%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_local.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Route local packets %%% Created : 30 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_local). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start/0, start_link/0]). -export([route/1, process_iq/1, get_features/1, register_iq_handler/5, unregister_iq_handler/2, bounce_resource_packet/1, host_up/1, host_down/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% deprecated functions: use ejabberd_router:route_iq/3,4 -export([route_iq/2, route_iq/3]). -deprecated([{route_iq, 2}, {route_iq, 3}]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -record(state, {}). -define(IQTABLE, local_iqtable). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: start_link() -> {ok,Pid} | ignore | {error,Error} %% Description: Starts the server %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start() -> ChildSpec = {?MODULE, {?MODULE, start_link, []}, transient, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ChildSpec). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). -spec process_iq(iq()) -> any(). process_iq(#iq{to = To, type = T, lang = Lang, sub_els = [El]} = Packet) when T == get; T == set -> XMLNS = xmpp:get_ns(El), Host = To#jid.lserver, case ets:lookup(?IQTABLE, {Host, XMLNS}) of [{_, Module, Function, Opts}] -> gen_iq_handler:handle(Host, Module, Function, Opts, Packet); [] -> Txt = <<"No module is handling this query">>, Err = xmpp:err_service_unavailable(Txt, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err) end; process_iq(#iq{type = T, lang = Lang, sub_els = SubEls} = Packet) when T == get; T == set -> Txt = case SubEls of [] -> <<"No child elements found">>; _ -> <<"Too many child elements">> end, Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err); process_iq(#iq{type = T}) when T == result; T == error -> ok. -spec route(stanza()) -> any(). route(Packet) -> try do_route(Packet) catch E:R -> ?ERROR_MSG("failed to route packet:~n~s~nReason = ~p", [xmpp:pp(Packet), {E, {R, erlang:get_stacktrace()}}]) end. -spec route_iq(iq(), function()) -> ok. route_iq(IQ, Fun) -> route_iq(IQ, Fun, undefined). -spec route_iq(iq(), function(), undefined | non_neg_integer()) -> ok. route_iq(IQ, Fun, Timeout) -> ejabberd_router:route_iq(IQ, Fun, undefined, Timeout). -spec register_iq_handler(binary(), binary(), module(), function(), gen_iq_handler:opts()) -> ok. register_iq_handler(Host, XMLNS, Module, Fun, Opts) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {register_iq_handler, Host, XMLNS, Module, Fun, Opts}). -spec unregister_iq_handler(binary(), binary()) -> ok. unregister_iq_handler(Host, XMLNS) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {unregister_iq_handler, Host, XMLNS}). -spec bounce_resource_packet(stanza()) -> ok | stop. bounce_resource_packet(#presence{to = #jid{lresource = <<"">>}}) -> ok; bounce_resource_packet(#message{to = #jid{lresource = <<"">>}, type = headline}) -> ok; bounce_resource_packet(Packet) -> Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Packet), Txt = <<"No available resource found">>, Err = xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang), ejabberd_router:route_error(Packet, Err), stop. -spec get_features(binary()) -> [binary()]. get_features(Host) -> get_features(ets:next(?IQTABLE, {Host, <<"">>}), Host, []). get_features({Host, XMLNS}, Host, XMLNSs) -> get_features(ets:next(?IQTABLE, {Host, XMLNS}), Host, [XMLNS|XMLNSs]); get_features(_, _, XMLNSs) -> XMLNSs. %%==================================================================== %% gen_server callbacks %%==================================================================== init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), lists:foreach(fun host_up/1, ?MYHOSTS), ejabberd_hooks:add(host_up, ?MODULE, host_up, 10), ejabberd_hooks:add(host_down, ?MODULE, host_down, 100), catch ets:new(?IQTABLE, [named_table, public, ordered_set, {read_concurrency, true}]), update_table(), {ok, #state{}}. handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State}. handle_cast({register_iq_handler, Host, XMLNS, Module, Function, Opts}, State) -> ets:insert(?IQTABLE, {{Host, XMLNS}, Module, Function, Opts}), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({unregister_iq_handler, Host, XMLNS}, State) -> case ets:lookup(?IQTABLE, {Host, XMLNS}) of [{_, Module, Function, Opts}] -> gen_iq_handler:stop_iq_handler(Module, Function, Opts); _ -> ok end, ets:delete(?IQTABLE, {Host, XMLNS}), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info({route, Packet}, State) -> route(Packet), {noreply, State}; handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> lists:foreach(fun host_down/1, ?MYHOSTS), ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_up, ?MODULE, host_up, 10), ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_down, ?MODULE, host_down, 100), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec do_route(stanza()) -> any(). do_route(Packet) -> ?DEBUG("local route:~n~s", [xmpp:pp(Packet)]), Type = xmpp:get_type(Packet), To = xmpp:get_to(Packet), if To#jid.luser /= <<"">> -> ejabberd_sm:route(Packet); is_record(Packet, iq), To#jid.lresource == <<"">> -> process_iq(Packet); Type == result; Type == error -> ok; true -> ejabberd_hooks:run(local_send_to_resource_hook, To#jid.lserver, [Packet]) end. -spec update_table() -> ok. update_table() -> catch mnesia:delete_table(iq_response), ok. host_up(Host) -> Owner = case whereis(?MODULE) of undefined -> self(); Pid -> Pid end, ejabberd_router:register_route(Host, Host, {apply, ?MODULE, route}, Owner), ejabberd_hooks:add(local_send_to_resource_hook, Host, ?MODULE, bounce_resource_packet, 100). host_down(Host) -> Owner = case whereis(?MODULE) of undefined -> self(); Pid -> Pid end, ejabberd_router:unregister_route(Host, Owner), ejabberd_hooks:delete(local_send_to_resource_hook, Host, ?MODULE, bounce_resource_packet, 100).