%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_commands_doc.erl %%% Author : Badlop %%% Purpose : Management of ejabberd commands %%% Created : 20 May 2008 by Badlop %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_commands_doc). -author('pawel@process-one.net'). -export([generate_html_output/3]). -export([generate_md_output/3]). -export([generate_tags_md/1]). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). -define(RAW(V), if HTMLOutput -> fxml:crypt(iolist_to_binary(V)); true -> iolist_to_binary(V) end). -define(TAG_BIN(N), (atom_to_binary(N, latin1))/binary). -define(TAG_STR(N), atom_to_list(N)). -define(TAG(N), if HTMLOutput -> [<<"<", ?TAG_BIN(N), "/>">>]; true -> md_tag(N, <<"">>) end). -define(TAG(N, V), if HTMLOutput -> [<<"<", ?TAG_BIN(N), ">">>, V, <<"">>]; true -> md_tag(N, V) end). -define(TAG(N, C, V), if HTMLOutput -> [<<"<", ?TAG_BIN(N), " class='", C, "'>">>, V, <<"">>]; true -> md_tag(N, V) end). -define(TAG_R(N, V), ?TAG(N, ?RAW(V))). -define(TAG_R(N, C, V), ?TAG(N, C, ?RAW(V))). -define(SPAN(N, V), ?TAG_R(span, ??N, V)). -define(STR(A), ?SPAN(str,[<<"\"">>, A, <<"\"">>])). -define(NUM(A), ?SPAN(num,integer_to_binary(A))). -define(FIELD(A), ?SPAN(field,A)). -define(ID(A), ?SPAN(id,A)). -define(OP(A), ?SPAN(op,A)). -define(ARG(A), ?FIELD(atom_to_list(A))). -define(KW(A), ?SPAN(kw,A)). -define(BR, <<"\n">>). -define(ARG_S(A), ?STR(atom_to_list(A))). -define(RAW_L(A), ?RAW(<>)). -define(STR_L(A), ?STR(<>)). -define(FIELD_L(A), ?FIELD(<>)). -define(ID_L(A), ?ID(<>)). -define(OP_L(A), ?OP(<>)). -define(KW_L(A), ?KW(<>)). -define(STR_A(A), ?STR(atom_to_list(A))). -define(ID_A(A), ?ID(atom_to_list(A))). list_join_with([], _M) -> []; list_join_with([El|Tail], M) -> lists:reverse(lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> [E, M | Acc] end, [El], Tail)). md_tag(dt, V) -> [<<"- ">>, V]; md_tag(dd, V) -> [<<" : ">>, V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(li, V) -> [<<"- ">>, V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(pre, V) -> [V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(p, V) -> [<<"\n\n">>, V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(h1, V) -> [<<"\n\n## ">>, V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(h2, V) -> [<<"\n__">>, V, <<"__\n\n">>]; md_tag(strong, V) -> [<<"*">>, V, <<"*">>]; md_tag('div', V) -> [<<"
">>, V, <<"
">>]; md_tag(_, V) -> V. perl_gen({Name, integer}, Int, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ARG(Name), ?OP_L(" => "), ?NUM(Int)]; perl_gen({Name, string}, Str, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ARG(Name), ?OP_L(" => "), ?STR(Str)]; perl_gen({Name, binary}, Str, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ARG(Name), ?OP_L(" => "), ?STR(Str)]; perl_gen({Name, atom}, Atom, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ARG(Name), ?OP_L(" => "), ?STR_A(Atom)]; perl_gen({Name, {tuple, Fields}}, Tuple, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> Res = lists:map(fun({A,B})->perl_gen(A, B, Indent, HTMLOutput) end, lists:zip(Fields, tuple_to_list(Tuple))), [?ARG(Name), ?OP_L(" => {"), list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(", ")]), ?OP_L("}")]; perl_gen({Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> Res = lists:map(fun(E) -> [?OP_L("{"), perl_gen(ElDesc, E, Indent, HTMLOutput), ?OP_L("}")] end, List), [?ARG(Name), ?OP_L(" => ["), list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(", ")]), ?OP_L("]")]. perl_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput) -> {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ perl\n">>} end, [Preamble, Indent, ?ID_L("XMLRPC::Lite"), ?OP_L("->"), ?ID_L("proxy"), ?OP_L("("), ?ID_L("$url"), ?OP_L(")->"), ?ID_L("call"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", {"), ?BR, Indent, <<" ">>, list_join_with(lists:map(fun({A,B})->perl_gen(A, B, <>, HTMLOutput) end, lists:zip(ArgsDesc, Values)), [?OP_L(","), ?BR, Indent, <<" ">>]), ?BR, Indent, ?OP_L("})->"), ?ID_L("results"), ?OP_L("()")]. java_gen_map(Vals, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> {Split, NL} = case Indent of none -> {<<" ">>, <<" ">>}; _ -> {[?BR, <<" ", Indent/binary>>], [?BR, Indent]} end, [?KW_L("new "), ?ID_L("HashMap"), ?OP_L("<"), ?ID_L("String"), ?OP_L(", "), ?ID_L("Object"), ?OP_L(">() {{"), Split, list_join_with(Vals, Split), NL, ?OP_L("}}")]. java_gen({Name, integer}, Int, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ID_L("put"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", "), ?KW_L("new "), ?ID_L("Integer"), ?OP_L("("), ?NUM(Int), ?OP_L("));")]; java_gen({Name, string}, Str, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ID_L("put"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", "), ?STR(Str), ?OP_L(");")]; java_gen({Name, binary}, Str, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ID_L("put"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", "), ?STR(Str), ?OP_L(");")]; java_gen({Name, atom}, Atom, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ID_L("put"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", "), ?STR_A(Atom), ?OP_L(");")]; java_gen({Name, {tuple, Fields}}, Tuple, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> NewIndent = <<" ", Indent/binary>>, Res = lists:map(fun({A, B}) -> [java_gen(A, B, NewIndent, HTMLOutput)] end, lists:zip(Fields, tuple_to_list(Tuple))), [?ID_L("put"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", "), java_gen_map(Res, Indent, HTMLOutput), ?OP_L(")")]; java_gen({Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> {NI, NI2, I} = case List of [_] -> {" ", " ", Indent}; _ -> {[?BR, <<" ", Indent/binary>>], [?BR, <<" ", Indent/binary>>], <<" ", Indent/binary>>} end, Res = lists:map(fun(E) -> java_gen_map([java_gen(ElDesc, E, I, HTMLOutput)], none, HTMLOutput) end, List), [?ID_L("put"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", "), ?KW_L("new "), ?ID_L("Object"), ?OP_L("[] {"), NI, list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(","), NI]), NI2, ?OP_L("});")]. java_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput) -> {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ java\n">>} end, [Preamble, Indent, ?ID_L("XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config"), ?OP_L(" = "), ?KW_L("new "), ?ID_L("XmlRpcClientConfigImpl"), ?OP_L("();"), ?BR, Indent, ?ID_L("config"), ?OP_L("."), ?ID_L("setServerURL"), ?OP_L("("), ?ID_L("url"), ?OP_L(");"), ?BR, Indent, ?BR, Indent, ?ID_L("XmlRpcClient client"), ?OP_L(" = "), ?KW_L("new "), ?ID_L("XmlRpcClient"), ?OP_L("();"), ?BR, Indent, ?ID_L("client"), ?OP_L("."), ?ID_L("setConfig"), ?OP_L("("), ?ID_L("config"), ?OP_L(");"), ?BR, Indent, ?BR, Indent, ?ID_L("client"), ?OP_L("."), ?ID_L("execute"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", "), java_gen_map(lists:map(fun({A,B})->java_gen(A, B, Indent, HTMLOutput) end, lists:zip(ArgsDesc, Values)), Indent, HTMLOutput), ?OP_L(");")]. -define(XML_S(N, V), ?OP_L("<"), ?FIELD_L(??N), ?OP_L(">"), V). -define(XML_E(N), ?OP_L("")). -define(XML(N, Indent, V), ?BR, Indent, ?XML_S(N, V), ?BR, Indent, ?XML_E(N)). -define(XML(N, Indent, D, V), ?XML(N, [Indent, lists:duplicate(D, <<" ">>)], V)). -define(XML_L(N, Indent, V), ?BR, Indent, ?XML_S(N, V), ?XML_E(N)). -define(XML_L(N, Indent, D, V), ?XML_L(N, [Indent, lists:duplicate(D, <<" ">>)], V)). xml_gen({Name, integer}, Int, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?XML(member, Indent, [?XML_L(name, Indent, 1, ?ID_A(Name)), ?XML(value, Indent, 1, [?XML_L(integer, Indent, 2, ?ID(integer_to_binary(Int)))])])]; xml_gen({Name, string}, Str, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?XML(member, Indent, [?XML_L(name, Indent, 1, ?ID_A(Name)), ?XML(value, Indent, 1, [?XML_L(string, Indent, 2, ?ID(Str))])])]; xml_gen({Name, binary}, Str, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?XML(member, Indent, [?XML_L(name, Indent, 1, ?ID_A(Name)), ?XML(value, Indent, 1, [?XML_L(string, Indent, 2, ?ID(Str))])])]; xml_gen({Name, atom}, Atom, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?XML(member, Indent, [?XML_L(name, Indent, 1, ?ID_A(Name)), ?XML(value, Indent, 1, [?XML_L(string, Indent, 2, ?ID(atom_to_list(Atom)))])])]; xml_gen({Name, {tuple, Fields}}, Tuple, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> NewIndent = <<" ", Indent/binary>>, Res = lists:map(fun({A, B}) -> xml_gen(A, B, NewIndent, HTMLOutput) end, lists:zip(Fields, tuple_to_list(Tuple))), [?XML(member, Indent, [?XML_L(name, Indent, 1, ?ID_A(Name)), ?XML(value, Indent, 1, [?XML(struct, NewIndent, Res)])])]; xml_gen({Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> Ind1 = <<" ", Indent/binary>>, Ind2 = <<" ", Ind1/binary>>, Res = lists:map(fun(E) -> [?XML(value, Ind1, [?XML(struct, Ind1, 1, xml_gen(ElDesc, E, Ind2, HTMLOutput))])] end, List), [?XML(member, Indent, [?XML_L(name, Indent, 1, ?ID_A(Name)), ?XML(value, Indent, 1, [?XML(array, Indent, 2, [?XML(data, Indent, 3, Res)])])])]. xml_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput) -> {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ xml">>} end, Res = lists:map(fun({A, B}) -> xml_gen(A, B, <>, HTMLOutput) end, lists:zip(ArgsDesc, Values)), [Preamble, ?XML(methodCall, Indent, [?XML_L(methodName, Indent, 1, ?ID_A(Name)), ?XML(params, Indent, 1, [?XML(param, Indent, 2, [?XML(value, Indent, 3, [?XML(struct, Indent, 4, Res)])])])])]. % [?ARG_S(Name), ?OP_L(": "), ?STR(Str)]; json_gen({_Name, integer}, Int, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?NUM(Int)]; json_gen({_Name, string}, Str, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?STR(Str)]; json_gen({_Name, binary}, Str, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?STR(Str)]; json_gen({_Name, atom}, Atom, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?STR_A(Atom)]; json_gen({_Name, rescode}, Val, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ID_A(Val == ok orelse Val == true)]; json_gen({_Name, restuple}, {Val, Str}, _Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?OP_L("{"), ?STR_L("res"), ?OP_L(": "), ?ID_A(Val == ok orelse Val == true), ?OP_L(", "), ?STR_L("text"), ?OP_L(": "), ?STR(Str), ?OP_L("}")]; json_gen({_Name, {list, {_, {tuple, [{_, atom}, ValFmt]}}}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> Indent2 = <<" ", Indent/binary>>, Res = lists:map(fun({N, V})->[?STR_A(N), ?OP_L(": "), json_gen(ValFmt, V, Indent2, HTMLOutput)] end, List), [?OP_L("{"), ?BR, Indent2, list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(","), ?BR, Indent2]), ?BR, Indent, ?OP_L("}")]; json_gen({_Name, {tuple, Fields}}, Tuple, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> Indent2 = <<" ", Indent/binary>>, Res = lists:map(fun({{N, _} = A, B})->[?STR_A(N), ?OP_L(": "), json_gen(A, B, Indent2, HTMLOutput)] end, lists:zip(Fields, tuple_to_list(Tuple))), [?OP_L("{"), ?BR, Indent2, list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(","), ?BR, Indent2]), ?BR, Indent, ?OP_L("}")]; json_gen({_Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> Indent2 = <<" ", Indent/binary>>, Res = lists:map(fun(E) -> json_gen(ElDesc, E, Indent2, HTMLOutput) end, List), [?OP_L("["), ?BR, Indent2, list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(","), ?BR, Indent2]), ?BR, Indent, ?OP_L("]")]. json_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, ResultDesc, Result, HTMLOutput) -> {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ json\n">>} end, {Code, ResultStr} = case {ResultDesc, Result} of {{_, rescode}, V} when V == true; V == ok -> {200, [?STR_L("")]}; {{_, rescode}, _} -> {500, [?STR_L("")]}; {{_, restuple}, {V1, Text1}} when V1 == true; V1 == ok -> {200, [?STR(Text1)]}; {{_, restuple}, {_, Text2}} -> {500, [?STR(Text2)]}; {{_, {list, _}}, _} -> {200, json_gen(ResultDesc, Result, Indent, HTMLOutput)}; {{_, {tuple, _}}, _} -> {200, json_gen(ResultDesc, Result, Indent, HTMLOutput)}; {{Name0, _}, _} -> {200, [Indent, ?OP_L("{"), ?STR_A(Name0), ?OP_L(": "), json_gen(ResultDesc, Result, Indent, HTMLOutput), ?OP_L("}")]} end, CodeStr = case Code of 200 -> <<" 200 OK">>; 500 -> <<" 500 Internal Server Error">> end, [Preamble, Indent, ?ID_L("POST /api/"), ?ID_A(Name), ?BR, Indent, ?OP_L("{"), ?BR, Indent, <<" ">>, list_join_with(lists:map(fun({{N,_}=A,B})->[?STR_A(N), ?OP_L(": "), json_gen(A, B, <>, HTMLOutput)] end, lists:zip(ArgsDesc, Values)), [?OP_L(","), ?BR, Indent, <<" ">>]), ?BR, Indent, ?OP_L("}"), ?BR, Indent, ?BR, Indent, ?ID_L("HTTP/1.1"), ?ID(CodeStr), ?BR, Indent, ResultStr ]. generate_example_input({_Name, integer}, {LastStr, LastNum}) -> {LastNum+1, {LastStr, LastNum+1}}; generate_example_input({_Name, string}, {LastStr, LastNum}) -> {string:chars(LastStr+1, 5), {LastStr+1, LastNum}}; generate_example_input({_Name, binary}, {LastStr, LastNum}) -> {iolist_to_binary(string:chars(LastStr+1, 5)), {LastStr+1, LastNum}}; generate_example_input({_Name, atom}, {LastStr, LastNum}) -> {list_to_atom(string:chars(LastStr+1, 5)), {LastStr+1, LastNum}}; generate_example_input({_Name, rescode}, {LastStr, LastNum}) -> {ok, {LastStr, LastNum}}; generate_example_input({_Name, restuple}, {LastStr, LastNum}) -> {{ok, <<"Success">>}, {LastStr, LastNum}}; generate_example_input({_Name, {tuple, Fields}}, Data) -> {R, D} = lists:foldl(fun(Field, {Res2, Data2}) -> {Res3, Data3} = generate_example_input(Field, Data2), {[Res3 | Res2], Data3} end, {[], Data}, Fields), {list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(R)), D}; generate_example_input({_Name, {list, Desc}}, Data) -> {R1, D1} = generate_example_input(Desc, Data), {R2, D2} = generate_example_input(Desc, D1), {[R1, R2], D2}. gen_calls(#ejabberd_commands{args_example=none, args=ArgsDesc} = C, HTMLOutput, Langs) -> {R, _} = lists:foldl(fun(Arg, {Res, Data}) -> {Res3, Data3} = generate_example_input(Arg, Data), {[Res3 | Res], Data3} end, {[], {$a-1, 0}}, ArgsDesc), gen_calls(C#ejabberd_commands{args_example=lists:reverse(R)}, HTMLOutput, Langs); gen_calls(#ejabberd_commands{result_example=none, result=ResultDesc} = C, HTMLOutput, Langs) -> {R, _} = generate_example_input(ResultDesc, {$a-1, 0}), gen_calls(C#ejabberd_commands{result_example=R}, HTMLOutput, Langs); gen_calls(#ejabberd_commands{args_example=Values, args=ArgsDesc, result_example=Result, result=ResultDesc, name=Name}, HTMLOutput, Langs) -> Perl = perl_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput), Java = java_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput), XML = xml_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput), JSON = json_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, ResultDesc, Result, HTMLOutput), if HTMLOutput -> [?TAG(ul, "code-samples-names", [case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, <<"Java">>); _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, <<"Perl">>); _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, <<"XML">>); _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, <<"JSON">>); _ -> [] end]), ?TAG(ul, "code-samples", [case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, ?TAG(pre, Java)); _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, ?TAG(pre, Perl)); _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, ?TAG(pre, XML)); _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, ?TAG(pre, JSON)); _ -> [] end])]; true -> case Langs of Val when length(Val) == 0 orelse length(Val) == 1 -> [case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n">>, ?TAG(pre, Java), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n">>, ?TAG(pre, Perl), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n">>, ?TAG(pre, XML), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n">>, ?TAG(pre, JSON), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, <<"\n\n">>]; _ -> [<<"\n">>, case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* Java\n">>; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* Perl\n">>; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* XmlRPC\n">>; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* JSON\n">>; _ -> [] end, <<"{: .code-samples-labels}\n">>, case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, Java), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, Perl), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, XML), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, JSON), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, <<"{: .code-samples-tabs}\n\n">>] end end. format_type({list, {_, {tuple, Els}}}) -> io_lib:format("[~ts]", [format_type({tuple, Els})]); format_type({list, El}) -> io_lib:format("[~ts]", [format_type(El)]); format_type({tuple, Els}) -> Args = [format_type(El) || El <- Els], io_lib:format("{~ts}", [string:join(Args, ", ")]); format_type({Name, Type}) -> io_lib:format("~ts::~ts", [Name, format_type(Type)]); format_type(binary) -> "string"; format_type(atom) -> "string"; format_type(Type) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Type]). gen_param(Name, Type, undefined, HTMLOutput) -> [?TAG(li, [?TAG_R(strong, atom_to_list(Name)), <<" :: ">>, ?RAW(format_type(Type))])]; gen_param(Name, Type, Desc, HTMLOutput) -> [?TAG(dt, [?TAG_R(strong, atom_to_list(Name)), <<" :: ">>, ?RAW(format_type(Type))]), ?TAG(dd, ?RAW(Desc))]. make_tags(HTMLOutput) -> TagsList = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(1000000), lists:map(fun(T) -> gen_tags(T, HTMLOutput) end, TagsList). -dialyzer({no_match, gen_tags/2}). gen_tags({TagName, Commands}, HTMLOutput) -> [?TAG(h1, TagName) | [?TAG(p, ?RAW("* *`"++C++"`*")) || C <- Commands]]. gen_doc(#ejabberd_commands{name=Name, tags=Tags, desc=Desc, longdesc=LongDesc, args=Args, args_desc=ArgsDesc, note=Note, definer=Definer, result=Result, result_desc=ResultDesc}=Cmd, HTMLOutput, Langs) -> try ArgsText = case ArgsDesc of none -> [?TAG(ul, "args-list", [gen_param(AName, Type, undefined, HTMLOutput) || {AName, Type} <- Args])]; _ -> [?TAG(dl, "args-list", [gen_param(AName, Type, ADesc, HTMLOutput) || {{AName, Type}, ADesc} <- lists:zip(Args, ArgsDesc)])] end, ResultText = case Result of {res,rescode} -> [?TAG(dl, [gen_param(res, integer, "Status code (0 on success, 1 otherwise)", HTMLOutput)])]; {res,restuple} -> [?TAG(dl, [gen_param(res, string, "Raw result string", HTMLOutput)])]; {RName, Type} -> case ResultDesc of none -> [?TAG(ul, [gen_param(RName, Type, undefined, HTMLOutput)])]; _ -> [?TAG(dl, [gen_param(RName, Type, ResultDesc, HTMLOutput)])] end end, TagsText = [?RAW("*`"++atom_to_list(Tag)++"`* ") || Tag <- Tags], IsDefinerMod = case Definer of unknown -> true; _ -> lists:member(gen_mod, proplists:get_value(behaviour, Definer:module_info(attributes))) end, ModuleText = case IsDefinerMod of true -> [?TAG(h2, <<"Module:">>), ?TAG(p, ?RAW("*`"++atom_to_list(Definer)++"`*"))]; false -> [] end, NoteEl = case Note of "" -> []; _ -> ?TAG('div', "note-down", ?RAW(Note)) end, {NotePre, NotePost} = if HTMLOutput -> {[], NoteEl}; true -> {NoteEl, []} end, [NotePre, ?TAG(h1, atom_to_list(Name)), ?TAG(p, ?RAW(Desc)), case LongDesc of "" -> []; _ -> ?TAG(p, ?RAW(LongDesc)) end, NotePost, ?TAG(h2, <<"Arguments:">>), ArgsText, ?TAG(h2, <<"Result:">>), ResultText, ?TAG(h2, <<"Tags:">>), ?TAG(p, TagsText)] ++ ModuleText ++ [ ?TAG(h2, <<"Examples:">>), gen_calls(Cmd, HTMLOutput, Langs)] catch _:Ex -> throw(iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format( <<"Error when generating documentation for command '~p': ~p">>, [Name, Ex]))) end. find_commands_definitions() -> lists:flatmap( fun(Mod) -> code:ensure_loaded(Mod), Cs = case erlang:function_exported(Mod, get_commands_spec, 0) of true -> apply(Mod, get_commands_spec, []); _ -> [] end, [C#ejabberd_commands{definer = Mod} || C <- Cs] end, ejabberd_config:beams(all)). generate_html_output(File, RegExp, Languages) -> Cmds = find_commands_definitions(), {ok, RE} = re:compile(RegExp), Cmds2 = lists:filter(fun(#ejabberd_commands{name=Name, module=Module}) -> re:run(atom_to_list(Name), RE, [{capture, none}]) == match orelse re:run(atom_to_list(Module), RE, [{capture, none}]) == match end, Cmds), Cmds3 = lists:sort(fun(#ejabberd_commands{name=N1}, #ejabberd_commands{name=N2}) -> N1 =< N2 end, Cmds2), Cmds4 = [maybe_add_policy_arguments(Cmd) || Cmd <- Cmds3], Langs = binary:split(Languages, <<",">>, [global]), Out = lists:map(fun(C) -> gen_doc(C, true, Langs) end, Cmds4), {ok, Fh} = file:open(File, [write]), io:format(Fh, "~ts", [[html_pre(), Out, html_post()]]), file:close(Fh), ok. maybe_add_policy_arguments(#ejabberd_commands{args=Args1, policy=user}=Cmd) -> Args2 = [{user, binary}, {host, binary} | Args1], Cmd#ejabberd_commands{args = Args2}; maybe_add_policy_arguments(Cmd) -> Cmd. generate_md_output(File, RegExp, Languages) -> Cmds = find_commands_definitions(), {ok, RE} = re:compile(RegExp), Cmds2 = lists:filter(fun(#ejabberd_commands{name=Name, module=Module}) -> re:run(atom_to_list(Name), RE, [{capture, none}]) == match orelse re:run(atom_to_list(Module), RE, [{capture, none}]) == match end, Cmds), Cmds3 = lists:sort(fun(#ejabberd_commands{name=N1}, #ejabberd_commands{name=N2}) -> N1 =< N2 end, Cmds2), Cmds4 = [maybe_add_policy_arguments(Cmd) || Cmd <- Cmds3], Langs = binary:split(Languages, <<",">>, [global]), Header = <<"---\ntitle: Administration API reference\ntoc: true\nmenu: API Reference\norder: 1\n" "// Autogenerated with 'ejabberdctl gen_markdown_doc_for_commands'\n---\n\n" "This section describes API of ejabberd.\n">>, Out = lists:map(fun(C) -> gen_doc(C, false, Langs) end, Cmds4), {ok, Fh} = file:open(File, [write]), io:format(Fh, "~ts~ts", [Header, Out]), file:close(Fh), ok. generate_tags_md(File) -> Header = <<"---\ntitle: API Tags\ntoc: true\nmenu: API Tags\norder: 2\n" "// Autogenerated with 'ejabberdctl gen_markdown_doc_for_tags'\n---\n\n" "This section enumerates the tags and their associated API.\n">>, Tags = make_tags(false), {ok, Fh} = file:open(File, [write]), io:format(Fh, "~ts~ts", [Header, Tags]), file:close(Fh), ok. html_pre() -> " ". html_post() -> " ".