%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_sql.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Serve SQL connection %%% Created : 8 Dec 2004 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_sql). -behaviour(ejabberd_config). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -define(GEN_FSM, p1_fsm). -behaviour(?GEN_FSM). %% External exports -export([start/1, start_link/2, sql_query/2, sql_query_t/1, sql_transaction/2, sql_bloc/2, abort/1, restart/1, sql_query_to_iolist/1, escape/1, standard_escape/1, escape_like/1, escape_like_arg/1, escape_like_arg_circumflex/1, to_bool/1, sqlite_db/1, sqlite_file/1, encode_term/1, decode_term/1, odbc_config/0, freetds_config/0, odbcinst_config/0, init_mssql/1, keep_alive/1]). %% gen_fsm callbacks -export([init/1, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, print_state/1, code_change/4]). -export([connecting/2, connecting/3, session_established/2, session_established/3, opt_type/1]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_sql_pt.hrl"). -record(state, {db_ref = self() :: pid(), db_type = odbc :: pgsql | mysql | sqlite | odbc | mssql, db_version = undefined :: undefined | non_neg_integer(), start_interval = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), host = <<"">> :: binary(), pending_requests :: p1_queue:queue()}). -define(STATE_KEY, ejabberd_sql_state). -define(NESTING_KEY, ejabberd_sql_nesting_level). -define(TOP_LEVEL_TXN, 0). -define(PGSQL_PORT, 5432). -define(MYSQL_PORT, 3306). -define(MSSQL_PORT, 1433). -define(MAX_TRANSACTION_RESTARTS, 10). -define(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, 60000). -define(KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT, 60000). -define(KEEPALIVE_QUERY, [<<"SELECT 1;">>]). -define(PREPARE_KEY, ejabberd_sql_prepare). %%-define(DBGFSM, true). -ifdef(DBGFSM). -define(FSMOPTS, [{debug, [trace]}]). -else. -define(FSMOPTS, []). -endif. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start(Host) -> (?GEN_FSM):start(ejabberd_sql, [Host], fsm_limit_opts() ++ (?FSMOPTS)). start_link(Host, StartInterval) -> (?GEN_FSM):start_link(ejabberd_sql, [Host, StartInterval], fsm_limit_opts() ++ (?FSMOPTS)). -type sql_query() :: [sql_query() | binary()] | #sql_query{} | fun(() -> any()) | fun((atom(), _) -> any()). -type sql_query_result() :: {updated, non_neg_integer()} | {error, binary()} | {selected, [binary()], [[binary()]]} | {selected, [any()]}. -spec sql_query(binary(), sql_query()) -> sql_query_result(). sql_query(Host, Query) -> check_error(sql_call(Host, {sql_query, Query}), Query). %% SQL transaction based on a list of queries %% This function automatically -spec sql_transaction(binary(), [sql_query()] | fun(() -> any())) -> {atomic, any()} | {aborted, any()}. sql_transaction(Host, Queries) when is_list(Queries) -> F = fun () -> lists:foreach(fun (Query) -> sql_query_t(Query) end, Queries) end, sql_transaction(Host, F); %% SQL transaction, based on a erlang anonymous function (F = fun) sql_transaction(Host, F) when is_function(F) -> sql_call(Host, {sql_transaction, F}). %% SQL bloc, based on a erlang anonymous function (F = fun) sql_bloc(Host, F) -> sql_call(Host, {sql_bloc, F}). sql_call(Host, Msg) -> case get(?STATE_KEY) of undefined -> case ejabberd_sql_sup:get_random_pid(Host) of none -> {error, <<"Unknown Host">>}; Pid -> (?GEN_FSM):sync_send_event(Pid,{sql_cmd, Msg, p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds)}, ?TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) end; _State -> nested_op(Msg) end. keep_alive(PID) -> (?GEN_FSM):sync_send_event(PID, {sql_cmd, {sql_query, ?KEEPALIVE_QUERY}, p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds)}, ?KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT). -spec sql_query_t(sql_query()) -> sql_query_result(). %% This function is intended to be used from inside an sql_transaction: sql_query_t(Query) -> QRes = sql_query_internal(Query), case QRes of {error, Reason} -> throw({aborted, Reason}); Rs when is_list(Rs) -> case lists:keysearch(error, 1, Rs) of {value, {error, Reason}} -> throw({aborted, Reason}); _ -> QRes end; _ -> QRes end. abort(Reason) -> exit(Reason). restart(Reason) -> throw({aborted, Reason}). %% Escape character that will confuse an SQL engine escape(S) -> << <<(sql_queries:escape(Char))/binary>> || <> <= S >>. %% Escape character that will confuse an SQL engine %% Percent and underscore only need to be escaped for pattern matching like %% statement escape_like(S) when is_binary(S) -> << <<(escape_like(C))/binary>> || <> <= S >>; escape_like($%) -> <<"\\%">>; escape_like($_) -> <<"\\_">>; escape_like($\\) -> <<"\\\\\\\\">>; escape_like(C) when is_integer(C), C >= 0, C =< 255 -> sql_queries:escape(C). escape_like_arg(S) when is_binary(S) -> << <<(escape_like_arg(C))/binary>> || <> <= S >>; escape_like_arg($%) -> <<"\\%">>; escape_like_arg($_) -> <<"\\_">>; escape_like_arg($\\) -> <<"\\\\">>; escape_like_arg(C) when is_integer(C), C >= 0, C =< 255 -> <>. escape_like_arg_circumflex(S) when is_binary(S) -> << <<(escape_like_arg_circumflex(C))/binary>> || <> <= S >>; escape_like_arg_circumflex($%) -> <<"^%">>; escape_like_arg_circumflex($_) -> <<"^_">>; escape_like_arg_circumflex($^) -> <<"^^">>; escape_like_arg_circumflex($[) -> <<"^[">>; % For MSSQL escape_like_arg_circumflex($]) -> <<"^]">>; escape_like_arg_circumflex(C) when is_integer(C), C >= 0, C =< 255 -> <>. to_bool(<<"t">>) -> true; to_bool(<<"true">>) -> true; to_bool(<<"1">>) -> true; to_bool(true) -> true; to_bool(1) -> true; to_bool(_) -> false. encode_term(Term) -> escape(list_to_binary( erl_prettypr:format(erl_syntax:abstract(Term), [{paper, 65535}, {ribbon, 65535}]))). decode_term(Bin) -> Str = binary_to_list(<>), {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Str), {ok, Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens), Term. -spec sqlite_db(binary()) -> atom(). sqlite_db(Host) -> list_to_atom("ejabberd_sqlite_" ++ binary_to_list(Host)). -spec sqlite_file(binary()) -> string(). sqlite_file(Host) -> case ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_database, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1) of undefined -> {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), filename:join([Cwd, "sqlite", atom_to_list(node()), binary_to_list(Host), "ejabberd.db"]); File -> binary_to_list(File) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Callback functions from gen_fsm %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Host, StartInterval]) -> case ejabberd_config:get_option( {sql_keepalive_interval, Host}, fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end) of undefined -> ok; KeepaliveInterval -> timer:apply_interval(KeepaliveInterval * 1000, ?MODULE, keep_alive, [self()]) end, [DBType | _] = db_opts(Host), (?GEN_FSM):send_event(self(), connect), ejabberd_sql_sup:add_pid(Host, self()), QueueType = case ejabberd_config:get_option( {sql_queue_type, Host}, opt_type(sql_queue_type)) of undefined -> ejabberd_config:default_queue_type(Host); Type -> Type end, {ok, connecting, #state{db_type = DBType, host = Host, pending_requests = p1_queue:new(QueueType, max_fsm_queue()), start_interval = StartInterval}}. connecting(connect, #state{host = Host} = State) -> ConnectRes = case db_opts(Host) of [mysql | Args] -> apply(fun mysql_connect/7, Args); [pgsql | Args] -> apply(fun pgsql_connect/7, Args); [sqlite | Args] -> apply(fun sqlite_connect/1, Args); [mssql | Args] -> apply(fun odbc_connect/1, Args); [odbc | Args] -> apply(fun odbc_connect/1, Args) end, case ConnectRes of {ok, Ref} -> erlang:monitor(process, Ref), lists:foreach( fun({{?PREPARE_KEY, _} = Key, _}) -> erase(Key); (_) -> ok end, get()), PendingRequests = p1_queue:dropwhile( fun(Req) -> ?GEN_FSM:send_event(self(), Req), true end, State#state.pending_requests), State1 = State#state{db_ref = Ref, pending_requests = PendingRequests}, State2 = get_db_version(State1), {next_state, session_established, State2}; {error, Reason} -> ?INFO_MSG("~p connection failed:~n** Reason: ~p~n** " "Retry after: ~p seconds", [State#state.db_type, Reason, State#state.start_interval div 1000]), (?GEN_FSM):send_event_after(State#state.start_interval, connect), {next_state, connecting, State} end; connecting(Event, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("unexpected event in 'connecting': ~p", [Event]), {next_state, connecting, State}. connecting({sql_cmd, {sql_query, ?KEEPALIVE_QUERY}, _Timestamp}, From, State) -> (?GEN_FSM):reply(From, {error, <<"SQL connection failed">>}), {next_state, connecting, State}; connecting({sql_cmd, Command, Timestamp} = Req, From, State) -> ?DEBUG("queuing pending request while connecting:~n\t~p", [Req]), PendingRequests = try p1_queue:in({sql_cmd, Command, From, Timestamp}, State#state.pending_requests) catch error:full -> Q = p1_queue:dropwhile( fun({sql_cmd, _, To, _Timestamp}) -> (?GEN_FSM):reply( To, {error, <<"SQL connection failed">>}), true end, State#state.pending_requests), p1_queue:in({sql_cmd, Command, From, Timestamp}, Q) end, {next_state, connecting, State#state{pending_requests = PendingRequests}}; connecting(Request, {Who, _Ref}, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("unexpected call ~p from ~p in 'connecting'", [Request, Who]), {reply, {error, badarg}, connecting, State}. session_established({sql_cmd, Command, Timestamp}, From, State) -> run_sql_cmd(Command, From, State, Timestamp); session_established(Request, {Who, _Ref}, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("unexpected call ~p from ~p in 'session_establ" "ished'", [Request, Who]), {reply, {error, badarg}, session_established, State}. session_established({sql_cmd, Command, From, Timestamp}, State) -> run_sql_cmd(Command, From, State, Timestamp); session_established(Event, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("unexpected event in 'session_established': ~p", [Event]), {next_state, session_established, State}. handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) -> {next_state, StateName, State}. handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, State) -> {reply, {error, badarg}, StateName, State}. code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) -> {ok, StateName, State}. %% We receive the down signal when we loose the MySQL connection (we are %% monitoring the connection) handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, _Pid, _Info}, _StateName, State) -> (?GEN_FSM):send_event(self(), connect), {next_state, connecting, State}; handle_info(Info, StateName, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("unexpected info in ~p: ~p", [StateName, Info]), {next_state, StateName, State}. terminate(_Reason, _StateName, State) -> ejabberd_sql_sup:remove_pid(State#state.host, self()), case State#state.db_type of mysql -> catch p1_mysql_conn:stop(State#state.db_ref); sqlite -> catch sqlite3:close(sqlite_db(State#state.host)); _ -> ok end, ok. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: print_state/1 %% Purpose: Prepare the state to be printed on error log %% Returns: State to print %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- print_state(State) -> State. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- run_sql_cmd(Command, From, State, Timestamp) -> case p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds) - Timestamp of Age when Age < (?TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) -> put(?NESTING_KEY, ?TOP_LEVEL_TXN), put(?STATE_KEY, State), abort_on_driver_error(outer_op(Command), From); Age -> ?ERROR_MSG("Database was not available or too slow, " "discarding ~p milliseconds old request~n~p~n", [Age, Command]), {next_state, session_established, State} end. %% Only called by handle_call, only handles top level operations. %% @spec outer_op(Op) -> {error, Reason} | {aborted, Reason} | {atomic, Result} outer_op({sql_query, Query}) -> sql_query_internal(Query); outer_op({sql_transaction, F}) -> outer_transaction(F, ?MAX_TRANSACTION_RESTARTS, <<"">>); outer_op({sql_bloc, F}) -> execute_bloc(F). %% Called via sql_query/transaction/bloc from client code when inside a %% nested operation nested_op({sql_query, Query}) -> sql_query_internal(Query); nested_op({sql_transaction, F}) -> NestingLevel = get(?NESTING_KEY), if NestingLevel =:= (?TOP_LEVEL_TXN) -> outer_transaction(F, ?MAX_TRANSACTION_RESTARTS, <<"">>); true -> inner_transaction(F) end; nested_op({sql_bloc, F}) -> execute_bloc(F). %% Never retry nested transactions - only outer transactions inner_transaction(F) -> PreviousNestingLevel = get(?NESTING_KEY), case get(?NESTING_KEY) of ?TOP_LEVEL_TXN -> {backtrace, T} = process_info(self(), backtrace), ?ERROR_MSG("inner transaction called at outer txn " "level. Trace: ~s", [T]), erlang:exit(implementation_faulty); _N -> ok end, put(?NESTING_KEY, PreviousNestingLevel + 1), Result = (catch F()), put(?NESTING_KEY, PreviousNestingLevel), case Result of {aborted, Reason} -> {aborted, Reason}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {'EXIT', Reason}; {atomic, Res} -> {atomic, Res}; Res -> {atomic, Res} end. outer_transaction(F, NRestarts, _Reason) -> PreviousNestingLevel = get(?NESTING_KEY), case get(?NESTING_KEY) of ?TOP_LEVEL_TXN -> ok; _N -> {backtrace, T} = process_info(self(), backtrace), ?ERROR_MSG("outer transaction called at inner txn " "level. Trace: ~s", [T]), erlang:exit(implementation_faulty) end, sql_query_internal([<<"begin;">>]), put(?NESTING_KEY, PreviousNestingLevel + 1), Result = (catch F()), put(?NESTING_KEY, PreviousNestingLevel), case Result of {aborted, Reason} when NRestarts > 0 -> sql_query_internal([<<"rollback;">>]), outer_transaction(F, NRestarts - 1, Reason); {aborted, Reason} when NRestarts =:= 0 -> ?ERROR_MSG("SQL transaction restarts exceeded~n** " "Restarts: ~p~n** Last abort reason: " "~p~n** Stacktrace: ~p~n** When State " "== ~p", [?MAX_TRANSACTION_RESTARTS, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace(), get(?STATE_KEY)]), sql_query_internal([<<"rollback;">>]), {aborted, Reason}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> sql_query_internal([<<"rollback;">>]), {aborted, Reason}; Res -> sql_query_internal([<<"commit;">>]), {atomic, Res} end. execute_bloc(F) -> case catch F() of {aborted, Reason} -> {aborted, Reason}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {aborted, Reason}; Res -> {atomic, Res} end. execute_fun(F) when is_function(F, 0) -> F(); execute_fun(F) when is_function(F, 2) -> State = get(?STATE_KEY), F(State#state.db_type, State#state.db_version). sql_query_internal([{_, _} | _] = Queries) -> State = get(?STATE_KEY), case select_sql_query(Queries, State) of undefined -> {error, <<"no matching query for the current DBMS found">>}; Query -> sql_query_internal(Query) end; sql_query_internal(#sql_query{} = Query) -> State = get(?STATE_KEY), Res = try case State#state.db_type of odbc -> generic_sql_query(Query); mssql -> mssql_sql_query(Query); pgsql -> Key = {?PREPARE_KEY, Query#sql_query.hash}, case get(Key) of undefined -> case pgsql_prepare(Query, State) of {ok, _, _, _} -> put(Key, prepared); {error, Error} -> ?ERROR_MSG("PREPARE failed for SQL query " "at ~p: ~p", [Query#sql_query.loc, Error]), put(Key, ignore) end; _ -> ok end, case get(Key) of prepared -> pgsql_execute_sql_query(Query, State); _ -> generic_sql_query(Query) end; mysql -> generic_sql_query(Query); sqlite -> sqlite_sql_query(Query) end catch Class:Reason -> ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(), ?ERROR_MSG("Internal error while processing SQL query: ~p", [{Class, Reason, ST}]), {error, <<"internal error">>} end, case Res of {error, <<"No SQL-driver information available.">>} -> {updated, 0}; _Else -> Res end; sql_query_internal(F) when is_function(F) -> case catch execute_fun(F) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> {error, Reason}; Res -> Res end; sql_query_internal(Query) -> State = get(?STATE_KEY), ?DEBUG("SQL: \"~s\"", [Query]), Res = case State#state.db_type of odbc -> to_odbc(odbc:sql_query(State#state.db_ref, [Query], (?TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) - 1000)); mssql -> to_odbc(odbc:sql_query(State#state.db_ref, [Query], (?TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) - 1000)); pgsql -> pgsql_to_odbc(pgsql:squery(State#state.db_ref, Query, (?TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) - 1000)); mysql -> R = mysql_to_odbc(p1_mysql_conn:squery(State#state.db_ref, [Query], self(), [{timeout, (?TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT) - 1000}, {result_type, binary}])), %% ?INFO_MSG("MySQL, Received result~n~p~n", [R]), R; sqlite -> Host = State#state.host, sqlite_to_odbc(Host, sqlite3:sql_exec(sqlite_db(Host), Query)) end, case Res of {error, <<"No SQL-driver information available.">>} -> {updated, 0}; _Else -> Res end. select_sql_query(Queries, State) -> select_sql_query( Queries, State#state.db_type, State#state.db_version, undefined). select_sql_query([], _Type, _Version, undefined) -> undefined; select_sql_query([], _Type, _Version, Query) -> Query; select_sql_query([{any, Query} | _], _Type, _Version, _) -> Query; select_sql_query([{Type, Query} | _], Type, _Version, _) -> Query; select_sql_query([{{Type, _Version1}, Query1} | Rest], Type, undefined, _) -> select_sql_query(Rest, Type, undefined, Query1); select_sql_query([{{Type, Version1}, Query1} | Rest], Type, Version, Query) -> if Version >= Version1 -> Query1; true -> select_sql_query(Rest, Type, Version, Query) end; select_sql_query([{_, _} | Rest], Type, Version, Query) -> select_sql_query(Rest, Type, Version, Query). generic_sql_query(SQLQuery) -> sql_query_format_res( sql_query_internal(generic_sql_query_format(SQLQuery)), SQLQuery). generic_sql_query_format(SQLQuery) -> Args = (SQLQuery#sql_query.args)(generic_escape()), (SQLQuery#sql_query.format_query)(Args). generic_escape() -> #sql_escape{string = fun(X) -> <<"'", (escape(X))/binary, "'">> end, integer = fun(X) -> misc:i2l(X) end, boolean = fun(true) -> <<"1">>; (false) -> <<"0">> end }. sqlite_sql_query(SQLQuery) -> sql_query_format_res( sql_query_internal(sqlite_sql_query_format(SQLQuery)), SQLQuery). sqlite_sql_query_format(SQLQuery) -> Args = (SQLQuery#sql_query.args)(sqlite_escape()), (SQLQuery#sql_query.format_query)(Args). sqlite_escape() -> #sql_escape{string = fun(X) -> <<"'", (standard_escape(X))/binary, "'">> end, integer = fun(X) -> misc:i2l(X) end, boolean = fun(true) -> <<"1">>; (false) -> <<"0">> end }. standard_escape(S) -> << <<(case Char of $' -> << "''" >>; _ -> << Char >> end)/binary>> || <> <= S >>. mssql_sql_query(SQLQuery) -> sqlite_sql_query(SQLQuery). pgsql_prepare(SQLQuery, State) -> Escape = #sql_escape{_ = fun(X) -> X end}, N = length((SQLQuery#sql_query.args)(Escape)), Args = [<<$$, (integer_to_binary(I))/binary>> || I <- lists:seq(1, N)], Query = (SQLQuery#sql_query.format_query)(Args), pgsql:prepare(State#state.db_ref, SQLQuery#sql_query.hash, Query). pgsql_execute_escape() -> #sql_escape{string = fun(X) -> X end, integer = fun(X) -> [misc:i2l(X)] end, boolean = fun(true) -> "1"; (false) -> "0" end }. pgsql_execute_sql_query(SQLQuery, State) -> Args = (SQLQuery#sql_query.args)(pgsql_execute_escape()), ExecuteRes = pgsql:execute(State#state.db_ref, SQLQuery#sql_query.hash, Args), % {T, ExecuteRes} = % timer:tc(pgsql, execute, [State#state.db_ref, SQLQuery#sql_query.hash, Args]), % io:format("T ~s ~p~n", [SQLQuery#sql_query.hash, T]), Res = pgsql_execute_to_odbc(ExecuteRes), sql_query_format_res(Res, SQLQuery). sql_query_format_res({selected, _, Rows}, SQLQuery) -> Res = lists:flatmap( fun(Row) -> try [(SQLQuery#sql_query.format_res)(Row)] catch Class:Reason -> ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(), ?ERROR_MSG("Error while processing " "SQL query result: ~p~n" "row: ~p", [{Class, Reason, ST}, Row]), [] end end, Rows), {selected, Res}; sql_query_format_res(Res, _SQLQuery) -> Res. sql_query_to_iolist(SQLQuery) -> generic_sql_query_format(SQLQuery). %% Generate the OTP callback return tuple depending on the driver result. abort_on_driver_error({error, <<"query timed out">>} = Reply, From) -> (?GEN_FSM):reply(From, Reply), {stop, timeout, get(?STATE_KEY)}; abort_on_driver_error({error, <<"Failed sending data on socket", _/binary>>} = Reply, From) -> (?GEN_FSM):reply(From, Reply), {stop, closed, get(?STATE_KEY)}; abort_on_driver_error(Reply, From) -> (?GEN_FSM):reply(From, Reply), {next_state, session_established, get(?STATE_KEY)}. %% == pure ODBC code %% part of init/1 %% Open an ODBC database connection odbc_connect(SQLServer) -> ejabberd:start_app(odbc), odbc:connect(binary_to_list(SQLServer), [{scrollable_cursors, off}, {tuple_row, off}, {binary_strings, on}]). %% == Native SQLite code %% part of init/1 %% Open a database connection to SQLite sqlite_connect(Host) -> File = sqlite_file(Host), case filelib:ensure_dir(File) of ok -> case sqlite3:open(sqlite_db(Host), [{file, File}]) of {ok, Ref} -> sqlite3:sql_exec( sqlite_db(Host), "pragma foreign_keys = on"), {ok, Ref}; {error, {already_started, Ref}} -> {ok, Ref}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end; Err -> Err end. %% Convert SQLite query result to Erlang ODBC result formalism sqlite_to_odbc(Host, ok) -> {updated, sqlite3:changes(sqlite_db(Host))}; sqlite_to_odbc(Host, {rowid, _}) -> {updated, sqlite3:changes(sqlite_db(Host))}; sqlite_to_odbc(_Host, [{columns, Columns}, {rows, TRows}]) -> Rows = [lists:map( fun(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_binary(I); (B) -> B end, tuple_to_list(Row)) || Row <- TRows], {selected, [list_to_binary(C) || C <- Columns], Rows}; sqlite_to_odbc(_Host, {error, _Code, Reason}) -> {error, Reason}; sqlite_to_odbc(_Host, _) -> {updated, undefined}. %% == Native PostgreSQL code %% part of init/1 %% Open a database connection to PostgreSQL pgsql_connect(Server, Port, DB, Username, Password, Transport, SSLOpts) -> case pgsql:connect([{host, Server}, {database, DB}, {user, Username}, {password, Password}, {port, Port}, {transport, Transport}, {as_binary, true}|SSLOpts]) of {ok, Ref} -> pgsql:squery(Ref, [<<"alter database \"">>, DB, <<"\" set ">>, <<"standard_conforming_strings='off';">>]), pgsql:squery(Ref, [<<"set standard_conforming_strings to 'off';">>]), {ok, Ref}; Err -> Err end. %% Convert PostgreSQL query result to Erlang ODBC result formalism pgsql_to_odbc({ok, PGSQLResult}) -> case PGSQLResult of [Item] -> pgsql_item_to_odbc(Item); Items -> [pgsql_item_to_odbc(Item) || Item <- Items] end. pgsql_item_to_odbc({<<"SELECT", _/binary>>, Rows, Recs}) -> {selected, [element(1, Row) || Row <- Rows], Recs}; pgsql_item_to_odbc({<<"FETCH", _/binary>>, Rows, Recs}) -> {selected, [element(1, Row) || Row <- Rows], Recs}; pgsql_item_to_odbc(<<"INSERT ", OIDN/binary>>) -> [_OID, N] = str:tokens(OIDN, <<" ">>), {updated, binary_to_integer(N)}; pgsql_item_to_odbc(<<"DELETE ", N/binary>>) -> {updated, binary_to_integer(N)}; pgsql_item_to_odbc(<<"UPDATE ", N/binary>>) -> {updated, binary_to_integer(N)}; pgsql_item_to_odbc({error, Error}) -> {error, Error}; pgsql_item_to_odbc(_) -> {updated, undefined}. pgsql_execute_to_odbc({ok, {<<"SELECT", _/binary>>, Rows}}) -> {selected, [], [[Field || {_, Field} <- Row] || Row <- Rows]}; pgsql_execute_to_odbc({ok, {'INSERT', N}}) -> {updated, N}; pgsql_execute_to_odbc({ok, {'DELETE', N}}) -> {updated, N}; pgsql_execute_to_odbc({ok, {'UPDATE', N}}) -> {updated, N}; pgsql_execute_to_odbc({error, Error}) -> {error, Error}; pgsql_execute_to_odbc(_) -> {updated, undefined}. %% == Native MySQL code %% part of init/1 %% Open a database connection to MySQL mysql_connect(Server, Port, DB, Username, Password, _, _) -> case p1_mysql_conn:start(binary_to_list(Server), Port, binary_to_list(Username), binary_to_list(Password), binary_to_list(DB), fun log/3) of {ok, Ref} -> p1_mysql_conn:fetch( Ref, [<<"set names 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_bin';">>], self()), {ok, Ref}; Err -> Err end. %% Convert MySQL query result to Erlang ODBC result formalism mysql_to_odbc({updated, MySQLRes}) -> {updated, p1_mysql:get_result_affected_rows(MySQLRes)}; mysql_to_odbc({data, MySQLRes}) -> mysql_item_to_odbc(p1_mysql:get_result_field_info(MySQLRes), p1_mysql:get_result_rows(MySQLRes)); mysql_to_odbc({error, MySQLRes}) when is_binary(MySQLRes) -> {error, MySQLRes}; mysql_to_odbc({error, MySQLRes}) when is_list(MySQLRes) -> {error, list_to_binary(MySQLRes)}; mysql_to_odbc({error, MySQLRes}) -> {error, p1_mysql:get_result_reason(MySQLRes)}; mysql_to_odbc(ok) -> ok. %% When tabular data is returned, convert it to the ODBC formalism mysql_item_to_odbc(Columns, Recs) -> {selected, [element(2, Column) || Column <- Columns], Recs}. to_odbc({selected, Columns, Recs}) -> Rows = [lists:map( fun(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_binary(I); (B) -> B end, Row) || Row <- Recs], {selected, [list_to_binary(C) || C <- Columns], Rows}; to_odbc({error, Reason}) when is_list(Reason) -> {error, list_to_binary(Reason)}; to_odbc(Res) -> Res. get_db_version(#state{db_type = pgsql} = State) -> case pgsql:squery(State#state.db_ref, <<"select current_setting('server_version_num')">>) of {ok, [{_, _, [[SVersion]]}]} -> case catch binary_to_integer(SVersion) of Version when is_integer(Version) -> State#state{db_version = Version}; Error -> ?WARNING_MSG("error getting pgsql version: ~p", [Error]), State end; Res -> ?WARNING_MSG("error getting pgsql version: ~p", [Res]), State end; get_db_version(State) -> State. log(Level, Format, Args) -> case Level of debug -> ?DEBUG(Format, Args); normal -> ?INFO_MSG(Format, Args); error -> ?ERROR_MSG(Format, Args) end. db_opts(Host) -> Type = ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_type, Host}, fun(mysql) -> mysql; (pgsql) -> pgsql; (sqlite) -> sqlite; (mssql) -> mssql; (odbc) -> odbc end, odbc), Server = ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_server, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1, <<"localhost">>), Transport = case ejabberd_config:get_option( {sql_ssl, Host}, fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end, false) of false -> tcp; true -> ssl end, warn_if_ssl_unsupported(Transport, Type), case Type of odbc -> [odbc, Server]; sqlite -> [sqlite, Host]; _ -> Port = ejabberd_config:get_option( {sql_port, Host}, fun(P) when is_integer(P), P > 0, P < 65536 -> P end, case Type of mssql -> ?MSSQL_PORT; mysql -> ?MYSQL_PORT; pgsql -> ?PGSQL_PORT end), DB = ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_database, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1, <<"ejabberd">>), User = ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_username, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1, <<"ejabberd">>), Pass = ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_password, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1, <<"">>), SSLOpts = get_ssl_opts(Transport, Host), case Type of mssql -> [mssql, <<"DSN=", Host/binary, ";UID=", User/binary, ";PWD=", Pass/binary>>]; _ -> [Type, Server, Port, DB, User, Pass, Transport, SSLOpts] end end. warn_if_ssl_unsupported(tcp, _) -> ok; warn_if_ssl_unsupported(ssl, pgsql) -> ok; warn_if_ssl_unsupported(ssl, Type) -> ?WARNING_MSG("SSL connection is not supported for ~s", [Type]). get_ssl_opts(ssl, Host) -> Opts1 = case ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_ssl_certfile, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1) of undefined -> []; CertFile -> [{certfile, CertFile}] end, Opts2 = case ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_ssl_cafile, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1) of undefined -> Opts1; CAFile -> [{cacertfile, CAFile}|Opts1] end, case ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_ssl_verify, Host}, fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end, false) of true -> case lists:keymember(cacertfile, 1, Opts2) of true -> [{verify, verify_peer}|Opts2]; false -> ?WARNING_MSG("SSL verification is enabled for " "SQL connection, but option " "'sql_ssl_cafile' is not set; " "verification will be disabled", []), Opts2 end; false -> Opts2 end; get_ssl_opts(tcp, _) -> []. init_mssql(Host) -> Server = ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_server, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1, <<"localhost">>), Port = ejabberd_config:get_option( {sql_port, Host}, fun(P) when is_integer(P), P > 0, P < 65536 -> P end, ?MSSQL_PORT), DB = ejabberd_config:get_option({sql_database, Host}, fun iolist_to_binary/1, <<"ejabberd">>), FreeTDS = io_lib:fwrite("[~s]~n" "\thost = ~s~n" "\tport = ~p~n" "\ttds version = 7.1~n", [Host, Server, Port]), ODBCINST = io_lib:fwrite("[freetds]~n" "Description = MSSQL connection~n" "Driver = libtdsodbc.so~n" "Setup = libtdsS.so~n" "UsageCount = 1~n" "FileUsage = 1~n", []), ODBCINI = io_lib:fwrite("[~s]~n" "Description = MS SQL~n" "Driver = freetds~n" "Servername = ~s~n" "Database = ~s~n" "Port = ~p~n", [Host, Host, DB, Port]), ?DEBUG("~s:~n~s", [freetds_config(), FreeTDS]), ?DEBUG("~s:~n~s", [odbcinst_config(), ODBCINST]), ?DEBUG("~s:~n~s", [odbc_config(), ODBCINI]), case filelib:ensure_dir(freetds_config()) of ok -> try ok = file:write_file(freetds_config(), FreeTDS, [append]), ok = file:write_file(odbcinst_config(), ODBCINST), ok = file:write_file(odbc_config(), ODBCINI, [append]), os:putenv("ODBCSYSINI", tmp_dir()), os:putenv("FREETDS", freetds_config()), os:putenv("FREETDSCONF", freetds_config()), ok catch error:{badmatch, {error, Reason} = Err} -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to create temporary files in ~s: ~s", [tmp_dir(), file:format_error(Reason)]), Err end; {error, Reason} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to create temporary directory ~s: ~s", [tmp_dir(), file:format_error(Reason)]), Err end. tmp_dir() -> filename:join(["/tmp", "ejabberd"]). odbc_config() -> filename:join(tmp_dir(), "odbc.ini"). freetds_config() -> filename:join(tmp_dir(), "freetds.conf"). odbcinst_config() -> filename:join(tmp_dir(), "odbcinst.ini"). max_fsm_queue() -> proplists:get_value(max_queue, fsm_limit_opts(), unlimited). fsm_limit_opts() -> ejabberd_config:fsm_limit_opts([]). check_error({error, Why} = Err, #sql_query{} = Query) -> ?ERROR_MSG("SQL query '~s' at ~p failed: ~p", [Query#sql_query.hash, Query#sql_query.loc, Why]), Err; check_error({error, Why} = Err, Query) -> case catch iolist_to_binary(Query) of SQuery when is_binary(SQuery) -> ?ERROR_MSG("SQL query '~s' failed: ~p", [SQuery, Why]); _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("SQL query ~p failed: ~p", [Query, Why]) end, Err; check_error(Result, _Query) -> Result. opt_type(sql_database) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(sql_keepalive_interval) -> fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end; opt_type(sql_password) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(sql_port) -> fun (P) when is_integer(P), P > 0, P < 65536 -> P end; opt_type(sql_server) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(sql_type) -> fun (mysql) -> mysql; (pgsql) -> pgsql; (sqlite) -> sqlite; (mssql) -> mssql; (odbc) -> odbc end; opt_type(sql_username) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(sql_ssl) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; opt_type(sql_ssl_verify) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; opt_type(sql_ssl_certfile) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(sql_ssl_cafile) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(sql_queue_type) -> fun(ram) -> ram; (file) -> file end; opt_type(_) -> [sql_database, sql_keepalive_interval, sql_password, sql_port, sql_server, sql_type, sql_username, sql_ssl, sql_ssl_verify, sql_ssl_cerfile, sql_ssl_cafile, sql_queue_type].