from server \term{}. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, tests, {user, "^test", "localhost"}}. \end{verbatim} \titem{\{server\_regexp, \}} Matches any JID from server that matches \term{}. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, icq, {server, "^icq\\."}}. \end{verbatim} \titem{\{node\_regexp, , \}} Matches user with name that matches \term{} and from server that matches \term{}. Example: \begin{verbatim} {acl, aleksey, {node_regexp, "^aleksey$", "^jabber.(ru|org)$"}}. \end{verbatim} \titem{\{user\_glob, \}} \titem{\{user\_glob, , \}} \titem{\{server\_glob, \}} \titem{\{node\_glob, , \}} This is same as above, but uses shell glob patterns instead of regexp. These patterns can have following special characters: \begin{description} \titem{*} matches any string including the null string. \titem{?} matches any single character. \titem{[...]} matches any of the enclosed characters. Character ranges are specified by a pair of characters separated by a \term{`-'}. If the first character after \term{`['} is a \term{`!'}, then any character not enclosed is matched. \end{description} \end{description} The following ACLs pre-defined: \begin{description} \titem{all} Matches all JIDs. \titem{none} Matches none JIDs. \end{description} An entry allowing or denying different services would look similar to this: \begin{verbatim} {access, , [{allow, }, {deny, }, ... ]}. \end{verbatim} When a JID is checked to have access to \term{}, the server sequentially checks if this JID mathes one of the ACLs that are second elements in each tuple in list. If it is matched, then the first element of matched tuple is returned else ``\term{deny}'' is returned. Example: \begin{verbatim} {access, configure, [{allow, admin}]}. {access, something, [{deny, badmans}, {allow, all}]}. \end{verbatim} Following access rules pre-defined: \begin{description} \titem{all} Always return ``\term{allow}'' \titem{none} Always return ``\term{deny}'' \end{description} \subsubsection{Shapers Configuration} \label{sec:configshaper} With shapers is possible to bound connection traffic. The declarations of shapers in config file have following syntax: \begin{verbatim} {shaper, , }. \end{verbatim} Currently implemented only one kind of shaper: \term{maxrate}. It have following syntax: \begin{verbatim} {maxrate, } \end{verbatim} where \term{} means maximum allowed incomig rate in bytes/second. E.\,g.\ to define shaper with name ``\term{normal}'' and maximum allowed rate 1000\,bytes/s, add following line in config: \begin{verbatim} {shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}. \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Listened Sockets} \label{sec:configlistened} Option \option{listen} defines list of listened sockets and what services runned on them. Each element of list is a tuple with following elements: \begin{itemize} \item Port number; \item Module that serves this port; \item Options to this module. \end{itemize} Currently these modules are implemented: \begin{description} \titem{ejabberd\_c2s} This module serves C2S connections. The following options are defined: \begin{description} \titem{\{access, \}} This option defines access of users to this C2S port. Default value is ``\term{all}''. \titem{\{shaper, \}} This option is like previous, but use shapers instead of ``\term{allow}'' and ``\term{deny}''. Default value is ``\term{none}''. \titem{\{ip, IPAddress\}} This option specifies which network interface to listen on. For example \verb|{ip, {192, 168, 1, 1}}|. \titem{inet6} Set up the socket for IPv6. \titem{ssl} This option specifies that traffic on this port will be encrypted using SSL. You should also set ``\verb|certfile|'' option. \titem{\{certfile, Path\}} Path to a file containing the SSL certificate. \end{description} \titem{ejabberd\_s2s\_in} This module serves incoming S2S connections. \titem{ejabberd\_service} This module serves connections from \Jabber{} services (i.\,e.\ that use the \ns{jabber:component:accept} namespace). The following additional options are defined for \term{ejabberd\_service} (options \option{access}, \option{shaper}, \option{ip}, \option{inet6} are still valid): \begin{description} \titem{\{host, Hostname, [HostOptions]\}} This option defines hostname of connected service and allows to specify additional options, e.\,g.\ \poption{\{password, Secret\}}. \titem{\{hosts, [Hostnames], [HostOptions]\}} The same as above, but allows to specify several hostnames. \end{description} \titem{ejabberd\_http} This module serves incoming HTTP connections. The following options are defined: \begin{description} \titem{http\_poll} This option enables \tjepref{0025}{HTTP Polling} . support. It is available then at \verb|http://server:port/http-poll/|. \titem{web\_admin} This option enables web-based interface for \ejabberd{} administration which is available at \verb|http://server:port/admin/|, login and password should be equal to username and password of one of registered users who have permission defined in ``configure'' access rule. \end{description} \end{description} For example, the following configuration defines that: \begin{itemize} \item C2S connections are listened on port 5222 and 5223 (SSL) and denied for user ``\term{bad}'' \item S2S connections are listened on port 5269 \item HTTP connections are listened on port 5280 and administration interface and HTTP Polling support are enabled \item All users except admins have traffic limit 1000\,B/s \item AIM transport \jid{aim.example.org} is connected to port 5233 with password ``\term{aimsecret}'' \item JIT transports \jid{icq.example.org} and \jid{sms.example.org} are connected to port 5234 with password ``\term{jitsecret}'' \item MSN transport \jid{msn.example.org} is connected to port 5235 with password ``\term{msnsecret}'' \item Yahoo! transport \jid{yahoo.example.org} is connected to port 5236 with password ``\term{yahoosecret}'' \item Gadu-Gadu transport \jid{gg.example.org} is connected to port 5237 with password ``\term{ggsecret}'' \item ILE service \jid{ile.example.org} is connected to port 5238 with password ``\term{ilesecret}'' \end{itemize} \begin{verbatim} {acl, blocked, {user, "bad"}}. {access, c2s, [{deny, blocked}, {allow, all}]}. {shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}. {access, c2s_shaper, [{none, admin}, {normal, all}]}. {listen, [{5222, ejabberd_c2s, [{access, c2s}, {shaper, c2s_shaper}]}, {5223, ejabberd_c2s, [{access, c2s}, ssl, {certfile, "/path/to/ssl.pem"}]}, {5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, []}, {5280, ejabberd_http, [http_poll, web_admin]}, {5233, ejabberd_service, [{host, "aim.example.org", [{password, "aimsecret"}]}]}, {5234, ejabberd_service, [{hosts, ["icq.example.org", "sms.example.org"], [{password, "jitsecret"}]}]}, {5235, ejabberd_service, [{host, "msn.example.org", [{password, "msnsecret"}]}]}, {5236, ejabberd_service, [{host, "yahoo.example.org", [{password, "yahoosecret"}]}]}, {5237, ejabberd_service, [{host, "gg.example.org", [{password, "ggsecret"}]}]}, {5238, ejabberd_service, [{host, "ile.example.org", [{password, "ilesecret"}]}]} ] }. \end{verbatim} Note, that for jabberd14- or wpjabberd-based services you have to make the transports log and do XDB by themselves: \begin{verbatim} %d: [%t] (%h): %s /var/log/jabber/service.log /usr/lib/jabber/xdb_file.so /var/spool/jabber \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Modules} \label{sec:configmodules} Option \term{modules} defines the list of modules that will be loaded after \ejabberd{} startup. Each list element is a tuple where first element is a name of a module and second is list of options to this module. See section~\ref{sec:modules} for detailed information on each module. Example: \begin{verbatim} {modules, [{mod_register, []}, {mod_roster, []}, {mod_privacy, []}, {mod_configure, []}, {mod_disco, []}, {mod_stats, []}, {mod_vcard, []}, {mod_offline, []}, {mod_echo, [{host, "echo.localhost"}]}, {mod_private, []}, {mod_irc, []}, {mod_muc, []}, {mod_pubsub, []}, {mod_time, [{iqdisc, no_queue}]}, {mod_last, []}, {mod_version, []} ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{Online Configuration and Monitoring} \label{sec:onlineconfig} \subsubsection{Web-based Administration Interface} \label{sec:webadm} To perform online reconfiguration of \ejabberd{} you need to enable \term{ejabberd\_http} listener with option \term{web\_admin} (see section~\ref{sec:configlistened}). After that you can open URL \verb|http://server:port/admin/| with you favorite web-browser and enter username and password of \ejabberd{} administrator. E.\,g. with such config: \begin{verbatim} ... {host, "example.org"}. ... {listen, [... {5280, ejabberd_http, [web_admin]}, ... ] }. \end{verbatim} you should enter URL \verb|http://example.org:5280/admin/|. After authentification you should see something like in figure~\ref{fig:webadmmain}. \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \insimg{webadmmain.png} \caption{Web-administration top page} \label{fig:webadmmain} \end{figure} Here you can edit access restrictions, manage users, create backup files, manage DB, enable/disable listened ports, and view statistics. \subsubsection{\term{ejabberdctl} tool} \label{sec:ejabberdctl} It is possible to do some administration operations using \term{ejabberdctl} command-line tool. You can check available options running this command without arguments: \begin{verbatim} % ejabberdctl Usage: ejabberdctl node command Available commands: stop stop ejabberd restart restart ejabberd reopen-log reopen log file register user password register a user unregister user unregister a user backup file store a database backup in file restore file restore a database backup from file install-fallback file install a database fallback from file dump file dump a database in a text file load file restore a database from a text file registered-users list all registered users Example: ejabberdctl ejabberd@host restart \end{verbatim} \section{Distribution} \label{sec:distribution} \subsection{How it works} \label{sec:howitworks} A \Jabber{} domain is served by one or more \ejabberd{} nodes. These nodes can be runned on different machines that are connected via a network. They all must have the ability to connect to port 4369 of all another nodes, and must have the same magic cookie (see Erlang/OTP documentation, in other words the file \term{\~{}ejabberd/.erlang.cookie} must be the same on all nodes). This is needed because all nodes exchange information about connected users, S2S connections, registered services, etc\ldots Each \ejabberd{} node have following modules: \begin{itemize} \item router; \item local router. \item session manager; \item S2S manager; \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Router} This module is the main router of \Jabber{} packets on each node. It routes them based on their destinations domains. It has two tables: local and global routes. First, domain of packet destination searched in local table, and if it found, then the packet is routed to appropriate process. If no, then it searches in global table, and is routed to the appropriate \ejabberd{} node or process. If it does not exists in either tables, then it sent to the S2S manager. \subsubsection{Local Router} This module routes packets which have a destination domain equal to this server name. If destination JID has a non-empty user part, then it routed to the session manager, else it is processed depending on it's content. \subsubsection{Session Manager} This module routes packets to local users. It searches for what user resource packet must be sended via presence table. If this resource is connected to this node, it is routed to C2S process, if it connected via another node, then the packet is sent to session manager on that node. \subsubsection{S2S Manager} This module routes packets to other \Jabber{} servers. First, it checks if an open S2S connection from the domain of the packet source to the domain of packet destination already exists. If it is open on another node, then it routes the packet to S2S manager on that node, if it is open on this node, then it is routed to the process that serves this connection, and if a connection does not exist, then it is opened and registered. \appendix{} \section{Built-in Modules} \label{sec:modules} \subsection{Common Options} \label{sec:modcommonopts} The following options are used by many modules, so they are described in separate section. \subsubsection{Option \option{iqdisc}} \label{sec:modiqdiscoption} Many modules define handlers for processing IQ queries of different namespaces to this server or to user (e.\,g.\ to \jid{example.org} or to \jid{user@example.org}). This option defines processing discipline of these queries. Possible values are: \begin{description} \titem{no\_queue} All queries of namespace with this processing discipline processed immediately. This also means that no other packets can be processed until finished this. Hence this discipline is not recommended if processing of query can take relatively long time. \titem{one\_queue} In this case created separate queue for processing of IQ queries of namespace with this discipline, and processing of this queue is done in parallel with processing of other packets. This discipline is most recommended. \titem{parallel} In this case for all packets with this discipline spawned separate Erlang process, so all these packets processed in parallel. Although spawning of Erlang process have relatively low cost, this can broke server normal work, because Erlang emulator have limit on number of processes (32000 by default). \end{description} Example: \begin{verbatim} {modules, [ ... {mod_time, [{iqdisc, no_queue}]}, ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Option \option{host}} \label{sec:modhostoption} This option explicitly defines hostname for the module which acts as a service. Example: \begin{verbatim} {modules, [ ... {mod_echo, [{host, "echo.example.org"}]}, ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{\modconfigure{}} \label{sec:modconfigure} Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{ejabberd:config}} \end{description} \subsection{\moddisco{}} \label{sec:moddisco} This module adds support for \jepref{0030} (Service Discovery). Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco\#items} and \ns{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco\#info}} \titem{extra\_domains} List of domains that will be added to server items reply \end{description} Example: \begin{verbatim} {modules, [ ... {mod_disco, [{extra_domains, ["jit.example.com", "etc.example.com"]}]}, ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{\modecho{}} \label{sec:modecho} This module acts as a service and simply returns to sender any \Jabber{} packet. Module may be useful for debugging. Options: \begin{description} \hostitem{echo} \end{description} \subsection{\modirc{}} \label{sec:modirc} This module implements IRC transport. Options: \begin{description} \hostitem{irc} \titem{access} Specifies who is allowed to use IRC transport (default value is \term{all}). \end{description} Example: \begin{verbatim} {modules, [ ... {mod_irc, [{access, all}]}, ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{\modlast{}} \label{sec:modlast} This module adds support for \jepref{0012} (Last Activity) Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{jabber:iq:last}} \end{description} \subsection{\modmuc{}} \label{sec:modmuc} This module implements \jepref{0045} (Multi-User Chat) service. Options: \begin{description} \hostitem{conference} \titem{access} Specifies who is allowed to use MUC service (default value is \term{all}). \titem{access\_create} Specifies who is allowed to create new rooms at MUC service (default value is \term{all}). \titem{access\_admin} Specifies who is allowed to administrate MUC service (default value is \term{none}, which means that only creator may administer her room). \end{description} Example: \begin{verbatim} % Define admin ACL {acl, admin, {user, "admin"}} % Define MUC admin access rule {access, muc_admin, [{allow, admin}]} {modules, [ ... {mod_muc, [{access, all}, {access_create, all}, {access_admin, muc_admin}]}, ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{\modoffline{}} \label{sec:modoffline} This module implements offline message storage. \subsection{\modprivacy{}} \label{sec:modprivacy} This module implements Privacy Rules as defined in XMPP IM (see \ahrefurl{http://www.jabber.org/ietf/}). Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{jabber:iq:privacy}} \end{description} \subsection{\modprivate{}} \label{sec:modprivate} This module adds support of \jepref{0049} (Private XML Storage). Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{jabber:iq:private}} \end{description} \subsection{\modpubsub{}} \label{sec:modpubsub} This module implements \jepref{0060} (Publish-Subscribe Service). Options: \begin{description} \hostitem{pubsub} \titem{served\_hosts} Specifies which hosts are served by the service. If absent then only main \ejabberd{} host is served. \end{description} Example: \begin{verbatim} {modules, [ ... {mod_pubsub, [{served_hosts, ["example.com", "example.org"]}]} ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{\modregister{}} \label{sec:modregister} This module adds support for \jepref{0077} (In-Band Registration). Options: \begin{description} \titem{access} Specifies rule to restrict registration. If this rule returns ``deny'' on requested user name, then registration is not allowed for it. (default value is \term{all}, which means no restrictions). \iqdiscitem{\ns{jabber:iq:register}} \end{description} Example: \begin{verbatim} % Deny registration for users with too short name {acl, shortname, {user_glob, "?"}}. {acl, shortname, {user_glob, "??"}}. % Another variant: {acl, shortname, {user_regexp, "^..?$"}}. {access, register, [{deny, shortname}, {allow, all}]}. {modules, [ ... {mod_register, [{access, register}]}, ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{\modroster{}} \label{sec:modroster} This module implements roster management. Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{jabber:iq:roster}} \end{description} \subsection{\modstats{}} \label{sec:modstats} This module adds support for \jepref{0039} (Statistics Gathering). Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{http://jabber.org/protocol/stats}} \end{description} TBD about access. \subsection{\modtime{}} \label{sec:modtime} This module answers UTC time on \ns{jabber:iq:time} queries. Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{jabber:iq:time}} \end{description} \subsection{\modvcard{}} \label{sec:modvcard} This module implements simple Jabber User Directory (based on user vCards) and answers server vCard on \ns{vcard-temp} queries. Options: \begin{description} \hostitem{vjud} \iqdiscitem{\ns{vcard-temp}} \titem{search} Specifies wheather search is enabled (value is \term{true}, default) or disabled (value is \term{false}) by the service. If \term{search} is set to \term{false}, option \term{host} is ignored and service does not appear in Jabber Discovery items. \end{description} Example: \begin{verbatim} {modules, [ ... {mod_vcard, [{search, false}]} ... ]}. \end{verbatim} \subsection{\modversion{}} \label{sec:modversion} This module answers \ejabberd{} version on \ns{jabber:iq:version} queries. Options: \begin{description} \iqdiscitem{\ns{jabber:iq:version}} \end{description} \section{I18n/L10n} \label{sec:i18nl10n} All built-in modules support \texttt{xml:lang} attribute inside IQ queries. E.\,g.\ on figure~\ref{fig:discorus} showed the reply on the following query: \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \insimg{discorus.png} \caption{Discovery result when \texttt{xml:lang='ru'}} \label{fig:discorus} \end{figure} Also web-interface supports \verb|Accept-Language| HTTP header (see figure~\ref{fig:webadmmainru}, compare it with figure~\ref{fig:webadmmain}) \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \insimg{webadmmainru.png} \caption{Web-administration top page with HTTP header ``\verb|Accept-Language: ru|''} \label{fig:webadmmainru} \end{figure} \end{document}