%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @copyright (C) 2016, Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @doc %%% %%% @end %%% Created : 16 Nov 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(csi_tests). %% API -compile(export_all). -import(suite, [disconnect/1, wait_for_slave/1, wait_for_master/1, send/2, send_recv/2, recv_presence/1, recv_message/1, server_jid/1]). -include("suite.hrl"). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== %%%=================================================================== %%% Single user tests %%%=================================================================== single_cases() -> {csi_single, [sequence], [single_test(feature_enabled)]}. feature_enabled(Config) -> true = ?config(csi, Config), disconnect(Config). %%%=================================================================== %%% Master-slave tests %%%=================================================================== master_slave_cases() -> {csi_master_slave, [sequence], [master_slave_test(all)]}. all_master(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), Presence = #presence{to = Peer}, ChatState = #message{to = Peer, thread = <<"1">>, sub_els = [#chatstate{type = active}]}, Message = ChatState#message{body = [#text{data = <<"body">>}]}, PepPayload = xmpp:encode(#presence{}), PepOne = #message{ to = Peer, sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = <<"foo-1">>, items = [#ps_item{ id = <<"pep-1">>, xml_els = [PepPayload]}]}}]}, PepTwo = #message{ to = Peer, sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = <<"foo-2">>, items = [#ps_item{ id = <<"pep-2">>, xml_els = [PepPayload]}]}}]}, %% Wait for the slave to become inactive. wait_for_slave(Config), %% Should be queued (but see below): send(Config, Presence), %% Should replace the previous presence in the queue: send(Config, Presence#presence{type = unavailable}), %% The following two PEP stanzas should be queued (but see below): send(Config, PepOne), send(Config, PepTwo), %% The following two PEP stanzas should replace the previous two: send(Config, PepOne), send(Config, PepTwo), %% Should be queued (but see below): send(Config, ChatState), %% Should replace the previous chat state in the queue: send(Config, ChatState#message{sub_els = [#chatstate{type = composing}]}), %% Should be sent immediately, together with the queued stanzas: send(Config, Message), %% Wait for the slave to become active. wait_for_slave(Config), %% Should be delivered, as the client is active again: send(Config, ChatState), disconnect(Config). all_slave(Config) -> Peer = ?config(peer, Config), change_client_state(Config, inactive), wait_for_master(Config), #presence{from = Peer, type = unavailable, sub_els = [#delay{}]} = recv_presence(Config), #message{ from = Peer, sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = <<"foo-1">>, items = [#ps_item{ id = <<"pep-1">>}]}}, #delay{}]} = recv_message(Config), #message{ from = Peer, sub_els = [#ps_event{ items = #ps_items{ node = <<"foo-2">>, items = [#ps_item{ id = <<"pep-2">>}]}}, #delay{}]} = recv_message(Config), #message{from = Peer, thread = <<"1">>, sub_els = [#chatstate{type = composing}, #delay{}]} = recv_message(Config), #message{from = Peer, thread = <<"1">>, body = [#text{data = <<"body">>}], sub_els = [#chatstate{type = active}]} = recv_message(Config), change_client_state(Config, active), wait_for_master(Config), #message{from = Peer, thread = <<"1">>, sub_els = [#chatstate{type = active}]} = recv_message(Config), disconnect(Config). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== single_test(T) -> list_to_atom("csi_" ++ atom_to_list(T)). master_slave_test(T) -> {list_to_atom("csi_" ++ atom_to_list(T)), [parallel], [list_to_atom("csi_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_master"), list_to_atom("csi_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_slave")]}. change_client_state(Config, NewState) -> send(Config, #csi{type = NewState}), send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = server_jid(Config), sub_els = [#ping{}]}).