%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_http_bind.erl %%% Author : Stefan Strigler %%% Purpose : Implements XMPP over BOSH (XEP-0205) (formerly known as %%% HTTP Binding) %%% Created : 21 Sep 2005 by Stefan Strigler %%% Id : $Id: ejabberd_http_bind.erl 958 2009-05-12 14:43:41Z mremond $ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_http_bind). -author('steve@zeank.in-berlin.de'). -behaviour(gen_fsm). %% External exports -export([start_link/3, init/1, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, code_change/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3, send/2, setopts/2, sockname/1, peername/1, controlling_process/2, close/1, process_request/2]). %%-define(ejabberd_debug, true). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -record(http_bind, {id, pid, to, hold, wait, version}). -define(NULL_PEER, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}). %% http binding request -record(hbr, {rid, key, in, out}). -record(state, {id, rid = none, key, socket, output = "", input = "", waiting_input = false, last_receiver, last_poll, http_receiver, wait_timer, ctime = 0, timer, pause=0, unprocessed_req_list = [], % list of request that have been delayed for proper reordering req_list = [], % list of requests (cache) max_inactivity, ip = ?NULL_PEER }). %%-define(DBGFSM, true). -ifdef(DBGFSM). -define(FSMOPTS, [{debug, [trace]}]). -else. -define(FSMOPTS, []). -endif. -define(BOSH_VERSION, "1.6"). -define(NS_CLIENT, "jabber:client"). -define(NS_BOSH, "urn:xmpp:xbosh"). -define(NS_HTTP_BIND, "http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind"). -define(MAX_REQUESTS, 2). % number of simultaneous requests -define(MIN_POLLING, 2000000). % don't poll faster than that or we will % shoot you (time in microsec) -define(MAX_WAIT, 3600). % max num of secs to keep a request on hold -define(MAX_INACTIVITY, 30000). % msecs to wait before terminating % idle sessions -define(MAX_PAUSE, 120). % may num of sec a client is allowed to pause % the session -define(CT, {"Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"}). -define(HEADER, [?CT]). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% TODO: If compile with no supervisor option, start the session without %% supervisor start(XMPPDomain, Sid, Key, IP) -> ?DEBUG("Starting session", []), case catch supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_http_bind_sup, [Sid, Key, IP]) of {ok, Pid} -> {ok, Pid}; _ -> check_bind_module(XMPPDomain), {error, "Cannot start HTTP bind session"} end. start_link(Sid, Key, IP) -> gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [Sid, Key, IP], ?FSMOPTS). send({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}, Packet) -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef, {send, Packet}). setopts({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}, Opts) -> case lists:member({active, once}, Opts) of true -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(FsmRef, {activate, self()}); _ -> ok end. controlling_process(_Socket, _Pid) -> ok. close({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}) -> catch gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef, stop). sockname(_Socket) -> {ok, ?NULL_PEER}. peername({http_bind, _FsmRef, IP}) -> {ok, IP}. process_request(Data, IP) -> case catch parse_request(Data) of {ok, {"", Rid, Attrs, Payload}} -> case xml:get_attr_s("to",Attrs) of "" -> ?ERROR_MSG("Session not created (Improper addressing)", []), {200, ?HEADER, ""}; XmppDomain -> %% create new session Sid = sha:sha(term_to_binary({now(), make_ref()})), case start(XmppDomain, Sid, "", IP) of {error, _} -> {200, ?HEADER, "BOSH module not started handle_session_start(Pid, XmppDomain, Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload, IP) end end; {ok, {Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload1}} -> %% old session StreamStart = case xml:get_attr_s("xmpp:restart",Attrs) of "true" -> true; _ -> false end, Payload2 = case xml:get_attr_s("type",Attrs) of "terminate" -> %% close stream Payload1 ++ ""; _ -> Payload1 end, handle_http_put(Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload2, StreamStart, IP); _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Received bad request: ~p", [Data]), {400, ?HEADER, ""} end. handle_session_start(Pid, XmppDomain, Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload, IP) -> ?DEBUG("got pid: ~p", [Pid]), Wait = case string:to_integer(xml:get_attr_s("wait",Attrs)) of {error, _} -> ?MAX_WAIT; {CWait, _} -> if (CWait > ?MAX_WAIT) -> ?MAX_WAIT; true -> CWait end end, Hold = case string:to_integer(xml:get_attr_s("hold",Attrs)) of {error, _} -> (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1); {CHold, _} -> if (CHold > (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1)) -> (?MAX_REQUESTS - 1); true -> CHold end end, Version = case catch list_to_float( xml:get_attr_s("ver", Attrs)) of {'EXIT', _} -> 0.0; V -> V end, XmppVersion = xml:get_attr_s("xmpp:version", Attrs), mnesia:transaction( fun() -> mnesia:write( #http_bind{id = Sid, pid = Pid, to = {XmppDomain, XmppVersion}, hold = Hold, wait = Wait, version = Version }) end), handle_http_put(Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload, true, IP). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Callback functions from gen_fsm %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: init/1 %% Returns: {ok, StateName, StateData} | %% {ok, StateName, StateData, Timeout} | %% ignore | %% {stop, StopReason} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Sid, Key, IP]) -> ?DEBUG("started: ~p", [{Sid, Key, IP}]), %% Read c2s options from the first ejabberd_c2s configuration in %% the config file listen section %% TODO: We should have different access and shaper values for %% each connector. The default behaviour should be however to use %% the default c2s restrictions if not defined for the current %% connector. Opts = ejabberd_c2s_config:get_c2s_limits(), Socket = {http_bind, self(), IP}, ejabberd_socket:start(ejabberd_c2s, ?MODULE, Socket, Opts), Timer = erlang:start_timer(?MAX_INACTIVITY, self(), []), {ok, loop, #state{id = Sid, key = Key, socket = Socket, max_inactivity = ?MAX_INACTIVITY, timer = Timer}}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: StateName/2 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: StateName/3 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %state_name(Event, From, StateData) -> % Reply = ok, % {reply, Reply, state_name, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_event/3 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_event({activate, From}, StateName, StateData) -> case StateData#state.input of "" -> {next_state, StateName, StateData#state{ waiting_input = {From, ok}}}; Input -> Receiver = From, Receiver ! {tcp, StateData#state.socket, list_to_binary(Input)}, {next_state, StateName, StateData#state{ input = "", waiting_input = false, last_receiver = Receiver}} end; handle_event(_Event, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_sync_event/4 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_sync_event({send, Packet}, _From, StateName, StateData) -> Output = [StateData#state.output | Packet], if StateData#state.http_receiver /= undefined -> cancel_timer(StateData#state.timer), Timer = if StateData#state.pause > 0 -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.pause*1000, self(), []); true -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.max_inactivity, self(), []) end, HTTPReply = case Output of [[]| OutPacket] -> {ok, OutPacket}; _ -> {ok, Output} end, gen_fsm:reply(StateData#state.http_receiver, HTTPReply), cancel_timer(StateData#state.wait_timer), Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData#state{output = [], http_receiver = undefined, wait_timer = undefined, timer = Timer}}; true -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData#state{output = Output}} end; handle_sync_event(stop, _From, _StateName, StateData) -> Reply = ok, {stop, normal, Reply, StateData}; %% HTTP PUT: Receive packets from the client handle_sync_event({http_put, Rid, Attrs, _Payload, Hold, _StreamTo, _IP}=Request, _From, StateName, StateData) -> %% Check if Rid valid RidAllow = case StateData#state.rid of none -> %% First request - nothing saved so far {true, 0}; OldRid -> ?DEBUG("state.rid/cur rid: ~p/~p", [OldRid, Rid]), if %% We did not miss any packet, we can process it immediately: Rid == OldRid + 1 -> case catch list_to_integer( xml:get_attr_s("pause", Attrs)) of {'EXIT', _} -> {true, 0}; Pause1 when Pause1 =< ?MAX_PAUSE -> ?DEBUG("got pause: ~p", [Pause1]), {true, Pause1}; _ -> {true, 0} end; %% We have missed packets, we need to cached it to process it later on: (OldRid < Rid) and (Rid =< (OldRid + Hold + 1)) -> buffer; (Rid =< OldRid) and (Rid > OldRid - Hold - 1) -> repeat; true -> false end end, %% Check if Rid is in sequence or out of sequence: case RidAllow of buffer -> ?DEBUG("Buffered request: ~p", [Request]), %% Request is out of sequence: PendingRequests = StateData#state.unprocessed_req_list, %% In case an existing RID was already buffered: Requests = lists:keydelete(Rid, 2, PendingRequests), {reply, ok, StateName, StateData#state{unprocessed_req_list=[Request|Requests]}}; _ -> %% Request is in sequence: process_http_put(Request, StateName, StateData, RidAllow) end; %% HTTP GET: send packets to the client handle_sync_event({http_get, Rid, Wait, Hold}, From, StateName, StateData) -> %% setup timer if StateData#state.http_receiver /= undefined -> gen_fsm:reply(StateData#state.http_receiver, {ok, empty}); true -> ok end, cancel_timer(StateData#state.wait_timer), {TMegSec, TSec, TMSec} = now(), TNow = (TMegSec * 1000000 + TSec) * 1000000 + TMSec, if (Hold > 0) and (StateData#state.output == "") and ((TNow - StateData#state.ctime) < (Wait*1000*1000)) and (StateData#state.rid == Rid) and (StateData#state.input /= "cancel") and (StateData#state.pause == 0) -> WaitTimer = erlang:start_timer(Wait * 1000, self(), []), {next_state, StateName, StateData#state{ http_receiver = From, wait_timer = WaitTimer, timer = undefined}}; (StateData#state.input == "cancel") -> cancel_timer(StateData#state.timer), Timer = if StateData#state.pause > 0 -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.pause*1000, self(), []); true -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.max_inactivity, self(), []) end, Reply = {ok, cancel}, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData#state{ input = "", http_receiver = undefined, wait_timer = undefined, timer = Timer}}; true -> cancel_timer(StateData#state.timer), Timer = if StateData#state.pause > 0 -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.pause*1000, self(), []); true -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.max_inactivity, self(), []) end, case StateData#state.output of [[]| OutPacket] -> Reply = {ok, OutPacket}; _ -> Reply = {ok, StateData#state.output} end, %% save request ReqList = [#hbr{rid=Rid, key=StateData#state.key, in=StateData#state.input, out=StateData#state.output } | [El || El <- StateData#state.req_list, El#hbr.rid /= Rid ] ], {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData#state{ input = "", output = "", http_receiver = undefined, wait_timer = undefined, timer = Timer, req_list = ReqList}} end; handle_sync_event(peername, _From, StateName, StateData) -> Reply = {ok, StateData#state.ip}, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}; handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}. code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) -> {ok, StateName, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_info/3 %% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} | %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_info({timeout, Timer, _}, _StateName, #state{timer = Timer} = StateData) -> ?DEBUG("Session timeout. Closing the HTTP bind Session.", []), {stop, normal, StateData}; handle_info({timeout, WaitTimer, _}, StateName, #state{wait_timer = WaitTimer} = StateData) -> if StateData#state.http_receiver /= undefined -> cancel_timer(StateData#state.timer), Timer = if StateData#state.pause > 0 -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.pause*1000, self(), []); true -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.max_inactivity, self(), []) end, gen_fsm:reply(StateData#state.http_receiver, {ok, empty}), {next_state, StateName, StateData#state{http_receiver = undefined, wait_timer = undefined, timer = Timer}}; true -> {next_state, StateName, StateData} end; handle_info(_, StateName, StateData) -> {next_state, StateName, StateData}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: terminate/3 %% Purpose: Shutdown the fsm %% Returns: any %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(_Reason, _StateName, StateData) -> ?DEBUG("terminate: deleting session ~s", [StateData#state.id]), mnesia:transaction( fun() -> mnesia:delete({http_bind, StateData#state.id}) end), if StateData#state.http_receiver /= undefined -> gen_fsm:reply(StateData#state.http_receiver, {ok, terminate}); true -> ok end, case StateData#state.waiting_input of false -> case StateData#state.last_receiver of undefined -> ok; Receiver -> Receiver ! {tcp_closed, StateData#state.socket} end; {Receiver, _Tag} -> Receiver ! {tcp_closed, StateData#state.socket} end, ok. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% PUT / Get processing: process_http_put({http_put, Rid, Attrs, Payload, Hold, StreamTo, IP}, StateName, StateData, RidAllow) -> %% Check if key valid Key = xml:get_attr_s("key", Attrs), NewKey = xml:get_attr_s("newkey", Attrs), KeyAllow = case RidAllow of repeat -> true; false -> false; {true, _} -> case StateData#state.key of "" -> true; OldKey -> NextKey = sha:sha(Key), ?DEBUG("Key/OldKey/NextKey: ~s/~s/~s", [Key, OldKey, NextKey]), if OldKey == NextKey -> true; true -> ?DEBUG("wrong key: ~s",[Key]), false end end end, {TMegSec, TSec, TMSec} = now(), TNow = (TMegSec * 1000000 + TSec) * 1000000 + TMSec, LastPoll = if Payload == "" -> TNow; true -> 0 end, if (Payload == "") and (Hold == 0) and (TNow - StateData#state.last_poll < ?MIN_POLLING) -> Reply = {error, polling_too_frequently}, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}; KeyAllow -> case RidAllow of false -> Reply = {error, not_exists}, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData}; repeat -> ?DEBUG("REPEATING ~p", [Rid]), Reply = case [El#hbr.out || El <- StateData#state.req_list, El#hbr.rid == Rid] of [] -> {error, not_exists}; [ [[] | Out] | _XS] -> {repeat, Out}; [Out | _XS] -> {repeat, Out} end, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData#state{input = "cancel", last_poll = LastPoll}}; {true, Pause} -> SaveKey = if NewKey == "" -> Key; true -> NewKey end, ?DEBUG(" -- SaveKey: ~s~n", [SaveKey]), %% save request ReqList = [#hbr{rid=Rid, key=StateData#state.key, in=StateData#state.input, out=StateData#state.output } | [El || El <- StateData#state.req_list, El#hbr.rid < Rid, El#hbr.rid > (Rid - 1 - Hold)] ], ?DEBUG("reqlist: ~p", [ReqList]), %% setup next timer cancel_timer(StateData#state.timer), Timer = if Pause > 0 -> erlang:start_timer( Pause*1000, self(), []); true -> erlang:start_timer( StateData#state.max_inactivity, self(), []) end, case StateData#state.waiting_input of false -> Input = Payload ++ [StateData#state.input], Reply = ok, process_buffered_request(Reply, StateName, StateData#state{input = Input, rid = Rid, key = SaveKey, ctime = TNow, timer = Timer, pause = Pause, last_poll = LastPoll, req_list = ReqList, ip = IP }); {Receiver, _Tag} -> SendPacket = case StreamTo of {To, ""} -> [""] ++ Payload; {To, Version} -> [""] ++ Payload; _ -> Payload end, MaxInactivity = get_max_inactivity(StreamTo, StateData#state.max_inactivity), ?DEBUG("really sending now: ~s", [SendPacket]), Receiver ! {tcp, StateData#state.socket, list_to_binary(SendPacket)}, Reply = ok, process_buffered_request(Reply, StateName, StateData#state{waiting_input = false, last_receiver = Receiver, input = "", rid = Rid, key = SaveKey, ctime = TNow, timer = Timer, pause = Pause, last_poll = LastPoll, req_list = ReqList, max_inactivity = MaxInactivity, ip = IP }) end end; true -> Reply = {error, bad_key}, {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData} end. process_buffered_request(Reply, StateName, StateData) -> Rid = StateData#state.rid, Requests = StateData#state.unprocessed_req_list, case lists:keysearch(Rid+1, 2, Requests) of {value, Request} -> ?DEBUG("Processing buffered request: ~p", [Request]), NewRequests = Requests -- [Request], handle_sync_event(Request, undefined, StateName, StateData#state{unprocessed_req_list=NewRequests}); _ -> {reply, Reply, StateName, StateData} end. handle_http_put(Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload, StreamStart, IP) -> case http_put(Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload, StreamStart, IP) of {error, not_exists} -> ?ERROR_MSG("no session associated with sid: ~p", [Sid]), {404, ?HEADER, ""}; {{error, Reason}, Sess} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Error on HTTP put. Reason: ~p", [Reason]), handle_http_put_error(Reason, Sess); {{repeat, OutPacket}, Sess} -> ?DEBUG("http_put said 'repeat!' ...~nOutPacket: ~p", [OutPacket]), send_outpacket(Sess, OutPacket); {ok, Sess} -> prepare_response(Sess, Rid, Attrs, StreamStart) end. http_put(Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload, StreamStart, IP) -> ?DEBUG("http-put",[]), case mnesia:dirty_read({http_bind, Sid}) of [] -> {error, not_exists}; [#http_bind{pid = FsmRef, hold=Hold, to={To, StreamVersion}}=Sess] -> NewStream = case StreamStart of true -> {To, StreamVersion}; _ -> "" end, {gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event( FsmRef, {http_put, Rid, Attrs, Payload, Hold, NewStream, IP}), Sess} end. handle_http_put_error(Reason, #http_bind{pid=FsmRef, version=Version}) when Version >= 0 -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,stop), case Reason of not_exists -> {200, ?HEADER, xml:element_to_string( {xmlelement, "body", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BIND}, {"type", "terminate"}, {"condition", "item-not-found"}], []})}; bad_key -> {200, ?HEADER, xml:element_to_string( {xmlelement, "body", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BIND}, {"type", "terminate"}, {"condition", "item-not-found"}], []})}; polling_too_frequently -> {200, ?HEADER, xml:element_to_string( {xmlelement, "body", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BIND}, {"type", "terminate"}, {"condition", "policy-violation"}], []})} end; handle_http_put_error(Reason, #http_bind{pid=FsmRef}) -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,stop), case Reason of not_exists -> %% bad rid ?ERROR_MSG("Closing HTTP bind session (Bad rid).", []), {404, ?HEADER, ""}; bad_key -> ?ERROR_MSG("Closing HTTP bind session (Bad key).", []), {404, ?HEADER, ""}; polling_too_frequently -> ?ERROR_MSG("Closing HTTP bind session (User polling too frequently).", []), {403, ?HEADER, ""} end. prepare_response(#http_bind{id=Sid, wait=Wait, hold=Hold, to=To}=Sess, Rid, _, StreamStart) -> receive after 100 -> ok end, %% TODO: Why is this needed. Argh. Bad programming practice. case catch http_get(Sess, Rid) of {ok, cancel} -> %% actually it would be better if we could completely %% cancel this request, but then we would have to hack %% ejabberd_http and I'm too lazy now {200, ?HEADER, ""}; {ok, empty} -> {200, ?HEADER, ""}; {ok, terminate} -> {200, ?HEADER, ""}; {ok, OutPacket} -> ?DEBUG("OutPacket: ~s", [OutPacket]), case StreamStart of false -> send_outpacket(Sess, OutPacket); true -> OutEls = case xml_stream:parse_element( OutPacket++"") of El when element(1, El) == xmlelement -> ?DEBUG("~p", [El]), {xmlelement, _, OutAttrs, Els} = El, AuthID = xml:get_attr_s("id", OutAttrs), From = xml:get_attr_s("from", OutAttrs), Version = xml:get_attr_s("version", OutAttrs), StreamError = false, case Els of [] -> []; [{xmlelement, "stream:features", StreamAttribs, StreamEls} | StreamTail] -> [{xmlelement, "stream:features", [{"xmlns:stream", ?NS_STREAM} ] ++ StreamAttribs, StreamEls }] ++ StreamTail; Xml -> Xml end; {error, _} -> AuthID = "", From = "", Version = "", StreamError = true, [] end, if StreamError == true -> {200, ?HEADER, ""}; true -> BOSH_attribs = [{"authid", AuthID}, {"xmlns:xmpp", ?NS_BOSH}, {"xmlns:stream", ?NS_STREAM}] ++ case OutEls of [] -> []; _ -> [{"xmpp:version", Version}] end, MaxInactivity = get_max_inactivity(To, ?MAX_INACTIVITY), {200, ?HEADER, xml:element_to_string( {xmlelement,"body", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BIND}, {"sid", Sid}, {"wait", integer_to_list(Wait)}, {"requests", integer_to_list(Hold+1)}, {"inactivity", integer_to_list( trunc(MaxInactivity/1000))}, {"maxpause", integer_to_list(?MAX_PAUSE)}, {"polling", integer_to_list( trunc(?MIN_POLLING/1000000))}, {"ver", ?BOSH_VERSION}, {"from", From}, {"secure", "true"} %% we're always being secure ] ++ BOSH_attribs,OutEls})} end end; {'EXIT', {shutdown, _}} -> {200, ?HEADER, ""}; {'EXIT', _Reason} -> {200, ?HEADER, ""} end. http_get(#http_bind{pid = FsmRef, wait = Wait, hold = Hold}, Rid) -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event( FsmRef, {http_get, Rid, Wait, Hold}, 2 * ?MAX_WAIT * 1000). send_outpacket(#http_bind{pid = FsmRef}, OutPacket) -> case OutPacket of "" -> {200, ?HEADER, ""}; "" -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,stop), {200, ?HEADER, ""}; _ -> case xml_stream:parse_element("" ++ OutPacket ++ "") of El when element(1, El) == xmlelement -> {xmlelement, _, _, OEls} = El, TypedEls = [check_default_xmlns(OEl) || OEl <- OEls], ?DEBUG(" --- outgoing data --- ~n~s~n --- END --- ~n", [xml:element_to_string( {xmlelement,"body", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BIND}], TypedEls})] ), {200, ?HEADER, xml:element_to_string( {xmlelement,"body", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BIND}], TypedEls})}; {error, _E} -> OutEls = case xml_stream:parse_element( OutPacket++"") of SEl when element(1, SEl) == xmlelement -> {xmlelement, _, _OutAttrs, SEls} = SEl, StreamError = false, case SEls of [] -> []; [{xmlelement, "stream:features", StreamAttribs, StreamEls} | StreamTail] -> TypedTail = [check_default_xmlns(OEl) || OEl <- StreamTail], [{xmlelement, "stream:features", [{"xmlns:stream", ?NS_STREAM}] ++ StreamAttribs, StreamEls}] ++ TypedTail; Xml -> Xml end; {error, _} -> StreamError = true, [] end, if StreamError -> StreamErrCond = case xml_stream:parse_element( "" ++ OutPacket) of El when element(1, El) == xmlelement -> case xml:get_subtag(El, "stream:error") of false -> null; {xmlelement, _, _, _Cond} = StreamErrorTag -> [StreamErrorTag] end; {error, _E} -> null end, gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef, stop), case StreamErrCond of null -> {200, ?HEADER, ""}; _ -> {200, ?HEADER, "" ++ elements_to_string(StreamErrCond) ++ ""} end; true -> {200, ?HEADER, xml:element_to_string( {xmlelement,"body", [{"xmlns", ?NS_HTTP_BIND}], OutEls})} end end end. parse_request(Data) -> ?DEBUG("--- incoming data --- ~n~s~n --- END --- ", [Data]), case xml_stream:parse_element(Data) of El when element(1, El) == xmlelement -> {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} = El, Xmlns = xml:get_attr_s("xmlns",Attrs), if Name /= "body" -> {error, bad_request}; Xmlns /= ?NS_HTTP_BIND -> {error, bad_request}; true -> case catch list_to_integer(xml:get_attr_s("rid", Attrs)) of {'EXIT', _} -> {error, bad_request}; Rid -> %% I guess this is to remove XMLCDATA: FixedEls = lists:filter( fun(I) -> case I of {xmlelement, _, _, _} -> true; _ -> false end end, Els), %% MR: I commented this code, because it is not used. %% lists:map( %% fun(E) -> %% EXmlns = xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns",E), %% if %% EXmlns == ?NS_CLIENT -> %% remove_tag_attr("xmlns",E); %% true -> %% ok %% end %% end, FixedEls), Payload = [xml:element_to_string(E) || E <- FixedEls], Sid = xml:get_attr_s("sid",Attrs), %% MR: I do not think we need to extract %% Sid. We should have it somewhere else: {ok, {Sid, Rid, Attrs, Payload}} end end; {error, _Reason} -> {error, bad_request} end. %% Cancel timer and empty message queue. cancel_timer(undefined) -> ok; cancel_timer(Timer) -> erlang:cancel_timer(Timer), receive {timeout, Timer, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end. %% TODO: Use tail recursion and list reverse ? elements_to_string([]) -> []; elements_to_string([El | Els]) -> xml:element_to_string(El) ++ elements_to_string(Els). %% @spec (To, Default::integer()) -> integer() %% where To = [] | {Host::string(), Version::string()} get_max_inactivity({Host, _}, Default) -> case gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, mod_http_bind, max_inactivity, undefined) of Seconds when is_integer(Seconds) -> Seconds * 1000; undefined -> Default end; get_max_inactivity(_, Default) -> Default. remove_tag_attr(Attr, {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els}) -> Attrs1 = lists:keydelete(Attr, 1, Attrs), {xmlelement, Name, Attrs1, Els}; remove_tag_attr(Attr, El) -> El. check_default_xmlns({xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} = El) -> case xml:get_tag_attr_s("xmlns", El) of "" -> {xmlelement, Name, [{"xmlns", ?NS_CLIENT} | Attrs], Els}; _ -> El end. %% Check that mod_http_bind has been defined in config file. %% Print a warning in log file if this is not the case. check_bind_module(XmppDomain) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(XmppDomain, mod_http_bind) of true -> ok; false -> ?ERROR_MSG("You are trying to use HTTP Bind (BOSH), but the module mod_http_bind is not started.~n" "Check your 'modules' section in your ejabberd configuration file.",[]) end.