%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : treap.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Treaps implementation %%% Created : 22 Apr 2008 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2009 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(treap). -export([empty/0, insert/4, delete/2, delete_root/1, get_root/1, lookup/2, is_empty/1, fold/3]). empty() -> nil. insert(Key, Priority, Value, Tree) -> HashKey = {erlang:phash2(Key), Key}, insert1(Tree, HashKey, Priority, Value). insert1(nil, HashKey, Priority, Value) -> {HashKey, Priority, Value, nil, nil}; insert1({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right}, HashKey, Priority, Value) -> if HashKey < HashKey1 -> heapify({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, insert1(Left, HashKey, Priority, Value), Right}); HashKey > HashKey1 -> heapify({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, insert1(Right, HashKey, Priority, Value)}); true -> erlang:error(key_exists) end. heapify(nil) -> nil; heapify({_HashKey, _Priority, _Value, nil, nil} = Tree) -> Tree; heapify({HashKey, Priority, Value, nil = Left, {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR}} = Tree) -> if PriorityR > Priority -> {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR}, RightR}; true -> Tree end; heapify({HashKey, Priority, Value, {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, RightL}, nil = Right} = Tree) -> if PriorityL > Priority -> {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, {HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right}}; true -> Tree end; heapify({HashKey, Priority, Value, {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, RightL} = Left, {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR} = Right} = Tree) -> if PriorityR > Priority -> {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, {HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR}, RightR}; PriorityL > Priority -> {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, {HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right}}; true -> Tree end. delete(Key, Tree) -> HashKey = {erlang:phash2(Key), Key}, delete1(HashKey, Tree). delete1(_HashKey, nil) -> nil; delete1(HashKey, {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right} = Tree) -> if HashKey < HashKey1 -> {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, delete1(HashKey, Left), Right}; HashKey > HashKey1 -> {HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, delete1(HashKey, Right)}; true -> delete_root(Tree) end. delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, Right}) -> case {Left, Right} of {nil, nil} -> nil; {_, nil} -> Left; {nil, _} -> Right; {{HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, RightL}, {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, LeftR, RightR}} -> if PriorityL > PriorityR -> {HashKeyL, PriorityL, ValueL, LeftL, delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, RightL, Right})}; true -> {HashKeyR, PriorityR, ValueR, delete_root({HashKey, Priority, Value, Left, LeftR}), RightR} end end. is_empty(nil) -> true; is_empty({_HashKey, _Priority, _Value, _Left, _Right}) -> false. get_root({{_Hash, Key}, Priority, Value, _Left, _Right}) -> {Key, Priority, Value}. lookup(Key, Tree) -> HashKey = {erlang:phash2(Key), Key}, lookup1(Tree, HashKey). lookup1(nil, _HashKey) -> error; lookup1({HashKey1, Priority1, Value1, Left, Right}, HashKey) -> if HashKey < HashKey1 -> lookup1(Left, HashKey); HashKey > HashKey1 -> lookup1(Right, HashKey); true -> {ok, Priority1, Value1} end. fold(_F, Acc, nil) -> Acc; fold(F, Acc, {{_Hash, Key}, Priority, Value, Left, Right}) -> Acc1 = F({Key, Priority, Value}, Acc), Acc2 = fold(F, Acc1, Left), fold(F, Acc2, Right).