%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_http_fileserver.erl %%% Author : Massimiliano Mirra %%% Purpose : Simple file server plugin for embedded ejabberd web server %%% Created : %%% Id : %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_http_fileserver). -author('mmirra@process-one.net'). -vsn(''). -define(ejabberd_debug, true). -compile([export_all]). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([ start/2, stop/1, process/2, ctl_process/2 ]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_ctl.hrl"). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% REQUEST HANDLERS %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% FUNCTION %% %% process/2 %% %% PURPOSE %% %% Handle an HTTP request. %% %% RETURNS %% %% Page to be sent back to the client and/or HTTP status code. %% %% ARGUMENTS %% %% - LocalPath: part of the requested URL path that is "local to the %% module". %% %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- process(LocalPath, Request) -> ?DEBUG("Requested ~p", [LocalPath]), Result = serve(LocalPath), case ets:lookup(mod_http_fileserver, accessfile) of [] -> ok; [{accessfile, AccessFile}] -> {Code, _, _} = Result, log(AccessFile, Code, Request) end, Result. serve(LocalPath) -> [{docroot, DocRoot}] = ets:lookup(mod_http_fileserver, docroot), FileName = filename:join(filename:split(DocRoot) ++ LocalPath), case file:read_file(FileName) of {ok, FileContents} -> ?DEBUG("Delivering content.", []), {200, [{"Server", "ejabberd"}, {"Content-type", content_type(FileName)}], FileContents}; {error, Error} -> ?DEBUG("Delivering error: ~p", [Error]), case Error of eacces -> {403, [], "Forbidden"}; enoent -> {404, [], "Not found"}; _Else -> {404, [], atom_to_list(Error)} end end. ctl_process(_Val, ["reopen-weblog"]) -> mod_http_fileserver_server ! reopenlog, ?STATUS_SUCCESS; ctl_process(Val, _Args) -> Val. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% UTILITIES %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- join([], _) -> ""; join([E], _) -> E; join([H | T], Separator) -> lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> lists:concat([Acc, Separator, E]) end, H, T). log(File, Code, Request) -> {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} = calendar:local_time(), IP = join(tuple_to_list(Request#request.ip), "."), Path = join(Request#request.path, "/"), Query = case join(lists:map(fun(E) -> lists:concat([element(1, E), "=", element(2, E)]) end, Request#request.q), "&") of [] -> ""; String -> [$? | String] end, % combined apache like log format : % - - [28/Mar/2007:18:41:55 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 303 "-" "tsung" % XXX TODO some fields are harcoded/missing (reply size, user agent or referer for example) io:format(File, "~s - - [~p/~p/~p:~p:~p:~p] \"~s /~s~s\" ~p -1 \"-\" \"-\"~n", [IP, Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second, Request#request.method, Path, Query, Code]). content_type(Filename) -> case httpd_util:to_lower(filename:extension(Filename)) of ".jpg" -> "image/jpeg"; ".jpeg" -> "image/jpeg"; ".gif" -> "image/gif"; ".png" -> "image/png"; ".html" -> "text/html"; ".css" -> "text/css"; ".txt" -> "text/plain"; ".xul" -> "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"; ".jar" -> "application/java-archive"; ".xpi" -> "application/x-xpinstall"; _Else -> "application/octet-stream" end. open_file(Filename) -> case file:open(Filename, [append]) of {ok, File} -> ets:insert(mod_http_fileserver, {accessfile, File}), ok; {error, _Reason} -> {'EXIT', {unaccessible_accessfile, ?MODULE}} end. loop(Filename) -> receive reopenlog -> case ets:lookup(mod_http_fileserver, accessfile) of [] -> ok; [{accessfile, AccessFile}] -> file:close(AccessFile), case open_file(Filename) of ok -> ok; _ -> error end end, loop(Filename); stop -> ok end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% BEHAVIOUR CALLBACKS %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start(_Host, Opts) -> ejabberd_ctl:register_commands([{"reopen-weblog", "reopen http fileserver log file"}], ?MODULE, ctl_process), case gen_mod:get_opt(docroot, Opts, undefined) of undefined -> {'EXIT', {missing_document_root, ?MODULE}}; DocRoot -> case filelib:is_dir(DocRoot) of true -> % XXX WARNING, using a single ets table name will % not work with virtual hosts ets:new(mod_http_fileserver, [named_table, public]), ets:insert(mod_http_fileserver, [{docroot, DocRoot}]), case gen_mod:get_opt(accesslog, Opts, undefined) of undefined -> ok; Filename -> % XXX same remark as above for proc name register(mod_http_fileserver_server, spawn(?MODULE, loop, [Filename])), open_file(Filename) end; _Else -> {'EXIT', {unaccessible_document_root, ?MODULE}} end end. stop(_Host) -> case ets:info(mod_http_fileserver, name) of undefined -> ok; _ -> case ets:lookup(mod_http_fileserver, accessfile) of [] -> ok; [{accessfile, AccessFile}] -> mod_http_fileserver_server ! stop, file:close(AccessFile) end, ets:delete(mod_http_fileserver) end, ok.