defmodule Ejabberd.Config do @moduledoc """ Base module for configuration file. Imports macros for the config DSL and contains functions for working/starting the configuration parsed. """ alias Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdModule alias Ejabberd.Config.Attr alias Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdLogger defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do import Ejabberd.Config, only: :macros import Ejabberd.Logger @before_compile Ejabberd.Config end end # Validate the modules parsed and log validation errors at compile time. # Could be also possible to interrupt the compilation&execution by throwing # an exception if necessary. def __before_compile__(_env) do get_modules_parsed_in_order() |> EjabberdModule.validate |> EjabberdLogger.log_errors end @doc """ Given the path of the config file, it evaluates it. """ def init(file_path, force \\ false) do init_already_executed = Ejabberd.Config.Store.get(:module_name) != [] case force do true -> Ejabberd.Config.Store.stop() Ejabberd.Config.Store.start_link() do_init(file_path) false -> if not init_already_executed, do: do_init(file_path) end end @doc """ Returns a list with all the opts, formatted for ejabberd. """ def get_ejabberd_opts do get_general_opts() |> Map.put(:modules, get_modules_parsed_in_order()) |> Map.put(:listeners, get_listeners_parsed_in_order()) |> Ejabberd.Config.OptsFormatter.format_opts_for_ejabberd end @doc """ Register the hooks defined inside the elixir config file. """ def start_hooks do get_hooks_parsed_in_order() |> Enum.each(&Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdHook.start/1) end ### ### MACROS ### defmacro listen(module, do: block) do attrs = Attr.extract_attrs_from_block_with_defaults(block) quote do Ejabberd.Config.Store.put(:listeners, %EjabberdModule{ module: unquote(module), attrs: unquote(attrs) }) end end defmacro module(module, do: block) do attrs = Attr.extract_attrs_from_block_with_defaults(block) quote do Ejabberd.Config.Store.put(:modules, %EjabberdModule{ module: unquote(module), attrs: unquote(attrs) }) end end defmacro hook(hook_name, opts, fun) do quote do Ejabberd.Config.Store.put(:hooks, %Ejabberd.Config.EjabberdHook{ hook: unquote(hook_name), opts: unquote(opts), fun: unquote(fun) }) end end # Private API defp do_init(file_path) do # File evaluation Code.eval_file(file_path) |> extract_and_store_module_name() # Getting start/0 config [module] = Ejabberd.Config.Store.get(:module_name) call_start_func_and_store_data(module) # Fetching git modules and install them get_modules_parsed_in_order() |> EjabberdModule.fetch_git_repos end # Returns the modules from the store defp get_modules_parsed_in_order, do: Ejabberd.Config.Store.get(:modules) |> Enum.reverse # Returns the listeners from the store defp get_listeners_parsed_in_order, do: Ejabberd.Config.Store.get(:listeners) |> Enum.reverse defp get_hooks_parsed_in_order, do: Ejabberd.Config.Store.get(:hooks) |> Enum.reverse # Returns the general config options defp get_general_opts, do: Ejabberd.Config.Store.get(:general) |> List.first # Gets the general ejabberd options calling # the start/0 function and stores them. defp call_start_func_and_store_data(module) do opts = apply(module, :start, []) Ejabberd.Config.Store.put(:general, opts) end # Stores the configuration module name defp extract_and_store_module_name({{:module, mod, _bytes, _}, _}) do Ejabberd.Config.Store.put(:module_name, mod) end end