%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : pubsub_subscription.erl %%% Author : Brian Cully %%% Purpose : Handle pubsub subscriptions options %%% Created : 29 May 2009 by Brian Cully %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2016 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(pubsub_subscription). -author("bjc@kublai.com"). %% API -export([init/3, subscribe_node/3, unsubscribe_node/3, get_subscription/3, set_subscription/4, make_subid/0, get_options_xform/2, parse_options_xform/1]). % Internal function also exported for use in transactional bloc from pubsub plugins -export([add_subscription/3, delete_subscription/3, read_subscription/3, write_subscription/4]). -include("pubsub.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -define(PUBSUB_DELIVER, <<"pubsub#deliver">>). -define(PUBSUB_DIGEST, <<"pubsub#digest">>). -define(PUBSUB_DIGEST_FREQUENCY, <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>). -define(PUBSUB_EXPIRE, <<"pubsub#expire">>). -define(PUBSUB_INCLUDE_BODY, <<"pubsub#include_body">>). -define(PUBSUB_SHOW_VALUES, <<"pubsub#show-values">>). -define(PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>). -define(PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH, <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>). -define(DELIVER_LABEL, <<"Whether an entity wants to receive or disable notifications">>). -define(DIGEST_LABEL, <<"Whether an entity wants to receive digests " "(aggregations) of notifications or all notifications individually">>). -define(DIGEST_FREQUENCY_LABEL, <<"The minimum number of milliseconds between " "sending any two notification digests">>). -define(EXPIRE_LABEL, <<"The DateTime at which a leased subscription will end or has ended">>). -define(INCLUDE_BODY_LABEL, <<"Whether an entity wants to receive an " "XMPP message body in addition to the payload format">>). -define(SHOW_VALUES_LABEL, <<"The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications">>). -define(SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_LABEL, <<"Type of notification to receive">>). -define(SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH_LABEL, <<"Depth from subscription for which to receive notifications">>). -define(SHOW_VALUE_AWAY_LABEL, <<"XMPP Show Value of Away">>). -define(SHOW_VALUE_CHAT_LABEL, <<"XMPP Show Value of Chat">>). -define(SHOW_VALUE_DND_LABEL, <<"XMPP Show Value of DND (Do Not Disturb)">>). -define(SHOW_VALUE_ONLINE_LABEL, <<"Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)">>). -define(SHOW_VALUE_XA_LABEL, <<"XMPP Show Value of XA (Extended Away)">>). -define(SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_VALUE_ITEMS_LABEL, <<"Receive notification of new items only">>). -define(SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_VALUE_NODES_LABEL, <<"Receive notification of new nodes only">>). -define(SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH_VALUE_ONE_LABEL, <<"Receive notification from direct child nodes only">>). -define(SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH_VALUE_ALL_LABEL, <<"Receive notification from all descendent nodes">>). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== init(_Host, _ServerHost, _Opts) -> ok = create_table(). subscribe_node(JID, NodeId, Options) -> case catch mnesia:sync_dirty(fun add_subscription/3, [JID, NodeId, Options]) of {'EXIT', {aborted, Error}} -> Error; {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; Result -> {result, Result} end. unsubscribe_node(JID, NodeId, SubID) -> case catch mnesia:sync_dirty(fun delete_subscription/3, [JID, NodeId, SubID]) of {'EXIT', {aborted, Error}} -> Error; {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; Result -> {result, Result} end. get_subscription(JID, NodeId, SubID) -> case catch mnesia:sync_dirty(fun read_subscription/3, [JID, NodeId, SubID]) of {'EXIT', {aborted, Error}} -> Error; {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; Result -> {result, Result} end. set_subscription(JID, NodeId, SubID, Options) -> case catch mnesia:sync_dirty(fun write_subscription/4, [JID, NodeId, SubID, Options]) of {'EXIT', {aborted, Error}} -> Error; {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; Result -> {result, Result} end. get_options_xform(Lang, Options) -> Keys = [deliver, show_values, subscription_type, subscription_depth], XFields = [get_option_xfield(Lang, Key, Options) || Key <- Keys], {result, #xdata{type = form, fields = [#xdata_field{type = hidden, var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>, values = [?NS_PUBSUB_SUB_OPTIONS]}| XFields]}}. parse_options_xform(XFields) -> Opts = set_xoption(XFields, []), {result, Opts}. %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== create_table() -> case ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, pubsub_subscription, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_subscription)}, {type, set}]) of {atomic, ok} -> ok; {aborted, {already_exists, _}} -> ok; Other -> Other end. -spec add_subscription(_JID :: ljid(), _NodeId :: mod_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Options :: [] | mod_pubsub:subOptions()) -> SubId :: mod_pubsub:subId(). add_subscription(_JID, _NodeId, []) -> make_subid(); add_subscription(_JID, _NodeId, Options) -> SubID = make_subid(), mnesia:write(#pubsub_subscription{subid = SubID, options = Options}), SubID. -spec delete_subscription(_JID :: _, _NodeId :: _, SubId :: mod_pubsub:subId()) -> ok. delete_subscription(_JID, _NodeId, SubID) -> mnesia:delete({pubsub_subscription, SubID}). -spec read_subscription(_JID :: ljid(), _NodeId :: _, SubID :: mod_pubsub:subId()) -> mod_pubsub:pubsubSubscription() | {error, notfound}. read_subscription(_JID, _NodeId, SubID) -> case mnesia:read({pubsub_subscription, SubID}) of [Sub] -> Sub; _ -> {error, notfound} end. -spec write_subscription(_JID :: ljid(), _NodeId :: _, SubID :: mod_pubsub:subId(), Options :: mod_pubsub:subOptions()) -> ok. write_subscription(_JID, _NodeId, SubID, Options) -> mnesia:write(#pubsub_subscription{subid = SubID, options = Options}). -spec make_subid() -> SubId::mod_pubsub:subId(). make_subid() -> {T1, T2, T3} = p1_time_compat:timestamp(), (str:format("~.16B~.16B~.16B", [T1, T2, T3])). %% %% Subscription XForm processing. %% %% Return processed options, with types converted and so forth, using %% Opts as defaults. set_xoption([], Opts) -> Opts; set_xoption([{Var, Value} | T], Opts) -> NewOpts = case var_xfield(Var) of {error, _} -> Opts; Key -> Val = val_xfield(Key, Value), lists:keystore(Key, 1, Opts, {Key, Val}) end, set_xoption(T, NewOpts). %% Return the options list's key for an XForm var. %% Convert Values for option list's Key. var_xfield(?PUBSUB_DELIVER) -> deliver; var_xfield(?PUBSUB_DIGEST) -> digest; var_xfield(?PUBSUB_DIGEST_FREQUENCY) -> digest_frequency; var_xfield(?PUBSUB_EXPIRE) -> expire; var_xfield(?PUBSUB_INCLUDE_BODY) -> include_body; var_xfield(?PUBSUB_SHOW_VALUES) -> show_values; var_xfield(?PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE) -> subscription_type; var_xfield(?PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH) -> subscription_depth; var_xfield(_) -> {error, badarg}. val_xfield(deliver = Opt, [Val]) -> xopt_to_bool(Opt, Val); val_xfield(digest = Opt, [Val]) -> xopt_to_bool(Opt, Val); val_xfield(digest_frequency = Opt, [Val]) -> case catch binary_to_integer(Val) of N when is_integer(N) -> N; _ -> Txt = {<<"Value of '~s' should be integer">>, [Opt]}, {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(Txt, ?MYLANG)} end; val_xfield(expire = Opt, [Val]) -> try xmpp_util:decode_timestamp(Val) catch _:{bad_timestamp, _} -> Txt = {<<"Value of '~s' should be datetime string">>, [Opt]}, {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(Txt, ?MYLANG)} end; val_xfield(include_body = Opt, [Val]) -> xopt_to_bool(Opt, Val); val_xfield(show_values, Vals) -> Vals; val_xfield(subscription_type, [<<"items">>]) -> items; val_xfield(subscription_type, [<<"nodes">>]) -> nodes; val_xfield(subscription_depth, [<<"all">>]) -> all; val_xfield(subscription_depth = Opt, [Depth]) -> case catch binary_to_integer(Depth) of N when is_integer(N) -> N; _ -> Txt = {<<"Value of '~s' should be integer">>, [Opt]}, {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(Txt, ?MYLANG)} end. %% Convert XForm booleans to Erlang booleans. xopt_to_bool(_, <<"0">>) -> false; xopt_to_bool(_, <<"1">>) -> true; xopt_to_bool(_, <<"false">>) -> false; xopt_to_bool(_, <<"true">>) -> true; xopt_to_bool(Option, _) -> Txt = {<<"Value of '~s' should be boolean">>, [Option]}, {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(Txt, ?MYLANG)}. %% Return a field for an XForm for Key, with data filled in, if %% applicable, from Options. get_option_xfield(Lang, Key, Options) -> Var = xfield_var(Key), Label = xfield_label(Key), {Type, OptEls} = type_and_options(xfield_type(Key), Lang), Vals = case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Options) of {value, {_, Val}} -> [xfield_val(Key, Val)]; false -> [] end, #xdata_field{type = Type, var = Var, label = translate:translate(Lang, Label), values = Vals, options = OptEls}. type_and_options({Type, Options}, Lang) -> {Type, [tr_xfield_options(O, Lang) || O <- Options]}; type_and_options(Type, _Lang) -> {Type, []}. tr_xfield_options({Value, Label}, Lang) -> #xdata_option{label = translate:translate(Lang, Label), value = Value}. xfield_var(deliver) -> ?PUBSUB_DELIVER; %xfield_var(digest) -> ?PUBSUB_DIGEST; %xfield_var(digest_frequency) -> ?PUBSUB_DIGEST_FREQUENCY; %xfield_var(expire) -> ?PUBSUB_EXPIRE; %xfield_var(include_body) -> ?PUBSUB_INCLUDE_BODY; xfield_var(show_values) -> ?PUBSUB_SHOW_VALUES; xfield_var(subscription_type) -> ?PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE; xfield_var(subscription_depth) -> ?PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH. xfield_type(deliver) -> boolean; %xfield_type(digest) -> boolean; %xfield_type(digest_frequency) -> 'text-single'; %xfield_type(expire) -> 'text-single'; %xfield_type(include_body) -> boolean; xfield_type(show_values) -> {'list-multi', [{<<"away">>, ?SHOW_VALUE_AWAY_LABEL}, {<<"chat">>, ?SHOW_VALUE_CHAT_LABEL}, {<<"dnd">>, ?SHOW_VALUE_DND_LABEL}, {<<"online">>, ?SHOW_VALUE_ONLINE_LABEL}, {<<"xa">>, ?SHOW_VALUE_XA_LABEL}]}; xfield_type(subscription_type) -> {'list-single', [{<<"items">>, ?SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_VALUE_ITEMS_LABEL}, {<<"nodes">>, ?SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_VALUE_NODES_LABEL}]}; xfield_type(subscription_depth) -> {'list-single', [{<<"1">>, ?SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH_VALUE_ONE_LABEL}, {<<"all">>, ?SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH_VALUE_ALL_LABEL}]}. %% Return the XForm variable label for a subscription option key. xfield_label(deliver) -> ?DELIVER_LABEL; %xfield_label(digest) -> ?DIGEST_LABEL; %xfield_label(digest_frequency) -> ?DIGEST_FREQUENCY_LABEL; %xfield_label(expire) -> ?EXPIRE_LABEL; %xfield_label(include_body) -> ?INCLUDE_BODY_LABEL; xfield_label(show_values) -> ?SHOW_VALUES_LABEL; %% Return the XForm value for a subscription option key. %% Convert erlang booleans to XForms. xfield_label(subscription_type) -> ?SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_LABEL; xfield_label(subscription_depth) -> ?SUBSCRIPTION_DEPTH_LABEL. xfield_val(deliver, Val) -> [bool_to_xopt(Val)]; %xfield_val(digest, Val) -> [bool_to_xopt(Val)]; %xfield_val(digest_frequency, Val) -> % [integer_to_binary(Val))]; %xfield_val(expire, Val) -> % [jlib:now_to_utc_string(Val)]; %xfield_val(include_body, Val) -> [bool_to_xopt(Val)]; xfield_val(show_values, Val) -> Val; xfield_val(subscription_type, items) -> [<<"items">>]; xfield_val(subscription_type, nodes) -> [<<"nodes">>]; xfield_val(subscription_depth, all) -> [<<"all">>]; xfield_val(subscription_depth, N) -> [integer_to_binary(N)]. bool_to_xopt(true) -> <<"true">>; bool_to_xopt(false) -> <<"false">>.