%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(acl). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start_link/0]). -export([reload_from_config/0]). -export([match_rule/3, match_acl/3]). -export([match_rules/4, match_acls/3]). -export([access_rules_validator/0, access_validator/0]). -export([validator/1, validators/0]). -export([loaded_shared_roster_module/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("logger.hrl"). -type state() :: #{hosts := [binary()]}. -type action() :: allow | deny. -type ip_mask() :: {inet:ip4_address(), 0..32} | {inet:ip6_address(), 0..128}. -type access_rule() :: {acl, atom()} | acl_rule(). -type acl_rule() :: {user, {binary(), binary()} | binary()} | {server, binary()} | {resource, binary()} | {user_regexp, {re_mp(), binary()} | re_mp()} | {server_regexp, re_mp()} | {resource_regexp, re_mp()} | {node_regexp, {re_mp(), re_mp()}} | {user_glob, {re_mp(), binary()} | re_mp()} | {server_glob, re_mp()} | {resource_glob, re_mp()} | {node_glob, {re_mp(), re_mp()}} | {shared_group, {binary(), binary()} | binary()} | {ip, ip_mask()}. -type access() :: [{action(), [access_rule()]}]. -type acl() :: atom() | access(). -type match() :: #{ip => inet:ip_address(), usr => jid:ljid(), atom() => term()}. -export_type([acl/0, acl_rule/0, access/0, access_rule/0, match/0]). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). -spec match_rule(global | binary(), atom() | access(), jid:jid() | jid:ljid() | inet:ip_address() | match()) -> action(). match_rule(_, all, _) -> allow; match_rule(_, none, _) -> deny; match_rule(Host, Access, Match) when is_map(Match) -> Rules = if is_atom(Access) -> read_access(Access, Host); true -> Access end, match_rules(Host, Rules, Match, deny); match_rule(Host, Access, IP) when tuple_size(IP) == 4; tuple_size(IP) == 8 -> match_rule(Host, Access, #{ip => IP}); match_rule(Host, Access, JID) -> match_rule(Host, Access, #{usr => jid:tolower(JID)}). -spec match_acl(global | binary(), access_rule(), match()) -> boolean(). match_acl(_Host, {acl, all}, _) -> true; match_acl(_Host, {acl, none}, _) -> false; match_acl(Host, {acl, ACLName}, Match) -> lists:any( fun(ACL) -> match_acl(Host, ACL, Match) end, read_acl(ACLName, Host)); match_acl(_Host, {ip, {Net, Mask}}, #{ip := {IP, _Port}}) -> misc:match_ip_mask(IP, Net, Mask); match_acl(_Host, {ip, {Net, Mask}}, #{ip := IP}) -> misc:match_ip_mask(IP, Net, Mask); match_acl(_Host, {user, {U, S}}, #{usr := {U, S, _}}) -> true; match_acl(_Host, {user, U}, #{usr := {U, S, _}}) -> ejabberd_router:is_my_host(S); match_acl(_Host, {server, S}, #{usr := {_, S, _}}) -> true; match_acl(_Host, {resource, R}, #{usr := {_, _, R}}) -> true; match_acl(_Host, {shared_group, {G, H}}, #{usr := {U, S, _}}) -> case loaded_shared_roster_module(H) of undefined -> false; Mod -> Mod:is_user_in_group({U, S}, G, H) end; match_acl(Host, {shared_group, G}, Map) -> match_acl(Host, {shared_group, {G, Host}}, Map); match_acl(_Host, {user_regexp, {UR, S1}}, #{usr := {U, S2, _}}) -> S1 == S2 andalso match_regexp(U, UR); match_acl(_Host, {user_regexp, UR}, #{usr := {U, S, _}}) -> ejabberd_router:is_my_host(S) andalso match_regexp(U, UR); match_acl(_Host, {server_regexp, SR}, #{usr := {_, S, _}}) -> match_regexp(S, SR); match_acl(_Host, {resource_regexp, RR}, #{usr := {_, _, R}}) -> match_regexp(R, RR); match_acl(_Host, {node_regexp, {UR, SR}}, #{usr := {U, S, _}}) -> match_regexp(U, UR) andalso match_regexp(S, SR); match_acl(_Host, {user_glob, {UR, S1}}, #{usr := {U, S2, _}}) -> S1 == S2 andalso match_regexp(U, UR); match_acl(_Host, {user_glob, UR}, #{usr := {U, S, _}}) -> ejabberd_router:is_my_host(S) andalso match_regexp(U, UR); match_acl(_Host, {server_glob, SR}, #{usr := {_, S, _}}) -> match_regexp(S, SR); match_acl(_Host, {resource_glob, RR}, #{usr := {_, _, R}}) -> match_regexp(R, RR); match_acl(_Host, {node_glob, {UR, SR}}, #{usr := {U, S, _}}) -> match_regexp(U, UR) andalso match_regexp(S, SR); match_acl(_, _, _) -> false. -spec match_rules(global | binary(), [{T, [access_rule()]}], match(), T) -> T. match_rules(Host, [{Return, Rules} | Rest], Match, Default) -> case match_acls(Host, Rules, Match) of false -> match_rules(Host, Rest, Match, Default); true -> Return end; match_rules(_Host, [], _Match, Default) -> Default. -spec match_acls(global | binary(), [access_rule()], match()) -> boolean(). match_acls(_Host, [], _Match) -> false; match_acls(Host, Rules, Match) -> lists:all( fun(Rule) -> match_acl(Host, Rule, Match) end, Rules). -spec reload_from_config() -> ok. reload_from_config() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, reload_from_config, timer:minutes(1)). -spec validator(access_rules | acl) -> econf:validator(). validator(access_rules) -> econf:options( #{'_' => access_rules_validator()}, [{disallowed, [all, none]}, unique]); validator(acl) -> econf:options( #{'_' => acl_validator()}, [{disallowed, [all, none]}, unique]). %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_server callbacks %%%=================================================================== -spec init([]) -> {ok, state()}. init([]) -> create_tab(acl), create_tab(access), Hosts = ejabberd_option:hosts(), load_from_config(Hosts), ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, reload_from_config, 20), {ok, #{hosts => Hosts}}. -spec handle_call(term(), term(), state()) -> {reply, ok, state()} | {noreply, state()}. handle_call(reload_from_config, _, State) -> NewHosts = ejabberd_option:hosts(), load_from_config(NewHosts), {reply, ok, State#{hosts => NewHosts}}; handle_call(Request, From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]), {noreply, State}. -spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}. handle_cast(Msg, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. -spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}. handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. -spec terminate(any(), state()) -> ok. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, reload_from_config, 20). -spec code_change(term(), state(), term()) -> {ok, state()}. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== %%%=================================================================== %%% Table management %%%=================================================================== -spec load_from_config([binary()]) -> ok. load_from_config(NewHosts) -> ?DEBUG("Loading access rules from config", []), load_tab(acl, NewHosts, fun ejabberd_option:acl/1), load_tab(access, NewHosts, fun ejabberd_option:access_rules/1), ?DEBUG("Access rules loaded successfully", []). -spec create_tab(atom()) -> atom(). create_tab(Tab) -> _ = mnesia:delete_table(Tab), ets:new(Tab, [named_table, set, {read_concurrency, true}]). -spec load_tab(atom(), [binary()], fun((global | binary()) -> {atom(), list()})) -> ok. load_tab(Tab, Hosts, Fun) -> Old = ets:tab2list(Tab), New = lists:flatmap( fun(Host) -> [{{Name, Host}, List} || {Name, List} <- Fun(Host)] end, [global|Hosts]), ets:insert(Tab, New), lists:foreach( fun({Key, _}) -> case lists:keymember(Key, 1, New) of false -> ets:delete(Tab, Key); true -> ok end end, Old). -spec read_access(atom(), global | binary()) -> access(). read_access(Name, Host) -> case ets:lookup(access, {Name, Host}) of [{_, Access}] -> Access; [] -> [] end. -spec read_acl(atom(), global | binary()) -> [acl_rule()]. read_acl(Name, Host) -> case ets:lookup(acl, {Name, Host}) of [{_, ACL}] -> ACL; [] -> [] end. %%%=================================================================== %%% Validators %%%=================================================================== validators() -> #{ip => econf:list_or_single(econf:ip_mask()), user => user_validator(econf:user(), econf:domain()), user_regexp => user_validator(econf:re([unicode]), econf:domain()), user_glob => user_validator(econf:glob([unicode]), econf:domain()), server => econf:list_or_single(econf:domain()), server_regexp => econf:list_or_single(econf:re([unicode])), server_glob => econf:list_or_single(econf:glob([unicode])), resource => econf:list_or_single(econf:resource()), resource_regexp => econf:list_or_single(econf:re([unicode])), resource_glob => econf:list_or_single(econf:glob([unicode])), node_regexp => node_validator(econf:re([unicode]), econf:re([unicode])), node_glob => node_validator(econf:glob([unicode]), econf:glob([unicode])), shared_group => user_validator(econf:binary(), econf:domain()), acl => econf:atom()}. rule_validator() -> rule_validator(validators()). rule_validator(RVs) -> econf:and_then( econf:non_empty(econf:options(RVs, [])), fun(Rules) -> lists:flatmap( fun({Type, Rs}) when is_list(Rs) -> [{Type, R} || R <- Rs]; (Other) -> [Other] end, Rules) end). access_validator() -> econf:and_then( fun(L) when is_list(L) -> lists:map( fun({K, V}) -> {(econf:atom())(K), V}; (A) -> {acl, (econf:atom())(A)} end, lists:flatten(L)); (A) -> [{acl, (econf:atom())(A)}] end, rule_validator()). access_rules_validator() -> econf:and_then( fun(L) when is_list(L) -> lists:map( fun({K, V}) -> {(econf:atom())(K), V}; (A) -> {(econf:atom())(A), [{acl, all}]} end, lists:flatten(L)); (Bad) -> Bad end, econf:non_empty( econf:options( #{allow => access_validator(), deny => access_validator()}, []))). acl_validator() -> econf:and_then( fun(L) when is_list(L) -> lists:flatten(L); (Bad) -> Bad end, rule_validator(maps:remove(acl, validators()))). user_validator(UV, SV) -> econf:and_then( econf:list_or_single( fun({U, S}) -> {UV(U), SV(S)}; (M) when is_list(M) -> (econf:map(UV, SV))(M); (Val) -> US = (econf:binary())(Val), case binary:split(US, <<"@">>, [global]) of [U, S] -> {UV(U), SV(S)}; [U] -> UV(U); _ -> econf:fail({bad_user, Val}) end end), fun lists:flatten/1). node_validator(UV, SV) -> econf:and_then( econf:and_then( econf:list(econf:any()), fun lists:flatten/1), econf:map(UV, SV)). %%%=================================================================== %%% Aux %%%=================================================================== -spec match_regexp(iodata(), re_mp()) -> boolean(). match_regexp(Data, RegExp) -> re:run(Data, RegExp) /= nomatch. -spec loaded_shared_roster_module(global | binary()) -> atom(). loaded_shared_roster_module(global) -> loaded_shared_roster_module(ejabberd_config:get_myname()); loaded_shared_roster_module(Host) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(Host, mod_shared_roster_ldap) of true -> mod_shared_roster_ldap; false -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(Host, mod_shared_roster) of true -> mod_shared_roster; false -> undefined end end.