%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_admin_update_sql.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Convert SQL DB to the new format %%% Created : 9 Aug 2017 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_admin_update_sql). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, mod_options/1, get_commands_spec/0, depends/2, mod_doc/0]). % Commands API -export([update_sql/0]). % For testing -export([update_sql/1]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_sql_pt.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). %%% %%% gen_mod %%% start(_Host, _Opts) -> ejabberd_commands:register_commands(?MODULE, get_commands_spec()). stop(_Host) -> ejabberd_commands:unregister_commands(get_commands_spec()). reload(_Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> ok. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. %%% %%% Register commands %%% get_commands_spec() -> [#ejabberd_commands{name = update_sql, tags = [sql], desc = "Convert MS SQL, MySQL or PostgreSQL DB to the new format", module = ?MODULE, function = update_sql, args = [], args_example = [], args_desc = [], result = {res, rescode}, result_example = ok, result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"} ]. update_sql() -> lists:foreach( fun(Host) -> case ejabberd_sql_sup:is_started(Host) of false -> ok; true -> update_sql(Host) end end, ejabberd_option:hosts()). -record(state, {host :: binary(), dbtype :: mysql | pgsql | sqlite | mssql | odbc, escape}). update_sql(Host) -> LHost = jid:nameprep(Host), DBType = ejabberd_option:sql_type(LHost), IsSupported = case DBType of mssql -> true; mysql -> true; pgsql -> true; _ -> false end, if not IsSupported -> io:format("Converting ~p DB is not supported~n", [DBType]), error; true -> Escape = case DBType of mssql -> fun ejabberd_sql:standard_escape/1; sqlite -> fun ejabberd_sql:standard_escape/1; _ -> fun ejabberd_sql:escape/1 end, State = #state{host = LHost, dbtype = DBType, escape = Escape}, update_tables(State), check_config() end. check_config() -> case ejabberd_sql:use_new_schema() of true -> ok; false -> ejabberd_config:set_option(new_sql_schema, true), io:format('~nNOTE: you must add "new_sql_schema: true" to ejabberd.yml before next restart~n~n', []) end. update_tables(State) -> case add_sh_column(State, "users") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "users"), add_pkey(State, "users", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "users"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "last") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "last"), add_pkey(State, "last", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "last"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "rosterusers") of true -> drop_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_user_jid"), drop_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_username"), drop_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_jid"), create_unique_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_sh_user_jid", ["server_host", "username", "jid"]), create_index(State, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_sh_jid", ["server_host", "jid"]), drop_sh_default(State, "rosterusers"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "rostergroups") of true -> drop_index(State, "rostergroups", "pk_rosterg_user_jid"), create_index(State, "rostergroups", "i_rosterg_sh_user_jid", ["server_host", "username", "jid"]), drop_sh_default(State, "rostergroups"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "sr_group") of true -> drop_index(State, "sr_group", "i_sr_group_name"), create_unique_index(State, "sr_group", "i_sr_group_sh_name", ["server_host", "name"]), drop_sh_default(State, "sr_group"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "sr_user") of true -> drop_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_jid_grp"), drop_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_jid"), drop_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_grp"), create_unique_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_sh_jid_grp", ["server_host", "jid", "grp"]), create_index(State, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_sh_grp", ["server_host", "grp"]), drop_sh_default(State, "sr_user"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "spool") of true -> drop_index(State, "spool", "i_despool"), create_index(State, "spool", "i_spool_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "spool"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "archive") of true -> drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username"), drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username_timestamp"), drop_index(State, "archive", "i_timestamp"), drop_index(State, "archive", "i_peer"), drop_index(State, "archive", "i_bare_peer"), drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username_peer"), drop_index(State, "archive", "i_username_bare_peer"), create_index(State, "archive", "i_archive_sh_username_timestamp", ["server_host", "username", "timestamp"]), create_index(State, "archive", "i_archive_sh_timestamp", ["server_host", "timestamp"]), create_index(State, "archive", "i_archive_sh_username_peer", ["server_host", "username", "peer"]), create_index(State, "archive", "i_archive_sh_username_bare_peer", ["server_host", "username", "bare_peer"]), drop_sh_default(State, "archive"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "archive_prefs") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "archive_prefs"), add_pkey(State, "archive_prefs", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "archive_prefs"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "vcard") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "vcard"), add_pkey(State, "vcard", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "vcard"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "vcard_search") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "vcard_search"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lfn"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lfamily"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lgiven"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lmiddle"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lnickname"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lbday"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lctry"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_llocality"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lemail"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lorgname"), drop_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_lorgunit"), add_pkey(State, "vcard_search", ["server_host", "lusername"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lfn", ["server_host", "lfn"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lfamily", ["server_host", "lfamily"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lgiven", ["server_host", "lgiven"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lmiddle", ["server_host", "lmiddle"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lnickname", ["server_host", "lnickname"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lbday", ["server_host", "lbday"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lctry", ["server_host", "lctry"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_llocality", ["server_host", "llocality"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lemail", ["server_host", "lemail"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lorgname", ["server_host", "lorgname"]), create_index(State, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lorgunit", ["server_host", "lorgunit"]), drop_sh_default(State, "vcard_search"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "privacy_default_list") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "privacy_default_list"), add_pkey(State, "privacy_default_list", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "privacy_default_list"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "privacy_list") of true -> drop_index(State, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_username"), drop_index(State, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_username_name"), create_unique_index(State, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_sh_username_name", ["server_host", "username", "name"]), drop_sh_default(State, "privacy_list"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "private_storage") of true -> drop_index(State, "private_storage", "i_private_storage_username"), drop_index(State, "private_storage", "i_private_storage_username_namespace"), add_pkey(State, "private_storage", ["server_host", "username", "namespace"]), drop_sh_default(State, "private_storage"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "roster_version") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "roster_version"), add_pkey(State, "roster_version", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "roster_version"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "muc_room") of true -> drop_sh_default(State, "muc_room"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "muc_registered") of true -> drop_sh_default(State, "muc_registered"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "muc_online_room") of true -> drop_sh_default(State, "muc_online_room"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "muc_online_users") of true -> drop_sh_default(State, "muc_online_users"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "motd") of true -> drop_pkey(State, "motd"), add_pkey(State, "motd", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "motd"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "sm") of true -> drop_index(State, "sm", "i_sm_sid"), drop_index(State, "sm", "i_sm_username"), add_pkey(State, "sm", ["usec", "pid"]), create_index(State, "sm", "i_sm_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]), drop_sh_default(State, "sm"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "push_session") of true -> drop_index(State, "push_session", "i_push_usn"), drop_index(State, "push_session", "i_push_ut"), create_unique_index(State, "push_session", "i_push_session_susn", ["server_host", "username", "service", "node"]), create_index(State, "push_session", "i_push_session_sh_username_timestamp", ["server_host", "username", "timestamp"]), drop_sh_default(State, "push_session"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "mix_pam") of true -> drop_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam"), drop_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam_u"), drop_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam_us"), create_unique_index(State, "mix_pam", "i_mix_pam", ["username", "server_host", "channel", "service"]), drop_sh_default(State, "mix_pam"); false -> ok end, case add_sh_column(State, "mqtt_pub") of true -> drop_index(State, "mqtt_pub", "i_mqtt_topic"), create_unique_index(State, "mqtt_pub", "i_mqtt_topic_server", ["topic", "server_host"]), drop_sh_default(State, "mqtt_pub"); false -> ok end, ok. check_sh_column(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table) -> DB = ejabberd_option:sql_database(State#state.host), sql_query( State#state.host, ["SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns ", "WHERE table_name = '", Table, "' AND column_name = 'server_host' ", "AND table_schema = '", (State#state.escape)(DB), "' ", "GROUP BY table_name, column_name;"], false); check_sh_column(State, Table) -> DB = ejabberd_option:sql_database(State#state.host), sql_query( State#state.host, ["SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns ", "WHERE table_name = '", Table, "' AND column_name = 'server_host' ", "AND table_catalog = '", (State#state.escape)(DB), "' ", "GROUP BY table_name, column_name;"], false). add_sh_column(State, Table) -> case check_sh_column(State, Table) of true -> false; false -> do_add_sh_column(State, Table), true end. do_add_sh_column(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD COLUMN server_host text NOT NULL DEFAULT '", (State#state.escape)(State#state.host), "';"]); do_add_sh_column(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE [", Table, "] ADD [server_host] varchar (250) NOT NULL ", "CONSTRAINT [server_host_default] DEFAULT '", (State#state.escape)(State#state.host), "';"]); do_add_sh_column(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD COLUMN server_host varchar(191) NOT NULL DEFAULT '", (State#state.escape)(State#state.host), "';"]). drop_pkey(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " DROP CONSTRAINT ", Table, "_pkey;"]); drop_pkey(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE [", Table, "] DROP CONSTRAINT [", Table, "_PRIMARY];"]); drop_pkey(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " DROP PRIMARY KEY;"]). add_pkey(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Cols) -> SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD PRIMARY KEY (", SCols, ");"]); add_pkey(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table, Cols) -> SCols = string:join(Cols, "], ["), sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE [", Table, "] ADD CONSTRAINT [", Table, "_PRIMARY] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([", SCols, "]) ", "WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ", "ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY];"]); add_pkey(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Cols) -> Cols2 = [C ++ mysql_keylen(Table, C) || C <- Cols], SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD PRIMARY KEY (", SCols, ");"]). drop_sh_default(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ALTER COLUMN server_host DROP DEFAULT;"]); drop_sh_default(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE [", Table, "] DROP CONSTRAINT [server_host_default];"]); drop_sh_default(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ALTER COLUMN server_host DROP DEFAULT;"]). check_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Index) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["SELECT 1 FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = '", Table, "' AND indexname = '", Index, "';"], false); check_index(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table, Index) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables t ", "INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = t.object_id ", "WHERE i.index_id > 0 ", "AND i.name = '", Index, "' ", "AND t.name = '", Table, "';"], false); check_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Index) -> DB = ejabberd_option:sql_database(State#state.host), sql_query( State#state.host, ["SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.statistics ", "WHERE table_name = '", Table, "' AND index_name = '", Index, "' ", "AND table_schema = '", (State#state.escape)(DB), "' ", "GROUP BY table_name, index_name;"], false). drop_index(State, Table, Index) -> OldIndex = old_index_name(State#state.dbtype, Index), case check_index(State, Table, OldIndex) of true -> do_drop_index(State, Table, OldIndex); false -> ok end. do_drop_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, _Table, Index) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["DROP INDEX ", Index, ";"]); do_drop_index(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table, Index) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["DROP INDEX [", Index, "] ON [", Table, "];"]); do_drop_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Index) -> sql_query( State#state.host, ["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " DROP INDEX ", Index, ";"]). create_unique_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) -> SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, " USING btree (", SCols, ");"]); create_unique_index(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table, "i_privacy_list_sh_username_name" = Index, Cols) -> create_index(State, Table, Index, Cols); create_unique_index(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) -> SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["CREATE UNIQUE ", mssql_clustered(Index), "INDEX [", new_index_name(State#state.dbtype, Index), "] ", "ON [", Table, "] (", SCols, ") ", "WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON);"]); create_unique_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) -> Cols2 = [C ++ mysql_keylen(Index, C) || C <- Cols], SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, "(", SCols, ");"]). create_index(#state{dbtype = pgsql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) -> NewIndex = new_index_name(State#state.dbtype, Index), SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["CREATE INDEX ", NewIndex, " ON ", Table, " USING btree (", SCols, ");"]); create_index(#state{dbtype = mssql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) -> NewIndex = new_index_name(State#state.dbtype, Index), SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["CREATE INDEX [", NewIndex, "] ON [", Table, "] (", SCols, ") ", "WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON);"]); create_index(#state{dbtype = mysql} = State, Table, Index, Cols) -> NewIndex = new_index_name(State#state.dbtype, Index), Cols2 = [C ++ mysql_keylen(NewIndex, C) || C <- Cols], SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "), sql_query( State#state.host, ["CREATE INDEX ", NewIndex, " ON ", Table, "(", SCols, ");"]). old_index_name(mssql, "i_bare_peer") -> "archive_bare_peer"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_peer") -> "archive_peer"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_timestamp") -> "archive_timestamp"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_username") -> "archive_username"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_username_bare_peer") -> "archive_username_bare_peer"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_username_peer") -> "archive_username_peer"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_username_timestamp") -> "archive_username_timestamp"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_push_usn") -> "i_push_usn"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_push_ut") -> "i_push_ut"; old_index_name(mssql, "pk_rosterg_user_jid") -> "rostergroups_username_jid"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_rosteru_jid") -> "rosterusers_jid"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_rosteru_username") -> "rosterusers_username"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_rosteru_user_jid") -> "rosterusers_username_jid"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_despool") -> "spool_username"; old_index_name(mssql, "i_sr_user_jid_grp") -> "sr_user_jid_group"; old_index_name(mssql, Index) -> string:substr(Index, 3); old_index_name(_Type, Index) -> Index. new_index_name(mssql, "i_rosterg_sh_user_jid") -> "rostergroups_sh_username_jid"; new_index_name(mssql, "i_rosteru_sh_jid") -> "rosterusers_sh_jid"; new_index_name(mssql, "i_rosteru_sh_user_jid") -> "rosterusers_sh_username_jid"; new_index_name(mssql, "i_sr_user_sh_jid_grp") -> "sr_user_sh_jid_group"; new_index_name(mssql, Index) -> string:substr(Index, 3); new_index_name(_Type, Index) -> Index. mssql_clustered("i_mix_pam") -> ""; mssql_clustered("i_push_session_susn") -> ""; mssql_clustered(_) -> "CLUSTERED ". mysql_keylen(_, "bare_peer") -> "(191)"; mysql_keylen(_, "channel") -> "(191)"; mysql_keylen(_, "domain") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen(_, "jid") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen(_, "name") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen(_, "node") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen(_, "peer") -> "(191)"; mysql_keylen(_, "pid") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen(_, "server_host") -> "(191)"; mysql_keylen(_, "service") -> "(191)"; mysql_keylen(_, "topic") -> "(191)"; mysql_keylen("i_privacy_list_sh_username_name", "username") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen("i_rosterg_sh_user_jid", "username") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen("i_rosteru_sh_user_jid", "username") -> "(75)"; mysql_keylen(_, "username") -> "(191)"; mysql_keylen(_, _) -> "". sql_query(Host, Query) -> sql_query(Host, Query, true). sql_query(Host, Query, Log) -> case Log of true -> io:format("executing \"~ts\" on ~ts~n", [Query, Host]); false -> ok end, case ejabberd_sql:sql_query(Host, Query) of {selected, _Cols, []} -> false; {selected, _Cols, [_Rows]} -> true; {error, Error} -> io:format("error: ~p~n", [Error]), false; _ -> ok end. mod_options(_) -> []. mod_doc() -> #{desc => ?T("This module can be used to update existing SQL database " "from the default to the new schema. Check the section " "http://../database/#default-and-new-schemas[Default and New Schemas] for details. " "Please note that only MS SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are supported. " "When the module is loaded use _`update_sql`_ API.")}.